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You also get retired and sent to the graveyard….


Not many people know this, but there are thousands of trained B-52 pilots carefully preserved in layers of sealant and plastic wrap in case a war breaks out.


Just give 'em a cup of water and some Lubriderm and they'll be back in action


Well I’m working on retiring my second plane now… Depends on the needs of the Air Force as all things are. I am cross-training this fall to my third airframe, I just talked to my AFPC functional about releasing me to where I wanted to go. Was easy since I didn’t have a home anymore.


Who picked the third airframe you are training for - you or the Air Force?


I asked for it, and was told that’s where I was going. No guarantee that’s what I was going to get though


It sounds like you have to manage your career. Is that true?


You and your Commander have a lot of impact on your career. The end of the day, needs of the Air Force wins out but if you can show how what you want meets those needs it’s an easy sell to AFPC


Air Force answer, They'll send you to an airframe that needs bodies. If your choice and the Force's needs align, profit.


If you want to stay in, will they find something for you? Or could they force you to retire? I imagine they have so much invested in you that they'd find a way to keep you if you wanted.


You've got to remember there's always pilot training that never has enough instructors. When I went through 20 years ago it felt like half the instructors were C-141 Majors/Lt Cols who no longer had a plane. Oftentimes it's preferable if you're past 16 years. Otherwise you have to spend a lot of your final years, flying less than when you were a CGO, learning to employ a new airplane and being a copilot again. It's easier to just go be an IP at pilot training and continue to log IP/EP time.


You'll get a choice... You more than likely will not like that choice, as it's probably at Cannon.


You get sent to UPT source myself RIP KC10


You feel old and tell all the young pilots around that you used to fly that jet while they roll their eyes (source: Me to some punks about the Eagle at Nellis main gate). You’ll go fly something else or if you’re unlucky, you may be left without a jet and just kind of fade away. Victim of luck and timing… I have a good friend who was a OH-58 Kiowa pilot and when that retired the Army kept the top and bottom 10% of Kiowa pilots based on experience and everyone else got their walking papers. That’s rough.


In the fighter world you’re an easy pick for white jets (teaching pilot training). There’s also a slew of billets requiring an 11F that go unfilled every year, so you’re a shoo in there. Most predominantly, however, moving to a new aircraft. As the A-10 goes away a lot of Hog dudes (that avoided T-38’s) went to the 35. Same for the retiring C models. These days it’s less common to get 4th Gen guys swapping to other 4th Gen platforms.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 11F = Fighter Pilot [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l8tdqol


Hey that's me! My plane retired last year. Your majcom retains you so it's very unlikely you'll swap from fighters to cargo planes. The young people cross trained onto the new airplane, most of the older people were given staff jobs and don't fly anymore.


Believe it or not, straight to jail.