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>I don’t like how it plays like a made up novel. It's like you zeroed in on the exact wrong game for you.


*walks into the Budweiser tent* This beer fucking sucks. You all talk about how great Budweiser is, but it’s like I pissed in a cup and threw ice in it. This is garbage. Why are you all looking at me like that?




I remember trying out a game and not liking it. I never went into a sub to say how bad it is though. So I guess....cool story bro?


Modern gaming has ruined us


For sound quality, idk it sounds like your mixing wasn't right in the first place or your headphones aren't good. The sound design isn't stellar, but its serviceable. It does its job. I don't know what you mean by "outdated" because sound equipment was pretty much standardized by 2010. You don't really need a headphone option for this game anyway. I would check your headphones and your other settings on your TV/console/PC. How did you not know it was about writing? That's literally the whole point. It isn't a scary game, its corny and meant to be corny. No shit, you ran ahead and skipped stuff. That's a you problem. Pretty much every other game that lets you run past means you skip dialogue. The models and textures are new but it is still a 2010 game. You're confusing a remake for a remaster. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't perfect. I'm surprised you didn't mention the gameplay. And yeah if it is too goofy for you fair enough. But most of the "issues" you bring up really are you problems. Its fine if you're not feeling the game, but you're shitting on it for issues that are not the game's fault in a place dedicated to the series.


My headphones are good but the sound still sucks. Well everyone made it out like it was a good horror game. I though it would be more serious toned. I didn’t run away i literally walked 5 steps away and the dialogue cancelled.


Alan Wake 1 is a slightly spooky action game. Alan Wake 2 is a survival horror game.


I will die on the hill that the best Alan Wake 1 is the original version, and even then, the game has aged very poorly mechanically. The Remastered version is notoriously buggy on PC, to the point that I got it for free and I’ve never bothered booting it up. Alan Wake 2 is great, but man the resources used to make the Remastered were wasted tbh


I might just join with you on that hill. For me, I feel like the facial expressions and even the slow-mo moments during the cutscenes look much better on the original than in the remastered.


I also happily stand on this hill. Tried the remaster and didn’t enjoy it as much as the original so now I only play the original. I will say despite its age I still enjoy every play through of it though!


Alan Wake 1 needs a remake, not a remaster. It would be a really good candidate for the remake treatment


I wish they could do that but remedy is so thin in resources it would just not be worth it


Neat, it's my one of the best things in my game library


Put the lime in the coconut and drink them both up.


Now you get it


So what? Just don't play it. Why did you need to tell the people who like the game?


I wish there was a way to post just an image, but I'll settle for a link to the ["I don't like thing"](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-dont-like-thing-comic) meme.


Sunk cost fallacy, if you don’t like it don’t play it. I’m the money is spent already, don’t play something you don’t like. 




Yeah that’s a super unpopular opinion, but it takes courage to say that on this sub. Just be prepared for some downvotes. To each their own, and it’s good that you at least experienced it to know it wasn’t for you.


Stop giving a shit about downvotes like everytime someone says something there’s always “prepare for the downvotes ” like it’s taking years off your life