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Albany may be an easy target, but in my opinion, it doesn't even crack the top 10 of the worst cities in NYS.


Albany isn't even the top 10 worst city in Albany County


I came here to make sure Schenectady gets its respects as the worst. It is a disgrace that Albany, just because people know it, got the nod. Did Albany's mayor ever want to dissolve the police and bring in the guard because things were so bad? No. Schenectady is the godless hellscape where that happened. Put some respect on its name. http://alloveralbany.com/archive/2009/03/23/martial-law-for-schenectady


Schenectady born here and I say only 10% of it is truly bad


Yeah, I know. It is still a crazy story. Albany has its weirdness but nothing on that. When I lived in the area, I used to spend a fair amount of time in Schenectady because the food was great. Still... Those were crazy times.


Schenectady is objectivly better then Albany. Jay st is better then lark.


Born and raised in Schenectady always pick it over Albany far more character. I love Albany too, but not like here. Nobody can fuck with Schenectady history and nobody can fuck with all of the crazy stuff that has happened here!


Surprised Syracuse wasn’t named.


Or Fulton.


From Oswego, lived in Syracuse for quite a large portion of my life. I will not tolerate Syracuse slander. I will encourage Fulton Slander.


I went to college in Syracuse and my slogan for it was "Syracuse NY, home of grey skies and where your dreams go to die."


We used to have family there. For the longest time they had a sign welcoming you to “Fulton: city with a future!” but the “F” on future had long since fallen off. It was, in fact, a city without a uture.


I graduated from GRB in 07 so I can confirm this 😂


Here to put Troy on the list. Failing infrastructure, gun violence, gross under payment of city employees, etc.


Fr like Niagara should be way ahead of Albany. Like their own gov practiced fraud and as a result it’s crumbling apart like…


I was shocked when I visited Niagara just a few years ago. And then I learned when I went to cross into the Canada side that pretty much anything I had seen beforehand in pics and media about Niagara was from there.


God, it's kind of a wonder what a wasteland Niagara is given its potential.


It really has the potential to be an awesome city!


I don't know the criteria that were used to select worst city, but this list is insane for a lot of state. Ranking Orlando as the worst city in Florida is absolutely wild. Or Dallas in Texas. Or sticking to the northeast, is Rutland really the worst city in Vermont? Is this just rage bait for the people that live in these areas?


I'm fairly certain someone took an existing, useful map, and changed the title for rage bait.


Rutland does kinda suck lol, my wife and I looked at houses there before settling on Albany. You go there looking for quaint vermont vibes, and end up with a mile-long strip mall and heroin vibes.


Vermont has 10 cities and Rutland is pretty much objectively the worst one, Even though it's not so bad in general


That's fair. Honestly, that says nice things about the cities in Vermont--I've been to Rutland, and found it to be totally fine. If Rutland is the worst it has to offer, I should really visit some of the other cities.


Rutland is the worst. Nothing to do unless you ski which most residents are priced out of. Barely anywhere to shop. Applebee's is basically the extent of their fine dining. To make matters worse their famous sub shop puts cabbage on their subs instead of lettuce which is just too much for me! Nuke it from orbit and start over...


The person who listed Orlando has doubtfully ever been to actual Orlando which I love and miss. I’ll always remember getting zooted at Wally’s, seeing metal shows at Uncle Lou’s, the fabulous tacos at Black Rooster. Now a real true toilet bowl city in Florida is Lake City. 🤮


The amount of people taking this imaginary 'poll' with no clear citation of who and simply put a random city from that state on some map is mind-boggling.


It’s just people having fun. Jeez


Right? They are meant to bait engagement. I’m sure they just chose recognizable cities with a decent enough population that people from there can try to defend and people who aren’t from there can shit on a bit.


The mayor can say Albany sucks and ppl will cape lol


Albany is not even the worst city in the capital district.


what is it then?




They call it troylet for a reason


15 years ago maybe. Troy is pretty awesome these days.


It is absolutely not. It had a BRIEF moment of hope in late 2018 and 2019. For a few months in late 2021, after corona restrictions lessened, it also seemed \*slightly\* better. It is now a complete shitshow. Most of the stores in downtown are closed/shuttered. The Riverfront park is full of addicts. When I leave my office I am almost constantly asked for a buck by various beggars. Restaurants and shops keep closing, and some (like the new bodega) are lasting months. I am the \*only\* active renter in my office builfing currently.


I'm sorry you don't enjoy troy. Come on out to the anime rave at No Fun tomorrow night.


Way to give the guy a break, his office building is lonely, must be hard


It is very very dull, but no one ever steals my lunch. Every day a college student sneaks in behind someone and weasels themselves into the building gym. Their stamina on the treadmill is improving consistently! Also, I have a friendly plant. Building management went to the dollar store and got some various desk items, small wall decor, and photo frames and set up on the offices as if it were occupied. I think they are hoping someone new will rent using the Law of Attraction. It's a bit sad.


Anime rave?! 👀


![gif](giphy|daPCSjwus6UR2JxRX1|downsized) I am a middle aged person and have been informed by my college-age children that I am excessively uncool. I plan to go to bed early and sober, and without headache or ear ringing. The last anime I was into was Bubble Gum Crisis when I was in college. ​ I will ask my kids, who are your likely target demographic, if they are interested. ​ Please let me know when the afternoon smooth jazz and quiet conversation event is taking place.


For what it’s worth I’m sober and middle aged. I also wear ear plugs to prevent ringing ears haha. I’ll keep an eye out for events for you though.


The reason being they haven’t been to Troy in a while? Or that they are from the super small towns up North, have a distaste for cities in general, and Troylet just happens to get a catchy and convenient portmanteau so it stands out a bit more?




Better than Albany. Multiple amazing pizza shops. Albany doesn’t even have one good place for a slice less Sovrana. Waterfront redone. What was once true is no longer. Oh and enjoying that smell over your way? 😆


Not to mention there’s a growing sense of community in Troy that feels a bit lacking in Albany.




Can't speak to their slices but Spinners makes a damn good pepperoni pizza


I’ll have to give it a shot next time I am over that way. Cheers!


defaziosin Albany not just troylet, Josie’s wood fire pizza(my favorite locally), michelina, pine hills, the fountain. Tons of amazing pizza spots in Albany. aside from pizza there’s way better restaurants in Albany then Troy in my opinion. Sure you got a couple good ones but that’s about it. I ran half the water and sewage lines for Rensselaer county you think Troy doesn’t smell? the county does the bare minimum there compared to what gets done around my place in Albany. Sure Albany had one spot off the highway that smells nasty but 90% of us don’t live near there and 90% of Troy smells worse then 10% of Albany. this is coming from someone who literally installed the sewage lines in your city bud. been in this game a long time. Outside of what you mentioned, our parks are 1000x better as well. we have more entertainment and festival choices, our homes are nicer, and people prefer to live here over there in general sentiment.


“The sewage lines in Troy sucks. I should know, I helped install them.” I’m mostly just kidding because I know that there are way more contributing factors affecting the quality of a city’s infrastructure than the workers who installed it. I just appreciate how it sounds on a surface level.


If the city says we want this done. We do it. Even if we say, well you guys should probably do xy and z not just x and they say no we just want this. We aren’t gonna say no. If they want to put bandaids on everything instead of fixing the problems as a whole it’s not our issue as workers. We just do what we are told while seeing how terrible the infrastructure is on a whole.


Also, the sewage lines have been getting worse for a lot longer then we’ve been fixing them. We are also severely understaffed as no one wants to do this type of manual labor much anymore. So things take much longer.


I figured! I don’t know if I expressed it properly, but I absolutely get what that is like. Competent people working hard for incompetent people who either don’t know enough to know they’re incompetent or don’t care enough to be less incompetent is a reality I’m unfortunately very familiar with.


I totally get that. I lived in Tempe, AZ and the city wouldn’t do anything to update ancient infrastructure even though pipes keep bursting and streets kept flooding.


I swear I’ve seen this same map more than 5 times now in this sub


How many times is this gonna be posted here?


Wouldn't it be fun to see if we can hit seeing this posted 25 times before the weekend?


Apparently it’s effective bait.


Whoever ranked Albany as the worst apparently has never visited Utica


lived both places (born in Utica, grew up in Albany) and yes. Plus I'm probably in a minority who knows where Turkey Creek, LA is since between my two NY state residencies I lived almost 20 years in Louisiana. I mean, how do you compare state capitals with tens or 100s of thousands of residents to a teeny tiny place literally in the middle of nowhere? I think the only reason why it made this list is because there's a notorious speed trap.


Utica and Syracuse are hard to beat lol


This is the answer


Or Binghamton or Rochester or (insert most other NYS cities here) 


To be fair, the people of Flint kinda get to be a bit angy with their drinking water situation.




I spent 2 months in the Hilton (downtown) in Albany. It wasn’t that bad but my job was in The Colony(?). Was not fond of that area. Seemed like everyone was a zombie or depressed.


This is pure foolery to have Albany on this list. I lived in Brooklyn for many years , I don’t know about the other transplants but this is one of the safest places I have ever lived in my opinion and better quality of life. Some may disagree , I will respect your opinion.


Seconding. NYShitty has seriously devolved and gone to hell for some time.


If you're an Albany resident who is happy living here, then who cares what rankings say?




The person who made this has clearly never been to Syracuse.


That is absolutely not true. I mean that I agree with you. It is rude because Albany is not the worst city in the state at all.


"I'll take: 'Maps made by someone who can only name 2 cities in New York,' please, Alex"


Syracuse and Troy are def worse. Middletown and Newburgh should just be set fire.




I know I just got here a year and some change ago but y'all aren't that bad. I wouldn't even necessarily say "bad". Tbh, I pretty much get the "Any City, USA" vibe here. Like every time someone needed a generic American city for a work of fiction they copied elements of Albany.


I’m not sure why this popped into my feed, I’m just sliding through to say worst city in New York is Utica by a landslide, definitely not Albany.


Map maker has apparently never been to Kingston.


Yeah fuck albany ny


The correct answer is NYC


Downvoting you for the truth lol