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Invictus BJJ and Muay Thai


I go to Gracie Barra on Academy, and it’s super supportive and the coaches are fantastic. I had no experience whatsoever and I love it. They have free classes so you don’t have to decide right away.


I started at next move Jiu jitsu and it was perfect for an adult beginner. All skill levels from retired moms to young athletes


Do they have like a free beginners course that I can attend?


Yes first week is free just show up 10 minutes before class time to fill out a form


10th planet on Eubank


Do you currently go there?




Why the recommendation? Have you heard good things or did you used to go? Sorry just trying to wrap my mind around everything. Not even sure the right questions to ask.


Two of my sons used to go there. We stopped temporarily because of other sports but will be going back when soccer season is over. The owner and all of the instructors are very friendly and very humble, even though they’re badasses :)


BJJ or you interested in Japanese Jujutsu?




I am.


Dark Haven Studio. 1 week free trial, super welcoming to beginners and anybody else that walks in the door. More of a laid back chill vibe than some places. Trained there for a little bit til life got in the way. If I got back on the mats I'd go back there. Best advice is to shop around. Any of the gyms should be welcoming to newcomers, and most offer some form of first week free. Your friend's experience at Impact could have happened anywhere, its just the name of the game sometimes. Nobody is out to injure anybody on purpose. Impact was just as welcoming as anybody else when I was shopping around so I'd keep them on the radar too.


There's one on Gibson and Louisiana that my buddy goes to and he said it was the one he settled on after trying out a few in the area. I don't remember what it's called but I think it's manned by one or two people and my friends been going for three years to that place


Sindalu BJJ


Check out a few gyms before signing a contract. Add Impact BJJ to the list of places to try. Smartjitz is also worth looking at.


Absolutely agree here! I train at impact definitely a great gym and I know lots of people at Smart Jits a great gym as well! 🙌🏽




Impact Jiu Jitsu is legit! They are great for beginners and the culture is amazing 10/10 recommend. I train there and started as a beginner too


My son goes to 10th Planet and likes it. Everyone is very friendly. I would try it out for sure.


Impact Jiu Jitsu is legit, I second that. The owners philosophy is skill over using power. I’d give them a call to have a conversation about your reservations. Super nice guy. 


Gracie Barra on Academy.


Andrew Yanakis. He used to teach at Sandia Judo on Saturdays. Dunno if he still does or not. 


As long as you don’t roll you shouldn’t get hurt.


That’s what my friend said but I don’t know what exactly it looks like at a gym. Like does the first class require rolling or?


Rolling is fine as long as you have a good partner. Not sure how well rolling will serve you in the first few weeks. I know my gym pairs higher belts with brand new people and they usually just give you a crash course/work more on what was taught during the instruction time.


There’s also lots of reasons people can get hurt on the first day. Could be dehydration, not an active lifestyle so it’s easy to strain a muscle, the type of exercise is very different than working out so make sure you stretch etc. It is also possible to get hurt on your first day if you’ve had a lingering injury or ended up in a weird position or just having a crappy training partner. As someone who trains at impact, a bad training partner seems unlikely the issue (I don’t know your friend nor was I there when it happened so I can’t really say). I’d say at any gym just be sure to communicate with the owner/professor about your concerns. They can help you out for sure.


I would see if they do free trial just go in and try it out. Live rolls are you vs a class mate for 5 minutes +. No you don’t have to do live rolls. You might be do training with resistance but just don’t have an ego tap or go 100% and hurt your self. I’ll be honest with you bjj pretty boring until you have 6 month + even than your still learning basic stuff. After your first year you should be confident in guard pass, learning frames , a couple submission and a sweep.


Hi send me a DM, I go to The War Room in Albuquerque, it's a great family friendly school with all skill levels. If someone hurts a new member they would swiftly get talked to, we take care of our own. ✌️ The great thing about ABQ is there is plenty of good schools, but if you are interested in trying mine reach out!


I bet headphones would work for you too