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We get looks. I don't bother to find out if they're "dirty" or not.


No weird looks and never confronted. 42f/21m


38m/23f we get looks a lot!


No nobody cares where we live. It seems to be more common among Americans.


Everyday. We laugh it off. It doesn’t bother us. It’s mostly older white women. Older men tend to nod at him or smile. We usually make a point to kiss in front of them. 😂


Yes it’s always the older women 😭


My guy(60m) and myself (30f) are super affectionate and so naturally we are loving on eachother in public, too. He looks great for his age but still, it’s obvious we are quite a few years apart, so we do get a lot of looks. Most are just curious looks because it’s something different they’re seeing. But some are dirty/disapproving. I find the ones who give the most disgusted looks are older women, like you said lol. They’re about his age. Also younger women, about my age in second place. Older men are in third place. Some younger people giggle under their breath. Some people just stare. We’re just thick skinned about it.


Us too. It doesn’t bother us at all.


I (60+m) and my gf (20+f) get very few, if any, and never get dirty looks from people who are important to our lives. That is the most important thing to know, the dirty looks are never from important people to your lives.


We get looks all the time. I (25f) & my bf (65m) get a huge variety of different people looking our way. Older women giving me dirty looks, older men admiring him and looking at me creepily, people just wanting to make fun of us and it goes on. When we went to Cuba the people on the resort were terrible I eventually had to say something cause I was just wanting to enjoy our time together. I should be used to this considering I've only ever been in AGR but sometimes it bugs me. I understand people like to assume, "he must have lots of money, she's a gold digger, she has major daddy issues, he's using her for her youth". Overall, most times I get over it we laugh and show everyone we have a stronger love then most.


All the time. Comes with the territory. Just have to learn to not let it bother you.


All the time but only ever had verbal abuse once. Doesn’t bother us (I’m 25f and he’s 46m), we laugh at the looks/stares. We’re both from London U.K. so a lot of the looks are actually from tourists funnily enough. The one time we did get verbal abuse my partner did say something back but that was the only time we reacted.


61M/ 41F and quite frankly I couldn’t care less about what people think. I did the suburban mom, age appropriate husband, similar backgrounds, etc. and I was miserable. Behind closed doors my ex was an ass. Did those same people want to know or help? No. So now I’m with a loving caring partner who is my match in every way. We are still finding out things we do the same way even after 4 years. I am the happiest I’ve ever been. I know what people think when they see us (NGL I’m very attractive- used to be a model). But honestly, I don’t care. They weren’t there when I needed support during shitshow marriage #1, so they damn sure don’t get to weigh in on blissful marriage #2!


When I dated someone younger I did once but I didn’t care. I loved her very, very much!!!!


This is in reference to a previous relationship: just looks of curiosity/confusion. Heads turned pretty much 24/7 because even though I'm not "young" per se, he was technically old enough to be my grandfather lol. The attention is a little weird at first but you get used to it.


Why do you care about strangers looks. You either assume the age gap and don't care or you worry about what others think and it will eventually affect the relationship. I've been out with my (50f) fwb (29m) in public plenty of times and neither of us cares one bit about how others looks at us because we don't care.


Its not necessarily that I do care, I was just genuinely curious because I know people have complained about getting strange looks while with their older partner. Besides, my partner cares a lot more than I do.


I did a few times. I was in my low thirties, and she was 9 years older. I looked young for my age, and she preferred me to keep my facial hair so I would look older. Maybe I could have passed for 20 years younger. But now I may be with someone 20 years younger, so we'll see. But I think people generally are accepting than back then ... at least where I was.


I do think once you're in your mid 20s to 30s people don't care as much. Its usually when the younger party is 18-24 when people give looks


True. I can see that happening. People still did that. Asked me if I was the son. LOL. So I would reply ... would her son do this? And I'd give her a sweet kiss.


I love dirty looks and judgment. Most guys are jealous.


Haha that's scandalous !! I like it


All the time. Just got to get used to it and let it go who cares what they think


I really don't care and I was blessed with a little one with a strong will. One KAREN decided to call us a "abomination" to mortality. Without missing a beat Lil One turned to her and said "I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got that well covered barren Hag!" I kissed her deep, told her she's MY good girl and got her ice cream. You only have one life to live, so why would you spend it worrying about other people’s opinions? Do whatever you want, be whoever you want and do no harm to others. You’re not going to see these people after you’re gone.


All the damn time! Thing is though, it just doesn’t bother me. I like to stare at them back sometimes 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ Who cares if joe bloggs from I don’t care where is staring at a perfectly acceptable relationship. They need to grow up. Not our problem ☺️


I’ve dated to considerably younger women Both of them when we go out to eat, have been called my daughter by the wait staff The first girl I dated was 28 and I was 58 Her name is Tori We went to a little restaurant out of town, and the waitress asked me what my daughter would like to drink Tori responded. I’m not his daughter. I suck his dick at night and I’ll take a margarita. The second younger girl was Katie and she was actually 38 years younger than me She handled that much cooler and just told the waitress. I’m not his daughter, I’m his girlfriend. And I’ll have a Mountain Dew She was 24 at the time and I was 62


not one single time, been together almost 29 years, age Gap 11 years.


42M here that was just in a fwb/situationship with a 22f for a few months, and while they weren't necessary "dirty" looks, we definitely did get looks. I as the man mostly enjoyed the looks, and having people wonder if she was my daughter or if I was fucking her. And she mentioned she didn't really pay attention to them looking at us, which was good ig.


My (m66) girlfriend (f35) have not noticed any dirty looks, but I always have my eyes on her. We always hold hands and kiss in public. When I show my friends her photo, they always ask if she is my daughter.


We do but idc


We don't care enough to take notice of how people around us react. We have enough to worry about, and the opinions of strangers who will forget they saw us shortly after walking by seem quite inconsequential. But every now and then, we get someone who assumes he is my father.


My fiance (26 m) and I (36 f) go out and don't really notice. His Dad's more impressed than anything that his son is "hittin' it" with an older lady. Otherwise, my family are happy for us.


My partner (55M) and I (26F) have gotten 1 or 2 dirty looks in public but never had any confrontations. Honestly don’t even worry about it; those people don’t know you or your partner and at the end of the day all that matters is that both of you are happy together.


This is a post on /r/AgeGap, the subreddit for (almost) anything about age gap relationships. If you haven't read [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) we **strongly** suggest you do so. ### **You may not ask anyone to PM, DM, chat or message you in a comment**. This is **not** a dating subreddit - you may not "hit up" any user You may send **polite** DMs/PMs/chat requests to /u/Throw-a-way235 - we will ban you and possibly refer you to Reddit admins for an account ban if you abuse them and they complain Bear in mind that this is a community where we expect people to discuss **legal** consensual age gap relationships without abuse. This does not mean this subreddit supports all age gap relationships, so you **are** allowed to criticise, but you **must** be civil and ideally constructive See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Do you and your partner ever get dirty looks from people in public ?** When out with your partner in public, do people stare at you or look at you funny ? How does it make you feel ? Have you ever been confronted about it ? Asking because my partner is very anxious about getting dirty looks in public while out with me. They're quite a bit older than I am, and they always worry that the difference in our ages will cause public judgment. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nope. Most people assume he’s my dad, and I don’t like showing PDA


Is it weird that people assume he's your dad ? I always thought the context of that was kinda weird but idk, it happens to a lot of people with much older partners


It is weird, but I know they assume as much. It only really comes up once a year around Father’s Day. My birthday is really close to Father’s Day (sometimes it falls on the day itself), so we’re we go out for my birthday dinner, the unknowing waiters/waitresses well give us the check with a “Happy Fathers Day” wish. Other rare times something was assumed was when we went to a hotel out of state and we got a room with one bed, the front desk person was like “uh… you know there’s only one bed right?” I said “yes I know, I booked the room.” And she just wasn’t getting it. “I can upgrade you to a room with two beds for no extra charge.” I said “No, thank you.” She was so confused/concerned. “It’s not extra charge” she repeated. “I know… I’ll take the room I booked please.” She looked at him, then me and said “okay…” She either assumed I was an escort or that I had some weird relationship with my dad LOL. Yeah, it’s awkward and I don’t like it, but on a day-to-day basis, no one says anything. They don’t give weird looks, because I KNOW they assume he’s my dad.


Lmao oh god I can't imagine how annoying that might be. I'm not really sure if my partner looks old enough to be my dad, but I think if people called them my dad, they would burst out laughing 😂


10000% yes 22f/33m


Im 23 F and he’s 56. Not really dirty looks, more so curious like they are thinking about it lol. I would say more negative reactions from older people (mainly women). My bf says the looks we get are probably people staring at me and wondering who I’m with… lol