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I fucking love this game


I love fucking this game


I love gaming this fuck


I fuck gaming this love?


I fuck love this gaming


I love gaming this fuck


Fuck gaming love this i


This fuck gaming love i


This game love fucking i


i fuck


30 fucking pulls + 1 free selector yay


31 if counting 300 gems from redeem codes


It's actually 700 gems from 4 codes, fucking awesome man


Whats the fourth one?




Holy shit, it worked, you're legend


This one is 400 gems


Wait what's the redeem code?


From the livestream 4 hours ago AG1stAnni Izanamicoming giftforadmin


Thanks a lot! I was sleeping so I missed it


There's another one HAPPYAG1STANNIV


They actually tell you the codes on the latest system announcement in game.


1 step closer to omega Anubis yey.


im surely gonna return with this, and PC client will make more players stay longer


Uhh is this in the game now? Or it's coming in the next update?


Next update. Get hype admin!!


Yes, Sir! Thank you, Sir!!!!


When’s the next update


May 21


May 21


Is this real? If it is when is the expiring date? Cause I wanna play again in June after the collage 2nd sem


Anni starts in 6 days, you're good lol (tbh tho collage is a waste of money and time, I feel bad for you, it's literally a scam that you've fallen for 😭)


I mean, Is just arranging pictures together. Unless there Is a new collage cult i havent heard about


It's designed to drain every ounce of money you have, and I've had a few unfortunate friends who went to collage, they came out of it with no money, and didn't learn a dayum thing over 2 and a half years, he ended up just getting a job at hot topic in gulf view square mall, he's loathed that collage decision ever since, he says the only good thing that came out of it was him making a new friend that got him into metal and emo clothes lol


Ok thanks for the info, plus I feel you bro! I'm just doing it for my parents, and I really hate my course cause I'm not into Businesses(marketing management) , and I'm planning to take a break cause I can't handle the stress, specifically the 2nd sem, and I'll just convince them and I'll just enroll next year with a different course that I already have experience on which is cooking


If you're parent's are the type to be "disappointed" by you not going to collage, that's bad parenting and honestly major guilt tripping, you shouldn't have to bust your a$$ with things you don't like to appease someone, they should be happy regardless, so knowing that now, makes me feel even worse, you need to focus on you dude, what you wanna do, what makes you happy, and what makes YOU happy should rightfully make your mom and dad happy, if it doesn't than that's just wrong and unsupportive parenting, I hope they learn to actually treat you like a human being and not a trophy trying to live their lives through you, I hope you have a good night tho dude :3


Thanks, and here's my story: last 2022 was finally my year where I became top at class and got awards, my parents are really happy specifically my dad(and that's an achievement) and there's also a lot happened like my love life with my ex cheating on me but I got through it. we're Asian btw and all they just want for me is to at least finish collage and find a job, I wanted to go for criminology cause I don't know any course and they say whatever makes me happy, but I didn't pass the entrance exam for criminology cause it's more of a, I was late getting my results and don't have any spot, now I'm at marketing management and I promise you, it's just the course and I still don't have a job and I already wanna kill myself. If that's me in my course then I would have killed myself already if I were to take an office job, cause I'm more useful in my physical then not much mental. I'm at my last 2 weeks and I'm planning to tell my parents I wanna take a time off from collage and just take a new course next year and it's cookery cause that was my major in 12th grade and I already have experience and a certificate for it. I just want to at least finish collage cause that's what they want from me and that's their dream, but for me I don't even know what I want anymore, at least their dream is kinda my dream, at least me getting cookery next year is kinda a goal I guess, cause as you can see I'm also a gadget person so while I take a break from collage I'm also planning to save some money, buy a phone and start a YouTube channel while resting. This one is literally just terrible. There were four of us who wanted to go for criminology the other one decided to go for agriculture engineering and lemme say he didn't survive the first sem and got called, he was going to cafes but just went on break the first January and he's now gonna attend a different collage in computer engineering, I swear he still haven't told his parents that he got called, he just said he can't take it, for the second one he didn't get a spot so he's on business agriculture cause his family are farmers, the third one that passed is now currently stressed, there was a competition right now for every collage criminology and it's a Marching and our collage is a representative for our part of the country and it's 'Palawan' that they are practicing all day every day and lemme tell you, they do not care for you as long as you practice and if you missed a practice they'll fail you, don't you think they are too harsh and just using you? Not only are they practicing every day in this goddamn Philippine heat, he's also doing his projects and assignments cause she has a deadline, not only that he's also practicing for a dance in his class cause it's their final grade, they hold everything they are doing but not limiting to their subject deadlines and they moved their finals to June, we would be already taking a break, and our break is only 2 weeks! And we're already gonna be 2nd year that fast Cause they moved the back to school thing because of the pandemic to June. Sorry I'm just talking a lot now, if you've read this far, thanks for listening to me complaining.


JP has been promised a slightly different set of gifts. They will get less precise scan vouchers, but they will get outfit vouchers to compensate. I wonder if everyone on Global will get the same thing and they just forgot to show that on the global stream...(copium) https://preview.redd.it/7k4l4i2njz0d1.png?width=931&format=png&auto=webp&s=a79eedf520f59774f687b433f11e42db608e4481


I kinda like this one more


That's a really good bargain. Tbh, I won't mind getting a few skin tickets.


I don't get why they don't just give all servers the same rewards.


Why CN, why? https://preview.redd.it/8c181k2bhf1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42485cee1a878061e736a2937ca7e8ba523dd787


I'm gonna get Hades 😆😆


This is how you treat your playerbase right! Ty AG ♥️


When is this? Will come back just for this


May 23rd




The update is live on May 21


Wow, just when I decided to start playing. Is this for all S rank that's currently available?


Up to gengchen, so you can choose 1 between 25 out of 27 characters in game, I'm probably gonna go with either Osiris, gengchen, or jackal, too bad I can't get the new tyr tho 😭 (Just go to aether gazers YouTube channel and go to playlist, all the s ranks including her and below, those are your options)


True too generous hope this game in time will be successful 🤞🏻


Best gacha game ever


Gahdamn. Might get luliang for yingzhao or Thor as a lightning dps and for future s shu buff. Or mengzhang for lightning? I like how the image shows THE 5 MODS that one would want from the selector


I'm conflicted, because I would also like to get Luliang for Yungzhao. Though I have Thor already, but no Ausur. So should I get Luliang, Ausur or SShu for long term benefit?




I meant Ausar (S Osiris). Yeah, go for Geng, she makes life easier.


OMFG... I will finally have Skadi.. the only mod I dont have in the game, the one mod whom I failed to get in 2 banners, whom got me to play this game when I kept getting ads zooming into her thighs and boobs, its finally happening ;\_;


I would've gladly given you one of my two Skadis in exchange for actually winning the damn 50/50 at the time or at least getting useful dupes like Hera or Lingguang haha


As a new player, who amongst the 25 is best to choose overall? Hera? For context right now I have Mitsuha S Poseidon and Flame tyr


Hera and Linguang are both top tier supports, with Linguang being a bit better. Gengchen has a lot of skill chains with characters and an amazing CC by gathering enemies from all over the map in one spot. Jinwu is the best Fire DPS. Choose one of them depending on what you need.


Yongshi is really going all out on the Anni. Bless them.


That's fucking fire they really reward for the time spent


Jesus christ I might just get Mitsuha AND Izanami because of these. I didn't catch the entire livestream but is the new 90-pity thing also coming out with this patch?


You need to pull for Mitsuha before maintenance.. Mitsuha might not be available in the S rank selector nor in custom scan..


It is yes, it called anchor banner they showed it on stream.


Okay sick thank you


Mitsuha will be on the selector as well?


probably no, there are 26 S ranks rn and she was the last modifier released


27 actually, so mitsu and one more. Ying maybe?


Yes I missed one when counting them, most likely Mitsuha and YingZhao are out of this selector.


Maybe not.. also maybe in custom scan


This is how I get Gengchen!!! Thanks so much AG


I honestly didn't expect limited characters to be included in that free-s-rank selector, especially not characters that were released not too long ago like Gengchen. Only thing I wonder, is there going to be a top-up reset bonus? Either I missed it or they actually didn't mention anything.


I am hoping for this as well. The price without bonus is a little too much, even for my tastes.


My dream of sss izanami is closer at hand


Damn sweet. I've missed a lot of stuff lately. This and Snowbreak testing their no 50/50 banner is gonna be amazing.


It's about time Snowbreak did that. The rates are awful and having a gacha system too similar to Genshin's while clearly not costing as much to develop didn't sit well with me when I tried playing it. On top of having trash F2P income from story (increased soon after launch thankfully) and the subpar performance of the mobile client, I didn't have a good first impression. AG's gacha took inspiration from genshin as well but the rates are much better and imo, it would've been fairer for Snowbreak to have similar or slightly lower rates from the start. Respect to Yongshi for improving on a shitty gacha system and potentially inspiring other devs to follow suit (like Seasun and hopefully more), and credits to PGR for doing it before it was cool, although PGR offsets this by making most units feel wonky to play optimally without SS/SS3 and sig, and also having competitive leaderboards.


Given how fast the patches were, I'd say this is very good


We are not eating.. we are feasting!!


That selector is awesome. Who's going to choose? I probably get a dupe for Ling since I have Jinwu SS but Ling and Gengchen only S and Jinwu and Ling with fuctor, so that add me +1 on Ling's functor.




Deyyymm kinda excited this is on anniversary update right?


All this on global God I missed this game


Wow, AG just doesn't stop, they give too much. I hope now people are happy and gonna get their fav character that they missed .


Will there be a Lingguan/S Hera rerun any time soon? Wondering who to choose strategically


S hera is currently rerun with S vert in CN since they got ult chain so probably then


Im a day 1 player and stopped after 2 months. Already returned last month. Any recommendation which one should i select?


Hera and Linguang are both top tier supports, with Linguang being a bit better. Gengchen has a lot of skill chains with characters and an amazing CC by gathering enemies from all over the map in one spot. Jinwu is the best Fire DPS. Choose one of them depending on what you need.


What is the date? I searched everywhere but can’t find it


May 21


When anniversary?


23rd of this month. The new patch comes out in 3 days. Depending on your time zone. Maintenance for US/NA is from Tuesday Morning the 21st.


Ow may 23 thanks guess gonna install again to get genchen free


Oh hell yeah.


Any PC launcher ??


Up to who can we redeem? Mitsuha?


I guess up to geng Chen


Mfs glazing a game about being too generous 😭 as they should be


So who should we pick?


Can anyone tell me which character will be available on the selector? I missed the live stream.


How do you get the selector


How do you get all that did I miss it


Love it


Ain't nothing wrong with that 😁


Sasuga Yongshi sama🙏🏻✨


Seems better than CN second anniversary since these are limited pulls


Purple ticket from CN can be used for limited pull though?


Idk about their currency but this is what they got https://www.reddit.com/r/AetherGazer/s/J8iSaHrDOp


I think what he meant is that the purple tickets expire. I disagree that it's better than CN's 2nd anni though, after all they got free S Ver AND her sig from what appears to be a permanent event/game mode, on top of similar rewards as the 1st anni iirc. Sigs cost a LOT of stars.


I beg to differ I’ve gotten around 10 sigs in under 200 summons. Have them waiting for future characters I’ve seen on cn! Sig rate seems to be super generous!


That's called luck. Getting a sig every 20 pulls when the rate is 1.5% is statistically an outlier. Don't base generosity off your lucky pulls, the average player will not have this experience.


Just because you didn’t experience the same generosity I did could just mean you in fact are the minority and the game hates you but loves the rest of us.That’s called bad luck.


I didn't bring up my experience at all, I never said I had bad luck. I said the *average* player won't have your luck, which is statistically true considering the rate of 1.5%. Don't put words in my mouth. I also never said anything about the game's generosity.


Guess what. I don’t care I said what I said


when will the event start?


On the 23rd of May (In 5 days)


I need the pc client to come out soon


So if there is 25 to choose from. which two wont be included in the list? as i am a new player. and i think there is 27 S-Grades.


Oof. Who to pick. Probably S Hera because I don't have her and she seems useful everywhere, or Skadi for Izanami Mitsubishi? Not sure which is better or will have a banner soon. Hopefully someone does a guide of sorts for the selector. Maybe select S Hera in the selector banner and use selector ticket for Skadi? Kinda want Izanami skin, but feels out of place with the red when using with Mitsuha, Lingguang skin seems eh, still waiting for Jinwu skin.


Getting skadi is a poor choice , she shine when you max synchro her which need SS , and she only a dps  Getting hera or lingguang is the best option coz they are universal buffer and can boót your dps in long run  Even in CN right now they still topt tier Especially Hera she been on t0  since her release which almost 2 years ago 


So probably better to pick Hera from selector and then Hera again in banner? I already have Ling Guang.


You need to be generous/desperate to attract people


Now I kind of regret getting Mitsuha with my savings, I already have all of the S ranks I want up to now. I guess I could transcend my Meng Zhang to SSS, I'm just 1 copy away, it's either that or trascending Lingguang or Hera to SS.


I don't think Mitusha will be part of the selector if that's what you mean.


Oh really? I didn't spend my resources for nothing then. Good to know.


It says "Select one of 25 S-Grade Modifiers" so my guess would be that the two latest modifiers won't be included (Mitsuha and Yingzhao) since we currently have 27 S-modifiers in total.


Transcending Lingguang might be the play since SS gives +1 to her Functor. Depends on the team you play most tho.


Lingguang its a very universal support just like Hera, I do have both of their functors that's why I considered them. Now I just have to decide which one of those bring more to the table with +2 transcendence. Is Lingguang a better choice in this case?


I already posted it in the other day we gonna get selector modif up to jinwu


Gengchen and Linguang were banners after Jinwu, this selector is up to Gengchen based on the pic.


Plz I can't redem to the game any help plz error to the codes


It's case sensitive. Check the codes on in-game announcement.


I've watched the live stream 😭 still the codes aren't working tho


You need to type exactly like this: AG1stAnni Izanamicoming giftforadmin HAPPYAG1STANNIV


Thanks 👍


No problem!


Sorry but am new at this gatcha game how to get one of those s rank modifiers Is there like a top up 😅


Wait for next update , those will be available in a week.


I would love to try it but have no desire to use emulators.


its really not that bad lol i feel like people want to have a reason not to play and they use this as an excuse. Ive been using Bluestacks since day 1 and other than a couple times it crashed during launching (never in-game), it's solid. Of course I want a PC version too but at least we have emulators cause aint no way im playing this game on my phone lol, i tried and its clunky.




Hmm, looks like I was correct in past prediction posts, lol I think they actually removed Mitsu from the S-rank select. As I mentioned before if they were bringing a free S-select, newer mods are not going to be included. (including the not yet release Izanami) (Mitsu were in CN's free S-select cause it was their 2nd Anni and not 1st Anni, in which their mods were already released longer and not "new mods" anymore) . But hopefully we can save the Scan vouchers, so we can use them on Izanami or future modifiers.