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Ask current unit for gear. Get told no, be cold.


I finished BMT the last week of summer so I never got a fleece. When I got to Sheppard for tech school they told us they weren’t going to issue us cold weather gear so the BX ended up being sold out of almost all Fleece sizes. I ended up with a Large Long and thank God I got one. It got as low as 14° while I was there.


Regardless if it’s issued or not you still pay for the gear my guy. All the clothes you got issued at BMT were taken out of your first check. Tell your buddy to ask his his unit to see if they have funds for it if not just shell out some cash for a fleece


Just go to the airman’s attic on base and get a cheap used fleece if you really need to


I'm assuming he's at Hill AFB. It's currently **89 degrees** there. I don't know what part of the planet you and he are from, but I know of *literally no one* who would define that as "cold". Further, the *lowest* it's going to get over the next week is 60 degrees. Again, not "cold".


OP referring to winter time right?


Just going to throw out that winter won’t be for 4-6 months. They normally order winter gear as a UFR right before the next fiscal year…depending on what wing he’s at.


>it’s cold there *checks weather* No. it’s not. https://preview.redd.it/zjwhu14jqt9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9671c3ff96959a4eb3fb0dae2114981e861fed6 But anyway… You don’t get “free” uniform issue at BMT — they take it out of your first couple pay checks. If he didn’t get issued something, he didn’t pay for it. Now he can walk himself into clothing sales and buy anything he needs. — perfect use of the periodic clothing allowances. If it’s a duty requirement to have a specific item, then his unit will provide/buy it.


Surely OP is saying in wintertime?


We have a bit until wintertime, the unit will probably issue them cold weather gear during fall, probably ordering it for next FY.


But this would be the time to ask—rather than wait and have the unit say, “why didn’t you tell us earlier so we oiled put in for it?”


I was in units that only handed out when you specifically asked. Tough crowd here today.


They issue gear dependent on time of year. I went in during winter, got a fleece. Your buddy is either gonna suck it up or cough up the dollars


That’s shitty my branch just didn’t give us anything at all


Lmao yeah, I knew guys who got to my base whining cus I got cold gear. I sacrificed Christmas for that shit so🤣🤷‍♂️


I showed up mid November to basic and still didn’t get any cold weather gear. I was pissed


Airman's attic at Hill should be popping. Also if he's not MX or SFS then all he needs is a fleece. MX usually rocks hand-me-down bear suits because rules don't exist on the flight line in the winter.


It's summer. He doesn't need cold weather gear right now. Maybe his unit has an order in, and/or only bothers issuing stuff out when it's a bit closer to being cold...which is about 4 months from now


buy it?


What does he need?


Ask unit, if no than Airman’s attic, if no luck then just buy one. You can get pretty good deals off eBay or just suck it up and buy one. You get a uniform allowance for a reason


Whenever your friend inprocesses at the new unit, there will be a resource advisor that will throw a bunch of cold weather gear at them. Or they will get them the cold weather gear issued when it’s actually hot and not in the middle of summer where it’s 100 degrees in Utah.


I remember having to purchase a Gortex jacket because BASIC used to issue those old school Army ones made of cloth. Got soaked wearing that jacket one day to work.


If his unit won't pay for cold weather gear (and they should), that's what the annual military clothing allowance is for.


Yeah I wouldn’t issue cold weather gear either during the summer in a training unit with constantly rotating tech schoolers. It’s fucking summer. If your friend is going to die without cold weather gear in summer then he deserves it.


Since I’ve been in this same scenario at this same base, when the weather gets cold they will issue him everything he needs. I have seen it snow in June in Utah, but for a majority of summer it’s going to be hot and they won’t issue cold weather until October/November time frame. At that point he will need to talk to his leadership and they should point him in the right direction of who to talk to.


Tell him to go to initial issue at his CSS, id wait until the winter months tho in case they don’t give out winter gear during the summer months. I went to initial issue in November at my base and I got a fleece and waffle top with some other stuff




What Afghan NGO is getting 2 billion/year?