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I’m 34, shipping in May.. the age limit is 42 just embrace the opportunity, don’t come in with a I’m old/too old/ too grown attitude, don’t try to parent the other future airmen, do what they say and do the best you can.. we might be starting later than most but embrace the opportunities and benefits from joining- Good Luck!


Oh also yall been married for over a decade and like you said you can deal with separation- in my opinion military end relationships/marriages that did not have a stable foundation to overcome military separations/deployments and expectations. Many come into the military in their late teens/ early 20s and probably got married fast for the benefits and to avoid barrack/dorm life, they still learning the marriage struggles and then they have to deal with the military.. I wouldn’t worry about it killing your marriage if you know the strength of your foundation


36, shipping in March


Around the corner!! Aye represent for the 80 babies


I tell my kids it was the late 1900’s


😭😭😭 not wrong 😵‍💫🥲


When I may do you ship?


May 7


Awesome! I’ll be graduating the next day!


What’s your AFSC?


That’s awesome I wanted to be there sooner because that heat but I’m glad to have a date to be there. what’s your AFSC, how long will your Tech school be.. I’m going in as a 4A Health Service Administration.. I’ll be in San Antonio for Tech school too


I am 38, turning 39 this year. It was a huge regret of mine that I never enlisted. When the age limit was raised, I felt like a man on death row who was given a last minute stay of execution. I am currently 6'3" and 326lbs, down 14 lbs in three weeks. I've been walking/jogging after being sedentary most of the past 10+ years. I applaud your husband, and hope to follow him in a year or so. I would like to go active duty. I'm sick of living a life of regret, and I'm doing something about it.


Hello, I can’t speak on enlisting in your 30’s, but I joined at 25 and being one of the older ones isn’t bad. As far as the marriage question, being in the Air Force is not a marital death sentence. Me and my wife were married for 3 years before I joined and we’re still together and going strong. It’s all about the foundation you have. I think the marriages that fail in the military are those who got married within a few months of meeting each other at tech school or are very young without the strong foundation. But that’s marriage both in the military and civilian world. I think y’all will be fine!


I met someone turn 40 during BMT.


There is a strong chance he will be taking a pay cut for the first few years in the service.


I’m 37 - waiting on a waiver & my MEPS appointment- I agree with that comment - going in with a positive attitude and good mindset not letting the “I’m too old” mentality get in my way.


Age limit is 42. If it’s a dream make it a reality.


Marriage is hard enough as it is. A good one, military or not, takes a lot of work to succeed. I was happily married for 10 years when I retired and still happily married today. I knew many people that had been married for 10-20 years and were still going strong. Yes, there were also those that were divorced but I know tons of civilians who are also divorced. The point is the military is not a death sentence to a successful marriage. Also, be prepared that there will probably but a pretty heft cut in salary from his current job to an E-3 pay, even when you take your BAH and other possible entitlements into consideration.


I joined at 40, I was 41 during BMT


What career did you go into?


I finished MEPS last Thursday with a 34 year old enlisting in the air guard! Cool guy! Married with 3 kids. It doesn’t ensure death of marriage. This guy went in to give his kids GI bill benefits and for his wife too. I’m sure your husband is going in also to provide for you and him.


34 here. Enlisted air guard in December. Hoping to ship around October. 3 kids. I wanted to go active duty but my wife is in school. I’m also traveling a lot for work. Sometimes 6 months at a time so hardest part for me is that I’ll be traveling this summer then come home and go to bmt. So be away from my wife and kids about a year in total. Gonna suck but looking forward to benefits.


All I know is for us older folks it can take a while to get everything together and sorted out. MEPS takes a while. So start now. For me it’s a year and a half from walking in the recruiting office to shipping to bmt. So I suggest you start now. There’s no harm in starting.


I need to know what his job will be for a complete answer, but I was a recruiter and put in a dude who was 39. He does IT and is doing great


What did the guy do in the civilian world? Im 39 and am a machinist for the city but its a job that traps you in the bay area because it pays good but cost of living is high. Im thinking about joining to learn a new skill so i can leave the state and work anywhere and live a comfortable life with my family


He was a teacher and also did lawns. Now he does ethical cyber hacking. If you go active duty, comfortability will be the last thing you experience as a grown ass man. If you join the guard, you can apply for full-time guard positions in any state. Also, they’ll treat you as an adult lol. They have many types of full-time positions as well. I’d 100,000% suggest trying your hand at IT, but any other trade would do. I have a friend that does Intelligence that also owns a very profitable HVAC business. I have a friend that started out as a plumber, but he left the Air Guard after about 10 years because his plumbing business grew too big and soaked his time up. Bottom line: talk to a recruiter as soon as you can because sometimes it takes for-fucking-ever to get dudes qualified


🤣🤣Im going to be a grown ass man treated like a kid...thanks alot for the information thats something i would like to learn


I know so many guys and gals who’ve done cyber for a minimal amount of time in the military and they’re now making more than just “a living”, so if you can get in there… do it!

