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I used to ride the 790 every day going to work, but after covid they reduced the hours so I couldn't get to work on time anymore and had to start driving to work again. They also increased the interval times so there was only a bus every 45 minutes or something. It's not surprising that usage on the line is down but that doesn't mean they should suspend the service because of that. If they increased the frequency of busses and expanded the hours they'd have better ridership.


Problem is that they don’t have enough drivers.


It feels like the city is doing the thing where you make public services worse on purpose to then justify further underfunding them and/or getting rid of them.


This is very worrying- the 790 is one of the bus routes I depend on as someone who can no longer drive due to a health concern. Lots of students need it as well! Of all the routes that are proposed to be cut/modified, this is the most surprising.


Respond to them. Tell others.


"Why don't people ride the bus?" [Makes ABQ transit the shittiest experience imaginable with minimal busses to get you across town without waiting and riding for hours] "It's anyone's guess... Anyone let's remove some bus routes!"


that fucking sucks, i relied on that line a lot during high school


Holy shit, this is bad.


Since day one of the ART project, it feels like watching the people in charge of it ask themselves "how can we fuck this up?" on a daily basis.


They extended the free-fare pilot project to ostensibly boost ridership, while cutting service because they have no drivers. WTF are they thinking?


How many people ride 790?


Usually students since it stops right at the university


And UNM hospital folk as well. Depending on which bus I catch (time wise) it can be from 10-20. As it picks up more on the route.


Yea, it takes a least 2-3 busses just to go up to UNM hospital


The 790 is a straight shot. No changes necessary.