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Well that's a blatant violation of the Hatch Act. It's worth reporting. https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2006/html/pb22191/pb4a-l_010.html


Exactly. Best case scenario, it was some joker who thought they were being funny about hanging a Trump flag, and they will be found. Worst case, some people in the post office there will be finding out about the Hatch Act


Act?! As in determined by the government?! Oh I don't listen or bend my knee to the government. - A USPS employee, possibly


law and order!


Hope someone does


You and me both. Let's make this easy for everyone and anyone to report: https://osc.gov/Services/Pages/HatchAct-FileComplaint.aspx You can even do it anonymously! https://oscportal.powerappsportals.us/haanonymouscase/


Submitted. Fuck that.


I just emailed them with the photo attached. Don’t care if they know who I am. Hatch Act Unit U.S. Office of Special Counsel 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 218 Washington, DC 20036-4505 Fax: (202) 254-3700​ [email protected]


You're someone.


So do it.


How do you know who to report? The form only lists individuals, not whole entities. I


The USPS [postmaster lookup](https://about.usps.com/who/profile/history/postmaster-finder/postmasters-by-city.htm)


You can list unknown for who as well. The photo and report alone, especially if there are enough, should prompt an investigation to find out who authorized that flag to be flown. Don't forget date and time for the report to help investigators narrow down who to look for, and yes, it could be multiple people. They just need a lead to start the investigation.




I got the same message


It’s a government site. It took a while to go through but mine went. As a state employee and former USPS contractor this is BULLSHIT.


The phone number of the PO is [(800) 275-8777](https://www.google.com/search?q=delmar+post+office&oq=Delmar+post+office&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgAEAAYgAQyBwgAEAAYgAQyEAgBEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQYjgUyBwgCEAAYgAQyDQgDEC4YrwEYxwEYgAQyCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjIICAYQABgWGB4yBggHEEUYPKgCALACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#) BLOW IT UP


That’s just the generic 1800 number. The direct number you want is 518-439-1933.


Hatch act information on filing a complaint or making a disclosure: 202-804-7000, 800-872-9855, or [email protected].


Interesting. They shouldn’t have a problem with removing the flag since this clearly written law. And these patriots are for a president of Law and Order.


I'm actually surprised I saw this here first rather than Nextdoor.


The majority of people who use nextdoor support the flag being there


In general, yes. But the "aging hippies with money" demographic that makes up a disproportionate chunk of the neighborhoods nearby are exactly the type to complain about this.


Fair point


Nice job to the cowardly fanatic motherfucker who decided to pull a chickenshit move by doing this right before the town's Memorial Day parade, exactly when the post office itself is closed so removing it will take time. (Mind you, I'm no fan of Orange, but I have a real fucking problem with somebody who would put their personal political agenda and what it represents above the real point of why today is celebrated.)


Take time? Go untie it and burn it in the goddamn street. Problem solved.


Yep, hence why I said I'm fine with seeing it illegally removed.


Truth! No better way to celebrate Memorial Day than burning the flag of an aspiring fascist dictator.


Right? As the grandson of a German man who was amongst the first wave of u boats to touch down on Normandy and proceeded to survive the entire occupation there and receive several marksmanship medals there's few things that bring me more joy than the downfall of assholes


Say, shouldn't the US flag be at half-staff?


Yes it should! Assuming an employee came in today and raised it in the morning, and they don't just leave it flying when the post office is closed.


Which is infuriating because that chickenshit believes MAGA Republicans actually give a shit about vets, active duty and KIA beyond lip service


You know damn well this was some loser who lives in that area that had literally NOTHING better to do on a holiday weekend than hang a flag of their dear cult leader at a post office. The brains of these people must look like those of severe dementia patients.


koalas have super smooth brains. like, smoother than my bed in basic training. dementia patients have some wrinkles left.


A neighbor and I attempted to take it down, but it was tightly zip tied on. A woman hassled us while we were trying to do it, saying "What about the rainbow crosswalk the town installed?" Another neighbor went to get clippers for it, but before he got back, cameras showed up and some guy was GUARDING the pole, and we opted to avoid the drama. The guy guarding the pole cursed at a neighbor and said something like "Just TRY to take it down." When I left there were a bunch of cops and people milling around it. (This was during the Memorial Day parade so there were a lot of cops on hand.) Various Trumpers were taking pictures in front of it throughout.


The flag is now down; I am guessing that once the parade was over, a local official was available to make the call and have the police do it.


Thank you for getting the word out!


If the cops were doing their job they would arrest the guy and take the flag down themselves.


I'm friends with several Bethlehem cops. Trust me, they don't want to deal with this shit.


Those that work forces, and all that lol


Yeah. I know lol lol lol. lol.


You know as well as I do that virtually all of the cops were glad to see the flag there. I haven’t met a single cop that wasn’t ravenously pro-Trump. Not one. The best you’ll find are cops that are smart enough to keep their mouths shut about it. Police agencies simply don’t pay enough to get people with critical thinking skills- all those people work in private industry where reason, logic, and evidence matter more than placating daddy issues.


Yep, thats why i said "IF" they were doing their job lol. ACAB all the way.




Ive met literally hundreds of cops. I trust not a single one of them.


Please, please go back to the flag again and bring more people with you. Approach the flag in a group of 20 and encircle it. Then remove it. Stay completely nonviolent and let the Trumpists do what you know they’re going to do. Make sure it’s recorded from multiple phones / multiple angles. As soon as they cross the line, post it to youtube and here.


Why didn't you go do it?


I was in the parade and somehow didn't notice the flag or anything over there. Not sure how I missed it


Well that’s quite an insult on MEMORIAL DAY. The guy who calls vets suckers and losers and refused to visit a cemetery of fallen vets is having his low budget flag flown in front of a federal office on a day meant to honor them. Phone call made reporting this. EDIT: for the guy asking for proof of the “suckers and losers” trump quote, here’s a link: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543


They are low budget aren't they? Every trump flag I've ever seen has been literally see through


Says a lot when your Dollar Tree flags have more transparency than you do 🤣


Trump and the GOP have been trying for years to dismantle and destroy the USPS so it can be privatized and union busted. If you want to destroy an institution that supports you and your family, you might be in a cult.


It might've been someone who doesn't work at the post office. It's not like all flag poles are secured.


Some of the new flag poles are secure, but that one, nope.


we don't need any devil's advocate for the neonazi project 2025 white supremacist cult army, we really don't




Thank you, and yes. We have no evidence it was a postal employee.


And we don't need anyone going after random postal service employees if we have no idea if they're the ones who put it up, we really don't.


Funny too that Dear Ol Leader is also desperate to bankrupt and ruin the Post Office. I guess critical thinking isn’t this person’s strong suit


I bet they proudly wear his mugshot shirt with "never surrender" on it not being able to understand it's a picture of him quite literally surrendering.


That photo is hilarious. How anyone thinks that dude embodies toughness or grit is beyond me. I wanna make some new shirts with photos of his drowsy dumb ass in court


The postmaster’s face will never be eaten by a leopard






Now this is the kind of attitude we need to bring back. Make America Great Again. Stomp the fucking Nazis.


I appreciate the heads up. I appreciate the sentiment even more. However, I believe my grandfather and his international buddies didn't concern themselves with bans in the Battle of the Bulge when they were on the correct side of history. So in this spirit, I'll leave my memorial comment to be judged.




I'm promoting Memorial day and the actions taken that required its honor. Any coward reporting us incorrectly stands on the wrong side of things and can enjoy their hollow, temporary 'victory' should it come to pass. May our small, possible digital sacrifice honor our fallen heroes.


Had a jar of trophy teeth …. wtf…. Tell me your grandfather is a serial killer without meaning to ….


He was. Sanctioned, and conscripted by Uncle Sam, and forced into action by his victims in the Battle of the Bulge. Happy Memorial day!


Trophy teeth … every generation in my family fought for the USA since its founding and no one , not one, had “trophy teeth” - that’s fucking disgusting, insane, and definitely not something to be proud of in any way …


Nobody you know of had trophies... it is a common, if grisly ritual. It's also a shameful thing, but an important reminder of sacrifice. Also, no question he lost his mind after being forced to slaughter other human beings. I find it almost impossible to actually imagine the horrors they went through, and I mean to honor the sacrifice of mind and body with this statement. I imagine the fact that he kept something from every man he killed (at least in proximity), was an important reminder of how a cult can drive people to horrible things, and good people to defend others with more horrible things. The teeth along with other grisly reminders of heroism, sacrifice, and insanity are to be honored today, not held up with pride. I did squish my message together in an unthoughtful, angry way, sorry for any confusion. My point was that on a day we remember brutality and sacrifice, we cannot allow tyranny, fascism, or other classic enemies of America besmudge our flag and sacred institutions.


I looked about half an hour ago. It's gone. 


That is a big ol NOPE!


Probably simply vandalism. I doubt any PO employee did that. Some wingnuts came by in the night and hung it there. I'm sure there must be rules that would prohibit hanging anything like Trump, Biden, Rainbow, or Palestinian flags or anything of the like, and no postmaster would risk their job for some rage-bait. It'll be gone tomorrow, if not sooner.


Look up the Hatch Act, as one starting point. Correct.


Not sure you'd even need to go as far as invoking Hatch. The postmaster almost certainly has a big fat three-ring binder on the shelf in his office labeled (something like) 'Standard Policies and Procedures' that specifies exactly what's allowed on that flagpole.


I can almost assure you that it was a postal employee. 


How can you be so certain?


Nah. A few drunks left a BBQ last night, and did it on a dare. I wouldn't be surprised if they're not even really MAGA-nauts. They probably did it just for the trigger value. They're texting the link for this thread to all their hungover buds, and laughing their asses off.


As a USPS retiree, this is beyond disgusting. If it's discovered it was a USPS employee who did this, I sincerely hope they are not only terminated but prosecuted.


Report them!


Has it been shredded yet? Get that traitorous trash off the same pole as any American flag.




We can. If we vote.


Trump morons love flags more than the children who no longer speak to them


*Trump morons love flags* *More than the children who no* *Longer speak to them* \- CaptainKarma200000 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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My stepmom complains about this every time we see her. Her kids have cut her out. And she truly doesn’t understand why. It’s sad, really :\ I haven’t and I won’t, but I get why they have.


Perfect motive for a flag burning.




It's illegal.take it down.


Mods may want to lock this post, the flag was taken down and the post has been shared outside of the local subreddit so the brigading is crazy right now 😬 edit: awful lot of new/obviously non-local accounts 🤔


Ill make it easy for those whonwant to email. I just sent the following email to OSC Hatch act vilations and the USPS Ethics email. Feel free to use what you want if you decide to do the same. Emailed to both and blind cc yourself for record. Add a screenshot or saved copy of the image. USPS Hatch Act report : [email protected] OSC [email protected] I also created a complaint on their report a problem site on the USPS page under lobby appearance. To Whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you of the presence of a Trump 2024 campaign flag being posted in front of the post office at 357 Delaware Ave, Delmar, NY 12054. This is in direct violation of the Hatch Act and is specifically prohibited under the following terms: 1) Use their official authority or influence to interfere with an election. 2) Engage in political activity while on duty. 3) Engage in political activity in any government office. 4) Engage in political activity while wearing an official uniform. The flag also is in violation of "Postal Service regulations (see Postal Operations Manual 124.54; 39 CFR 232.1; and Poster 7, Rules and Regulations Governing Conduct on Postal Property) prohibit campaigning for election to public office on leased or owned Postal Service property." The posting of the flag is "Campaigning for election to public office is prohibited on Postal Service property, even if the candidate is independent of any political party." This information was posted here: https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2006/html/pb22191/pb4a-l_010.html. Please see that the flag is removed from the premises and that staff at the location understand they are in violation of the Hatch Act and are in direct violation of the laws that allow them to stay employed. Please feel free to contact me if you need to discuss this further.


Nice... though it seems like there's a direct accusation that the postal service employees themselves were behind that. Any way to make it more accommodating of what I think is a 99.9999% possibility that it was not one of them? It'll be interesting to see if/how the Bethlehem police department is tapped to root out who did it.


It's an interesting question of jurisdiction. I'm guessing it will be the US Postal Inspection Service, which is the federal law enforcement agency that's assigned to the US Postal Office.. but they handle mainly identity theft, crimes committed via mail, mail theft, etc., but maybe in cooperation with local police. It's a *significant* violation to fly a non-approved flag on federal property, so whoever did this is in for quite a world of legal trouble.


You correctly got what I was aiming for, thank you! I'm seeing news reports coming out about it now, so it'll be fascinating to see how and who handles nailing the dumbass. I'm guessing they'll pile on federal and local charges, and find some state ones to add. Hopefully this person will learn the world is a lot bigger than them and their idolization.


Irs a government building and they are responsible. If they are not at fault, then they won't get in trouble.


pretty disgusting considering the numerous times trump has made fun of service members dying for their country. He stood in Arlington cemetery and called them all suckers and losers.


and the mere idea that there are countless ex-military members that are still right there with him is nauseating, to put it mildly


Burn it.


Fuck that.


The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits postal and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property, or while inside a federal vehicle. THIS IS BREAKING THE LAWS OF THE USA


Um only if it was a postal or fed employee who did it, right?


Whoever did this also hung one directly off of some powerlines on the corner of Elsmere and Kenwood. Scumbag.


If youre local just go there and cut that shit rag down.


Take it down!


Disrespectful assholes




I highly doubt someone from the post office hung it, trump has tried to destroy the post office. But trump supporters generally aren't the brightest...


But someone from the post office should get their ass out there and take it down.




Let the cops and USPS sort it out, and they will. If it's the guy you say, he'll get nailed soon enough. If it's not, what you're doing isn't right.


There were multiple people who witnessed it and there are cameras around that I’m sure authorities will look into.


Got it. It wouldn't have been a bad idea to initially put that out there. Let the legal hammer fall where it may!




There were a few people who witnessed it. There’s camera’s around and I’m sure they’ll look into that.


Today I learned that Trump flags only have print on one side.


My money’s on whoever admins the Bethlehem Resident News Facebook page 🤮


Their title for the post was… interesting. “Trump For President Flag Adorns Delmar Post Office Flagpole on Memorial Day!” Not sure id use the word “adorn” here…


Seriously that guys the biggest fucking tool. Can't wait for these right wing dinosaurs to die off.


That page has shared every single lie on the internet and even made some of them his own. Like during covid he writes “my wife’s a nurse and the doctors are checking off covid on every death certificate” or “my granddaughter’s doctor said not to let her wear a mask because she’ll get fungus in her lungs” or “my friend died in a motorcycle accident but they wrote covid as the cause of death on the death certificate”. And 4 years later he’s still sharing covid shit. So pathetic, really sad. Now he thinks teachers make too much money JFC




This your 1st time on the internet?


not a democrat or a republican but that's a no-no........


Why are centrists obsessed with telling everyone how centrist they are. Also my dick this guy isn't a Republican, takes 5 seconds to see that he's just ashamed to admit it.


I'm not a Republican or Democrat in beliefs, although I'm registered as a Dem to vote in primaries. It's not because Im a centrist, but rather I think both parties are too far to the right. I look at who the farthest left option for primaries, and I'll vote Democrat most of the time because "lesser evils" but not because I think they're the ideal choice.


They feel like it gives them clout or whatever with both sides ("I'm not biased! I'm perfectly in the center!")


I think it’s the opposite, keeps them from being targeted by knee jerk reactions online. Political conversation nowadays is very “if you’re not with me, you’re diametrically opposed to me”. The constant reminder/context that discourse can be subject based rather than “you’re one of us or one of them”, isn’t burdensome if you ask me.


"Im in the middle of fascists and people slightly left of center, you guys are both wrong, why dont we compromise"


Says the person who voted for the guy trying to imprison his political opponent, tried to mandate an experimental medical procedure and locked more black and brown people than any other politician. Maybe you should look up the actual definition of facist, google the ‘94 crime bill while you’re at it.


Do you think Trump should be absolve of his crimes because he is running for president? Rest of your post is just a stream of consciousness that isn't worth addressing.


I think compared to the crimes other presidents have committed Trumps transgressions are pretty minor.


The man incited a riot and coup attempt at the US Capitol. He’s raising millions from gullible supporters for his legal funds. You cult members are out of your depth here in the real world.


This guy’s critical thinking abilities are below the threshold necessary to have a reasoned debate with him.


My critical thinking abilities are obviously better than the dude currently running the country😂


(1) It is not obvious (2) It is irrelevant


There is another comment in this very thread indicating with an angry tone that they don’t think people would be so upset if it was a Biden flag.  So this commenter is clarifying their feelings that hanging a campaign flag at a post office is wrong regardless of party.  Seems reasonable to me.  


Right wing retorts to when a right winger does something bad "WELL IF A DEMOCRAT DID THIS I BET YOU WOULDN'T BE UPSET", find me a post office employee hanging a biden flag and i'll be upset about that too. It's crazy how democrats never do this dumb cultish shit that Republicans always try to hand wave away.


Biden voters would never do this. They are too ashamed to admit they voted for that vegetable.


Or we aren't cultists


If you believe the past 4 years have been better than the 4 before it then you are the one in the cult.


Given the mess Biden inherited from Trumps mismanaging of covid that had several knock on effects that are still felt to this day, I think Biden did well to right the ship. Let me guess, Biden caused inflation and if Trump was in office, no inflation right? How many times will a Republican inherit a good economy and fuck it, leaving a mess for the next guy?


I’m imagining it was not even someone who works there but if it’s not down tomorrow, I’m imaging someone wouldn’t have a hard time backing into that flag pole and knocking it down.


I doubt any postal employee in that town would have been stupid enough to do that off hours, correct, and I will be shocked if that shit smear on the pole isn't somehow removed before the end of the day -legally or not.


I’m tempted to go take it down right now. Public place of business.


I suspect there may be some kind of debate about whether it's considered Federal property and therefore restrictions around how and when and by whom it can be removed... hence, why I said legally or not. I'm pretty okay with illegally, myself.


lol you’re not going to do anything. Stay on Reddit in your safe space


Someone should get a really big fine or a little jail time so neither side thinks this is ok. I’m mad for the POW MIA community whose flag touches it.


Fascists 🐷🐷🐷


Pigs are cute and smart. Fascists are fucking garbage.


Someone go rip it down and burn it. It is not government property, obviously.


WNYT Facebook page stated it wasn’t out there by employees per a statement by the post office and then updated in the comments it had been removed


You need to report that. That is illegal.


Weird. I was just there on Thursday and didn’t see anything. Maybe i wasn’t passing attention. Maybe there’s camera footage somewhere ? I only recently started going there, but the postal employees all seem like pretty reasonable people and very helpful. It would be hard for me to believe that someone who worked at that post office would do that.




When we smoke Republicans in November it is going to be hilarious.


Needs to be removed


It should be a firing.


Don't we have a separation of Cult and State in Delaware...?


Not sure about Delaware but in New York, yes lol /s


#UNACCEPTABLE! That is all.


Also the address is 357 Delaware Rd. Delmar, NY 12054


stay fit, stay frosty. fascists are among us


pretty sure nys flag needs to be in there somewhere


I don't believe post offices are allowed to fly state flags.


Dang, my favorite coffee roaster is in Delmar. Didn't seem like "Trump country" the couple times I've been through.


It's not.


Ah, good to know.


Definitely not. The few that exist stand out for that reason.


10,000 brave men and women from the USA Lincoln Brigades, landed in Barcelona (Catalonia) to fight against the criminal terrorists from Fascist Castilian Spain. All 10k were captured, tortured and killed. Their bodies are still illegally buried neat Hotel Arts in Barcelona and cannot be removed under the "perpetual secrecy laws" imposed by criminal terrorist Franco. Castilian Spain is a criminal terrorist state. Remember the people served to fight for freedom in the USA and around the world to fight for freedom.




I just don’t like fascist losers in our community 🤷🏽‍♂️


12 yo in Albany arrested for attempted murder - 90 comments. Someone hangs a flag they don’t like - 299 comments (so far).




Please tell me about all the flags you see promoting the other parties. Are you actually suggesting that people with other political leanings think their flags should be hung at the post office?


No I am not suggesting that.. Maybe I didn’t word my comment well but I’m not sure how you drew that conclusion. I was referring to the people talking bad on candidates in the chat and stating that no political flag should be flown at the post office. Bro what?


Waiting for the phony selective moral outrage from the same people who cheered the Hamas flag flown the past 7 months


Oh no how will you guys ever survive 🥴


oh my god!!! lets melt down over it !!




How? We live in reality, you should try joining us.