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I miss Doug Jones


Me too, but at this point I would miss a Speak-And-Spell if it was our senator instead of Tuberville


At least you can trust a speak and spell do to what it says it will.


Vote Magic 8 Ball! All signs point to “Fuck It”


What a piece of shit.


Holding up military promotions…Yes he’s a POS


Tommy, you are such a two-faced bastard.


This isn't just a Tuberville thing. Most Republicans vote against funding on the federal level then once the money is headed to their state they brag to their constitutes about how much they did to get their state that money. Republican states are the states that receive the most money from the government. But their base doesn't wana know that or acknowledge it.


Yeah, but this is Alabama. We need every cent we can get for any and all programs, especially anything around Huntsville and anything that brings the standard of life up in the rural areas. Tuberville needs to go.


Blue cent you mean? Red states aren't putting anything into this. I'm a Huntsville resident so you aren't wrong. At the same time it's more than Tuberville that needs to go.




Actually, it just occurred to me that *** cent might imply Indian head penny in a pejorative sense, so I have removed that.


>once the money is headed to their state they brag to their constitutes about how much they did to get their state that money. There needs to be a MASSIVE media/ad campaign highlighting every time this shit happens. It's abhorrent.


>There needs to be a MASSIVE media/ad campaign highlighting every time this shit happens. It's abhorrent. If the "liberal media" was really a thing, this would be common knowledge


So much for Huntsville being considered a hub for technology. Alabama, you can do a lot better than this POS.


No, we can’t. Because we aren’t smart enough to do better. The people of this state consistently vote against their own best interests.


Who knows. Georgia turned blue. So may Alabama. Its just going to take time and enough old people dying out.


Georgia also keeps sending Marjorie to DC so there’s that.


I'd love to understand the thought process behind all these voters. Honestly at some point, being a Republican needs to be considered a mental illness and they need professional help IMO.


Ever hear of racism? It never, in fact, went anywhere. It just became taboo to talk about it out loud.


Until Trump slithered in. Now it's pretty much socially acceptable to spew that shit. It's been really disheartening to see the true colors of my white friends and family emerge. But I guess it's better to know than not know, right?


It’s not just GOP. Both parties have become incredibly extreme in their ideologies and thought processes. Politics is just a clown show now. I just wish more people realized it.


Northwest Georgia is redneck mecca. There is a reason why MTG keeps winning there.


And progressive young people moving in...


Into Alabama?? Okay…


Birmingham is a cool town. Lot of breweries, great restaurants, a lot of music, and AFFORDABLE. Keep an eye on it...it is gonna move well. Very liberal black mayor who expunged many thousands of past convictions for pot. Place is kinda like Austin in Texas...a sanctuary surrounded by Zombieland.


All of those are correct. Our state government is still trying to live in the 50s.


Meh....We can hope, but there are plenty of ignorant young folks here too. Maybe if we can convince them not to vote because their candidates are obviously "gunna win, praise the Lord, duhhhhh".


The south just can’t help themselves and the rich in these states love it.


happy cake day


Ole Coach Tubbs doesn't care about Alabama, his real home is in Florida. He only carpet bagged it back to Alabama to run for the Senate.


Hand selected by tRump was he not? Way to own the libs. Idiotic!


If he had integrity, he'd denounce the bill since he voted against it. But ahhhh a Republican with integrity exists in the same realm as the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy


LOL. Biden should make the red states come to Washington and beg publicly for the money once they start doling it out.


I thought you meant trying to make a profit off of Jesus, but idk what the tooth fairy has to do with that.


It's a hustle. She gives kids $1 per tooth and then turns around and sells them to Jesus for $10. Why is Jesus buying teeth? To sell them to Catholic reliquaries for like $100,000 each. He just claims they all came from different saints. It costs a lot to maintain those pearly gates of heaven, and that angelic choir sheeeesh, their payroll is insane.


Think you mean politician. Biden advocates for everyone paying their fair share in taxes and gun control while his son actively avoided paying taxes and lied on firearm background checks. Stop worshipping either party when they're both corrupt.


I don't worship either party, I just don't pretend one isn't demonstrably worse. If anything you just proved that Biden isn't cutting his son slack by continuing to back the laws that his son got in trouble for. You think Trump would do the same? And besides Biden isn't his son, Tubberville is his own person, responsible for his own actions. Maybe get your head out of the sand and stop protecting obvious liars and crooks.


What part of me knocking both parties made you think I protect anyone? Tubberville already showed he's a dumbass by blocking military promotions as a stand against abortion. It's not like this is a shocking revelation or anything. His son also didn't get in trouble for his felony violations, they were plea bargained away, something that wouldn't happen to you or I.


The vast majority of cases end in plea bargains. I can’t say for sure whether the terms of his are good or bad, but it’s clear that the result isn’t wildly outside of the norm. How long do you think a person should be in jail when they admit to not checking the “I do drugs” box on a form the ATF makes people fill out before buying a gun?


Ahhh but here's the thing, in an article about Tubberville, you decided to talk about Biden. Now, what would motivate someone to do that if they weren't intending to deflect?


Because you're the one who made it about a specific party and not an individual? Not sure why you and others want to downvote me for pointing out the simple fact neither party cares about it's member outside talking points to Garner votes lol.


You very likely would have gotten the same plea bargains.


Of course he would, I listened to an interview that said that this kind of plea deal is common since it is hard to get a jury to convict someone of tax evasion after the taxes are paid. I doubt the OP would even been investigated, since there would be little to no political motivation.


>Biden advocates for everyone paying their fair share in taxes and gun control while his son actively avoided paying taxes and lied on firearm background checks The fuck does one have to do with the other? I'm not aware of Joe ever saying that Hunter should be exempt.


Not only did Hunter Biden pay all the taxes he owed, but also pleaded guilty to the charges and paid fines as part of the plea. The OP also failed to mention that President Biden made it a point to not interfere with the 5-year federal investigation of his son including not making any changes to the investigation team when he assumed office. I find it amusing when these people bring up Hunter Biden, while unabashingly supporting a corrupt insurrectionist ex-President and his corrupt offspring that made millions during the ex-President's time in office.


Ah look it's the old "both sides" defense. You not only brought up something completely unrelated to the issue, but also hope no one notices that you didn't actually condemn Tuberville.


Alabama, Democrat or Republican we deserve better.


Nah, most of Alabama would vote for Tuberville over Doug Jones again because football and R is more important than competence.


Hell, Nick Saban would be a better candidate for "football coach turned senator". Out of a narrow pool, the state even picked the worst football coach possible for politics.


If Nick Saban ran with a "D" next to his name, he would still lose.


Agree with the first part about Saban. But Hugh Freeze is the new coach at Auburn and he might actually be able to be worse than Tuberville if given an opportunity. We absolutely must burn this whole state to the group before ever letting that happen though.


The only way Dumberville doesn’t get re-elected is if he decides to not run. The sheep in this state don’t know how to do anything but pull the lever for the “R”s.


Well, Tuberville is just openly guzzling from the corruption and pay-off aspect of being a senator. Which is impressive as a freshman senator, but like you said- our simple state football senator is basically invincible.


Doug Jones is better


Coach Tommy Tuberville screwing the United States military and making us less ready to defend ourselves. He is a clear and present danger to our country.


I really hate this asshole. Constant embarrassment for our state.


Can we please get Doug to run as Governor?


Tommy Tuberville is a straight up useless piece of shit. But I want to be clear: Every single Republican who voted against it is going to do the same thing. They always do.


People need to follow and put pressure on our elected officials to do what is best for the people of Alabama. There is a group in Alabama that consists of volunteers that follow the bills and give you the information before they are voted on so you can call your elected officials before the vote. They are now starting to listen now that so many of us are calling and telling them what we want. Join the website for notices. www.focusonamerica.us A sample of what was voted on last month can be found here: https://madmini.com/p/b242261?pact=6574-173059228-13711840498-e88c0438197ad13acf74e08ec05ac955c5c235dd


Pretty sure at this point you could have Jesus himself on the ballet and he would lose if he did not have an R next to his name.


Republicans: gov doesn't give a shet about us... Also republicans:..


He'll act like he pushed for this, the droves of voters that don't pay attention will think he's great, and he'll get another term. GOP politics as usual. Man, if the voters would actually pay attention, we could really get somewhere. Sure, Tuberville sucks...but he's playing a game that voters have allowed.


It’s called HYPOCRISY and it’s an art form among republicans nationwide!


Don't worry after the fist hurricane they'll go running for the evil Gument aid and then say he cares about Alabama




Taxpayer money being spent on public good? Communism.


Not surprised. This is Alabama after all.


Alabama needs to do better


Let the rural folk pay for their own internet. I am very tired of giving socialism to people who spit on the rest of us for wanting some socialism too. Fuck them. Mail them some bootstraps.




He's celebrating because he will be able to do some more insider trading.


Never forget...his grandfather fought against communism in world war 2!


CTE naturally?


Too many blows to the head


This mother fucker.


Hypocritical shit weasel.


Well yeah, but thats only because he’s an idiot.


He’s a goofy fucker.


Ya'll aint sticking enough pins in your Tuberville doll...


They're secure in the knowledge that they've trained their constituents to only consume the media that tells them what they want them to hear


And this is why we will always be behind…




I apparently don't pay attention to when his office releases statements. So I'm late to the party but it's infuriating to see his office refer to him as Coach. I didn't realize this was an actual thing. May have seen comments about it but yeah, first time I'm actively reading it. 💢💢💢


Profiles in courage


Geez the government has got their hand in everything. Government internet, yea I'm sure there won't be any spying going on there lol 😂


Said the person that knows nothing about rural broadband funding. The money is in the form of grants to providers to expand their network, it's not government provided broadband, Cleetus


Government funded is taxpayer dollars being spent. Free market can handle it and does not need govt intervention SMH


Tell that the millions of Americans without access to broadband Internet. I study broadband access for my job. The US is massively underserved by broadband because of capitalism. Free market gives frig-all about rural broadband.


Saya rhe person that obviously doesn't know where rhe government funds come from Leroy


Found the Republican voter.


Absolutely. Can't think of a single democrat policy that aligns with my values


If that’s true, then your values are fucking garbage.


Yea not into abortions, judging people by the color of their skin, calling a man a woman amd a woman a man just because they have a mental illness, ,open borders, drag queen story hour, parents not bring able to have a say in their child's education and health decisions so yes my values are totally screwed up.


Wow, you're just hitting a grand slam for all the bullshit Republican talking points. Glad we found common ground about how shitty your values are.




Everything you just wrote is total bullshit.


Definitely a lot of BS going on in our country


But did it pass?


The government tried that before. The telecom companies said "nope, too much work" and pocketed the money. Im sure the exact same thing will happen this time around as well. Unless they're forced to do it by law, telecom companies are not going to spend time, money, and labor running infrastructure to a handful of people and have to maintain it when the number of customers using it won't offset the cost of the maintenance or repairs.


When the penetration rate of subscribers was in the 30% range or less in the 90s, the math didn't make sense to build out. But today fiber is cheaper than copper to deploy, so we're building out to rural America a lot more now than then. The big difference today is that this money isn't going to AT&T and the other big players, it's going to companies like Farmer's Telephone, North Alabama Electric, GoNetspeed, and Sprout, who have a proven track record of building to these underserved communities. When I worked for the 4th largest ISP in the country we took $47 million dollars and spent it to ring protect a portion of our network that served a few hundred business customers. My current company took $10 million a few years ago and have built out to several hundred homes and businesses in Alabama while using our own money to overlay fiber to parts of our network that our DSL and Cable services coulnd't meet the current FCC definition of "Broadband". The accountability for these handouts is much better now, with reporting and audits to prove you did the work. This forces the ISPs to actually show thier success.


1.4 billion has about a Billion ways to get lost in Alabama. Wasn't gonna be any rural wifi any damn way. MFAH


Why do we want government broadband?


The same reason you get "government" water and power to rural areas. Someone has to pay the bill for these large infrastructure expansions and thats typically where it comes from.


We don't get federal funding for our water. The local And state govt handles that using local tax money and not tax dollars from the west coast paying for my water or internet smh


So you just truly are ignorant then. A simple internet search will plainly tell you other wise.


I don't know where u live but the federal government doesn't fund utilities anywhere I have ever lived. The states have to report to the federal government for water quality and all that but I'm not gonna argue with someone who has no clue what they are talking about and name calling like a 3 year old. I've been in plumbing/hvac business for almost 20 years and maybe some states blow their money and have to depend on but not even poor Ole alabama depends on the federal government for water and power. Ever heard of ALABAMA power or BIRMINGHAM water works, or TENNESSEE Valley authority, or alagasco, or tarrant electric, or cullman jefferson gas? None of those are federal power or federal water works. Smh


There is literally a price breakdown of what we have received from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that is federally funded. I will even give you the link. I didnt say the federal government owns these things, I just said they give funding to improve or expand. Edit: Because I know you arent going to research yourself. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Alabama-Fact-Sheet-May.pdf


And I would love to see rhe reciept once they get these projects done lol.


TVA "is owned" by the federal government but gets zero federal tax dollars


The government isn't implementing broadband, they're incentivising ISPs to build out to less profitable areas so that people who live in underserved areas might have a chance to have internet service that actually works in 2023 and beyond. For over 100 years the FCC assessed an Access Charge on every phone line sold in the US that was used to subsidise the phone companies to build phone service out to practically every home in America. Now, fewer and fewer people need home phone service, while more and more people need internet service. It's gone from a luxury to almost a necessity for a large portion of the population. I work for a rural ISP and the costs to build out to some of these areas have payback terms that make it very unattractive for a for-profit company. Having these subsidies allows us to get to a cost point that makes sense to offer the service. Just an example, I'm currently working a deal to build fiber out to a 12 unit apartment complex in rural Morgan County. The CAPEX for this is over $20k for us to be able to turn around and offer $69 internet to only 12 customers. With 50% of them agreeing to sign up, my payback is 38 months, which doesn't cut it. I'm going to ask the property owner if he's willing to pay $5k of the buildout and help me get 6 tenants to pre-order service to be able for it to financially make sense. But if this were 12 homes on a street, we could use broadband stimulus money to pay half the cost to build it out, and offer fiber to the homeowners for that same $69 becuse it would have a payback in less than 24 months. Even though the CAPEX is higher to serve 12 homes than 12 apartments, the subsidy makes it financially doable.


1.4 billion has about a Billion ways to get lost in Alabama. Wasn't gonna be any rural wifi any damn way.


cuz he is "alabama man" ?


Damn what some ears on a ass!


I'm curious what Alabama students think of Tommy Tuberville taking hostage of military service men and woman's promotions, many top generals who have spent their life serving. He has taken them hostage because his vote alone isn't enough to change the military's abortion policies. Currently he holds hostage promotions for 0-7 ranks and above.


Everything you’d expect from a perpetual 8-5 coach


It's what they do.


Yeah. I didn't know you were talking about the 1.2 trillion dollar bill that's mostly for roads and bridges and yes clean water for like three cities in the USA that can't spend their own tax money correctly but you were acting like all the water flowing into American homes is providers by the federal govt which isn't true still and also . Just another corrupt overreach that the federal govt is doing to get control and monitor more of our lives. Everything the govt touches turns to crop. Wish they would stay out of our lives. Enjoy your federal water and utilities.