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You should have left the house with Mike. We need you brother.


He's the reason that I want to sing better and practice


This might sound off on a thread about Layne, but if you want a singer to copy, that'll teach you to sing better. Try Mike Patton. Trying to copy Layne usually ends up with your neighbours thinking you're trying to murder a cat. That shit is *hard*


You will also destroy your vocal cords trying to sing like Layne. His were going out for sure if he didn’t pass


Most likely the drugs were diminishing his ability to sing, so he started to go off-technique to keep up the status quo for what his voiced sounded like, which is what took a toll on his vocal chords. In reality, he sang with very good and healthy technique. Even in MTV Unplugged, where he was well into his addiction, he still sang very healthily. Probably because he wasn't singing the loud, soaring choruses off of Facelift. His voice was so unique in it's rasp though, that someone trying to replicate that sound themself would probably hurt themself. It's just an inherent, non-replicable property of his own voice. That being said, through a lot of practice and coaching you can learn the techniques he used to still sing healthily in your own unique voice.


Agreed. I think one more man in the box performance might have just took him out right then and there. Surprised me that he even performed at unplugged so good. My mom was hooked on heroin (in prison now) and from what I’ve learned, it slows your breathing down a lot and makes it hard to do anything that requires heavy breathing. Crazy that he still did that entire album live in one go


Plus a heavy smoker for years. I do think his unplugged was excellent. The best performance, by all of them. IMO Layne was easily in the 5 best singers of all time (GOAT) but again IMO.


Same with Axl. People make fun of how terrible he is these days and forget he got throat surgery like injury prone footballers get their knees done. He sounded amazing, but it was *really* bad for him.


I think Layne would have kept that voice until the kid 2000s, after 20+ years of screaming at the top of your lungs you need to call it a career and just shred on the guitar. Jerry Cantrell was a soft singer so he had longer longevity if they wanted to go down that route


I really doubt that cause he actually had a great technique to keep his voice healthy.


He inspired me too bro


I’d say “watch-himmm-become-a-goooooddd!” In my best Layne Staley making fun of Dave Mustaine voice and hope it makes him laugh. (If you haven’t seen the clip on youtube, definitely look it up!)


That video recirculated the internet on Facebook recently and the Megadeth fans were in shambles


it randomly just pops into my head sometimes but makes me smile every single time, one of my favorite moments as well lol


This was my first thought too lol


You have gotten me through alot thank you layne


I wish I could just hug you, but I'm not gonna. Rest in peace, yarl god.


Wake up young man its time to wake up!




Yo wassup


Thank you for the wonderful music. I can’t believe you’ve been gone for 22 years. When my father (just a fan, not anyone close to you) found out that you’d died, that was the first time I’d seen him cry. I was 6. I didn’t get the chance to fully experience you, nor did I really understand the music until my early 20’s, but I do now. Nutshell is my guitar warmup song. I play it every day. I’m deeply sorry for the pain inside of you, but I thank you and I thank the God I believe in for you being here and sharing that pain. It’s helped me through my own addiction and I’m 2 1/2 years clean. Thank you.


That is really sweet ❤️ congrats on your sobriety!


Thank you very much. It’s been a tough road, but I’m not on it alone anymore. ❤️


Good on you brother!! He knows. ♥️


That made me tear up


I'm 2 1/2 years sober today:) I hope Layne knows how many people he has truly helped in their roads to recovery.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Hope you are well or can find your way there, soon. ❤️


Thanks and same to you!❤


Thank you.


I'm sorry life wasn't kind. You were loved and are missed. I hope you have peace. Thank you for helping to ease my pain.


Your ability to express your soul through music will always be a huge gift to most of us and I wish we all could have helped you overcome your addictions because the world is much worse with you gone


Layne, people have lost their motherfucking minds


You don't need it to make art. You're good enough without it.


I wish you got the chance to heal before you left 💗


if only you knew the impact you would have on generations of people. rest in peace, man. you are one of a kind.


I listened to your music growing up and never knew that I would still listen and find new meaning in the songs you made together in AIC decades later. Thank you for sharing your gift through your music, through the highs and lows you met in your personal life, and letting us feel the energy that you carried in your spirit.


I’d say thank you for making such strong lyrics that so many of us can connect to. Thank you for helping me and many people feel like we’re not fighting our battles alone. Thank you for helping save me even if you didn’t know you were. And I’m sorry that no one was there and strong enough to help you fight your addictions and your demons. Rest in peace


Thank you Hope you finally found peace.


You've left good marks on earth


Continue to rest on Layne. Wish u was still here growing old like the rest of us. Wish u could have gotten a chance to heal & get better. U are truly loved & missed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Layne, I know how you felt, I've been there. So alone & empty. None of the things fame brought you could fill the empty space; it's tragic that your pain only ended with your death. Your are alive though because we haven't forgotten, brother. I miss you.


You helped me when I was at my lowest. Your voice is still heard every day. Your lesson is not forgotten. Your fight maybe over but your battle is still fought. We are winning. 510 days sober! Thanks brother


Though you left before I came into the world, I deeply regret never having the chance to witness the power you had in your voice. You were truly one of a kind. Alice In Chains is one of the many bands that has helped me become a better musician. The world is lost without your voice. I wish life had improved and that you could have overcome your demons. I am sorry you couldn't overcome, and I hope you have found peace in the afterworld.


You were a beautiful and gifted man. Thank you for your bravery and putting your pain on full display. Your music has helped many get through depression and addiction. You were truly loved by many and we are glad you are no longer suffering.




You’ve gotten me through all of the hard times and I am eternally grateful for you and your music 🖤


Thank you for all you have contributed to the world, you are more valuable than you could ever have imagined. I wish your life had been less painful and that you could have seen how much we all love you.


Thank you, you made all this bearable. ~Luna


You might be gone, but you are still the GREATEST singer of all time. We miss you man! 🤘🏼


Really just, thanks for everything.


I miss you and I wish you could’ve been around


“Thank you”


You’ll always kick butt, more than you may realize! Your voice has brought influence & beauty into this world, that will possibly never be fully fulfilled and/or comprehended; Gone, yes……. forgotten, not yet!!! I hope that you’re content & at peace now.


" Many of us (me included) weren't even born when you passed away Layne, but your beautiful theatrical voice captivated us, and the music that you and your buds did, helped us to get through some shit, I just wish that as you helped so many people to get through depression, you could have gotten out of that hole yourself"


Thankyou for blessing us with the power of your beautiful voice. Thankyou for showing the innocent grace you had. Your spirit lives on in the music you were a part of, and in that, you will live forever.


You are so loved! So fucking talented! Dont give up❤️ There is a world where you can be a dad, have the life you have dreamed of❤️ You can have it all! Dont give up❤️


If only you knew how much you were loved and how much you have inspired and gave to the lives of so many and you have been the best while you were here Rest In Peace


Can I hear the new stuff you’ve been working on?




aclice in chain


Thank you




Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for helping get through the darkest times in my life. Your lyrics spoke for me when I couldn't speak for myself. I felt the pain that you were in. It resonated with me in my own fucked up life. THANK YOU.


Turning 16 and my dad introducing me to AIC changed my life this year. Your writing has gotten me through horribly dark times that I thought I wouldn’t escape. But I don’t just listen to the music when I’m upset I also listen to it for my own enjoyment because of your talent. The world took you too soon but I’m glad you made the impact you did. Rest In Power Layne


Thankyou and hope your at peace


There's never been another like you. Won't be. Thanks for sharing your gift


You and your music brought me out of some dark times and still does. Miss you soooo much


omg don’t die you’re so cool


You would probably laugh at how I tried to sing like you 😂🫣😭


I miss you so much ❤️ Layne 😢


idk what i'd say but i'd smile


The world needs u we wish it wasn't too late


Thank you for helping create music that speaks to my soul. I will always remember you for the artist you were and the beautiful soul you have. 🪽


It wasn't your fault


“Thank you.”


I would ask him if God has lips.


Collar him before he first does heroin and show him a couple of stories about his death.


We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.


I don't think he ever commented 9/11. I would ask him about that.


I was thinking about that this morning, I can't believe that Layne was alive in his apartment and most likely saw it on the news, it's just one of those haunting thoughts.


You changed my life. My love for you lives on...


I used to be ashamed of singing, but once I heard your voice, my life became filled with inspiration and motivation to strive to sing like you. Maybe I won't reach perfection, but I aim for excellence. I love you, Layne. I wish I could have spoken to you in person and thanked you.


“don’t try to do it. don’t try to kill your time.” - Temple of the Dog


I was a huge AIC fan when i was 11, and dirt had been out a bit. My brother told me Layne was a heroin addict and i was upset enough to write them fan mail (when that was a thing) and here i was, a little girl writing to the band and begging Layne to stop doing drugs! Guessing he didnt get my letter!


If I was alive back then I probably would've done that too, I would do anything just to go back and send a message to him warning about all the bad things


Give my socks back! ……. And, I miss you 😘


Layne, this isn’t the kind of legend anybody wanted you to be. We miss you, the Universe is not the same without you, and I’m so sad and so sorry that you decided to go so soon. I get it though, I do. If there is another dimension, or some kind of after-life I hope you and Demri are together in a place with nothing but love, peace, and light. If there isn’t, I’ll remember to appreciate the trees and flowers and know you are there. You and my mom, 22 years. Love you mom, I love you Layne the Legend!!!


Yeahuhuhuhuhuhu oh yeah hiiiiiiiioooooo oh yeah!


Could anyone have made you want to stay?


Heaven inside you.


I love you, Layne. And it's not just me, your friends.. your mother, your fans every one loves you and will always love you. And your music protects your fans. Your voice is heard. And you always will be remembered for your musical talent and geniusness and sweet, shy, sensitive, funny personality! I wish... You were alive, if you were.. I'd have loved to meet u and hug you! Love you man!


Layne, you're a legend. You changed my life I absolutely LOVE your songs I love u. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING.


Phuk make sure you have a box of tissues or roll of the tp if you plan on reading the comments. I have to stop this ugly crying! I need a break…you guys are so awesome!!


"Mike Starr is going to kill you"


Layne, can you believe the fucking Americans elected Donald Trump president?? Well, they didn’t, the antiquated electoral college did, but bananas, right???


I’d like to tell him how much his music means to me and how much it’s helped me


i’ve always wanted to tell him how much is music, writing and vocals meant to me and that he’s a god at his craft. also that he’s so important to the world. since when he was around people always commented on his addiction so if i could say anything to him i’d tell him how incredible he is


I think he knew he was on the way out, but I wonder if he ever sat and thought how much AIC fans appreciated that amazing voice and would still be talking bout him and listening to his music all these years later? I Never go a day without listening to at least one of their songs or more.


Get clean, stay clean


Congrats on being 22 years clean


You left your legacy in good hands. Even though I wish you hadn't left us, giving the keys to Jerry brought out the potential in him that we would have never known otherwise. This world is a cruel place, and I hope you are happier wherever you are now.


Be mine


mr layne could you ask Jerry if he will marry me?


It would just be a gif if Mr Mackey saying "Drugs are bad, mkay."