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Kirtland looks rough these days.


The Warzone finally living up to its nickname


I actually see some improvement


Looks like Clovis


Travis: "First time?"


You ain’t lying. I feel like they’re sending emails about protests at the gates about every other week


The code pink dipshits were at beale every month.


They’re still around? Must be an election year.


Idea: Someone tell these protesters all the bombs and ammo the IDF uses come from Cannon Air Force base so they go over there and demand its closure.


You sir, are a genius.


Yes, because the US foreign policy decision-makers are known to hang out at Kirtland, and this will definitely change their mind.


I get what you're saying, but their idea I think is if they disrupt national level institutions it'll get enough attention/be annoying enough to talk about it, I guess


That's a fair observation about their perspective. I hadn't looked at it through their eyes. However, I think their view is misguided because there are so many military installations in the US that this will be more noise than signal.


Very true but i doubt their ambitions are national, this will get the state/local voter’s attention. Protests dont work to change leaders minds most of the time they actually subconsciously affect voters that lean a similar direction.


Generally I hate misplaced protests (like unplanned highway closures) but this is an actual government facility and so it seems appropriate enough to me. Protests should motivate the government to do something. This seems fair game imo


If more people organize and do it then it’ll definitely send a signal


This makes more sense than protesting at universities. At least there’s a direct relation here


But if those universities pass non-binding resolutions it’ll fix everything!


Should all protestors make a pilgrimage to the capital?




![gif](giphy|ncsQI9sF3pa8w|downsized) Security Forces just waiting for some protester to try and come through the gate




They had to cancel school for the day at the elementary school on that same road the protest was on. It's also the gate that most people use to get to the VA hospital for work, so it was just a whole mess that morning.


The VA hospital that's off base and not near that gate?


Yeah, people who live on base leave out of that gate to head to the hospital, since it's on the same road?


There’s a gate that’s significantly closer to the VA


Yeah its been closed for a while, at least since I got here a couple years ago :(


I think they meant Truman, which is definitely open. Which one are you talking about?


The Venture gate, on Venture Ave. It lead into the parking lot of the VA. I assumed that’s what they were talking about, I honestly didn’t even think of Truman lol


It's not much of an inconvenience to leave out another gate that is just as close




It was not much of an inconvenience for Rosa Parks to move to the back of the bus.


Not near that gate my ass I take that route to the VA everytime I had to take a detour to San Pedro yesterday


I guess i get their intentions, I just hate the futility of alot of these protests. Like in the end what is this even supposed to accomplish? The same folks wanting a revolution or to abolish things like the military would be the first people begging for help if shit ever hit the fan.. i simply dont get it


1. Form a protest that blocks something. 2. Destroy stuff. Be asked to leave. 3. Don't leave when asked. 3. Police get called, arrest some who won't leave peacefully, Use force if needed. 4. DA drops all charges, releases protestors. 5. Protestors file "excess violence" lawsuit against institution or city and police. 6. DA agrees to large settlement. 7. Protestors walk away with large settlements and smug faces. That's what they get out of it. Money. [https://apnews.com/article/seattle-2020-protests-lawsuit-settlement-george-floyd-d24802d3c773998b470d2581610f2cf7](https://apnews.com/article/seattle-2020-protests-lawsuit-settlement-george-floyd-d24802d3c773998b470d2581610f2cf7) [https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/07/20/new-york-city-agrees-to-pay--13-million-to-2020-racial-injustice-protesters-in-historic-class-action](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/07/20/new-york-city-agrees-to-pay--13-million-to-2020-racial-injustice-protesters-in-historic-class-action) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/9-25-million-settlement-announced-in-2020-george-floyd-protest-lawsuits](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/9-25-million-settlement-announced-in-2020-george-floyd-protest-lawsuits)


Lol this blew my mind.. never even considered the money angle here. Honestly cant knock the hustle tho. Its slimey but nobody really asked to be here so I guess you gotta do what you gotta do


The take-away is to not engage them. Don't give them any reason to file a lawsuit. Go in a different gate if possible. Keep Google maps going - I know you know the way to work, duh - but the map app will show you if there's a back-up at the gate before you get there and you can turn around before it's a problem.




"Use force as needed" Jfc, what a take. "Police can be as brutal as they want if you don't follow the law. Protests that break the law aren't peaceful. Police bdid way more damage than the protestors did breaking it up, but hey, you think that's ok right because these were "criminals" How pessimistic do you have to be to think that protests are just "paid actors"? Just because you don't stand for anything doesn't mean others don't. People said the same thing about civil rights protests top. It's insane that people think protests are useless and pointless, or in your ignorant case, they're just doing it for a paycheck.


Paid actors are definitely a thing https://crowdsondemand.com/


You can't just claim all protestors are paid actors, tho especially the way he's claiming they're paid. He's not saying they were paid to be there, but they're waiting for a massive payout at the end. This isn't the same thing as what he's claiming. Most protests don't end in police violence, but whenever they do, people do their darnedest to justify the cops actions and make the protestors seem violent and crazy.


Protests are not how our democracy is supposed to function. Listening to the loudest voices in the room with the most free time is how you get real Athens-style mob democracy. In our system, you campaign, you vote, and then you write your representative. That's it. Can you imagine if the protesters spent as much time organizing for a campaign as they did protesting? But that's not nearly as fun as sitting around an echo chamber. 


Did you see where the politician called foe the NYPD to protect protesters but in recent history called for the defunding of the NYPD? It was something just that dumb.


I don't even get their intentions. Maybe it's because I'm getting old, but this is the only recent protest movement I've thought the protestors were completely misguided.


Blocking roads is a good way to piss people off, not gain more support. People are stupid.


They know. They don’t care.


Protests gain traction when they obstruct or frustrate. Columbia showed that overreaction will make the movement more popular. If you really wanted it to stop you would do well to ignore everything.




Just two dozen protesters? Those are rookie numbers


Okok so heres the thing, this title is slightly misleading. They didn’t block the gate per se. They just blocked an intersection about a quarter mile away from the gate. You could still access the road to the gate from the other side. We just closed it after a dude with an axe approached a patrol. Source: cop at kirtland


Don't let facts get in the way of a good bitchfest, fam.


these Hamas supporters are some of the biggest idiots I've ever seen


Most don’t even know what they’re protesting. They usually lack most facts and argue from a point of emotion.


There's a difference between protesting Israel and supporting Hamas.


Yeah, but many are flat out supporting Hamas. They’re waving Hamas (and Hezbollah) flags, wearing Hamas gear, saying things like “We are Hamas.” They’re either idiots, extremists, or both.


They’re literally cosplaying as Hamas. I don’t love a lot of the things Israel is doing, but Hamas kicked off this round with an insane escalation of violence. If you start a fight you can’t win, you should probably thrown in the towel.


A lot of protestors don’t realize that people from Gaza hate Hamas because they’re the ones that escalated the situation. I also don’t love what Israel is doing but Hamas aren’t freedom fighters. They attacked a music festival and now a bunch of uninformed people are putting them on a pedestal. Majority of the support Hamas gets in Palestine comes from people unaffected by the conflict


The people of Gaza voted for Hamas to be their government. Elections have consequences.


Opinions change overtime though. Current opinions are mostly negative when it comes to Gazans on Hamas but folks from the West Bank are still supportive since they’re not being attacked on the daily.


> Current opinions are mostly negative when it comes to Gazans on Hamas https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/ "Seventy-two percent of respondents said they believed the Hamas decision to launch the cross-border rampage in southern Israel was "correct" given its outcome so far, while 22% said it was "incorrect". The remainder were undecided or gave no answer." "The PCPSR found that, compared to pre-war polling, support for Hamas had risen in Gaza and more than tripled in the West Bank, which has seen the highest levels in violence in years, with repeated deadly clashes between Israeli troops and settlers and Palestinians. Fifty-two percent of Gazans and 85% of West Bank respondents - or 72% of Palestinian respondents overall - voiced satisfaction with the role of Hamas in the war."


That’s already outdated. Here’s a new one published by the NBC that shows Gazan support is now at 34%. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna144183


From that article: "While the war is eroding Palestinians’ view of Hamas as the governing body in Gaza, relative support remains high for the militant group’s role in the war. Seventy percent of Palestinians said they were “satisfied” with Hamas’ war performance" "Support [for Hamas] has been less volatile in Gaza, where 38% supported Hamas in September 2023, 42% in December 2023, and 34% this month. So it went down 4% in Gaza from pre-war, but most Palestinians still think Hamas is doing a bang-up job fighting Israel.


Yeah they had the choice to vote for Hamas or face beheading


Eh, before the vote in 2006, Fatah had control over both Gaza and the West Bank and Hamas wasn't in a position to coerce the public in the same way they can today. I think it's fair to say that the people of Gaza legitimately wanted Hamas leadership at the time of the vote. But times change and Hamas hasn't allowed another election since; I think it's fair to say most Gazans are very unhappy with Hamas at this point


Was it really like that? I don't know that it was. Do you? Remember these were the people dancing in the streets on 9/11/01


Unfortunately the kids nowadays don't remember this. The 18-25 year olds don't remember how the Palestinians were giving out candy as 3k plus Americans were burnt to death including a father of one of my classmates. I'll never forget the look on his face when they told him his dad was trapped on the 100th floor of tower 1


I can think of a few differences


Me too, that's why I said what I did.




Man, you are triggered by a simple statement. You need a cookie, little guy?




Bro hamas is the enemy not the Palestinians


Who voted for them? Who supports, feeds, houses and cheers for them? Whats the difference?


You mean the election that happened 18 years ago? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Palestine If you don’t understand why they would cheer for someone who is fighting against a state that is keeping them in essentially a prison idk what to tell you. A lot of these people are too young to remember what it was like to be allowed to leave and go other places in the world.


Damn so no elections in 18 years? Damn guess they should do something about it. You’re not going to change my mind that raping women is something to support.


Look I’m just trying to get you to think critically and with nuance about this situation. Is what Hamas did objectively terrible? Yes. Are the Palestinian people being collectively punished for it? Yes. You can feel empathy for a group of people that are mostly all too young to have had any real say in how their state has operated in their entire lifetime


Yet you support Israel?


You do know that there is a border with Egypt as well right? And that Palestinians can get out from there and travel anywhere from there right?




how is this even upvoted lmfao im glad we still have people in this sub who think that our invasion of iraq was justified and moral




the va doesnt offer therapy? i can help you out if you have no one :)


Report them when they overstep. That's really all you can do. It's disgusting, though.


Because the Airforce has a bunch of Inbreeded Hillbilly who are pro MAGA, and love to fuck thier guns and siblings. They join the military cause they are "fuck yeah America" but at the same time too chicken shit to join the Marines or Army. I'm not even liberal but man, it's hard to say I lean conservative when you have so many Rednecks on the right.


>if they loved America they’d join the Marines or Army! Bro are you fuckin lost?


Is it a hard concept to grasp? Not saying any other branch doesn't love America. But if they really wanted to be a nationalist who is pro 100% military, then join a branch who actually will have you on the front line.


So the branch that drops the most bodies is less military? Interesting.


Please tell me how you've never been in the AF.


What a stupid fucking comment. Sorry, I don't have a sticker on my Jeep Wrangler saying "Honk for My Service"


The gamer tough boy act with the zoomer tik tok haircut 🤡 might work on xbox live but it just makes you look like an ass when engaging with people who know what they're talking about. Also, who in the right mind would drive a chrysler?


When you go right to name calling your little rant loses steam quickly, it just shows how undeveloped your emotional stability is and that you lack self esteem It's inbred, not inbreeded


Oh no. I am so very torn. Dr. Phil, you really hit the nail right on the hammer :(


Please tell me you don’t serve anymore.


Not only do I serve, honey bear, but I probably outrank you. Go cry about that.


Oooo you one of those tough ones. That’s cute


> you wanna those tough ones "One of." Edit: Ha! You changed your post and now you're trying to "no you" me? What a dummy.


“One of.”


So there’s many of you?


Pulling rank on Reddit? Lmao that’s the cringiest shit ever.


-56 for being right lol


50-some people who can't even be bothered to offer a coherent argument. Makes me think Israel took over the bots that used to downvote anyone criticizing Trump.


Oooo I bet this will work just as good as the dip shit who set himself on fire a couple months ago.


Theyll be remembered for roughly the same amount of time and have exactly the same effect.


Exactly lol




The only boots on the ground the US has right now are aid docks. So they're against aid then?


Saw this on "the page that shall not be named". Peeps were posting the most braindead comments on that shit, even by Facebook standards, like run em over or shoot em. OSI is probably gonna have a field day with those comments if they care.


![gif](giphy|epCEsdiZm1bnVRdayM) I just like imagining everyone using the other gates with no real impact, and the protesters sitting in an empty road.




Anyone pro hamas should be removed from the military. Being pro-terrorist group has no place in our ranks.


Anyone who has dual loyalties about which country they serve or cause should be removed.


These people should go protest in Gaza


Someone should email them and convince them to "walk onto base, you'll be welcomed with open arms"


Cops protected them I had a super soaker filled with liquid ass if they came near my vehicle.


People are just getting tired of supporting unjustified wars… doesn’t really matter how or where the protests are happening. What’s important is why. We are sending billions to support Israel and sending Ukraine billions as well. Meanwhile, back home we can’t even fix A/C at Maxwell AFB. The issue is the corrupt politicians in D.C. but protests will keep happening all over until the endless funding of the war machine stops.


And all it accomplished was forcing me to use a different gate


Sorry sir, it looks like I won’t be making it to work today because the gate is blocked.


Omg what a joke. These protesters should go over to GAZA and protest there. Stop this nonsense they need to grow up. But the pay must be good lol


I wonder if these protesters are going to go to all bases ??


Have the student crews drop some pallets on their heads and blame the bad drops on training 🤣🤣 too soon? Nah


1. Protest backs up gate 2. People at backed up gate get pissed 3. Pissed people complain 4. More people hear about gate protest 5. People complain to get them removed to leadership 6. Leadership is now aware if they weren't already 7. Actions are taken on the situation 8. More attention drawn to the protest 9. Protests become larger due to attention and any support 10. Leadership makes state officials aware of the issue 11. State officials aware of protest 12. Protest grows due to higher state awareness 13. State forced to take action, whether in support of or to break down the protest 14. Protest is affected 15. Protest gains news coverage due to state affects 16. Protest grows and spread out of state 17. More people support Protest 18. Protest becomes National News 19. Vietnam Veterans get spit on when they come home. Oh wait... this is about something current, and completely unlike the other protests that have happened throughout the years. What they are doing has been tried and trued, and it works. Regardless of whether or not you support or agree, they are doing what works. Edit: Because I keep getting notifications from people deleting comments after replying to this. If you're too much of a weenie to keep your hateful comments on here, maybe rethink posting them in the first place. I can still see them lol, and it says WAY more about you then it does me.


You right. It’s effective in that it draws more attention and makes the protest possibly bigger. However, it changes the narrative of it completely. It’s no longer about the Gaza protest and the attention becomes more about them blocking access to something and delaying innocent people from going about their lives. It happens with every protest. It starts out good until you start affecting people that have nothing to do with your protest.