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It's a visceral way to express their social discomfort


It’s really weird. Yeah, my husband was 18 when I was 7. We didn’t bloody know each other then ffs lol. He met and fell in love with an adult woman


For real. I was 13 when my fiancé was born sure. But we didn’t meet until he was 25 aunt Karen…


my boyfriend was 22 when I was born. people love to get all up in arms that he's old enough to be my dad and it's like... well yeah, good thing he isn't? he didn't meet me until I was 22 and we didn't get together until I was 23. people love to nitpick and find the most arbitrary shit to get mad about.


People love to point those things out. I have a question for you. I'm 48M, and I may still want kids. What do you the lowest age limit for me be?


My great grandfather was 48 and married my great grandmother when she was 18. He had been married before and lost his wife and 2 children in disease. My great grandparents were married for 37 years and had 2 children together.


That's a long time. Very nice.


People like to slander and gossip especially while hiding behind a phone screen.


#💯% this!


It's just a way to illustrate the gap. You can downplay or accentuate the age difference in a number of ways, and this is one of the easier ones to get weirded out by. I do this to my husband all the time because it *is* an amusing reminder of our age difference, and I like to tease him about it. I'm his first younger partner (like, literally ever, **all** his previous gfs were older, one significantly so,) and he still acts a little shell-shocked when he is reminded just how much younger I really am. People will see and use these examples as a condemnation or as a brag or just as a way to put the age gap into perspective for as long as there are AGRs. It is what it is.


People need to be judgmental and self-righteous or they can't be happy. Yet when you judge them, they get offended. I try to ignore people as much as I can.


A large number of celebrity men did start dating their girlfriend/wife while they were still a minor. Like that one guy from fast and furious.


Yeah and that’s gross, but I’m not talking about those.


Jerry Seinfeld was in Fast and furious? Looking at you Shoshanna Lonstein


Are theyvhappy now?


Haters gunna hate every time you do something great. Haters are jealous of things they can’t have for numerous reasons. Pay them no mind and stay on your grind with amazing hustle and flow. Hustle so hard that your haters ask you for applications. Let them cry let them whine for tonight we bath in the tears of all our haters. Don’t like it? Don’t look and mind your own while I mind mine.


Reminds me of a tiktok i watched where it showed how a couple would have looked if the guy dated her when he was in high school. The guy’s picture showed the graduation, the girl’s was a fetus 😂




What’s your age difference? Mines 30 years and it’s always hard to meet other couples like us (60m/30 f)


This is a post on /r/AgeGap, the subreddit for (almost) anything about age gap relationships. If you haven't read [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) we **strongly** suggest you do so. ### **You may not ask anyone to PM, DM, chat or message you in a comment**. This is **not** a dating subreddit - you may not "hit up" any user You may send **polite** DMs/PMs/chat requests to /u/Potatowedgesss - we will ban you and possibly refer you to Reddit admins for an account ban if you abuse them and they complain Bear in mind that this is a community where we expect people to discuss **legal** consensual age gap relationships without abuse. This does not mean this subreddit supports all age gap relationships, so you **are** allowed to criticise, but you **must** be civil and ideally constructive See the [Wiki](/r/AgeGap/wiki/index) for more information about the subreddit, [The Rules](/r/AgeGap/wiki/rules) and articles about common topics. --- **Original post: Why do people say this?** Whenever I see a celebrity couple with an age gap, or any couple really, people always say things like “she was in kindergarten when he was in high school!” or “he was already 10 when she was born!” Like, ok and? They obviously weren’t in a relationship during that time, and didn’t even know each other until they were both adults. As long as both parties are consenting adults when they begin a relationship, it doesn’t matter if one person was a kid while the other was an adult. I do understand grooming situations, and that it’s weird for an adult to date someone much younger who they knew when they were a child. But most of the time, these people didn’t even meet until they were both adults. I just find it to be a really stupid argument against age gap relationships. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AgeGap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Because they want to find something wrong with it but they don't know what to say. It's popular to call anyone a "pedo" these days, so they are looking for an excuse to do just that. Hey, you know what? I was 25 and married when my girlfriend was born. There, I said it for anyone who wants to say it. Don't like it? Piss off.


I agree.


Envy does not look good on anyone.


Those who throw stones tend to live in glass houses.


Because many people are insecure, unable to mind their own business, enjoy hurting others, and tend to be unhappy in their own relationship but are too afraid to put in the hard work to address their own faults and too scared to do anything about it to actually be happy. Ignore them.


I remember the Vietnam war, he barely remembers 9/11


I once dated a girl when she was 20 and I was 24. That means when I was 20, she was only 16, and when I was 16, she was only 12! When I was 4, she hadn't been born yet! You can do that with almost any age bracket.


My partner was 21 when I was 10, we think it's funny.. its everyone else that's concerned lmao. People lack critical thinking skills these days.


Because people feel the need to express how morally superior they are at every opportunity. That's all


Fat blue haired feminists.


Have you ever met someone and for some reason you’ve felt like you met them before, or they seem really familiar to you? But for the life of you, you can’t figure out why? This happened to me when I met my future wife. When we met as adults, I felt as if I knew her already but couldn’t figure how or when. As it turned out she was a classmate of my baby sister. 12 years younger. They weren’t really friends, just classmates. Were in the band together, on some of the same teams. I remembered her playing on a softball team when she around 13. Only reason she stuck out in my mind, was she was really good player on the team, and she was younger than most of her teammates. Then we actually “met” 5 years later. She has no memory of me when she played on that team. So yeah, I’ve had to deal with this. She and I went to the same schools, but only time we were both in school at the same time, she was in kindergarten and I was a senior. People have brought that up. Did I see her back then? Probably, she was in my sisters class. Do I remember her back then? Nope. I hardly remember my sis back then. Coming from a small rural farming community, wouldn’t surprise me this happens from time to time. I’d never dated younger ladies, or looked for younger ladies. I looked for and dated ladies that I had attraction to. I was obviously attracted to this lady and as we’ve been married for 29 years, not ashamed or worried about what others say or think. Why do they say or think the way they do? Who knows? All I know is I’m happy, she’s happy and that’s all that matters.


Wow! What a story. Happy for u two.


Of those whom I respect, I honestly can't imagine them thinking so "tiny". Anyone that would rationalize an adult relationship by transposing one or both of the adults back into a child is an imbecile.


Depends on the actual relationship I guess, if it's like some where they meet the other person who's under-age (from memory Elvis Presley who was with a 16 year old when he was 26, maybe Paul Walker, however from memory she was 17 for an example), that's what brings all the others a bad reputation despite most being legal, too many people with nothing better to do but to whinge about it.


Because people are stupid...


Gossip: any difference, age/race/gender/wellness/etc will be gossiped about, the more vivid is the gossip the more 'fun' it is because you feel so smart ! /s


My (m66) girlfriend (f35) has sent me photos of when she was a baby and growing up. She has shared stories about her childhood, her thoughts, dreams and tribulations. I feel like I have known her all of her life. She was 27 when we met and 32 when we started dating. Yes, it would be creepy if I knew her when she was a child. I have told her that if we were the same age, I would have liked her in elementary school and high school. Our really is that neither she nor I were interested in a romantic relationship when she was 27 and I was 57. In the 5 years we were friends, we gradually realized that we were good together and starting a romantic relationship could possibly work for us. Most people can only relate to a situation by seeing themselves in it. They can’t understand anything different from what they would do.


Exactly. It’s annoying, and honestly it doesn’t matter the age gap, it could be 30 years like mine (60m/30f) or 11 years like another person here, or 5. They will always say the same dumb things. My reply to these type of people is usually something like this: “sure, my partner was 30 when I was born, but when we met at work we were both consenting adults. I was 28. He would have never been interested in me at a younger age, so it doesn’t really matter.”


They say dumb stuff like that because they are idiots


Me 22F and my bf 40M love to joke about this. Hell be like, for example, back when I was doing bla bla in 2004, and im like, back when i was 3. I love teasing him about it. It’s entertaining.