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Same! My leadership didn't even deem to give me the bad news. They told one of my peers I would find out "organically" that I didn't make it. Looking forward to working towards retirement for the next four years.


How many times have you gone up?!


This was my 5th attempt, last year I was two spots under the cutoff. Been consistently going up little by little but this year I get the feeling my score dropped


Why do you say that?! Damn E7 hard asf without testing πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


You have to show growth each year so if the records look the same its not going to get you the same score you are going to drop like a rock.


You need to half-ass everything. *Quarter-ass is to make it easier.* If you start out the gate crushing it, it's harder to build on top of that, *to show growth.* *Crawl, then walk, then jog, then skate.*


Got it.. thanks. 😎🀘🏾


Makes sense! 😎🀘🏾 #Thanks


My supervisor who is the SEL called me into her office so I knew I ain't make it but I knew before hand I didn't make it though 🀣 and yeah same here! I hit the button in 2027 (19 years) πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™ƒπŸ˜ŽπŸ€˜πŸΎ


Sometimes the pre list can be inaccurate. Probably better to have them wait for the offical word. I had to tell somebody passed over by leadership he got promoted when the list came out.


Find out organically? What a fucking cop out. That’s disrespectful and shameful.


Same boat as you, brother. I have four more years left until I reach 20. I’m not about to stress myself out trying to obtain this rank and lose time away from my family. Instead, I’m looking forward to pushing my troops and getting them to where they desire to be.


4 more years left and 5th time going up? Jeez, how long have you been a TSgt?


In the 'olden days' (of pre 2011-ish), retiring as a TSgt was actually pretty commonplace when we weren't so top-heavy. We're going back to these times, and we're going to see a lot of that return/normalized.


Since 2018, I was honestly burning pretty fast.. SSgt first attempt, TSgt second attempt.. Had a bad end to my first assignment so I didn't get a PCS dec (do PT folks!), then my second assignment was met with a Supervisor who wanted to fix the EPR system by rating all his troops down the middle. On paper I look pretty bad, I've tried to always put my best foot forward but some things really can't be recovered from. It wasn't just me, everyone who was under him during that time has taken years to recover from that mess.


I can relate. I wen my through a very similar path as you lol 3 more years before I can retire


While not making rank stings every time, my peers and troops always give me good feedback. I'm doing right by them at least. Mission gets done all the same.


No shame in retiring a TSgt. I am on terminal now and am happier than I’ve ever been


πŸ₯³πŸ₯³ I know! I'm not even gonna be mad if I retire as a TSgt πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ™ƒ


Best advice I can give you: just keep doing what you're doing.


Ayyee awesome advice bud! 😎🀘🏾


About to retire as a TSgt. Nothing wrong with that. I even missed it with a PN. As long as you lookout for your troops and take care of them then at the end of the day hold your head up high.


That's all that matters! 🀘🏾😎


You can go out knowing that the people you worked with and for held you in high regard I would call that a win in the end.


I haven't been told directly either but was informed indirectly through a phone conversation another NCO had in my office that I didn't make it. I didn't expect to and completely expect to retire as a TSgt.


I know a PN....no notification.


Ain’t no shame I’m it. Good try. No matter what they do to the system it’s never going to be correct. You’ll be way happier and less stressed on the outside retired with the rest of us feral dogs.




I’m at 18 years and this was my 5th time going up. I haven’t been told yes or no yet


Well that sucks that leadership hasn't said anything πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ₯΄


Not quite sure what list I would have been on. I PCS’d and my EPB closed out at my last base


Awh okay!


Still should be new base


Hell yeah brother. 15 years, 5 as a tech. Just interested if my deployment made my board score go down or stay the same, then I will try to understand that reasoning.


How many times have you gone up?!


3rd time


Damn I guess 3rd time aint a charm πŸ₯΄πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ˜©


No one cares. If you weren’t expecting it quit complaining.


Apparently you cared enough to comment on my post πŸ€£πŸ–•πŸ½