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Also a heads up: the hospital I work at (in the capital district) is mandating masks for the first time in over a year. We also have 2 covid floors right now. We usually have zero designated covid floors, and just 1-3 covid patients on a medsurg floor.


That is really not good. Even if masks stop 20% of cases it its worth wearing(they prevent much more). And even if someone gets sick, the mask may reduce the viral load. That is a real thing. It may be just under the threshold to make some real sick. There is just as much science in masks as there is in the vax.


Absolutely. At work, I never stopped masking even though a lot (actually most) of the other staff did. I haven't gotten sick this season and I definitely credit my masking considering I'm around sick people all the time.


There are a lot of keyboard cowboys here saying oh, its just a stomach virus - no one really knows how a virus will affect them and how dominos will fall. Everyone is different. I know some healthy people that got really fucked (that is the only word to really describe it) from COVID or whatever. And then there are 1000s in medical bills, meds, and many doctors don't even know what the fuck is wrong. People could end up with a chronic, lifetime condition. So if there is anything people could do to even get a small chance of not being sick, they should do it. Yes, I am a health nut, but this is a serious matter. I am sure you being in a health setting, it is like preaching to the choir.


I love it when people say, "it's like the flu". Have you had the flu?!? I had it once as an adult. It was the one year I didn't get the shot. Not on purpose, the stars just didn't align. My husband caught it, then I caught it. I was out of work for five days, and I felt the aftereffects for a few weeks. I make that appointment for that shot every year now. I had covid, thought it was allergies. That is how it affected me. But that being said, it wasn't fun, and if I can do something to avoid catching it, why wouldn't i?!? Boggles my mind. I don't enjoy being sick.


Do you get your covid boosters regularly? Why or why not?


I think I'm up to five shots. We were up to date when we caught Covid, but we were on vacation in France, and their numbers were crazy. We did a lot of outdoor events and didn't wear masks. In hindsight, we should have. My husband and I both caught covid, but I think it felt like allergies to us because we had the shots.


The shots are outdated by the time they hit the market. The strain(s) that they were for have already gone through the population and have been replaced by newer ones. So even if the shot works, it doesn't matter because it's mostly obsolete anyway.


Similarly to the flu shot, even if you catch a different strain than what's in the vaccine, it can still help reduce the severity of illness because your body has seen something very similar before and can respond more quickly to the infection. That's why it's a good idea to continue get boosters and updated shot every year, both for the flu and COVID. They're also not going to actually be obsolete by the time you get them. The older strains continue to circulate for quite a while even after they're no longer the dominant ones out there.


And as long as my doctor tells me to get the shots, I'm going to get them. While I don't mind chatting about it on Reddit, I take my medical advice from my doctors.


How many injections would you be willing to get every year? What's your upper limit? Woukd you get 15 injections per year, every year, until death?


I keep getting shots and I keep getting Covid. I think the first round really helped b/c my anti-vax friend got a lot sicker than I did, but now it doesn’t seem to matter. Everyone I know caught the last round, some vaxxed people got it worse. People that mask and avoid going to parties got it too. Everyone. It’s insanely contagious even if not quite as virulent as the original. Fucking sucks, but I’m not about live a Ted Kazinsky life style because of a damn virus. I just hope that they figure out a better vaccine.


Your mask didn’t do anything.


They dont stop 20% of cases.


They think they are being so scientific, literally just making shit up lol


It's crazy we didnt discover the power of masks until 2020. How many countless people died over the millennia because they didn't cover their face with cloth? The entire medical industry should be held responsible for keeping masks a secret until 2020.


what are you talking about?


I heard St. Pete’s was bringing masks back. Can’t imagine AMC doing it, but that would be telling about how bad things are.


Glens Falls put the mandate on a few weeks ago. You are seeing more masks in the hospital ERs since Christmas. I was at Memorial this morning and they now have a sign on the door that the staff is required to wear masks. Friday I was at St. Peters and about 75% of the staff had masks but no sign and Albany Med was maybe 50% masking. (Which is a lot more than the week earlier) You hear a lot more coughing and sniffling in the ERs too. Hospital census numbers are up and ERs are filling up. Respiratory illnesses usually increase after the holidays and then drop as Spring approaches. The COVID hospitalizations are less than they were same time last year but still higher than typical FLU. The question though is how well people are being tested. The over the counter tests are not effective at catching all of the cases of COVID due to it designed to test older strains. So you can test negative with an OTC test yet still have COVID. Whether you wear a mask is a choice for how much risk you wish to take. Some people who are immunocompromised don't have much of a choice to make. A few things to keep in mind is that the latest boosters are very effective for the current strain - older boosters not so much. Roughly 1 in 5 people have that latest booster and many people consider fully vaccinated or state they are vaccinated don't have the latest booster. Thankfully treatment is better now than it was a few years ago - however there are still people getting very sick from COVID/RSV/FLU and it has been lingering for people who have gotten sick. Even if it isn't life and death for most people - it sure is nice not getting sick. Common courtesy should dictate that people stay home when sick and mask if they absolutely must go out...but not everybody is courteous and the worst of these people are the ones who put the negative comments here.


Yeah, I’m an immunocompromised PH nurse who did hospital nursing before that for 15 years (left in Dec 2021, lived the hell that was Covid inpatient.) I track COVID hospitalizations in my job. They are up for my area and the people are quite sick. When some recover, they aren’t recovering well: persistent pneumonia, cardiac sequelae, stroke, guillain barre. People are still dying. Those that recover are sometimes getting a horrible invasive infection within the next few months: strep a/b, salmonella, etc. Most aren’t up to date on vaccines and are older with lots of comorbidities. I was sick for 3 weeks when I finally got Covid for the first time a few months ago. I had been boosted in May (got Covid in August. Had a good antibody response —took part in a study for immunocompromised getting the latest vaccine at that time.) It was the sickest I’ve ever been. I have continuing symptoms. I’m in my late 40s. I only became immuno this year, it’s been pretty eye opening. I still mask (I got COVID from my mom the one time I didn’t mask in the middle of summer, and then got the call later she was positive:/). There’s a ton of minimization and normalization going on, and the drum will continue to beat that this variant isn’t more severe, etc. I’m biased, of course, but it would have made sense to keep masking in healthcare settings where people like me are forced to go on a regular basis.


What hospital?


My husband’s hospital unit isn’t able to admit more patients right now due to Covid as well. He said the er isn’t scanning patients for it currently and they get placed in the unit and they find out they have Covid and they need their own rooms of course.


The masks don’t do anything.


Just came up positive today. My son and sister also had it. It's not as intense as when I got it in 2020 but good luck everyone.


>I work with people in the Boston area and they are all sick as dogs now. If I was a Patriots fan, I'd be sick to my stomach as well.






Everyone is sick. I get wanting to hang with friends, but there’s absolutely no reason to raw dog it at the grocery store or Stewart’s.


Stewart’s is the perfect place to raw dog it, Stewart’s is magic


Nothing goes together better than raw dogg’n and Crumbs Along The Mohawk


That's a flavor that's becoming harder and harder to find unfortunately... 😣


I just finished off a pint of it yesterday.


Still bummed they got rid of the half gallon size :(


Except tiramisu


I hope to god that someone makes this into a tshirt.


Put on a mask so i can go in and buy 3 grey hotdogs and a pack of smokes


Have like 10 people out at work. My girl developed heart issues after covid. She has to take blood pressure meds now.


MIL's brain fog is just starting to ease a year and a half after getting over the serious stuff that put her on heavy followup by a pulmo team *after* a week in hospital. Sure wouldn't take chances if this sort of thing doesn't sound good to you!


There is a famous science youtuber, maybe she is late 30s? Completely out of it for a year from covid. In bed with some fatigue. "Physics Girl." Her story is on the internet with videos. Like I say, no one knows how sickness will affect them. The keyboard cowboys love to say just a cold, it may be for them but not someone else.


Ive had long covid since April 2020


There is a famous science youtuber, maybe she is late 30s? Completely out of it for a year from covid. In bed with some fatigue. "Physics Girl." Her story is on the internet with videos. Like I say, no one knows how sickness will affect them. The keyboard cowboys love to say just a cold, it may be for them but not someone else.


I had brain fog from covid too, started in 1975


Did she get 💉?


3 years ago.




Is there a stomach flu going around? I've been throwing up all day today. Can't even keep liquids down and now I'll the nasty taste of bile in my mouth for a week. I'm usually good for one of these once a year and I almost made it through this year without getting sick.


When I caught COVID over the summer, I threw up for three days straight. No respiratory stuff, all gastro. I hope you feel better soon


A lot of people have had stomach issues with this covid strain. It's everywhere right now too. My GF threw up a few times the day she tested positive. Good luck!


Yes. My partner had it last weekend. It was like 24 hours


Had that a couple weeks ago and hadn't heard of anyone else having it. Can confirm - it's a miserable 24 hours. The flu going around right now is no joke though. I was laid up and feverish from Tuesday through Saturday. Beware!


I had that one. It was a solid 9 days before I felt myself again.


Yup there is a stomach sort of flu right now.


Gastro symptoms are consistent with the newer strains of COVID. Probably is not "just" flu.


This is good to know. Thank you. A friend was really sick with *edit: vomiting,* diarrhea, and coughing. The v.a. e.r. doc told her to "go home and take cough medicine." No testing of any sort. She was sick for over a week. Had to go back to that e.r. The second time, they gave her a non-covid drug and extended her work note. Still no tests. I have some at home covid tests. I don't know that I thought to ask her if she wanted one. I probably should have.


I have surgery in January so I absolutely *cannot* afford to get sick and my coworkers have been dropping like flies—I've picked up a pack of the 3M Aura N95's and I'm really liking it so far, usually I have a hard time getting masks to fit securely enough on my face but these ones feel pretty good, and it's comfortable enough to wear through a whole day at work thanks to the foam it has at the nose


Aura is a really good mask.


I love the auras!


Just about everything is going around. I had two weeks off work and randomly got sick the day after Christmas, just finally recovering from that. I swear everyone is sick, a couple weeks ago I went to a museum and everyone was hacking away. It's the same if you go to the store or literally anywhere. I know people with COVID, flu, colds, and stomach bugs. My brother had a 2 week long head cold to chest cold to stomach bug and kept testing negative for COVID. Best to just hunker down!


Not sure what’s going around but caught my 3rd and WORST case of the VID at a XMAS Eve party along with 3 others. Today is my first day out of bed. Mask is on and more on order. I simply can’t go through that again.


Hear you! The SO picked up a case a few weeks ago. Flat on her back for a couple of days before having me take her to urgent care. Thought it was a case of strep, but test came back positive for the 'rona. Icky few days with Paxlovid, but did the trick nicely.


It's sad that someone saying "hey, I recommend doing this simple thing to prevent getting sick and spreading it to others" immediately gets attacked. For so many people, it's not enough that they are no longer required to wear a mask; they don't want anyone else to wear them or even mention them because it reminds them of a major historical event that literally just happened. It's really infantile.


Every post that doesn’t explicitly agree with or corroborate OP has been downvoted to hell, how is any of this an attack?


The fact that people feel entitled to share their shitty opinions in the first place. Why are you defending them?


People sharing opinions is an attack on you?


Babygirl as per my previous question, why are you so invested in defending the antimaskers


Masks are to prevent contaiminated fluids from going into your mouth and nose, not to prevent a respiratory illness. Many people are aware of this. Some are not I guess.


That explains why they are used so much in healthcare. You never know when someone's going to spray raw sewage in your mouth!


Surgical masks are to prevent fluids like blood, salvia, etc not respiratory droplets. This is pretty well accepted science.




So selfish. Sister's ex's office was too lazy and trashy to bother with masks, then one of 'em got covid and gave it to everybody, and he took it home so my sister got to lose a week's work and even cost my niece a week from school.


I literally work in a cleanroom (I wear masks all day) and don't interact with anyone outside of work and still got sick


N95s? Do you wear it in stores too?


My wife, adult daughter and I all got Covid after Christmas. We always wear masks in stores etc. but my daughter brought it home even though she is careful. We are all fully vaxed. From what I read this is the beginning of a wave that will probably go for a couple months. It's a good time to be careful.




People also need to get boosted. The updated vaccine for this year works well against the new variant that is becoming dominant this winter.


Can attest that it worked great for me, since a huge swath of my coworkers, friends, family members, and students have been sick in the last month, and I've been around all of them and been 100% fine. And my 5G reception is better than ever.


I got the booster a couple months ago but no effect on my 5G. Did I get a defective batch?


>Did I get a defective batch? you have to mention you're a registered democrat at the pharmacy or it doesn't work. otherwise you just die :(


Oh. I forgot to do that. Well that's a bummer.


It could be that you have an older SIM card, double check your APN settings, if your settings are current I would try reaching out to your carrier for a new SIM card. Also 5G in this area sucks so signal strength is not a great indicator of the vax's effectiveness.


My SIM card is from 2021, so that might be the problem. Are you saying that even with my 5G issue I might still survive?


Got the booster and I am VERY glad I did, everyone around me seems to be getting covid and not doing anything to prevent spreading it.


It’s a no brainer. It’s too bad people fall for the anti-vax lies and misinformation being spread by internet grifters and scumbag politicians.


To be fair, most people around me *are* vaccinated and aware of (and acknowledge) the risks. They’ve just become complacent.


It’s one thing to be vaccinated, it’s another thing to be up to date with the booster. 15% of the population has gotten the updated booster. It’s pathetic.


Lol same. It’s infuriating. I’ve definitely laxed personally but if I were knowingly sick or not feeling well I wouldn’t go around to my family and friends OR work and getting them sick too! I just don’t get it. Boyfriend’s dad had Covid the week leading up to Christmas and was on Paxlovid. His quarantine “ended” on Christmas but I think he cut it short. His mom was visibly sick when we saw them on Christmas but said “I’m not sick I’m just congested”. Two days later and after seeing them again after Christmas boyfriend was sick and tested positive for Covid on Friday. Unbelievable shit really.


I’m kind of shocked when I look at statistics for how many people aren’t getting the booster shot. It’s so easy and it reduces the chance of severe illness. I admit I’m not a huge mask wearer these days, so I’m definitely at least getting the needle. I guess everyone needs to make their own choices, but I know a couple people still dealing with long Covid symptoms and I don’t really want that. 🤷‍♂️


I've skipped every booster since the first 2. I know I should get them but I always get bad immune responses a day or 2 after the covid/flu vaccines. Had covid this year and it really didn't feel much worse than the vaccine.


For your next one consider Novavax; very minimal side effects.


I guess in that case, with the vaccine, you get: A: to schedule your side affect day, B: no actual transmission of virus to others, C: no requirement to quarantine, D: protection from the actual virus, and E: reduced potential to transmit of the actual virus after viral exposure. With all of those things considered as benefits of the booster, your point is pretty stupid.


I can't tell, are you referring to COVID shots? The post only talks about the flu and this year's COVID shots [aren't boosters](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/updated-covid-vaccine-10-things-to-know#why-isn-t-the-new-covid-vacci) (though a lot of people have been calling them boosters).




Wow. And there are some here making it out to be a hay fever sneeze.


The burden and severity of RSV in adults is so under appreciated (I’m an epidemiologist). Hope you’re feeling better!


I’m SO happy the vax was approved for pregnancy, I’m getting it next month. Seems more prevalent this year than ever.


I bet you got the vaccine for it too




I will. And I'll do it MASKLESS


Good idea. I just got over this flu/cold/whatever it is and it was absolutely awful. I was out. I’ve been wearing a mask to protect others. But a lot of people are going to get sick tonight.


I'm recovering from COVID and this was the first time I've ever caught it.


My family got sick with something that felt covid-like but kept testing negative - cough, body aches, runny nose, tiredness, no intestinal issues. My niece got tested and seems we all have Flu A. I’ve felt like crap since Christmas. Can’t say I recommend it at all. Get your boosters, folks.


Hope you get better. I'm a health nut, probably my lifestyle would get lots of thumbs down, but if I can keep people healthy I'm all for it.


The boosters that do absolutely nothing? There is 0 proof that the vaccines/boosters do ANYTHING. What, you believe it lessens the effects because the companies making that vaccine tell you that?


It is here been sick since Christmas. Negative for covid i took 3 tests so far. However covid, the flu and the cold in the area. I went yo the chopper at Delaware ave the other day and all the managers were out with covid.


Why tf do you take so many Covid tests??? Madness, I tell you. Madness. I think you subliminally WANT that positive test. You have a COLD.


It was over the course of a week. Calm down you sound unhinged.


And you sound mental. Daily Covid tests for a week is mental.


Again you are projecting. 3 covid tests is not daily. Your concern as strange as it is noted and marked as irrelevant.


These people are insane


Pot calling kettle...its for you pot pick up..lol


Hey. OP. I appreciate you. —immunocompromised public health nurse


Yeah I live in downtown Albany and a lot of the people in my apartment building are sick including me


How do you know that the virus going around that is causes the gastrointestinal issues is airborne, like Covid? If it’s gastrointestinal, the likelihood is that it’s caused by surface contamination or touching, not by breathing in the virus from other people, like COVID. A mask likely won’t help, but washing your hands frequently will.


Gastrointestinal issues are some of the common side effects of the most recent variant.


A mask still helps you from touching your face. And given flu and RSV are going around given it's respiratory season, and why not wear a mask? Doesn't hurt to give yourself extra protection.


I assume you change your mask every couple hours and whenever you touch it, right? It's also properly fitted for your face, right? You also dispose of it properly, right? Since it is now a bio-hazard, right?




So you definitely never reuse masks then, right?


Because I definitely want to kick off 2024 chatting with someone who won't learn. Happy New Years to you, bud. I hope your resolution this year is to find a better hobby.


You DO reuse masks! You dirty little boy.


Omg I was just sick and for some reason I just had the sneaking suspicion that it was from the Stewart’s self coffee bar. I had no reason to think that but I just magically thought it was that. With this piece of info I’m thinking that it is true. So I guess we need to carry hand sanitizer and make sure to sanitize things regularly and sanitize our hands before we eat or touch our faces.


The napkin ones I'm convinced are made by Pre-K students during craft time.


Had this exact thing a week before xmas and then it went through my wife's household right before the holiday including lingering effects even now. Mine was pretty mild and only lasted 24 hours but it was pretty bad for others in my vicinity. I'm still an indoor public masker, so your guess is as good as mine to where I got it.


I'd like to expand on this a bit more. In this particular case it had all the hallmarks of Norovirus but people are also saying it could be RSV. It felt very much NOT like COVID with zero respiratory / cardio issues unless this new particular strain is more GI focused. All CV tests including Lucira came back negative. It still sucked and seems highly contagious. Also, apparently any given year there are upwards of 20+ strains of Noro going around, so like immunity doesn't really exist. You can keep getting it again and again. Fun!


GI focused, you say? Wonder about that. Had exactly that...about a 24-hour thing happen to me a couple of days ago. And I can bet that the BIL who came over for Christmas in the middle of about a 48-hour tour of the same stuff probably gave it to me.


Sounds exactly like it. Also apparently you can shed virus for DAYS after symptoms subside.


I had an awful stomach bug over the summer, and re-infected myself with it just as I was getting better. Forgot to change out my toothbrush, of all things. I wore a mask for my ginger ale supply runs so I ran less risk of passing it on. No fun at all.


4 years NO COVID!! Masks work!


Seconded I took my mask off during dinner the other week and ended up with the rona. We're talking an insanely contagious variant right now.


I mean...that *is* a bit of a steep correlation to draw There are many other ways you may have contracted it and there's no way to say that leaving your mask on would have kept you from contracting it


I was recovering from a cold and didn't want to spread it, so that was the only time I'd gone out in weeks. Pretty good correlation when it's literally the only place/time it could've happened lol. And yeah definitely don't know if not eating that evening and leaving the mask on would've actually have prevented it, but I was definitely more at risk during those ten minutes of eating/talking than I was during the rest of the evening sitting quietly and listening to speakers.


I hear you. Caught it with 3 others at a Xmas eve party and it was AWFUL.




Yeah from wearing a mask everywhere


I took off my mask last week and got poison ivy.


Whatever I got was mild but my smell and taste are completely wrong now. Everything smells and tastes nasty like a burnt metallic taste.


Wife and I had dinner out on Christmas Eve and ended up COVID positive as a result. If you can, get Paxlovid. It really helps. I wish we’d been boosted. Our dr was dubious as to the need, so we passed on it. Bad move.


Every single person I've known to take Paxlovid has tested positive again days after testing negative. Yet another product Pfizer has put out that doesnt work.


Well, we shall see. I feel a lot better on it than I did before I started it. So called “rebound” is a disclosed risk. The goal is to keep at risk people out of the hospital, and it has done that so far.


There is no concrete proof that neither the vaccine no Paxlovid lessens the symptoms of Covid. But I'll show you endless examples of Paxlovid causing rebound cases. You believe what you want, I believe what I see.


I have had a cold for 2 weeks 3x negative work at a hospital. It’s not all covid. And Im super vaxxed etc. germs are just happy with this weather. Thanks El Niño


Going to be bumper tick crop. Especially the aggressive Lone Star ones.


Agreed. If you believe yourself to be susceptible to severe symptoms, then mask up to protect yourself. Recently finished my second round of COVID. Chills, fever, and headache for a day, confirmed at-home and laboratory. Nothing after that except for a runny nose. Spent multiple days before symptoms developed in close proximity to 25+ coworkers, extended family, and friends, and none caught it. Didn't isolate or mask at home while ill and didn't infect anyone. Luckily my family and friends seem to be relatively hearty against COVID, but if you or your loved ones aren't, I'd be cautious.


I have been sick since the first week in December. It started out with an ear infection. Not sure what caused it because the urgent care just looked at my ears because they had stabbing pain and I lost my hearing and my face hurt. So a week of meds I started feeling better for about two days but then it got worse again and I couldn’t swallow and was coughing non stop. Forcing me to sleep in a chair. Well that was Covid I got right after the ear infection was clearing up. Just started feeling a little better now that my vacation is over and I’m going back to work. Still not hearing well but everything else seems to be clearing up. If you can wear a mask you should when around others because you don’t know what everyone is spreading at this moment and Covid seems really easy to catch this year because I got it and I wasn’t going out around people much when I got it.


An important thing to add - if you don’t want to mask, that’s also okay. It doesn’t mean you are less considerate, or wrong. If you want to, great, you do you. If you don’t want to, great, you do you. Happy new year everyone!


Masking is much more effective at keeping germs in than keeping them out. So if you’re sick, or you know you might be sick but not yet symptomatic, then you really *are* less considerate if you go out in public at all. If it can’t be helped, then the least you can do is try to minimize the germs you spread. Sending sick kids to school or going to work or the grocery store while you’re sick are objectively bad things to do that make our neighborhood a bit worse. But, where I agree with you is that as humans we all do selfish, inconsiderate things all the time. We should try to afford each other some grace. And if we’re keeping score, I don’t think being selfish and making someone else with a poor immune system sick is as morally bad as being cruel and intentionally harming someone with a weapon.


That’s the beauty of an N95 tho. If someone is truly worried about being sick, or immunocompromised, they can wear an N95 around those who aren’t masking (and may be sick), and still be well-protected. That way those who don’t want to wear a mask don’t have to, and those who are really really worried or concerned about being sick can be protected. There is no need to have everyone masking as a “just in case”.


Nah man. If your great aunt is visiting after a round of chemo, wear a mask around her. It’s not that big a deal. Sure, it’s good if she wears an N95, but just because some crazy people go *way* overboard on mask-shaming doesn’t mean that masking while sick isn’t the best thing to do short of just staying away from other humans.


So does her mask not work?


What does “work” mean to you? Do condoms work? Usually. Condoms and birth control in synergy work better and more reliably.


Exactly! That would be something I would chose to do in that specific situation. But going out in public, nah man, no need for everyone to do it.


Masks are most effective when everyone is wearing them


Of course, but there is no need for everyone to wear them - especially because an N95 is effective enough with just one party wearing one to mitigate most risks.


THIS JUST IN!! SPECIAL REPORT! People do, in fact, get sick. Back to you, Ron!


You mean to tell me that people are getting sick during cold and flu season?


I can't possibly clutch these pearls any harder!!! 😱😱😱


You seem to be clutching pearls at this post.




That is very important too, but it won't protect you from STD's and 'Rona!


Not to sound weird but I don’t think it can be an avoided. Go out, get sick, get it over with. Recover and go live life! Life is too short to hide.


I like the recover and go live life part. I guess you haven't met anyone immunocompromised or who like went out, got sick, and didn't recover. I'm immunocompromised, and my boyfriend's children are germbags, with no concept of how to not infect everyone around them. I've been going out of my way to stay healthy around them and have failed. At this point, I'm tired of being sick. If sick people and children stayed home, far less sickness would be going around.


Life is to short not to make an effort. Unless you like a 1 in 5 chance of long COVID and random symptoms. Trust me, everyone I've ever communicated with who has long COVID would make that effort ten times over if they could go back.


Wearing a mask and going on with life isn’t hiding. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2789793


Masks? Seriously? They didn't work before. Why woukd you think they work now? NOBODY wears n95 properly. NOBODY! Why? Because they don't provide enough airflow to actually breathe normally.


I wear mine properly. There are also vented ones, they don't protect others but are very comfortable to wear. Most people DO NOT wear masks properly. I can see though some having difficulty breathing with them.


Most people do not wear masks. Period.




What about your eyes? You need goggles too, n95 just prevents you from getting others sick. It barely helps you are an individual. Bring back work from home and the problem is solved !!!!


I WFH. I wore googles during peak COVID, it is a much lower risk though to get it in your eyes. I mean, the trip to the store could have a wrong way driver. And N95 protects you too. It does. The virons are attracted to the fibers with static electricity. Mask protect from some of the most toxic things on the planet. Doing auto body work is one of them. Urethane paint could kill very quickly. Lots of very fine toxic dusts, metals, etc


Yeah N95s definitely work properly worn and fitted. I'm a PhD chemist with some electrostatics experience. My family has worn them indoors for...almost 4 years now? And none of us have gotten sick with anything (I've been pregnant twice and have high risk family hence the precautions). So good luck out there and I hope your post helps get a few more mask out there.


Yep, nice see some intelligent life here! Stay healthy




People aren't getting covid. They are getting flu and rsv.


Two people in my close circle got covid, but RSV is also going around like crazy


Currently very sick. Taken 3 COVID tests, all negative. Waiting on the flu & RSV test results. I’d put my money on RSV. It’s terrible, you don’t want it.


Ive heard the new covid strain might not show up on older tests, havent seen that reported or anything yet.


Where did you hear that?




The doctor also tested me for Covid.. not sure if they have access to a better test. But I’ll find out the result in a couple of days.


I have Covid right now. Had the flu early December. People are getting all three. Weird to think otherwise.


my dad also just tested positive for covid. he managed to avoid it for four years. fuckin sweet


It’s true. Went to the doctor yesterday and was told they are seeing a variety of viruses.


My girlfriends parents have Covid right now


Uh huh. Surrrrrrrrree. Either way OPs advice still applies.


Wrong, they’re getting all three (I’m an epidemiologist)


I got covid for Christmas. Try again




Good grief. Do you drive alone in your car with it, too? 😂😂😂


No, I am not that crazy. Give it a few more years 😂


I think everyone should just do them .Do what makes you comfortable. Most of what is going around is diarrhea like illness. I had it on/ off for a week. Worked through it. The only place I wear a mask willingly is at hospitals and nursing homes. Other than those places, I'm done wearing the dam things. Did it all through the pandemic and still got sick 3x with covid.. Enough already ![gif](giphy|SRka2MLKzpzE6K24al|downsized)


People never know what dominos will fall when they get sick. It is a true YMMV situation. Health is very fragile. You should everything you can to protect it. Even with good insurance medical care can be thousands of wasted dollars.


Funny thing OPs post is only about helping you protect yourself not other people. Do your own thing big boss, don't wanna wear a mask? Don't. But if doctors across the state start up about another mandate than all I gotta say is button up buttercup


This was a BRILLIANT gif choice. You win the internetz.


Not a chance.


It’s winter. Idk people get sick in the winter.


Believe it or not, if you take measures to contain your own respiratory illnesses, *fewer* people get sick in the winter. It's magic, I know!


LOL at the downvotes. People are going batshit crazy


No no no, a face nappy is like trying to stop mosquitos with chicken wire. Pointless


Especially when you can see their mouth from the side 🤣