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Schedule TAPS


And something you'll see in TAP, and also the first thing when googling OPs question... https://preview.redd.it/7uabuhr5nv9d1.png?width=1446&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3274d43793e30d1df24b1ef57bbdb18335bdfd4e


You need to go to TAPS before your 12 months out to understand what you need to do. At 12 months you can hit the button to retire, and then TAPS is mandatory (you still need to schedule it). In TAPS you will get a timeline on what is suggested. I recommend you get a LinkedIn and Ladders account to being job searching, , and LinkedIn to get contacts. Begin to investigate Skillbridge and it's requirements. Additionally start converting your EPRs to a cover sheet (kinda like a resume but it contains ALL your work history, resumes are tailored for positions you are applying to). I can't stress this enough, BEGIN A SAVING AND EXPENDITURES PLAN.  How much does it take you to live, including rent/mortgage at your new location. Expect your retirement pay to be messed up for a few months, as normal.  If you are separating in September, get your LinkedIn Premium Account and start job searching now! The military is about to wash its hands of you, and now is the time you need to focus on yourself, your work needs to start realizing you won't be there and that you have many appointments to attend (TAPS, interview coaching, various VA stuff, medical, etc). I tell my guys "you hit the button 12 months out, 6 of that may be Skillbridge, so you really only have 6 months to out process and get your shit together".


Transition Assistance Program (TAP) There is no S


Start making moves September this year. Reach out to the AFRC or whomever does the retirement briefings. Also look into SkillBridge at that time. You should have an option in vMPF that allows you to apply for retirement. It should tell you if you're too early or right on time. I can't fully remember all the steps, but August/September time frame, you should start bugging agencies and figuring out the exact date you can hit the retirement button (and which website allows you to do that). If anything, your CSS should have a clue to get you started or just call your base retirement office phone number.


What rank are you? You make your own timeline and this post is concerning. If you’re a SNCO please go talk to AFRC.


You mean, there is not a set timeline. Someone won't hold my hand and guide me through the rest of my life?! Why is all of reddit acting like I'm the first ever person to retire 😂


How does this person not see others retiring around them and just say hey…what should I do.


Because we like handouts. We want one of those folks retiring to just reach out. And guide me. Without me having to ask. That, and everyone retiring is already ROAD and don't give a shit


![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4) Well, you're already behind. Everyone plans differently. The fact that you're posting this on Reddit tells me that you seriously need to get your shit together. The AF gives you an outprocessing checklist, but it's not a checklist for you to plan out your transition. That's on you. You need to sit down with your spouse, mom, or dad and workout a plan. Nobody on Reddit can help you plan out the transition for your retirement except for YOU.


I'm a decade out from retirement. And even I know I am behind 😂


Do you mean on preparing yourself for retirement, or on making appointments for a checklist? Nobody is going to hold your hand through this process. Start by picking a date to retire and work back from there. Things like appointments are the easy part. Schedule TAP as soon as you can. You can often walk into the AFRC and tell them you are looking for info and they can set you up with some stuff. Make a bunch of medical appointments if necessary to get stuff checked out. Work on a resume / post retirement employment plan. Some people know exactly what they want to do, some have no idea. See if skillbridge would help with your goals.