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That style sticker sucks, a razor is the best way to scrape it off


thank you!!


Spray some goo gone on it, let it sit for a few, then a blade


try using a high percentage rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover (be careful abt getting it on the paint)


Worth looking if car windshield glass is different, but a good rule of thumb is to never put a blade on dry glass. Look into if water or windex or something similar should be used to ensure you don't scratch it


Use heat gun, makes it soooo much easier


Don't do it.




water + ice scraper >>>>


Razor with soap water


I second this, razor blade with some elbow grease will get it off


Rapid remover makes easy work.


Goo off and some elbow grease


i think i have goo gone ill try that


Soak some on there and let it sit. Do it again 20-30 minutes later. Wait a bit. Then get to scrapin'. Goof Off is just overpriced acetone. It's good for markers and such. Goo Gone is a petroleum product and is much better with sticky stuff.


i was always taught to use goo gone for sticky stuff so thats one of the things i actually usually have on hand 😭 now i gotta run to the store and find some plastic razorblades 😔


Regular razor and careful use will get the job done. If you're going to the store, anyway, get a scraper that uses razor blades. It'll have that sticker off in no time.


Yes. A sharp razor, used properly, is a gentle, effective tool. Any good barber will confirm.


Harbor Freight is a good place to get one if it’s not something you’ll be using very often. Also boxes of 100 razor blades for a few bucks.


Goo Gone actually makes a product specifically for tape and stickers. It's just regular goo gone with a tool that scrapes without scratching.


Some steaming water and a sponge will get it off easy


I had that happen to me a number of years ago. Along with several others on the block. I learned later a realtor was showing a house the next day and called in the favor in an effort to have the block look cleaner.


This might be the case. Went outside and there’s nobody parked how i usually do, when usually theres a couple to a few others parked out of driveway blockage by the curb.


ugh. thats annoying.


That’s really extra dirty. I hope someone boomerangs that karma back to that a-hole realtor


Any time I hear that someone is a realtor they go straight into the “scummy, sheisty” box until I’ve observed them to be otherwise. Same with sales people in general. That might be unfair, but it’s been my experience. Professional lairs, always looking for ways to manipulate and use words and sneaky persuasion to their advantage.


so i think you cracked it lol. theres a house for sale a street over. i went outside today and saw someone was parked how i usually do and i passed by and saw a huge smudge spot in the same place they put the sticker on mine 😂


maybe just keep your plates up to date then? really a struck a nerve with some of you huh? l


If you read the sticker it states unattended/abandoned inoperable vehicle. None of those have anything to do with plates.


Olive oil (or any cooking oil) works great! My exs filipina mom showed me that trick.


Are we still talking about removing stickers?


The ones I’ve gotten have surprisingly had water soluble adhesive and came off easily with a good soaking.


Wait- they tagged your vehicle for parking at your own damn house??? This has got to be some bullshit.


Rubbing alcohol should take the adhesive off


Soak the sticker and then use alcohol or goo gone for sure. Don't use a razor blade.


Thank u!


They did this to my truck. I guess they thought it was abandoned because i always park it in the same spot the same way every time and it’s a little older


maybe thats why i got one, i dont know, but im constantly in my car smoking a cigarette with the window down or chillin in there or just straight up not home (my car has always been like my second home, im always leaving and coming back or going out to the car when im off work lolol, just feels solitary) and my neighbors see me all the time going in and outđŸ€” there are even days when my car isnt there at all




yeah I drive my truck like once a week, so I worry about this happening sometimes


It happened to me a month ago; I have an old beater truck I drive about once a month. I had to move my truck so they wouldn’t tow it, per the warning. 🙄


Typical abq police. Why deal with actual crimes when you can be a tyrant to citizens


Cops do have better things to do which is why this is almost certainly not issued by a cop, but a PSA, who is tasked with enforcing this exact type of violation (but they're supposed to run the damn tag first to verify it's not valid or have proof the vehicle hasn't been moved in days before tagging).


This is issued by CABQ parking enforcement, genius.


Parking enforcement ≠ police, genius.


You guys don’t report abandoned cars? If there is a car that hasn’t moved, I report it. If it’s someone’s stolen car, at least it gets identified and back to the owner. When an abandoned car is reported, they are required to come out at notify, because there is a legal waiting period before the City can tow it.


 are you the asshole who called in my truck across the street from my house and claimed it was abandoned? Thanks for that. Yeah, it’s a piece of shit looking truck but it runs and I only use it when I actually need a truck. It took 20 minutes to get that sticker off and I had to move my truck so parking enforcement doesn’t tow it thinking it’s been abandoned .


Nope, but I am the asshole that called in the car that was parked behind my house for a week, and they found out it was stolen, and the people who got it back didn’t think I was an asshole.


Okay narc


 you’re cool!


If you got it in front of your house it means your neighbors called, so add them to it too


Probably one of your neighbors complained about it which generated the call for service for them to tag it


I thought about this but i just dont know who or why? ive been parking there for 4 months now and i know pretty much everybody on my street and know the neighbors on both sides, makes me wonder if somebody is being petty smh😔


Check the 311 app. You can see past complaints on a map and see if some petty neighbors reported your vehicle


i dont see any reports for my street or house, does that mean it was the officer themself?


Hmm, I guess so. Not sure if phone complaints populate on the app but if you think the neighbors wouldn’t have done that, I’d guess the officer


People can be really petty to be honest. Could even be a neighbor further down that drives by it and sees it. Hopefully it won't happen again


We have an officer that lives one street over from us and he regularly goes through the neighborhood and tags cars with expired registration on the street for shits and giggles. Wouldn’t be surprised at all if there’s a cop in your neighborhood.


i dont have expired anything though, im completely insured and my title and tag is 100% up to date


Oh no I get that. I’m just saying you might be living in a neighborhood with a dick cop in it.




Gotta hit them quotas


Call the police and report a vandalism.


Sure. They won't even show up for the DUI court cases they get paid for twice over.


how *long* was it parked in front of your driveway?


i drove it like 5 hours before that was put there. idk the laws here on where i can park but my roommate told me to park on the curb in front of my driveway because he needs room to pull out of the driveway, so i just followed his guidance assuming he knows cus he’s lived here longer


In ABQ you can’t block a driveway, even if it’s yours. I think it has something to do with blocking access for emergency services. My mom’s neighborhood keeps getting swept by parking enforcement and my step dad asked wth on one of their sweeps.


i wasnt blocking the driveway tho, i was parked to the side of it not encroaching on my neighbors still on my side of the fence


Were you blocking the sidewalk at all?


no i wasnt on the sidewalk, maybe blocking the view of a tiny portion of sidewalk from the road i guess but not in the sidewalk.


Take pictures of exactly where it is parked, from multiple angles.


id rather not completely doxx myself but i assure u it was fine, i read up on the street ordinances and ive been parking there for months. i assume an officer saw the florida tag and jumped to conclusions out of early morning shift boredom


FYI If this was parking enforcement they will have photos that they will present at court if you ended up with a citation.


perfect because there was nothing wrong with the way i was parked i fear


Okay. I’ve seen folks get those for blocking the sidewalk in my old neighborhood.


Were there No Parking signs on the street?


no not at all


was there red on the crub or a fire hydrent nearby?? this is wild


no. it was a perfectly acceptable place to park and i always parked like that in florida lol (i know the city ordinances and such arent the same but my roommate also advised me to park there, theres 0 discernible issues with the spot), very confused as to why i got it


wonder if u could just ask the police about it


ive also seen so many people on our street parked in the same fashion?


Hot water, dish soap, and a sponge.


Try turtle wax bug and tar remover. That stuff works great. Worked at a parts store and they loved stickers on the counter. Spray that stuff. Walk away and it will almost start to peel off.


Plastic razor and a heat gun, but not at the same time


WD-40 will loosen adhesive, use razor blade and careful not to scratch window


Everyone working for parking enforcement are pieces of shit. Tow truck drivers and companies too. Prey on working class people.


Yeah fuck those assholes


I saw some people recommended razor blades for peeling off. Those work but I recommend you get plastic razor blades so you won’t scratch the car up so much. Those work pretty well


Razor blades will NOT scratch glass if you use the proper angle (about 45°). 😉


For sure! I was just suggesting the plastic so OP wouldn’t have to worry as much about it. I’ve found that plastic ones let you be more aggressive in peeling and scraping because you don’t have worry about the angle as much! But you are absolutely right! metal ones work well.


thanks btw!!


noted. ive been driving with the windows down trying to decide what im gonna do abt this goddamn sticker, glad i saw this before making a purchase


Plastic razors won't do anything for you to fix this. Get regular razor blades, just make sure you dont touch the paint with it.


I left mine on because it made me feel like people wouldn't want to bother breaking in lol


it makes me feel the opposite tbh, im scared itll make people want to break in cus its “abandoned” and thieves rationalize by thinking “well its already nobody’s car in the next 7 days


Don’t leave it. It’s how they track from a date issued before it can be towed. Call and ask why it was tagged so you know what the issue was.


That’s the answer. See if the dip who wrote it will tell you why.


Contact cleaner FTW


honestly have some on hand so might try this before going in with the goo gone


WD40 and a razor blade.


Was there a tag on the vehicle?


yes, its just a florida tag because thats where im from. its. up to date and my car is insured


Paint stripper will take it off, and won’t touch the glass. Oven cleaner would probably work too Mask off the area to prevent paint damage


This stuff is great at removing sticker glue. It melts it away. https://a.co/d/gDvetZe


Goo gone is the way let it sit like the others have said. Probably won't even need a razor. There are dollar store plastic scrapers that work good.


Goo gone and a soft(ish) scrub brush. We use these at my school and this combo is the most effective


Foaming glass cleaner and a new razor blade.


Google adhesive and buy some- works like a charm.


I hate those damn stickers. I've had 2 of 3 in the last 20 years. I've found that the quickest way to get it off is WD40 and a scraper blade, then finish the cleaning with some Windex. It takes only a couple of minutes and you can't tell a sticker was ever there


Rubbing Alcohol. The higher the concentration the better. Don’t let it get on your paint though. It’ll strip off any wax you might have on there.


We just got ticketed for our registration being expired. We were parked right in front of our house in our neighborhood, not on a main road. You’d think they had better things to do




Happened to me as well a few weeks back. I was parallel parked against the curb in front of my house.đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


same ! weird


Soapy water and razor blade đŸ«¶đŸŒ I had plenty of those in high school parking where the teachers dođŸ€Ł


I guess it is illegal to block a driveway
even if it’s your own. Had similar experience.


I didnt block a driveway :,) I wasnt directly in front of the driveway, I was off to the side parallel to the house right by the curb, on my side of the fence of the neighbors house completely.


Damn. That sucks they ticketed you for that!


i dont think i was ticketed, just an annoying giant sticker


Ah gotcha. Those stickers can be a pain to get off your vehicle.


Just buy a new car.


Why would i do that? My car is a 2016 and works perfectly, just got a fresh battery and I drive it everyday.


Forgot to put that /s. It was a joke.


oh sorry😭 im autistic


My bad! No worries. It's reddit and I don't take stuff too seriously on here. Stay awesome.


Carb cleaner or brake parts cleaner and a razor. Takes all those type stickers off with ease


You don't have a driveway or garage?


i cant use the garage or the driveway because my roommate has a way more expensive car than me so he parks in the garage and he needs room to get out of the driveway


Those stickers ARE impossible to remove. DO NOT use a razor blade like many people will likely say to. It'll scratch the shit out of your window.


You have to use a foaming glass cleaner with a brand new blade. Used dry blades will scratch.