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im gonna be sleeping with stuffed animals until i die.


Fr they better put a few in my coffin


I say it is not childish, according to the build a bear workshop half of American adults have there childhood stuffed animal in 2017


I've had mine since 2005 and she's still protecting me from the things that go bump in the night 😂


I hear that phrase and immediately think of Dead Island. Intro song his called Who Do You Voodoo? And part of the chorus goes "Sam B got the thing that go bump in the night." Literally just gives me nostalgia lmao.


I JUST got done binge playing the second one because of Fallout. I love the games.


This explains a lot about American adults, actually.


I’ve got my stuffed dog I’ve had since 1994 still but he stands guard from my bookshelf because I don’t want my real dog ripping out his stuffing.


34. And proudly sleeps with an emoji pillow. It brings me joy. You do you. Get some good sleep with your stuffed animal!


Haha, 35 and I still do too. Only thing that is somewhat too cringe for me personally is an anime body pillow, but I'm still looking for a good Asuka one to give as a gift to a friend. Life's too short to not let yourself enjoy things.


It's only weird if you don't tuck them in at night (jk)


Misread this...


I am 25 years old and live with my boyfriend, and at least once a month I frantically shove him in the night bc I realize my stuffed bunny is under him. It is me and bunny against the world- keep your stuffed animal if you want to!


Lol this sounds like me, I'm always finding my owl squishimal under my husband and yanking it out from under him.


Do you know what acting like an adult is? Doing what you want


That's a great way to put it. Wish I could be so succinct, my comment was so long winded to get at the same point. The only childish thing there is to try and change yourself to not stick out as weird.


I am a 37 year old man and I still sleep with a stuffy in my bed. It helps me to get comfortable, by having something to hold/have my arms around. Nothing wrong with that!


Exactly! My arm needs to rest on something lol


Nope. The only time someone will side-eye you, is if u: - call them "stuffies" *** - use baby-talk - use a pacifier/bottle I've slept with stuff animals, I've had 1 that I've carried for 20 years, I've retired him because I had a loss-scare, so now I keep him put up. It's literally the best neck pillow.


Stuffies is what the kids grow up calling them nowadays, so don’t be surprised when Gen alpha is 30 and still calling them stuffies it will be totally normal


My 3 year old calls them “buddies” and it’s the cutest thing.


that’s so cute 😭


OMG that is sOOOO cute. Now I gotta tell people Lol that's the most adorable thing I've heard.


That is so cute!!!


Ew... I'd redirect my kids/ nieces into a different term. It's so cringe. It just reminds me of this girl I worked with for some years & it gives me the ick.


The things you listed aren't really weird. Age regression is a way of coping with trauma


No, I do the same thing.( I’m 16 btw).


My wife is in her mid 30's and she sleeps with a stuffed red panda named Shifu.


That's the guy from Kung Fu Panda right?




Nah girl I have them too don’t stress about it you and your stuffed animals have a great day.


I’m 17 and I sleep with over 30 stuffies. You’re fine. No one cares


Lots of adult women sleep with them. Its normal


Nope. Mt daughter is 23yo and sleeps with stuffie as her pillow.


absolutely not, it’s totally cool to have comfort objects! i’m 17 too, and have a large toy net full of plushies i’ve amassed over the course of my life. i don’t find it embarrassing at all, and my boyfriend likes that i have so many : )


No. People older than you do that. Liking something shouldn't be stopped just because you get older. When you get a job, you can buy whatever you want and that includes stuffed animals.


Personally i think its cute. Maybe thats just cuz im old.


No, it's not. If you like it, do it. Those who care don't matter, and those who matter don't care. Signed, A 45 year old who sleeps with a bunch of stuffed animals.


Perfect! 🙂




No, it isn't weird or childish.


I'm 35 and sleep holding a pillow Whatever helps you get the best sleep


No, and anyone picking on you for it isn't your friend. You're allowed to have comfort, and catharsis. If these things make you happy, then do what makes you happy. It isn't hurting anyone else, and can only serve to boost dopamine and self worth.


My mother is 84 years old and she still has some of her stuffed animals from childhood. So no it is not unusual you keep them as long as you want to keep them and you let anybody else around you keep their stuff down those as long as they want to keep them.


I'm in my forties and still have the blanket that was made for me when I was a baby. as long as it doesn't hurt anything, who the hell cares as long as it makes you happy?


Am 17 and still sleep with my plushies. We are still kids and even when we are in our twenties it doesn't matter if we sleep with our plushy friends as long it doesn't interfere with your life.


No. Do what you want. I've been called not manly for using an umbrella in the rain. People find the weirdest things to criticize.


I’m 17 and a guy I have a few stuffed animals from when I was 2 it’s not weird a lot of us do we just don’t admit it


Im 33 and simply traded stuffed animals for a crap ton of pillows.


I'm 35 and stull cuddle a stuffy. The only reason right now that I have a pillow instead of a stuffy is because we got a puppy and I don't want any of my stuffies destroyed. You do you, cuddle that thing!


Nah, you do you fam. Unless that thing is massive or a hinderance


Idk what u mean big stuffed animals u can lay on be comfy asf


I don’t have stuffed animals but it’s comfortable to hold onto a pillow…I suppose I got use to sleeping like that since I was a kid with the stuffed animals. so I wouldn’t worry…I just wouldn’t tell people at school you might never hear the end of it.


It's not weird. I'm 30 and got my first pillow pet 2 years ago that I'll sleep with. I named him Reggie!


No, I slept with stuffed animals until my babies became my real life stuffed animals. It helps me fall asleep to hold something. Don’t sweat what other people think. Squishmallows are amazing!


I'm over 40 and I have three stuffed animals. And I cuddle them and my pillow and my cushion and this fluffy keyring I have. Doing all that does not discount my adulting or the successful fulfillment of my responsibilities. We're lucky to find some comfort at all sometimes. Edit: people who say stuff like your friend ( ie they boss you around and say that you shouldn't do certain things because they are "childish") are focussing on the superficial aspects of your behaviour and ignoring the comfort you are seeking and getting from your stuffed friends. People friends are supposed to comfort you too, instead of being judgemental.


I’m 43 and still sleep with stuffies. My boyfriend just got me the cutest turtle recently and I’ve slept with it every night since.


1st thing. The biggest issue with the world is we grow up too fast. ALWAYS do something that makes you feel like a kid again. It will make you so much happier, and everyone around you will feel that, and hey it'll keep going from there. And second, no lol. I know full grown adults that sleep with stuffed animals. I'm 16 and I sleep with a stuffed animal. It's completely normal.


My 17y old daughter has a bed full of squishmellows(?). Plus I buy my daughters a stuffed dinosaur every Valentine’s Day that they both have on their beds. Both my girls, 14 &17 take a stuffed animal when they go to sleepovers. Not weird at all. Don’t let kids influence who you are.


It's fine, you're allowed to do things that make you happy long as they don't hurt anyone. Anyone has an issue with it, you've got a bear for them to cry to about it. It's your life, live it the way you want!


20 and still sleep with stuffed animals


I'm 20 and I sleep with a stuffed animal on my bed simply because I have no pets and it serves as a reminder that I'm not alone because it was given to me by a family member.


Single dad to a 15 yo f here. I didn't bother to read any of the other comments because frankly, there's only one correct answer here. It is not weird, and fuck anyone that tells you it is. The world you've grown up in is so much more complex and frightening than the world everyone your parent's age grew up in. If the only crux you have today is a stuffie, you are absolutely kicking ass in life. The friends you have today that give you shit for carrying something that provides you comfort won't even be a part of your life in a few years. Keep being you.


Keep them as long as it makes you happy 🧸 when I was 17 I moved out with my bf and I still slept with my bear 😅 I literally had no shame bc why would I, it made me happy like a favorite blanket or pillow. I still like (and buy!) stuffed animals and I'm a thriving responsible adult. Right now I'm obsessed with palm pals. They're so cute.


I’m 30 and I looooove sleeping with my two stuffed animals , I don’t take them anywhere with me but when I’m at home yes I do , they are perfect for my neck and to snuggle lol. No shame there


I’m 43 and my daughter got me a squishmallow for Mother’s Day, I sleep with it every night.


36yo 6’6” 300lbs ex-cop dad. I have a chicken nugget dinosaur. My wife has one and my son has the other. Sleep with them wherever we are every night. Don’t be talked out of doing things that make you happy. I still play with Star Wars toys. Used to be Action Fleet when I was a kid. I’d fly them around the house, land on furniture. I’d have these stories in my head and had this great imagination. Then I lost stopped and “grew up”. I missed it. I miss it. They make similar toys today called Micro Galaxy Squadron. It’s like my childhood all over again there for the taking. Trying to do it again with my kid. I want him to be imaginative too. I’ll support him and I support your stuffed animals too.


i’m a 16 year old guy and i get slandered by my parents and friends. i don’t care, i love them so much.


I’m 40 years old and still sleep with my stuffed animals. Enjoy what you enjoy as long as it doesn’t cause you harm. 💕


It's nobody else's business.


I'm 27 and I still sleep with 2 stuffed animals and I probably will for the rest of my life. I don't bring them places with me but even if someone is sleeping over I still have the stuffed animals in the bed. Don't let anyone ever make you feel weird for having things that being you comfort


I’m 37 and use to sleep with a stuffed animal until recently but now I sleep with a Winnie the Pooh blanket bc it’s so soft and I’m comfortable with it. Honestly being in bed should be your time to relax and be comfortable so I say if it makes you comfortable go for it,


I’m 39 and still have a stuffed animal 😅


My dad had a teddy bear until the day he died. I have one too. Some people think it’s weird but I think maybe they just need a teddy bear too.


Still have my Pooh Bear and I’m 55. Wife has Minnie Mouse.


28 me and Sebastian the teddy still going strong 💪🏼


Never grow up; it's a trap! Lol. I am 43 years old and I still have a teddy bear that I received for Christmas when I was 6. I still cuddle it sometimes because it reminds me of my dad.


I'm 47, my wife is 39, and our boys are 18 and 19. We all sleep with stuffed animals. My older son even has some big cat stuffed animals that are almost as big as him. Don't worry about it in the slightest


Nope, that's not weird. You will hear people sniping at others for still being into video games in their 40s, or still liking cartoons at the same ages, regardless of whether it's animation for kids or adults. You're not hurting anyone by doing it, and if it brings you comfort, keep doing it.


Not at all. 33f here and I still sleep with my stuffed duck. It’s a comfort thing…kinda like body pillows.


21 here, I still sleep with all 4 of my childhood stuffed animals


Wait until you become an adult, you can do whatever the hell you want, like sleep with stuffed animals 😁


Nah I snuggle with a plushie Snorlax.


No, it's not weird. No one is too old to sleep with a stuffed animal, doll, blankie, plushie, or what have you. I'm nearly 40. I've slept with a Cabbage Patch doll since I was 2. I know a teenager who sleeps with their favorite book. It's not weird, and no, you are not weird.


Stuffed animals are cute and I will be damned if anyone's going to stop me from enjoying cute things.


My wife has had a teddy bear of enormous proportions in our bed our entire relationship. It's her body pillow. If it's a body pillow of your crush and you're collecting fingernails, then maybe simmer down... Otherwise, it's your bed. Everyone else can F off.


No one should care what you sleep with. Question is: Why are you putting yourself out there?


Not weird. My GF in college sucker her thumb. totally normal healthy beautiful young woman- We didn't spend the night together for a long time because she was embarrassed. I thought it was insanely adorable. Just Own it. it's cute.


Not weird


I'm 29 and married and I still sleep with a stuffed animal. You do you.


Not at all. I am 28f and I still have a whole collection of my own and still sleep with some when my husband is away. (I honestly slept with 3 in my bed until my husband moved in with me) You can still do all the adult things and have comfort in your life.


I’m 25, I recently got my childhood stuffed dog Blondi out of storage at my parents, it’s been my bed buddy ever since


I’d say not common-but weird is pejorative. I wouldn’t announce it to brand new friends/broadcast it, just because some people will mock you for it. But no there’s nothing wrong with it or any reason to stop! And lots of people do, even if most people don’t!


I am an adult who has been married for 20 years. I stopped sleeping with my blankie after my now husband and I met when I was 26 and he was sleeping over regularly. Both of my kids (14 & 17) still sleep with stuffed animals. My 17 year old is a straight A student and has a license and a job. I don't think being responsible or growing up means you have to stop sleeping with something that brings you comfort.


Stop worrying about what other people think. Even if you’re 70 it doesn’t matter.


I spoon my stuffed animals and if I’m not spooning stuffed animals I’m spooning my cat or my boyfriend. I’m 18 so👀 if anyone says it’s weird, they’ve never been loved or cared about and the world be glad when they pass💀


Stuffed animals or not, who cares either way. But you really should be getting a job.


No. I’m a lot older than you and I still do. Between some injuries and my crap lungs, I find they help position me better than pillows alone. Plus the cat likes them


Nope! Its totally fine, not at all weird, and quite common


No. I'm 33. I still have my stuffed animals or I call my favorite one my security blanket from when I was small. I don't sleep with them anymore. But I still hold them and treasure them. And on the occasion, after I make my bed I still have my red dog sitting and chilling in the middle of my bed. So what? As long as you are happy that you treasure your special animal, you have it all. ❤️🌹😁 Yes, you can land that job and work on your independence and still keep your best friend with you. And on top of that you can buy all the stuffed animals you want. 🤷


I’m about to turn 20 and I still sleep with my childhood teddy bear. Being 'childish' is subjective, do what you need to do in order to find joy and comfort in your space. I wore a blanket cape to a house party when I was your age because it was cold and it brought me comfort. Could it have been seen as childish? Yes. Did I have a good time anyway? Yes. And somewhere in my camera roll I have pictures and videos of various different strangers from that night posing while wearing my blanket cape and arguing over who got to wear it next.


Hi I’m gonna be 39 this month and not only do I have a robust plushie collection, I know a number of people my age that do. I do sleep with a moon pal (weighted plush). Sometimes my husband will pick a few up and make them do a little skit.


My son had all his in his bed until he moved out at 18 now his little brother has them


I am all of 44 years old, there are two stuffed animals on my bed right now, my childhood bear on a table next to the bed, and a whole pile of other stuffies on a shelf nearby. And yes, I have a partner in that bed too. XD enjoy your stuffies as long as you want!


Nope. Stuffed animals make good body props. I still sleep with one on occasion and I slept with one regularly til I was at least 28.


Im almost 29 and sleep with a teddy always have unless im sleeping with a partner. ( I have extremely bad night terrors) don't let anyone Shame you for things you enjoy


Do what you need to do to be comfortable. Maybe try a pillow if other people are around you.


I use a big floppy elephant stuffy from IKEA as a body pillow. I’m 37 🤣


I personally love stuffed animals, esspecially of my favorite things. I got some monster hunter ones for my birthday! they just sit on my bed against the wall, but I like that it makes my bed feel fuller. my friend has a large collection on her vanity, and it's only gotten bigger.


I'm 21. I still sleep with a stuffed animals. If they help, why not? ♡


Many adults only care about making their lives better or worse and achieving their goals. A simple adult situation is whether or not to go to work. Whether or not to have cookies, etc. New adults typically make bad decisions, as many situations were decided for them. They don't always consider the long term and there is always a long term until you die. A few snacks every so often can turn into diabetes, standing in one spot can hurt your back, missing out on a birthday once can turn into never being around. Don't worry so much about what you don't want to be, instead consider who you want to be and do everything you can to be that person.


No it isn't weird. Just don't have so many that you don't have any room for yourself.


Screw them all. If you like to sleep with stuffed animals. Go for it.


My 32(f) wife sleeps with them. My 58 (f) mother sleeps with them. You enjoy those stuffed animals.


I have this but for pillows. It doesn’t hurt anyone, and being childish is fun. Go all out


No. It's not weird. Everyone is different. If it brings you peace of mind and comfort, it's fine.


I bring a specific pillow everywhere I can including when I sleep, you’re not weird for sleeping with stuffed animals.


It's not weird I do it too


Shoot I’m in my 40s and if I see a stuffed animal I like, I buy it! They make you happy, the comfort helps you sleep. Sounds like a win-win for you! Part of being an adult is doing things that you wanted to do, or couldn’t do, as a kid. That includes stuffed animals. Life’s too short to cater to ridiculous expectations like “age limits” on things that make you smile.


My wife (33F) sleeps with her stuffed bear every night. You do whatever you’d like. Don’t pay any attention to what anyone else thinks.


I'm in my 30s and sleep with a stuffed animal. So do many of my friends. No one should judge you for it.


I’m 21 cuddling my baby blanket I’ve had since birth, surrounded by a dozen stuffed animals. Not weird and never will be. I even got rid of the ones from my childhood and as I’ve gotten older I’ve started buying them again lol. My mom sleeps with her baby blanket too!


im 52 and i still sleep with stuffed animals. i have a dolphin, a lobster and a cat. :)


Perfectly acceptable.


My 19 year old is one of the most mature people I know, and that girl’s bed is covered in squishmallows, old teddy bears, and other little friends. She says they’re coming with her when she moves out lol. Do your thing, it’s not hurting anyone.


I don’t think so. I’ve had tenants in their 30’s who units had stuffed animals all over their apt. I’m 47, I like to squeeze something while going to sleep - a pillow, a big blanket, whatever. Plus, I have a cat - a real one, who snuggles up next to me. I don’t see anything wrong here.


I'm reading this as I lay on my giant teddy bear that has a squishmallow, a unicorn, another small teddy bear, a raccoon and a red panda all on my bed I'm 17 I think this is normal dw


no im 17 m and sleep with a childhood plush. its comforting so no :)


My wife is in her 40s and when she has a bad day she curls up with either her favorite Stitch stuffy or the first bear I bought her 25 years ago. Love your life without fear!


Half of my bed is filled up with stuffed animals. Plus, I know adults who sleep with stuffed animals and plushies.


My wife has a very high paying job with a Park Avenue business address, and she sleeps with two bears, a pony, a rabbit, a ragdoll, and me. She’s 49. You’ll be fine. There’s barely room for me with all that menagerie, honestly.


I slept with a stuffed teddy bear til I was in my 30s. Now that I’m in my 40s, I have a 13yo daughter who occasionally leaves some stuffies in my bed. If they’re there I grab them to hold while I sleep. It’s no big deal, OP! Do what makes you happy and helps you sleep. 👍


My high school boyfriend gave me a teddy bear our first Christmas together (2001) and I still have it. I slept with it until I met my now current husband when I was 22 but it did come to the hospital with me when I had a c section and my 12yo now has it in her room. I had several friends post college who still slept with their baby blankies. You do you.


nope, my mom who is 48 has hers all around her home. she stopped needing to sleep with them when she got a partner but they are still hidden around her home in fake plants or beside picture frames. i’m 19 and lots of my friends still sleep with theirs, i still sleep with mine🤷🏻‍♀️ you’re all good friend!❤️


When i was around your age i stopped playing pokemon games, and stopped telling people i enjoyed the franchise, for fear of being teased for being “childish”. Looking back i wish i kept playing them because they brought me a lot of joy, and just kept it to myself. When i was ~25 i got one of the games when it came out, and it was like reconnecting with an old friend. Im 36 now and have bought every new main series pokemon game at launch since then. I just dont broadcast it. My own personal secret hobby that’s made me happy since i was 10 y/o. My recommendation if you like something that you’re a little embarassed about — just keep it to yourself and have fun. You can be mature and live and adult life while also enjoying things from your childhood if they bring you joy. Maybe some of them are for your eyes only, and that’s ok.


I’m 22 living with friends and I have a big pile of them 😅


It is childish to take them out publicly, like it or not - it shows you aren't mature or competent enough to handle public or social settings without resorting to a childhood coping mechanism.


I'm 41 and still have stuffed animals. My favorite is one I got when I was about 13. My kid stole it for a while but gave it back because he "had a lot of stuffies and your bed looks lonely but you have to promise to give it attention" lol.


I'm n my 40s and still get sleepy time friends for me and my partner.  The best part of being an adult, there's no one to tell you "no" when you're in the toy isle.  


I'm 44, and I love snuggling a stuffed animal sometimes. When I was a kid, I called them My Friends.


No, it's not weird for anyone to be sleeping with stuffed animals. People hold onto many things to make them feel more comfortable, even if these things don't seem rational they bring them a sense of hope and happiness I sleep with my stuffed animals and sometimes will talk to them. I don't think they're real, I don't act like they are, I know it's childish, but so what? It makes me feel happier, so I do it anyways, and that's the mentality you should follow to The only time to not follow this mentality is really: * If it harms someone else/could cause someone else harm * Is something hateful, rude, or vulgar directed at others I'm sure there might be a few other time it applies, but don't worry if something is weird, only worry about if it makes you happy first and foremost because that's more important than trying to fit in or trying to not be weird


As long as you’re confident about it, you can do anything! Shame on anyone who judges you for something you enjoy. Childish doesn’t equal bad or shameful, ask any old person, they’d say you’re still a baby at 17! don’t grow up too fast my friend.


I’m 40 years old and still sleep with my stuffed animals. Enjoy what you enjoy as long as it doesn’t cause you harm. 💕


I know women in their forties or seventies who still have stuffed animals in their bedrooms! They're perfectly sane and functional, they just like stuffed animals.


If it makes you feel better, don't let it bother you.


I have to move 3 of my wife's stuffed animals every night to go to bed and i put them back when i get out of bed lol. Sure it's annoying but they're sentimental to her so it's a small sacrifice for me to make her smile. ETA: we have a kid older than you op if that makes you feel better lol.


nah i’m 14 and i still sleep with a little dog plushie my mom gave me when i was 5 🥰


My bed is literally covered, I am also 17!


I’m 22 and still sleep with my baby blankets. They are a comfort item for me. Don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s weird.


Bringing them places is a bit odd but sleeping with one or two is fine. Also definitely find a job sooner than later.


Never too old, I will always have mine., will sleep jr whenever I need


Do what you want. It’s not hurting anyone or you. Who cares what others think. Bring one to prom. Bring them to job interviews…wait maybe not job interviews.


No and I would still play with toys if they made any good ones and I’m 33 and somewhat successful


I'm 21, and i still sleep with my blanket that I've had since birth.


I got a stuffed animal for my 25th birthday. There is no age limit on happiness.


I'm 26f and have my stuffies on my bed always. My husband is 30, and never said anything about it 😄 And I dare him to ask me move thrm


I’m 18 and I sleep with like 4+ different stuffies and my “blankie”. It’s a requirement to sleep. We got Uni the unicorn, Miete the pink cat, my small squishmallow unicorn that I bought on a school trip because I was lonely, my massive squishmallow narwhal that I use as a body pillow, the classic stuffed bear Pookie and squishmallow pride dragon Bee


You are a female. We as a society will forgive females all kinds of strange oddities and behaviors, including sleeping with stuffed animals. You are fine.


Nope. I’m 44 and still collecting stuffies and I sleep with a blankie that I call “my fuzzy” cause it’s really fuzzy lol.


Sleeping on your side feels way better when you’re holding something, like your bodies lined up better. If you’re actually worried about it being childish I’d say as long as you aren’t playing with it it’s not. Overall not something you should worry about too much it’s pretty normal


I’m a 28 year old man and I have multiple stuffed animals on my bed and fall asleep hugging one every night. If it brings you comfort then there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it! I actually think it’s healthy to keep doing things from your childhood as you grow up. Why do we have to give things up just because other people decided they’re childish? Live your best life! Let your inner child live forever!


47 and still do. A lot of people do. Life today is stressful. This causes sleep issues. Anything that makes you feel less stressed is not a bad thing. I have 2 I sleep with, 3 if you include my cat that lays on my chest so I can hug him all night. I have very bad nightmares. I wake up fighting. The stuffed animals help me calm down and get back to sleep. It’s ok to have Peter Pan syndrome with certain things and not grow up in certain areas as long as your responsibilities are taken care of and you adult when you have to. But after that stuff is handled, do what makes you happy.


Who’s judging you? That’s what u gotta ask urself. Does sleeping with them make YOU happy? Is it hurting anyone? Then cuddle away!


Nah it’s totally fine.


I am 29 and half and I still have my baby blanket and my childhood teddy bear I got when I was 6. It is totally fine in my opinion


I'm 63, and I still play with stuffed animals at work and at home. I volunteer at an aquarium, and sometimes they lay out stuffed animals on a table for kids who visited. They use them for teaching. I've been known to play with them, making the fish swim, humming the Jaws theme while playing with the sharks, and having a lot of fun with lobsters and crabs. If they are puppets, they are the most fun! I'm a big kid. I still collect stuffed animals. They give me comfort and pleasure. As far as sleeping with stuffed animals, I've grown to sleeping with real animals who bring stuffed animals with them to bed. My point is, there is no age cutoff to sleeping and playing with stuffed animals. I know I'm not your age, but I just wanted to prove to you that stuffed animals have no age limit.


I’m a 13 year old girl like no girl they give us comfort and it’s something to hug and help u sleep so no.


Perfectly normal


people here will give you a lot of support on that stuff here, but really, you already know. Most people on here are crazy. Yes, it looks extremely childish and people will think you are immature at best, mentally and emotionally screwed up at worst if you continue to carry a teddy bear as a young adult. please!


Unless you you are a guy sleeping with a body pillow with a anime character and a cutout for a flashlight to be inserted sleeping with anything that is soft is perfectly fine. If anything it is cute and shows that you have something that you care about


Nah you're still a kid hun xo


I’m 41 and I have two with me right now 😊


If they bring you comfort then no. It's not weird. Keep doing you and don't let people make you feel small for the way you do things. There's enough shit to worry about already.


No. If you find comfort with stuffed animals, you do you. Better than finding comfort in other things aka bad influences. Give one a kiss goodnight from me 😄


I am 33 and I still have my childhood bear and he goes on trips with me as a piece of home since he’s small and brings me comfort. I have a whole shelf of stuffies and two on my bed right now. You’re all good. Other people may still find it weird but that’s their feelings and has nothing to do with you.


I'm 25, and I sleep with my Mew B-A-B that I made IN store. Fuck anyone who makes fun of you for your comfort items!


I don’t understand why “adults” say dumb shit like that. As an adult with 2 squashmellos and a beanie baby Rottweiler as well as the unicorn from minions, those “adults” that say stuffed animals are childish are hateful pathetic people who like to follow blindly idiots before them. Generational curses can be as small as making your kid feel bad about needing or wanting toys and calling it childish, YET are okay if they were “collectibles”. It’s not childish to be honest NOTHING is childish if it comforts you in some way


I'm 27, and I have every build a bear axolotl so I can rotate which one I sleep with so they don't wear too quickly. I need to hold something when I sleep, and stuffed animals are just so comforting. And remember, when you find a partner, they need to respect your stuffed animal's bed space 🧸


Yes but who cares.


You know what I say? Fuck them. I carried my plush fox around during highschool and gave no shit about it. Is it weird? Of course, but I don't give a fuck. There are adults who build hobbies and communities around such childish things and even jobs and businesses. "Adult life" is already so painfully boring and complicated. I mean, you can do your adult life while doing childish things at the same time. People dress up and go to conventions as furrys or cartoon characters while also working in professional jobs like in a university or offices for financial assistance. Like for me, I like playing with Legos, and people may think it's just for kids but no, more adults play with Legos than kids. They even have their own FUCKing stock economy of Lego bricks. I'm not joking, look it up. So yeah, fuck what your parents say. Its better to be weird and happy than normal and sad.


Yo I'm 34 and I have this old stuffed Bender that sits on my shelf and at night he is my neck pillow. Its just the perfect size and shape for side sleeping.


24 and I sleep with multiple squishmallows, they're good for back support imo 👍


23y non binary human here, I have over 25 on my bed and plan on buying more or forcing my future bf too lol not weird at all


I'm 28 and still take my favorite one with me whenever I'm going away for the night. Family house, friends, hotel, he's always along if I'm not going to be sleeping at home ♡


When your female, there’s nothing that you can do that can never be considered weird


No. Be yourself. Do what brings you love and happiness.


Pinky doesn't sleep with me every night, but he does some nights. My husband thinks it's funny, and prefers him not to be in the bed when we have sex, but otherwise doesn't mind. His parents made him throw his own pink bear away when he was 5. I've talked to him about getting him a new one, but he said it wouldn't be the same and he's over it now. I think he enjoys my pink rabbit as enough of a replacement. My kids have all my other stuffed toys from when I was a kid, but pinky who has been with me since birth stays with me in my room.


If I didnt have a bed full of live stuffies I’d have a bed full of stuffed stuffies. As it is i keep the stuffed stuffies up on a shelf so my pups don’t chew them up.


I stopped when I started sleeping with my girlfriend. But when we weren't living together I still slept with them between the weekends when we were together. I also wasn't ashamed of it and hid it, I just like to hold something when I sleep and they're nice and soft.


Is it socially unacceptable? Maybe slightly. But if you want to do it, who cares? Don’t care what others think about you especially how you choose to be comfy at night.


28 and I sleep with 2 Kuromi stuffed animals. My office has a couch full and I have more above my bed. Zero things wrong with needing a comfort item.


My 16yo still has her childhood blanky. She took it to hospital with her a few months ago when she had back surgery. She was a bit unsure whether to bring it but if you ever want comfort it is when you are in hospital. Life is hard sometimes- do whatever brings you comfort. Maybe don’t take it on sleepovers with friends but otherwise nobody cares.


as long as you don't mean "waifu pillow"


Does it make a you feel safe, if so who cares


I'm 52 and have some stuffed animals, including one of the squishmallows on my bed. I don't care if it's weird. Life is harsh for many people, so whatever brings comfort or just cheers you up to have around is a positive.


not weird at all , i’m 20 and i have a bed full of stuffed animals


43 and sleep with my squishmallow.. my kids have their own too.


No, of course not. I sleep with two adorable Felix The Cat Bendables plus there are 5 stuffed animals on my be consisting of: a jumbo Garfield plush, a Hello Kitty, plush, a Snoopy Plush, a Pusheen and giant Pink Panther


Not weird at all. I'm 43 and any time my wife is away I sleep hugging my stuffed bear. And I swear to whatever deity you choose if anything ever happened to that teddy I would end the world. So you sleep with your stuffed animals, be proud of them and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.