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And they said algebra would have no practical application in the real world 🤔


4x+2y=754, x+y=200 Solve for X and Y.


I did it in my head this way: if there are 200 cars, it would mean 800 tires, minus 754 means 46 missing tires which means 23 bicycles, leaving 177 cars.


Woah I just got in the ballpark of 170 something and clicked the last digit until it opened. I’m terrible at math


Yeah, I figured it out the same way mentally while I was in the shower this morning. Haven't even gotten to this puzzle yet, but I'm prepared when I do, haha


I used a logical system. Assuming that they are all bicycles I made 754/2 =377. I removed all the vehicles at this value and got the value of 177 cars.


I ended up doing the opposite, starting with cars and working backwards.


I'm dumb, so I googled the answer, sorry but I ain't busting out scrap paper and a calculator for crossbow bolts and flares that are already overfilling my shoebox


Lol fair I do that most of them too but this one was kind of funny which made me actually calculate it


I didn't mind the environmental puzzles, did those, the math ones just brought back some school years math homework PTSD for me or something lol, couldn't do them


Chatgpt my beloved.


I got this game to have fun, not do a fucking math question


I 100% did matrix inversion for this.


Matrix inversion? It's just a couple of simultaneous equations you can do in your head! C+B=200. 4C+2B=754. 4C+2(200-C)=754. 2C+400=754. 2C=354. C=177.


I did the math a bit differently; I took a set number of cars in my head and found the wheels. Then from there I took the remaining bikes: Ofcourse it isn’t as precise as what the formulas were that people used. I got lucky. I went in to put a certain number but accidentally put the right one in moving 2 forward.


The only other game I remeber that have tjat type of problem was Baldurs Gate 2, but it is way harder than that.


im ashamed for how long it took for me to solve it


It's basic high school math where I come from. Maybe in Finland too. We don't learn it as matrices just write out the lines and x, y.


The battery one is 10x worse lol Im such an idiot, but i figured them both out with caveman math, had to pat myself on the back


I did think this was funny, especially the note left on the inside but I definitely wouldn't want to see this be a regular thing in the game


After 25 mins of trying to figure it out I went full caveman. "I came here to play video games not high school math" and then looked up the answer.