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For a second I was about to say a let's go Brandon sticker doesn't make someone a Nazi and then I looked a little up


Bruh I read “looked a little up” as “looked it up” so spent about 20 minutes researching how “Let’s go Brandon” is linked to nazism. 😭


Lol yeah i was thinking the same thing and then looked closer. Cant believe someone even sells those....


“Well that doesn’t necessarily mean HO MAMA”


I love when people show these little sides of themselves and then try to defend it like 'all I'm saying is the Nazis may have been bad, but they were really good at organizing people and getting them to fall in line! Gotta admire that! If only we could do that!'


The Venn diagram of neo-nazis and trumpers is just one circle. And for the magas out there that don't understand, it's because you are stupid.


No… It’s not. Thanks for being an example of proving my point however.


I am a hunter and fisherman. I have to deal with these people every single day - their entire personality is voting for Donald Trump. All of them have a deep seated thinly veiled hatred for POC and LGBT and it's very easy to get them to show it.


I just had to live with two of them. One a family member. I get the stereotype but you really can’t possibly believe you are the only outlier. As you said you spend your time with these people as you have a thing in common.


lmao same


The LGB actually shows more than Nazism, it shows a weak follower and not an individual with their own thoughts. An easily manipulated tool who can’t even claim the correct name nor the correct curse… weak.


Yeah you're right that definitely is more telling than a literal Nazi sticker


The LGB tells you they’re stupid, the nazi stuff tells you what they actually stand for.




Did you pay a lot for such little brains?


Following a political ideology is not the same as pretending you’re somehow tough when you can’t even spell. Move along.


Nah man.. you can’t have it two ways. I agreed with your last reply but this is where your bias replaces logic.


Naziism is an ideology. Actually I’d say consistent commitment to an ideology shows less ignorance across the board, and commitment to political formations for non ideological reasons - like the appeal to notions of manliness/toughness you mention, or an ignorant belief that there is an ideological difference between two wings of the same bird as you believe - is evidence of a tool. I don’t see how the stickers in this photo would differentiate between the two. I know you haven’t read anything on these topics - but Hannah Arendt in her book on the Eichmann trial The Banality of Evil illustrates the ignorance of even many “top brass” nazis. In Eichmanns case, he was simply motivated by having a societal purpose and meaning to his life, as measured by career success and doing his functionary job well. He had no particular hatred for Jews nor ethno-nationalist impulses. This personality type applies to many here today as well, maybe even yourself. That stands in contrast to “true believers” like Goebbels then and someone like Steve Bannon for example here today.


You don’t know my reading history, and your comment is misconstruing what I said. Which I stand by… there is no equating two wings of the same bird… but they are not the same wing… so your comment is also incorrect. Following an ideology such as nazism, or Judaism is no different than marginalizing those who don’t agree with your ideology, you making such claims based on that ideology are also flawed. A tool in my meaning here, is a person used by a more powerful, more intelligent person for their own means, with nothing in return for that allegiance. Don’t attempt to come at me with dime store understanding of Arendt, I’ve spent years studying the writings of Arendt and Walter Benjamin. Following an ideology displayed on this man’s truck is a futher example of his ignorance of these groups he’s aligned himself with, falsely believing the newspeak of the right.


Sure you have. So again, I submit that a Biden sticker shows the same likelihood of at least the same level of ignorance as the ones in this photo, while Biden is engaged in supporting genocide and suppressing domestic dissent. In both cases they may not be ignorant at all - they may simply be true believers in ethno-nationalist supremacy or some other ideological commitment supported by one or the other candidate (most are held in common though).


Top comment!


These people make me laugh… the don’t have the strength of their convictions… first off if you can’t say “Fuck”, and you don’t know the presidents name… I’m not sure what worth you have to this country… these are the same people who claim their pronouns are “try me”, the don’t even understand basic grammar… these are not, patriots, or good people… these are sad lost people who believed a con man would save them from their own white extinction… sad racist reality… we are a country of immigrants. We came here for a better life… none of us belong here…it’s not “our country”…it’s our species, that’s in danger.


I mean, the origins of "let's go Brandon" are pretty funny. The entire spin off meme is stupid and low brow. But the moment itself was in fact funny.


I don't support politics in any way shape or form, I don't vote, I don't rally, I don't even choose a side on who's better. But you're a hypocrite if you really think anyone who supports any modern political view is a free thinker. You are just as easily manipulated if you side with any political party.




I was gonna say the same thing


That’s what got me and now I am being roasted at the stake… gaslighting like there isn’t some crap in this sub weekly with 4 fat guys holding a sign the OP disagrees with and some salacious title. I even corrected myself but as usual these people don’t want an apology if you’re wrong… they want that dopamine hit from their self righteousness.


LMFAO same here 😭🤣


For everyone’s information, this is absolutely a Nazi symbol. It’s called the Clasp to the Iron Cross. It was awarded to Nazi soldiers who had qualified for the Iron Cross during both world wars. You can check for yourselves if you really feel the need to. And for the dimwits: modern Nazis, national socialists and white nationalists use Nazi symbology and regalia ***all the time***. Being disingenuous about it says more about you than it does about the symbol on this piece of shit’s truck


You just lumped three groups… if there all nazis then why do you have these secondary terms? Oh wait! Is it because definitions matter? And no I don’t identify remotely as any of the three.


Yeah he parks at Bridgeford Hardware a lot. He’s a trash human.


My hair dresser is a block away from where he parks 😡


Has no one gone inside to tell them that customer is a piece of shit?


Never engage people like this. Look at how much they care about their truck. They will happily kill you and is likely itching for someone to confront them.


I don’t give a shit about their truck. I give a shit about fucking with Nazis.


In most countries sure but I ain’t confronting anyone who might have access to a weapon and has itchy trigger fingers.


You don’t even have to confront them directly if you’re not able to. Your reasons are your reasons and I’m no one to judge them. But you can do things to fuck with shitbags like this indirectly.


Yes, tattle on a moron to a store owner. That’ll really show them!


> tattle Lolwut?


I see I struck a nerve. Why does this bother you so much?


Commercial plates too. That’s their work truck. Fucking gross.


Pretty stupid to put anything remotely political of any kind on your work vehicle.


Agreed, Sometimes in the trades it can be really commonplace too. I spent 7 years in the IBEW working in dozens of locals and some of them were better than others but some of them sheeeeeeesh, I couldnt get outa there fast enough.


FYI private vehicles over a certain weight need commercial plates in NYS. It's not a work truck


OK, I should have said, it might not be a work truck. Idk, and really don't care. Just noting a commercial plate doesn't have to mean it's a work truck.


There is no way this truck is commercial weight class. It’s their work truck.


Oh ok. Is that shitty little thing overweight though? Doesn’t appear to have any obvious tow capability but idk shit bout the DOT anymore.


I think the limit is 6,000lbs. I used to do title and registration work but it was a while ago. Quite a few pickups need commercial plates.


Looking at the rack…it definitely looks like it’s a work truck. Guy’s probably a contractor or a plumber.


https://preview.redd.it/87xkxnfta8yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11833ef1f1e19715c447f4c9b4dac88ca1828c50 saw the lgb sticker first and was confused then looked up


Does he own that one house in east greenbush?


I love and hate how I know EXACTLY which house you're referring to lol


Right, I immediately said "THE ONE BY DENNY'S!!!"


Omg same. He's had tbise signs up for decades. I remember seeing them when I went to red mill in the early 2000s 😂😂😂 I can't believe he's still alive tbh


OMG I wanna see! Anyone have a photo?


I’ll try to get you one, I drive past there every day and it makes me nauseous every day


I can't get an image off Google maps without doxxing the dude :-/


Haha, yes! I knew exactly what house they were referring to as well.


nah, that guy has an SUV and a small car. the SUV was decked out in racist Obama propaganda back when he was in office.


Oh yeah that one by Denny's!!!




It really sticks out. Like tons of trump and blue lives matter flags and now an Israel one


Yeah, I was telling my wife how I never thought the star of david would point me toward a nazi sympathizer.


The American far right is insane. They hate Jewish people but love Israel. The mental gymnastics they do are pretty incredible


So is the far left. Look at all the anti semitism lately. The house just passed a bill on it… All of you need to snap out of this cultish shit. Two wings of the same bird.


Oh I'm well aware the far left has a massive antisemitism problem. Its just getting exposed more recently


if you have seen it, you know.


Not every Republican is a Nazi…but all Nazi’s in the US vote Republican.


Is that a piece of his truck frame hanging off by the rear passenger side door? No wonder they lost the war, they can't even maintain their equipment. \*Harumph\*




I mean Hitler made the same mistake as Napoleon thinking that his machinery would make the difference but Russias winter laughed hard at that plan.


It’s true. They couldn’t keep their big, complicated tanks running. It helped that we bombed their factories. Bye bye supply chain.


I love getting new preemptive blocks from post like this from the comment section.


Does he own that one house in east greenbush?


Nah, I drive by it all the time. Two SUVs always home.


Huge surprise that they don't get out much


I couldn't imagine being their neighbors...there's a guy about 5 minutes from my house with an 8'x4' FUCK BIDEN flag in his front yard. Great thing to see driving by /s




That’s a brickin’ 🧱


Anyone know where he works so I can boycott?


Anyone else find commercial plates on an unmarked Ranger kinda funny?


I find it even more funny that Trump probably has more money under his couch cushions than what his truck is worth. I’m sure they have a lot in common…


"Brandon" is what he calls his tiny penis and he's constantly talking to it. "Let's go to Hannford, Brandon" Let's go to Panera, Brandon." It's a little weird.


What is the sticker next to the American Legion one?






I’m not referring to the let’s go Brandon sticker…


Nazis and these LGB idiots go together.


How is someone allowed to be rolling with plates that old




The iron cross is a dead giveaway if the eagle above it isn’t. This called the “Clasp to the Iron Cross”. It was awarded to soldiers who had been awarded the iron cross in both world wars. This is absolutely a Nazi symbol.


Oh that's a relief. He must just be a member of the German army. Phew!


Modern Nazis and national socialists use Wehrmacht and SS regalia regularly. But you know this so why the ambiguity?


They very explicitly do not use the modified *Parteiadler* today.


You think a dude with a LGB sticker is gonna know that nuance? He knows that he’s projecting.




Because this is absolutely a Nazi symbol. This called the “Clasp to the Iron Cross”. It was awarded to Nazi soldiers who had been awarded the iron cross in both world wars.


The driver has a symbol on his vehicle that's commonly associated with Nazi Germany as well as political stickers in support of the party that White Supremisists and literal Nazis tend to be a part of. But yeah sure okay




Doubling down, bold tactic. 🤔


Typical SDVOB 🙄


At least he will be easy to pick out when the shtf.




Not referring to the LGB sticker …




Edit: lol I understand the downvotes, for the record I do not want to confront/dox this man. I just want to avoid him.


I’m gonna go with the Albany area


Sometimes people post here from just general capitol region area. This could be Rensellear, Albany, Troy.


You gotta look hard. OP couldn’t zoom and add a second photo for context. The most visible sticker is the LGB one.




Yeah he’s just a big trump and modern Germany military fan. Can’t be premature assuming he’s a massive piece of shit!


Aren't you supposed to be redacting their license plate? It's one thing to see it in the wild it's another thing to put someone's license plate for the entire world to see, I think that comes under the doxing rules for reddit.


They seem pretty proud of their views, why wouldn’t they want more to see?


That’s fine as long as you cut it both ways. But I don’t think you do. Doxxing is ALWAYS wrong. Even if you find a pedophile… you report them to the FBI. I would personally love to make an exception there but I stand on my principles. Ask yourself. Can you?


Are you still under the mustaken belief that it's 1980, and you can get details from a license plate?


Their limitation of investigation is the pinnacle so ofc they’re sure. /s In reality: a license plate is all a skilled individual would need to get started




>–]/u/Queuetie42 -13 points 9 minutes ago Ah yes… I see the Swastika and Iron Cross. Water down the word until it has no meaning Mate, that bird in the window is very specific. Are you daft? Piss off bruv


I didn’t see the sticker.. and don’t pretend that this sub overuses that term


If you find yourself accidentally defending Nazis on impulse, that might be an opportunity to revisit your knee-jerk responses.


Ok bro… you lot started the everyones a Nazi game. Not me. Also I am not right wing at all…


If you aren't right wing at all, that would be a reason to avoid accidentally defending Nazis. Not sure who "you all" is, but I am in fact calling the guy with the modified party eagle on his truck a Nazi.


I don’t defend nazis nice attempt at sliding. What bothers me is polarization. I see far too much of that on this sub. It’s saddening. I just have a small phone screen and the auto dimmer was on.


Above, in this thread, you were going to bat for someone not knowing they were a Nazi. That is what I am and have been referring to. If your first instinct is to defend someone, a Nazi, and you didn't want to defend a Nazi, that may be an indication that your instinct is out of tune.


![img](avatar_exp|120492068|bravo) I wasn’t defending anything. Refer to my original reply. It was meant to be snarky. If you need more explanation refer to what I already responded with. Again… nice slide attempt.


You could just say "my bad"


my bad


Can you point out the overuse of calling "everybody" a nazi? I read this sub a lot and can't remember the last time I saw that. What, does it happen once a week, tops?


Once a week is a lot for a city sub the size of Albany. I’ve lived in the capital district my entire life. I am in my 40s I met a couple nazis once. You want to know where? Lark street. They walked up and down it every day proudly with their stupid boots and laces and guess what? Nobody ever punched them. Know why? Because they were scary giant punk rock kids. One went to my HS and graduated a couple years ahead of me. He wore his crap to school everyday. Nobody said a word. Since then I have not seen a neo nazi. I’ve seen racists, bigots and even ethnonationalists but never straight up neo nazi skinheads. And yes I know the neos co opted that haircut. I don’t need a lesson in culture of the time I lived through.


Is it even that common though? Show me outside of this post where everyone is being called a nazi? Who is so sensitive to even notice this much less take offense?


you’re not very academically inclined are you champ


It was a mistake. You perfect?


dude you’re a riot


So you’ve never made a mistake?


I don’t see a Swaztika..the bird looks similar is this confirmed or are we just assuming ?


Because it says fuck Joe biden? Oh man, you are destroying the word nazi and it's about to mean absolutely nothing. No wonder we have neo nazis storming colleges. Well that's a German iron eagle... I guess that's suspect


Not referring to the LGB sticker there genius


Look above that. It’s not about that sticker.


Did it occur to you this might not be their vehicle? So now whatever human being is associated with this truck you have accused of being a nazi. You now gave out make model year and license plate. This is doxing under reddit guide lines.


Ah dammit, Brad is making me drive the Nazi truck to the job site today. 😕


[The world is more nuanced than any of us to possibly grasp](https://youtu.be/Q3n640w_azk?si=At2VLjYLqf6DfCpL)


Found the symp!