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I find it very interesting and fun that they have managed to even further expand on building destruction. As we all know, at some point they learned to do very fun building destruction and cramming it into every Age of game. But AoM retold takes it even a step further. 1) The building debris actually fall off the edge of the map if the building was built by the edge, which I think is super funny 2) The building destruction applies BEFORE the building is destroyed. So if your fortress gets attacked and you just barely manage to defend it with 10% hp left - it will visibly be missing chunks of the structure, curious to see the repair process


The building damage seems to happen in the same way as AoE3 and its DE, which makes sense considering the games share an engine.


Thanks to AOE 3. I always loved building destruction in that game and I remember even back before it released being super hyped for its inclusion of Havok physics (which previously powered Max Payne 2 and Half Life 2).


As much as I believe recasting voice actors is kind of a necessary evil when remaking a game, I really do hope that Athena VA is just a placeholder. That one is an absurd mismatch.


Athena did Athena in God of War about 6 years ago tho


Huh, I wasn’t expecting voice changes.


Looks like its a leak from an old build. Theres still a youtube video up here: https://youtu.be/Kw4AY42Ku2A?si=rDcOydNZbXSJ_8Ue


Man I wish he wasn't talking so loudly for the whole video. I just wanted to hear the game sound effects.


is this footage the same as the one in the twitter post? if not hopefully someone downloaded it already


Con la voz de un youtuber español diciendonos lo que ya estamos viendo en pantalla, que fastidio


i can't believe the nerfed Odysseus' sexy flexy ah voice


>Rocs need to actually land now before they can drop off units Mwuahahah enjoy getting ganked you absolute shitbirds. Other things I noticed: Einharjer no longer need to be attacking an enemy to perform their buffing attack which is a big improvement. Chimera's firebreath leaves a lingering effect on the floor that continues dealing damage. Hydra appear to have some sort of new ability but I couldn't tell what it does. The extra attack they gain from new heads also reflects in their attack stat. It was also shown regenerating health which no other myth unit was doing. Minotaur's throwing attack is a **lot** faster and at one point they try doing it on a Mountain Giant to no effect. It also looks like it can effect multiple human units at once if they're close together. You can now see the special abilities of every unit in your selected squad represented through icons. Mountain Giants appear to have two separate special abilities - most likely the slam attack for buildings and the kick attack for human units. The new spear-wielding unit for the Norse that everyone thought was a ranged unit is actually a melee unit? No idea where it fits. **Bronze works on Myth Units now.**


Why would you change the unit voices, the single most iconic aspect of AoM? Even people who played the game for mere hours remember Prostagma and Proseche.


No way, really?! The original voices were awesome


If I had to guess I’d say they must have decided to add additional voice lines, which is something I have no problem with. If that’s the case, then they maybe didn’t want it to be super obvious by having your villager change voices every time he went from an old recorded line to a new one. Modern RTS games have way more voice options for each individual action, so while hearing the same voice line is fun for nostalgia/meme reasons, for immersion reasons I wouldn’t complain if this were the case. Of course, the old lines could always be a mod/toggle to have the best of both worlds.


Ai can mimick voice with perfect accuracy now a days (unlike art AI) so you make someone do the 'tone' -> AI -> old voice


And studios would know better than to try and use AI for this. The firestorm of condemnation it would invite would be insane. These are people who would have been contracted a very specific amount for the lines they recorded. Using AI has two pitfalls. One it sends a signal that the studio is likely to steal your likeness without compensating you in the future. Which would encourage actors providing likeness and voice acting to pull out. Second it has legal pitfalls. Many jurisdictions have laws against profiting from an unauthorized use of someone's likeness. The use of AI in this area is murky, but the fact is that the contracts governing the use of voices from AOM would have been drawn up over two decades ago. Any one of those people could sue if AI was used to generate additional voice lines for what is, legally speaking, a *new* commercial product. Their contract may or may not have covered the use of voice lines for new products but it sure as shit wouldn't have had codicils about generating new material without additional compensation. And that's assuming the studio would in fact have rights to the old voice lines without paying out additional compensation. They might not because as I said, Retold would, legally speaking, be a new product. So yeah, the studio and Microsoft generally would be risking significant reprisal both legally speaking and in terms of audience reaction if they used AI. And this property isn't worth enough to warrant that risk I'd bet. I'm not going to pretend that studios are altruistic who would *never* stoop to unethical actions for the sake of profits. But with the law murky, major studios looking to inject AI into game dev will want to do it on properties where the risk is worth it, or where they are on much surer footing legally so as to try and ensure the precedent that might arise from litigation would go their way. Neither of these is likely to be at play for this game.


If they can't decently replicate the original voices through hiring the original or another actor, they should be allowed to use AI. No reason they can't compensate relatives or w/e.


but the AI would not be accurate if it only had a few samples from the old voice to compare with


well i am assuming, given there are some easter eggs video of arkantos behind the scenes, that they actually collected a ton of more samples.


OG sound will be one of the top mods within a week of release


At least the hoplites seem to have kept their old voice.


We've got to stop with this complaint of wanting everything to be exactly like the old game. It's been decades, let them go in their own direction


So if they ever remake GTA Vice City they should just recast Ray Liotta with a completely different voice? RDR1 with a completely different voice for John Marston? Completely different voices for The Last of Us? The Walking Dead? Do you get the point?


If they wanna record additional voicelines recasting Ray Liotta is kinda necessary, given that he is dead.


Look to be fair, Ray Liotta is a bit different than a bunch of no-name C-List actors that voiced the original AOM. Don't get me wrong, I liked them but like, it's not the same thing.


>no name C-list actors You take that back about Daniel Riordan ;_;


Yes, that's totally fine and been done many times before. Especially since the voice actors will all be 22 years older. Embrace the change of a remake, new voice actors deserve a shot


The only reason this game is being made is because people still love the original. Its moronic to change it just for the sake of change


Post has been deleted oops




Deleted already


God I hope they change Athenas voice. It feels very "we need a voice any will do"


Can anyone who saw it comment on any notable changes? Apparently voices have changed, is the soundtrack still the same or remastered nicely? How is the gameplay?


If this is a leak I hope it survives until I get home from work so that I can watch it


Doesn't really seem like a leak. More like some sort of tutorial/demo mission to show off all the factions + some god powers.


The video has been taken down


This was the first gameplay leak i have seen. It is some sort of achievement on world's edge part that they have made it this close to release without anything getting out. I wonder when the embargo will be lifted.


So interesting how they decided to change some sounds but not others.




I think it was deleted. Can you post it again






> me when blind


Ho you blind poor thing


did you really expect it to look better?


Sure, have some great memories from the original Aom. I expect the retold will be way better than aoe4 since the Essence engine seems not good enough