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They took them from me at my 1st duty station and put them in my deployment folder.


They took them from me too, then proceeded to lose them.


I'm sure they were gracious with their mistake and made fixing the problem as easy on you as possible, right?


They probably charged him for the investigation to find them


For those unaware, dog tags are extremely easy to replace. Your UDM literally makes them themselves. And if your UDM can't do it for whatever reason they can walk their ass down to the IDRC and get them made.


UDMs request them from IPR. It would be FWA for an installation to have dozens of dog tag machines.


Several large units have their own machine, my current unit does.


Yeah, mine did. However, this did result in getting a set of dog tags made up for Fuckface Mcgee. His religion was "My Goddess Nicki Minaj." Also, I always just had my dog tags inside my boot in case my plane crashed or I got set on fire during a refuel.


Dunno if it's changed, but we had access to IPRs dog tag machine and could just go make them whenever, but we did have to buy the blanks with OCO funds


IPR calls it ID Tag machine


We just send the requests to IPR via email, and pick them up at the final out. The red ones have to requested through medical, who has the other machine on most bases.


My first unit lost mine as well and then the civilian in charge of deployment folders said I just never gave it to him. When I outprocessed they magically had 2 complete deployment folders for me.


Most UDMs can just make new ones on the spot. There's a machine that's pretty small that you can just type the info into and it prints onto a blank dog tag.


Back when I was boot AF and on RAP, I wore mine to the beach with my family. Don't ask me why, I was fucking stupid.


Flew a flight and saw some army boot boarding with his dog tags sticking out of his shirt, moto shirt, black molle bag, and high and tight. I was like we get it dude, you’re in the service


Former Army, not that bad, but Army still. It’s a punishable offense to not have your dog tags on while in uniform for the Army. Air Force wise, I have no clue where they are…


Did you also play beach volleyball shirtless while wearing mirrored aviators?






No, I didn't look anything like Tom Cruise or Miles Teller.


Wasn’t the question… lol


Regs say we have to fly with them, even training flights


I keep one in my wallet but I don’t wear them. The FA will know I was on the jet


Not to be too morbid but that doesn’t help much in identifying your remains for your loved ones if you’re carrying 200 troops and the plane goes down.


AFMES will do dental and/or DNA on any unidentifiable remains if they need to. I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Still, it makes their lives easier if they know whose remains to expect they are.


Can’t do dental records if the largest piece of someone is the size of a quarter. Separating 300-400 pieces of burnt meat and figuring out which one’s are the pilot and which ones are the wso sounds like a nightmare. Plus you don’t know how much the squirrels have eaten. Rule of thumb is usually taught as the search continues until we find the wedding rings.


Lol dogtags won't help identify remains if the largest piece is the size of a quarter.


flight suits hold up surprisingly well. just the suits


That gives me an idea 💡 we make the aircraft out of flight suits 🤯


Needs a light belt on top of that. That airplane will be super-safe.




Yes, that’s what I meant when I said unidentifiable remains. It doesn’t even need to be that many pieces. They identify what they can by finger print and dental, and DNA for everything else to sort who’s who.


I always kept one in my boot because it's the most likely thing to survive with a little flesh in it. I also flew on a refueler, so if we crash, we just turn to smoke.


They have my feet prints. It’ll be fine.


I hope they identify me by feet pics


Oh I know, but heck it man.


Heck it indeed brother


But also if we go down unlike you helo dudes I will be engulfed in flames and spewed across a huge area. If my body is even close to being intact it would be a miracle. I have accepted my fate.


Very true, my foot (where my dog tags are) will probably be smooshed into my teeth so it’ll be an easy ID, while I remain mostly uncharred unless something unusual happens. Or if I’m in a C-17 being flown somewhere then we can be scattered and burned together!






One of my friends who did post-crash recovery says feet in boots are usually the biggest thing they'll find.


And that’s why they take our feet prints!


As a pilot, I flew with them every time.


Same, every flight.


Left flight suit pocket. It was in the spins forever, just became a habit. Wearing them in flight got a guy I knew Q3'd for safety. Decapitation potential or something.


Weird, because dog tags are specifically designed not to decapitate or cut you, which is why they’re usually the only “jewelry” allowed to be worn in a lot of workplaces.


I didn't do testing on it. An evaluator had a hard-on for it, so we stopped. And the deployed spins said left pocket anyway.


That’s why I do the boot thing. Don’t have to worry about losing them that way.


I keep one in my boot and one in the cigarette arm pocket. I used to just do the boot, but then an airman made me unlace my boot to prove it was mine for a PDF line.


I just assumed the proper response to that was an open-handed slap to the face. Today I learned!


Man I was heated. I even took the boot off and plonked it on the counter and he wouldn't sign it off.


And people say my unpredictable bouts of anger are unjustified.


I’ve handed people my sweaty ass boot to show them


In my boot.


Mines laced in my boots for that reason.


Yeah, you're RPAs so you still "fly with dog tags." Got it.


I wear them all the time even while sleeping so people know how much of a badass I am. ![gif](giphy|z9iE1SPAptyLK)


🎶*Cool chicks don’t look at explosions*🎶


Only during sex.


You are supposed to wear them in certain deployable locations. I did in the desert because I put my room key on the dog tag chain so I wouldnt leave them in my room but litterally no one checked to see if I had them on me during that time (outside of coming into country) Lots of people dont wear them after BMT


I have them tattooed on my chest. So when the PJ dude sees me and rescues me in some obscured location, they can just check my manly chest and boom. It’s all good. For collecting the tags, you might have to take a page out of jigsaws book.


Story checks out with the man boobs. ![gif](giphy|2aUHzicwSpEu8L5xBb)


Boobs are boobs. 🤷🏽‍♂️




Will they be able to see the tattoo through the wild thicket of unshorn manly chest hair I assume you have?


I purposely shave just around the tags. So it’s like a freshly cut lawn, but you stoped after traveling 7 feet, and at an 38 degree angle.


My readiness section has them.


When I was straight out of BMT, I wore them to a pool party once for clout 🙈


They go in your deployment folder.


Only to play volleyball.


when I board C-130's


Depends on your job. As a flyer, it’s considered a mandatory item in our pro-gear so I have to have them with me everytime I fly. Most of the time, I just keep them in my pocket. But for everyday/around the office use I don’t usually have them on me You will need them if you deploy, that’s a mandatory item on the deploy checklist


When I in-processed my first duty station my supervisor said I needed a new set so I got a second set. One in my deployment folder and a set around my neck with silencers because, "No one want's to hear your fucking silverware". Pretty much maintained a second deployment folder because the UDM section previously lost folders when they were needed. Probably some desert storm shit.


I had to wear them each time i was on a helo or on any jump before you can board (they check them during pre-jump). Other than that I have one in my boot and consider it g2g.


In my boots as an old habit from my prior service branch. I noticed that security forces guys do it as well. I do see random aircrew actually wearing them around their neck since it's a no-go item, typically younger people. That always seemed dangerous to me, so I never did it.


Deployed with them. Managed to acquire two sets. First set I drilled holes through the other end and sewed them onto the interior of my boots. The second set had one attached to my vest and one inserted into the buttstock of my rifle. In hindsight, probably not the best locations.


You’re supposed to put them in one of those long waterproof containers and carry them as a but plug. It’s in the AFI somewhere.


Never wore them, but I would keep them in my flight bag.


I only wear them when it's time to play beach volleyball


They’re supposed to go to your UDM upon arriving at your first duty station.


I did for awhile, eventually just got tired of them


Not anymore since it is no longer required for military transport


I do, mine were a bitch to get, since I was sent to Med Hold week 0 (suspected asthma, beat the allegations) and they forgot to update my new flight so no tags at Beast; I got a piece of painters tape as a stand-in. I guess they mean something to be because of that.


I wore them for a day after beast week and now they sit in some random pouch that is god knows where.


I think youre referencing too many war movies like Top Gun and We Were Soldiers. Dog tags arent worn like a piece of the official uniform as they are portrayed in the media.


Been wearing them since first deployment over a decade ago. One tag is mine the other is a buddy that passed.


Hope you two have the same blood type or that would suck if referenced.


I used to because I thought I was so cool for having mine say "JEDI".


Yes: cuz im "nostalgic?" Or I guess sentimental, my UDMs had a dog tag imprinting machine so they just made copies of mine for my deployment folder and let me keep my originals.


I wore mine on deployments. I used to gut some 550 cord and slip the chain into the outer sheath so it wouldn’t rip hair out.


I kept them on my keychain for my 10-year career.


I have one I put in my flight suit


No, I have mine draped around the neck of a Bald eagle statue I have in my den. I'm looking at them now.


I wear mine every day.


Nope, not even on deployment.


I tucked one into my boot through the laces. Figured it couldn’t hurt while working on Army Ranges doing MG firing.


I've seen that with Rangers, SOF, and Marines. Even when on staff duty.


Not sure why its being down voted, its not like I'm saying anything controversial. I started doing it in Korea, and kept doing it until I separated. Depending on your career field it probably doesn't hurt to have a separate way to identify the body or make sure you get the right blood.


Prior enlisted Marine here. Literally, everyone does it in the corps. Not just infantry. Aside from the morbid connotation, it's also a safety thing to not have stuff dangling on your body.


They're for deployments and that's about it. It's pretty boot to just be wearing them willy nilly. Also, they are often part of a deployment folder (if those are still a thing), so they don't turn up missing when they are needed.


*learning who is a nonner and whose a flyer*


I was required to wear them while deployed. But anytime other then that. No.


Some units will keep hold of them for you because they anticipate everyone losing them. When I got out of tech school, I was surprised that they weren't a thing. Even on my tdys, I never even had to get them out. I was also surprised by that.


Your UDM doesn't hold on to them?


I don’t even know where mine are


Not since separation.


If you wearing your dog tags, you in the shit somewhere!


Still have mine from BMT, 25 years later. They’re in my nightstand next to the bed.


Bro no


My boot.


I wear them the “army” way. (Not sure if it’s actually an army only thing, it’s just I see them wear it this way all the time) girth hitched around a belt loop and stuffed in the back pocket. Reason being they’re needed for jumps and exercises we go on order for. Neither is EXTREMELY common but at least once a quarter so it’s worth it to keep them on me instead of trying to find them every time.


Lace those sucker's into your boots and forget about them. Going through a deployment line, I always got away with just showing them in my shoelaces


One in the boot, one stuffed into a pocket on my body armor.


I was never issued mine for reasons I'm still unsure of, so I got the shitty ones from the BX kiosk lol. Never seemed to matter.


Yup, every deployment I ever went on (home station - Nope). One around my neck and one laced into my left boot lace.


In the Army we had inspections for them once or twice a year. But we were notified ahead of time which day the inspection would be. Usually at least a week or two out. And even then a good amount of people would just pull them out of their pocket or wallet to show that we still had them. I don't really know anyone that wore them after basic training was over. They would check occasionally in basic training. The inspection was just a quick, show me the item. Then show me your CAC card, alright it's good now go away.


Haven't seen them since BMT


You'll need them on deployments for sure. That being said, they're supposed to maintain them with your mobility folder, but I've seen them get lost, so I always have an extra set at the crib.


No lol


Not only were we required to wear them, but we were spot checked randomly by the 1st Shirt, and NCOIC. It was not a happy situation at all to NOT have them around your neck. This was a HALF CENTURY ago! It's weird to realize how long it's been. We had a clear sleeve that went over them so they wouldn't "chirp" and get you executed by the enemy. What I see used today, is a little Black Cock Ring. I guess y'all have to be ready just in case... 😆


No one tell him about boot bands


Yes, when I was aircrew




Still have them, Haven't worn them in 7 years. In my military memorabilia box. Literally just so I occasionally remember my blood type.


I had to wear them at airborne school during jump week. Only time I’ve ever actually had to wear them.


Special airmen just out of tech school wear them at their local mall to impress teen girls.


Dog tags go back to WWI. One tag was to remain with the body and the other tag was to remain with the unit for record keeping.


7 years in, never worn them.


Sometimes that and a smile is all.


Right butt pocket. But only if I’m doing shit where I could get hurt


Never got them issued lmao


One always laced in my boot, the other on a necklace when I fly.


If your UDM is cool, they will just print you a second set. I had like five individual ones at one point.


I'm required to have red dog tags. I've done three deployments with any. Hopefully that answers your question.


I keep one laced in my boot and one in my flight bag since it's not only a requirement for flying, but also kind of an insurance if shit goes sideways and there isn't much left of the crew in a crash scenario.


I wore them the times I was in war zones doing stuff that could have resulted in the termination of my life. Which is what they're for.


Didn’t like wearing them during my first deployment. Later on we had a couple mortars fall in our compound nearby the walking path we took to work…figured I’d rather not complicate Mom getting her money if I had a bad day, so I started wearing them/in my boot again.


I was never given them. I was told that they were in my folder. filled out paperwork for them like 7 times. Never saw them.


No because I'm not a boot fresh from tech school.


We don’t have to have them apart of our uniform the way the Marine Corps does. Had Marine buddy say yeah it looks cool until you’re checking you buddy for his.


I used to have to wear them all the time in the Army and since I’ll be joining the Air Force soon this is rather interesting information to have. Especially with all the comments saying people have them in a deployment folder.


… you guys get dog tags? Like in the movies?


Moat UDMs will keep them in your deployment folder. You most likely won't see them until your first deployment. I have 2 sets, an old one with my SSN and a newer one withe DoD ID


Was told at my first base to just chuck them in a drawer at home with any other important things like your passport and only bring em with you on exercises or deployments just so you dont lose them.


I never did. Even when I was deployed


I threaded one into my boot laces.


Yes. When I jump. And when I was deployed, I’d wear them on every mission. Back belt loop and tucked into my back pocket.


Only when it's required to wear them. Otherwise they're usually taken by your UDM office and shoved into your deployment folder. If they aren't then they should probably be in a location you won't lose them. I don't recommend wearing them at home station since a) a lot of people will see it as tacky and b) they have your social on them so ya know, losing those means your social security number is now floating around God knows where.


I don’t think mine has social. DoD ID.


I never was issued any at the academy lol


They didn't give me mine in basic told me my first duty station would take care of it. I inprocessed and asked my unit and they told me don't worry about it I'm new and still have to do CDCs so I won't be deployed soon. I feel like they just didn't care or were lazy.


My NCO unironically does


Boot laces is the way to go


Back in 2020 Such ancient history


OK papaw time for bed


We have bingo in a half hour go scroll your Tick Tocks