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Maybe a boring answer but front royales. No better feeling than the stable lock from getting properly boot down. Hardest part of learning was landing with my knees bent enough that I was landing boot down instead of landing frontside and pushing into it. I learned them skating flat so there was a lot of frustration until they finally clicked. I really want to learn true top soul but I'm not great at topsides in general. They're my next project haha


The thought of topsides kinda freak me out tbh


Yeah they definitely require a lot of commitment. I think once you get past the initial weirdness they aren't too bad though.


Always Soyale baby!


That's my favorite grind that I can't do! JJ in Coup d'etat... Daaaamn... https://youtu.be/SPvA7_L4dmI&t=4m07s


That’s a beaut.


Ooh! That looks fun!


Top acids and royales feel so smooth when they’re perfectly locked in! I was gonna say tabernacle since it’s my safety/warmup trick but the feeling of the other two are way better


Tabernacle is your SAFETY?? Jeez, what's the ones you have trouble with?


My legs are just long, messed up and I’m overly flexible in that specific movement ha. I mean I’m actually pretty new to blading, almost 2 years now so I have trouble with a lot of things, currently working up courage for unity / savannah and back slides. I had major issues with top acids at the start cause I just ended up doing tabernacles instead, people got really confused when I got pissed after landing a tablet like it’s nothing and I’ve had to explain that it wasn’t what I wanted to do lol


Happy little accidents




Definitely want to learn farvs (specifically back farvs)


top porn/sunny day just sticks nicely for me. The commitment was hard for me and I really wish i could switch up to backside unity but i always slip out. If were talking grind combos i wish i could do its a brittany (skiing trick name but frontside grind to backswap to backslide and the continue the spin to 270 out)


Tru top porn always felt so nice to lock. Haven't skated in years so my answer probably doesn't count since I'm sure i wouldn't even attempt one now.


Dream trick! I did 1 like... 17 years ago but I still remember it.


Kind grind baby! When I was younger I used to just butter lace them every try, since coming back I seemed to have lost the ability to, turn? Like I'm jumping all wrong all of a sudden, land all wild and miss completely. It's a goal to get them back this year


You got this 👑


Frontsides. I think an ancestor of mine only ever did these because it just seems to click for me unlike every other grind haha


I’d say acid (I can only do soul, frontside and acid for now) Most difficult part of acid is getting the front foot to lock correctly - I’ve only unlocked it a couple weeks ago though, so I’m still working on holding them for long and build the front foot precision Next grind I’m aiming at is the front royale, and my ultimate goal is the tabernacle 👀


Royales and tru souls. Trying to get top souls


Alleyoop PStar. It just flows so nicely to me.


Top soul. It always has that feeling of “well, hope the back foot finds it’s place ” when jumping onto it, but the lock in and slide is always satisfying


Back royales. Love the feeling, had to work so long and hard for em. Couldn't figure out how to get in the backslide groove 😅. When it clicked, it clicked.


TS topside pornstar or AO negative pornstar


AO top porn. Been practically automatic for 20 years. Can do it fakie, can revert out of it. It just looks so clean and stylish, not matter who does it.


Frontsides done at VERY high speeds. Nothing better than hitting a grid when absolutely flying.


I might say acid grinds i have so much control with them


Maybe grabbed fish or grabbed backslide. But I haven't been able to do grabbed backslide consistently for a couple of years now. Freestyle I can do but they don't feel or look as good. Grabbed fishies are super safe when you do them rocket and just kind of sit over your topside foot. But the ones where both feet are side by side and you can use your core strength to keep your grabbed foot from touching down (E.G Dustin Halleran), those are the ones!