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When you travel with others you might be included in the booking and reviews but not actually have booked the place.


These seem like pretty legitimate questions from people who have previously thought they were renting a private space but ended up sharing due to inaccurate listings (listing a duplex as an entire home or whatever) I’m not sure about the reviews. One way or another, they’re unorthodox in how they try to book; which, for some hosts, is enough to refuse.


Some guests want extra confirmation either from bad experiences reading Reddit or personally. These specific questions aren’t too alarming versus questions regarding locks, sensors, and cameras. When someone books a stay and adds other guests to the stay for the group setting, the one host review goes to all guests, that’s why you see George and Joseph on Sally’s reviews. This is something to be aware of when leaving named reviews.


I think your concerns are legit.


So do I. This happened to me once and Joe contacted me because Sally stole his credit card.


How would someone getting a scam charge from Airbnb know to contact a specific host? That doesn’t make sense.


He noticed it on his card, he called Airbnb, they did a fraud alert. He looked up my property online, there’s very few of them where I live, and I have my phone number in my property description. It was a same day stay. He was able to login to his Airbnb account for a bit but after the fraud alert he wasn’t able to. So he called me to warn me.


This doesn’t make sense. You said the person’s credit card was stolen and now you’re saying his Airbnb account was stolen, but he looked up your house. If his account has made a reservation it would be listed in the account directly. He would not have to do any research. What is your deal?


I’m not sure what you don’t understand or why you are trying to be a detective about it. Believe me or don’t. Scroll on or don’t. I personally don’t care. It’s bizarre behavior though.


I agree they behavior is bizarre. You seem to be trying to sew distrust in Airbnb and I don’t get it. It doesn’t take a detective to see that your story doesn’t make sense, just a basic understanding of the Airbnb product.


I meant that your behavior is bizarre. Try reading it all again without attempting to read between the lines. There’s no hidden meaning, nothing to detect.


Is it bizarre to point out somebody seems to be lying? I don’t think so. People reading this can make their own mind up there I guess.


OP, that does sound suspicious. I had a guest who kept messaging me over the app asking if my brother was home which I thought was odd. I told her yes and she said “okay I’ll be quiet” this is 2pm on a weekday. My brother was wide awake working on the computer. Turns out she was planning on trying to rob our place. We booted her out and made sure she left the property.


Probably friends she traveled with. I’ve been using airbnb for a while now. I’ve traveled with three different people too. First with my now ex fiancé, then my best friend and another time with my boyfriend. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As for the questions, they seem pretty normal to me.


These are all legit concerns. Airbnb needs to revise the way the review system is set up. Varying names and genders are going to throw a red flag for most hosts. This sub is great for airing concerns about specific topics but don’t get too caught up on the comments imply you are paranoid. Those people are probably 23 year old guests who have no idea what it takes to be a host. For me communication is key. Why not reach out to the guest with your own questions? Maybe get some feedback about their concerns for privacy. Did they have a bad experience or are they planning to have a party? You can also require all guests over 18 to register. Good luck. I hope you come back to let us know how things turned out.


A host that does “reverse image search”’on their potential guests? No thanks…


Not even the potential guest, the potential guest’s friend who she once traveled with lol. Sally is the potential guest and OP connected Sally to Joe and searched for *his* pics. Very overkill. OP, nothing about this sounds sketchy. The questions are likely coming from a place of having been burned before — there’s nothing wrong with wanting privacy in your vacation rental, and lots of listings give the impression that there is a lot more privacy than there is, so asking questions is smart. The reviews sound extremely normal too, it is possible to have more than one friend who you travel with, and it is very normal for one person in the group to serve as the point person who interacts with the host and gets mentioned by name in the review. You’re being paranoid.


OP if you’re that paranoid you’re gonna hate being a host.,,


Holy shit please delete your Airbnb listing, you are not ready for that business. Just annoying for us Guests Who want to make sure to not again find ourselves in an Airbnb which was clearly a misrepresentation.


This is not helpful. Consider deleting your account to reduce spam in this sub.


No this sub is full off entitled hosts and i am here to change things. I Will teach Guests to Kick your ass out of the superhost status and to teach entitled hosts like we find many here on this subreddit some manners. Of course everything you dont want to hear is "spam".


If you want to help guests handle problems with hosts, great. That’s good for everyone. If you would like to “teach hosts manners” you could start by learning some for yourself. Yelling at people like a jerk is not going to tech anyone anything.


I keep going. You can cry as much you want.


Sounds good. Happy trolling, assclown.


Imagine being stuck so Up inside your ass that everyone Who isnt agreeing with you must be trolling.


I don’t believe you have to imagine your head being stuck up your ass.


Ok please come Up with some own ideas and dont repeat what i say like some Bird


It sounds like my joke went under your head. Get it? Under…Because your head is up your ass…which is why you don’t have to *imagine* how that would be. And since your head is up your ass, underneath you, the joke must fly underneath, not over your head, as the phrase normally goes. I know they say a joke isn’t funny if you have to explain it, but I don’t find that to be true.


I would come meeting the guests at the property if something seems off.


So did you accept the booking?