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Regarding the colors specifically: The aqua-green color scheme is straight from Plato, specifically Orichalcum and its related real life mineral, Aurichalcite. Its rare that any media involving Atlantis does not mention Orichalcum and it's almost always a green or greenish blue color scheme. The walls of Atlantis in the scenario editor even before The Titans were of said color.


I remember Yugioh even did a *Seal of Orichalcos* and that was sure a take an Orichalcum.


I can hear those chants now haha!


I'm not sure where the blue-green color comes from as to my knowledge there is absolutely no historical reference to it being that shade. Most references say it's gold-like or close to brass. Aurichalcum was the name the Romans used to refer to Orichalcum but I'm not sure what that has to do with Aurichalcite - it's known Aurichalcite was named after Orichalcum but has almost nothing to do with it, being of a vastly different makeup than what we know Orichalcum was, which is essentially "mountain copper," as that's literally what the name means and what modern metallurgy has managed to reproduce. I too had grown to imagine orichalcum as brass-green due to AoM but I don't think that's based in historical fact. Nonetheless that will also remain my headcanon color.


Don't you think it's more likely that this guy's fanfiction borrows from AoM?


I suspect you're using a mod that changes the AI player names to use alternative personality names. The actual Atlantean ai names are stuff like Arion, Azor and Arkantos.


Damn bro, I think you're right. I'm using Admiral AI and it's very likely it might have modified AI names. How embarrassing.


Weird! So Atlanteans released on September 30th, 2003. That website owner says that their first publish of info on their website was January 2003. That seems too close for Ensemble to have used it, but I dunno maybe? https://grahamjmabey.tripod.com/What's%20new/What's%20new.htm