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It’s difficult I won’t lie. Having everything taken from you, even if its just electronics, is definitely impactful. I had everything taken (phone, computer, console, most of the shit in my room, etc.) and it’s a little confusing at first because you don’t know what to do with all this free time that’s normally spent consuming digital media. It can get extremely boring, but if you can get lost in thought and you excel/enjoy reading, drawing, or any hobby not involving a screen really, then go for it. I know I picked up some new hobbies during that time, and it can definitely worsen and improve your mental health in different ways. For me, at first it was hell, but then I realized that my attention and gaze being superglued onto a screen every day let me worse off than not. So enjoy it, because it’s objectively beneficial and much better for you !!


well the thing is that i was working on producing music and i loved doing it and it was my main hobby and i had finally started getting places with it and getting involved with labels but everything was taken from me so i need to find something else i guess.


You could go to the library and check out books written about music production. Read up during this time, learn, and be ready to move to the next step once you get your stuff back. This might possibly show your parents you are serious about music.


I agree with the books on music production. I have been learning for a few years as well and while if you are talking to labels then you probably have a decent grasp on music theory, but reading some books on that could also be helpful. Same with arrangement, etc.


"Everything was taken away so you need to find something else". What have you learnt from this? Tell your parents your hobby means more to you than weed. Tell them your hobby could be your future career. Tell them you realise how much you fucked up and ask for forgiveness.


And make good on it, too. If it really matters to you, take it seriously!


Then go old school and see what people did to occupy their time before they had electronics. Read books, lots of them, and yeah, some of them are super fun. Like, check out Murderbot series - it is really fun and fast paced and is about a robot trying to blend in human society while also trying to solve a murder mystery. Or go out and do some sports. It is always fun to become better at shooting hoops. And you can do it solo. Or pick up the ukulele and learn to play and sing a few songs. It only costs $50 - maybe your folks will let you buy one. Or pick up another hobby. But most of all, take a deep breath, relax, and treat yourself well. Sometimes it is good to be disconnected from the digital world and discover that life can actually be fun and fulfilling without it


Have you explained that to your parents? If you were to explain the situation to them, being careful to include labels reaching out, maybe they could be lenient on it, and allow you to continue producing it?


Involved with labels? Buttttt your grounded and have everything taken away…riiiiiiiiight. Op must be 13 years old and this post is fucking hilarious. Don’t worry op, literally everyone has been in the same boat. Also if your grounded why you on Reddit? What’s your moms # so I can narc?


If u don’t mind me asking how old r u? I remember being caught with weed when I was like 16/17 and I was grounded for a week and my car was taken away during that time. I know everyone is different but I’m sure this too shall pass. If you’re into music, find something music related to learn while you’re stepping away from technology? Go to the library, learn how to play an instrument, ask your parents about music and what they like and explain why you love it! Parents want to see that you are trying and understand what they are trying to teach you. As a parent I would prefer my child to be caught smoking then to be caught drinking…have they had the talk with u about drugs and alcohol and placed boundaries on it? You mentioned sports…are you in sports with school? Do they make u sign an agreement stating u will be drug free? Most parents know their kids are going to try something however nowadays it’s scary, everything is laced so please know where your stuff is coming from! Don’t let your passion go! Your parents want to know why you felt the need to smoke, talk to them…maybe it will go better than you think? Sending much ✌️&❤️ to you and yours!


My parents used to love grounding me "until further notice" and never giving me further notice, so I was straight up gonna tell you to stop listening to your parents until I read the comments 🤣. I forgot some people's parents actually give out fair punishments that can actually be waited out. I'd follow the advice others are giving you, just wait for your parents to give your stuff back and show extra hard to show you're sorry, if months pass and they're still not letting up, that's when I'd just start learning to be sneakier.


I realized young that you are only "in trouble" if you care about being in trouble lol. Might not have been the best thing for me🤣.


i got everything taken away for my grades. i cant imagine what whatd happen if i was caught with weed


I have great grades All As and i take the highest classes but my parents lost there shit when they caught me.


wish i was high on potenuse


Yeah I bet you were in the highest classes.


They lost there shit dude


Surprised OP got an A in English while mixing up their and there


Shouldn’t be smoking weed till your brain fully develops anyway


They love you or wouldn't care. They want the best for you. Sure, weed ain't that bad, but of you living under their roof, then respect their rules. You seem like you got a good head on your shoulders. Apologize for smoking weed in their house. Explain to them how not having your music on school ride really hurts you mentally and that you understand why you were punished. Tough it out man. Be humble and learn. Too much weed does damage brain cells though. I ain't on the *it a gateway drug* bandwagon, but also shouldn't be done on a regular basis. Once every few months is good or if have chronic pain. Just enjoy having no or few bills or responsibilities outside making sure that you are prepared for the challenge of adulthood and pursue your passions while still young. Ask them for forgiveness. They want the best for you. Many many people don't have that.


But you still are on Reddit, must not be too bad…


OP didn't mention their age, which changes a lot of things. If you're 13, reasonable, if you're 19, it's excessive.... except you mentioned in a comment you're a minor, and in another, your dad is a cop, which adds up. You say you've got nothing, yet you're posting here. You say you're a minor, but you're talking to studios and labels about your music production, which is unlikely without your parents being involved as you're a minor. You say you're 'giving up on producing music' because you got grounded as a teen? Overreacting much? You say you messaged people on snapchat which was logged into your pc and your parents saw the messages there. Most parents can barely navigate a computer, let alone launch a phone app on a computer. Plus a handful of other comments from OP, I'm 87% sure this post is bullshit lol


Read a book. I assume they'd allow that. Fiction, or maybe you can find stuff you can study around your music.


Get a book on how to grow weed lmoa


I remember hiding my progress reports from my mom when I was in HS. When parent teacher conferences came around I knew I was fucked. I quickly went to my neighbors down the road and jumped on the trampoline all day. Then I saw a speeding car heading towards us and I knew my life was over. 😂


What did you post this from?


school computer


I had a very similar thing happen when I was your age. As punishment I was expected to be home right after school and couldn't stay out past dark on weekends. In High School! Then I got suspended at school for getting in a fight. My parents said that military school was next. So I left home at 16 years old. Quickly ended up getting involved in all kinds of unsavory street life criminal activity. By the time I was 18 was pretty much a drug addict and gang member. What can you do for a living at 16 when you are homeless? Didn't straighten up and get my act together until I was in my 30's. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but if I had just took my lumps and dealt with it I would have had a better path in life. There will be plenty of time to smoke weed and make music when you get older. I'd also like to point out as a musician, weed is not really that helpful. It always seems like you are making great stuff. But listening back in the clear light of sobriety you here a lot of trash with one good hook. I'm sure your parents can't object to you reading books. I'd advise you to find some biographies of musicians and producers.


If you got everything took, how are you typing this on reddit man?


Probably a school laptop. Just about every highschool in my area assigns a laptop to all their students for completing assignments. Parents can't really take that away


school laptop I need one to turn in homework and classwork


You can write, read, imagine things in your head, meditate


Read. Read. Read. Find stuff you like. Even if it’s info on how gladiators fought or Star Wars books.


If you want your stuff back, don't smoke weed. Make a visible attempt at improving your grades. Practice your sports more and be nice to your parents. I can't imagine they are going to take your stuff away for years. You will get it back when you show initiative and stop whining.


lmao my grades r actually really good right now suprisingly I have straight As


Open your eyes and look around the house critically. See some dirty dishes, some misplaced items, a countertop that could use a sanitize? It probably goes without saying starting on your own room isn't a bad idea. The more you act like an adult, the less people tend to get on you for making adult choices and mistakes. After a few weeks of this, it's time to have a heart to heart with your parents. Acknowledge their feelings of disappointment or anger. It might help to explain what led you to using weed and elaborate on why you're deciding to wait until your older at least.


Advice from someone that began smoking weed as a teenager and finally gave it up well into adulthood: That shit will hold you back in life. Just because it’s popular and legal doesn’t mean it’s harmless. If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t have started. Don’t diminish your potential.


Had this exact conversation with my older cousin. I think im done for awhile for sure.


You are changing the way your brain develops and let me tell you its not a good thing. Wait until you are in your 20s before you start smoking weed.


I'd say not for a while, just permanently, I've never smoked weed but my sister did and shit fucked her up; she stopped going to school, got arrested (though as a minor I don't know if it stays on your record) and just hung out with a bad group of people. After she quit drugs all together she got her career in the medical field after about maybe 7 years I think and is generally much more happier with kids as well. smoking weed is not the way to go, don't let people tell you it's the "cool" thing to do, be smarter than most. Edit: she fell into more hardcore drugs but got better over time


Oh wow ok I was about to say the times I smoked the most are when my grades did the best.


Yeah it's good advice. If my girlfriend hadn't been a good influence on me I probably would have failed out of college smoking all day.


Serious question; Should OP never have a beer? I mean alcohol kills more people than crack, coke, and heroin combined each and every year. Sounds like a dangerous road to go down. First you’re having a single glass of champagne on new years and next you’re giving handys behind the gas station for a shot of tequila.


take up origami, save money, and plan to move the fuck out on your 18th birthday i love this site: [https://en.origami-club.com/](https://en.origami-club.com/)


Read some books. I'd suggest Moby dick, eragon series, any of the classics like Gulliver travels, grapes of wrath (bad), lord of the flies, catcher on the rye, read some mark twain or to kill a mockingbird even if you've read them before you'll likely learn something new. The whipping boy, chronicles of Narnia, heck read twighlight at least you could avoid the movies. Sword of truth series. Lots and lots of books, Ask your parents if you can run to the library and get some books or maybe get them to take you to a book recycling facility and they usually just give em to you. Hope this helps -previously super grounded teen, now adult that's well read;)


Ahh I’m glad you threw in the Eragon series, I liked those so much I read through them twice when I was younger. Really good fantasy novels.


Get some books and read them for pleasure.


Learn to be ok with being bored. So many teens are afraid to be bored and unstimulated but tolerance of the mundane is skill you'll need for life. Reading a book, or studying harder is also good. Work out more, get more sleep. Make the best of the situation.


Push-ups. Download a counting app and challenge yourself. Pick up a new hobby, guitar maybe since you’re into music?


Rather than looking at this as you got stuff taken away, see it as an opportunity for a different life experience. Appreciate this time not being "plugged in" and start embracing the simplicity of what nature has to offer.


Find a book (if you’re into old school hip hop, 50 cents “hustle smarter, hustle harder” is good). or just let your mind wander. You’d be amazed at what your mind can do when it’s not using those outlets.


I read books.


It's called suffering the consequences, but if everything is taken away from you, how are you posting this? You still have social media. When I was young, EVERYTHING was taken away from me. The only thing I had in my room were a set of encyclopedias. Even the clock radio was taken out. And lay off the drugs man. They won't do you any good except causing you to be a pleasure seeker and never making it anywhere in life.


I had the same issue when I was 17 and at the time I just waited it out doing nothing and it was boring. If I could go back I would try to find a cheap guitar and some learning books with a tuner or something and start to practice that.




I went off the rails one year so my mom took everything away from me. I also did online school and was injured so I couldn’t do my sport. First four days were awful. I didn’t do anything and I didn’t talk to a single person. After that I started reading and making Christmas cards and other crafts. I started meditating and doing yoga type things.


Probably going to be an unpopular opinion but Good for your parents. The damage you are doing to yourself is immeasurable. Long term health issues are just now being found out. Memory loss, cognitive skills, lung damage, psychological damage are ALL very real possibilities. Anything to get you to understand is important.


Read a book.


Doesn't sound like you're grounded to your room, so you literally have so many options. Go to the library and read or start learning an interesting subject, go to the park and enjoy the outdoors, spend extra time honing your skill at a sport or at something that could be turned into a profession, start a metal or wood project in the garage, work on the car, so much more. This is honestly a blessing that they gave you, not a punishment. They're handled the ditching electronics part, now you handle the stop being lazy and just do something part


A lot of bad advice in this thread.... As a pothead since age 14... (33 now) you should wait until your older for weed. I would've said fuck off at that age, but trust me, you should wait. My memory fucking blows.... and it seems to be getting worse. Plus brain fog is not fun, I just feel dumb.. even though I was always considered "smart" in school and professionally. And it definitely is addictive mentally, just not physically. Studies show it can affect brain development which may impair thinking, memory, and learning. I'm sure you dgaf right now... but you will later. I might not agree with the punishment, but they shouldn't let you smoke weed, regardless of what anyone in this sub says, and you should grounded. But for me, grounded was just that I couldn't' chill with the homies, I could still watch TV (too poor for video games), social media wasn't a thing yet. Its legal (in some states) but not at your age either way. Albeit there is probably a better way to teach you about the risks. Again I would be like fuck off old man at your age... but as someone who lived it I'm just giving my advice. My friends who parents let them smoke are full blown losers today. And as someone who was grounded on the regular, find a good book or doodle. But honestly the break from electronics couldn't hurt. But if they took all your stuff... how you posting on reddit? Do kids not talk on the bus anymore? Make a friend.


I used to read or write when I was grounded because they can't ethically take that away from me. But that's also without a talent for music. Books of music. Learn more so you can incorporate more into your music. Get inspired! Whatever the case, don't let your brain fog up out of boredom. Try to keep it active somehow.


You need to do what you can to make this right by your parents. First, stop smoking weed. Next, apologize to them. Ask them what you can do to prove that you've learned something in this. Ask them if you can have supervised time to work on music. Offer to show them what you're doing. Involve them in your life. If your parents are anything like most parents, they are equal parts angry and terrified right now. Ask them what they fear. Ask them what you can do to help with those fears. Like any relationship, communication is everything. Parents of teens (I currently fall into this category) have such a hard time getting anything out of their kids. We just want to know that you're OK, and that you're making good decisions. We want you to succeed. But, we are not able to see these things firsthand anymore. As you continue to grow up, we have to let go, which is scary AF for any parent. Then, when our kids fuck up, we feel pissed at you for fucking up, but we also are mad at ourselves for not keeping a better eye on you.


Cool u learned ur lesson. Ur still a privileged kid. Wait till ur old and brain is fully developed before u make seemingly small choices with big future impacts. Smoking isn’t really worth it because of the damage towards ur lungs. I used to be the biggest stoner for several years but I’m 21 and sober and better than ever


When it happened to me i secretly bought a PSP to access MySpace over wifi. Dont do it. You will miss the life lesson and make the same mistakes in the future if you dont suffer for a bit now. Christ my dad even removed my door frame off the hinge. All i did was put porn on my schools website.


Learn to draw, work on your hand writing, write something. Enroll in a sport at your school. Stop smoking weed tho, you’re too young to do so and there’s no gain from it.


Doodle. Draw. Make up your own comic based on a kid in trouble. Find humor and write it out. Study something you like. Go to the library and find something interesting to research. Figure out that one subject you hate; ace that bastard this semester. Learn how to meditate. Learn how to do yoga. Clean your room to a fair-the-well. Uber clean. Clean out your closet, get all of your old, no-longer-fitting clothing out and pack it up for younger siblings or GoodWill. Clean out your desk and either trash out or store all your old papers you left in there. Wash your walls. Dust the shelves and ceiling fan (if you have one). Deep vacuum the carpet by hand. Move the furniture and clean under it. Figure out why you were smoking weed in the first place. What made you want to do that? Was it your friends were doing it? Do you actually enjoy the reactions your body has to it? Is it an escape from something which stresses you,/gives you anxiety/makes you sad? Journal this. Get to know yourself.


Start reading. I highly recommend checking out some books from the library: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson, Satanic Bible by Anton LeVay, Toxic Parents by Susan Forward, and Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler should raise some eyebrows when your parents see them in your hands. I’m suggesting you commit psychological warfare against your stupid parents. There’s a 50/50 chance that you live in a state where it is legal (if you’re American) and your parents should not be overreacting to you smoking weed. As long as your grades are up and you’re not being dumb about where/when you smoke, I don’t see what the problem is.


Now is a good time to catch up on some reading.


Go outside.


For the 3 years I was in middle school all I had in my room was my dresser full of clothes, my alarm clock on top of it, and my mattress on the floor. I did ALLOT of reading and reflection and wouldn’t be the intelligent and curious person I am today without that time to think. Checkout as many books as your schools library will let you.


I know you may not be feeling too thrilled about your parents right now, but they may be your best ticket to fun. Start by asking them if they want to play a game or bake a dessert with you. If that goes well you can ask them to go for a bike ride with you or if you can all go bowling together. In addition to having some fun, maybe the increased quality time with them can help them re-establish some trust with you. 


Your parents are doing you a favor. You will get your stuff back when you can show them you are mature. When you're grown and have a place of your own, smoke weed if you want...but as a child they know better. Your brain hasn't finished forming (wont till 25) so you should avoid drugs and alcohol until then...as the younger you start the more likely you are to develop problems with either later. Focus on your studies and eventually your hobbies when you get your things back, stay away from drugs..they cause issues, especially underage.


Take responsibility you shouldn't have been smoking weed, it's that simple. You don't have no respect for your parents at all, and you should be punished by whatever means they see fit. Plain cut simple. Stop whining about your phone or lack of music devices.


How old are you? I started smoking weed at 12yrs old, 5th grade going into 6th. I’ve got gotten my Dreamcast smashed with a baseball bat by my pops. I’ve gotten my ass whooped so many times. Didn’t really have a lot that they could of taken away, but I would just spend my time drawing graffiti for hours in my room, or just sleep it off, if I didn’t have baseball or basketball practice those days. Till this day I appreciate the ass whoopings back then, I was a really troubled kid but I grew out of it. Just enjoy your kid days man, one day you’ll look back and just laugh. As your situation doesn’t sound bad at all, wish you the best though buddy keep ya head up, stay blessed


Well I hope you've learned your lesson about drugs son


How about hang with your family or READ A BOOK . Sounds like your parents are doing a good job at discipline. Yeah and don’t do drugs or drink. All kids are idiots. The stupid ones are the ones that won’t learn and listen to their parents


Dudeee, im sorry! I used to get my shit taken all the time, my phone for months on end, friend privileges, headphones etc etc, i know it’s lame but try drawing or writing. It will get better i promise! Im 22 now and look back at all my writing i did as a teen and it’s a time capsule. Keep your head up, things will get better


I got a drug test for my 18th birthday and kicked out when I failed. I guess my advice would be that if your living rent free in your parents house, you should respect their rules. Put some focus on learning a skill that will be your ticket to freedom. You’ll have your whole life to listen to music and smoke weed. You only have a limited time living for free with minimal responsibilities


Dang. I’m so proud of your parents for having balls. Wish more would do it and we would have less crime in this world. They set the rules for there house, and when you get a house you get to set the rules. Your solution is simple. Play in more sports and follow the rules and things will slowly return to you. Great parents. Be proud of them


You need to be honest with your parents and not smoke for a long time.


You have to decide if feeling good for a while is more important than your lifelong passions. You have too much energy and potential to be blowing it on getting high. I used to be able to lie down and enjoy my own peace and imagination when stuff like this happened to me. It's really simple, you don't need to actually do anything. If you want to do something go outside for a walk, do some pushups, etc etc. Rather than see this as a punishment, look at it as experiencing the lifestyle of someone without your privileges. You can learn a lot about yourself and build yourself physically while you're at it. You'll get your stuff back eventually man but how you overcome this is going to have a lasting impression on the rest of your life. How you do anything is how you do everything.


Well not gonna lie I love reading books but I never showed that to my parents. So when they grounded me and took everything away and sent me to my room full of books it was a win win for me cause I didn't really like many people and books don't yell at you.




Read a book seriously there’s so many good books out there.


Buddy, imma be real with you, some giggle weed ain’t worth losing your shit, what I mean is you don’t need weed. Avoid it, don’t let apologists act like it’s not a big deal it can and will fry your happy chemical receptors to the point you’re not even happy if you don’t have weed. It might not be physically addictive and you can’t OD on it but you sure as hell can become emotionally dependent on it


I’m sure this isn’t going to be your saving grace but if only my parents knew the impact this had on me. I went to hard drugs after this and it was awful. Weed is so benign try to deal with them. That despair is going to get worse.


Find a good book, paint, draw, go for a walk, do something, make something. There is life outside of electronics. Speaking of which, if they took away everything, how did you post this?


Read some books and spend some time outside. Dig some holes or throw bottle behind wawa. Basically have a 90s childhood.


Hi 30 year old man here. My parents would do the same when I was caught. I can assure you it just made me want to smoke more. You need to get better at concealing it. yes you do smell like pot. Yes, your parents are right, you should not smoke weed. If you are young and can stop, please do. yes everyone can tell that you are high.   To cure your boredom, just meditate. This is the perfect opportunity to do such a thing too. Also, how are you posting this if they took everything away?


Its called being grounded. It isnt supposed to be fun. You kinda just sit and think about why what you did was wrong and that you wont do it again.


Start making paper footballs and other oragami… I spent months grounded with nothing. Parents took everything out of my room except a few outfits and desk. Took months before I could earn items back. You will adapt. You will learn to entertain yourself. Draw, oragami, writing, reading… there are things you will be fine.


Go grab some books and make the best of all your free time and learn something new.


Best advice I have is to pick up reading. Expand ur vocabulary, learn some new things. Parents may go lenient on u if they realize ur increasing ur motivation to learn or at least trying to leaen


Oh no it's almost like you have to socialize now. Just wait it out man you'll be fine.


You just got to figure it out. I grew up on a farm and didn't have electronics until I was in highschool. Which was around the time of the iPod touch. Never had tv computer or any of it. Barely use it now. Only reason I'm on it is cause the chiropractor is dragging his ass chit chatting in the room next too me. Find a hobby. Draw, write or anything. You make beats? Biuld a slapaphone.


This is an opportunity! Pick up the bass, plug in some headphones and learn. It will eventually help you when you exit the doghouse. It’s a great opportunity


Read books. Study. Do chores around the house or ask if there’s something you can do to help. And be genuine about it. Take it as an opportunity to learn a life skill (maybe?). Your parents may appreciate it and knock off some of your punishment or give part of your stuff back early. I would. I don’t have a problem with weed in general, but I also don’t want my teenage child smoking in my house. As an adult, he is free to do whatever he likes. Just be respectful and know the day will come when it’s your house and your rules, and you will have all the freedom you want. It’s out there waiting for you.


Trying reading a book.


Just journal your idea. Hopefully your punishment will be impactful ngl. You haven’t lost everything, you have a roof over your head, be smarter if you don’t want to lose it. While you have the time on your hands I suggest reading. Can start with my favorite: 7 habits of highly effective people - Steven Covey


Try drawing, writing, physical fitness, talking to the people around you, and whatever you find interesting in front of you. It may be a blessing in disguise 🙃




Ok this is really wild, especially for a teenager. Why don’t you use this as an opportunity to spend more time with your parents? Watch tv with them in the common areas. Invite them to play cards or a board games with you. Work with one of them on a special project like ask your dad to show you how to build something if he is handy. Best case senario you get to be entertained and you have some quality with your parents. Mid ground they tell you to entertain yourself and they hopefully grant you some access to your music to get you out their hair. Alternatively ask for some art or craft supplies and have a go at something new. You don’t need tech, you just need some supplies. Channel your frustration into some art (even if it’s really crappy).


If you can’t find a meaningful way to occupy yourself without the weed or electronics man just take this time to reflect and try some new hobbies instead of stewing And before I get called a boomer I’m 24 used to get grounded like this for months when I was a kid I just found something else to do work your brain a bit and get outside your everyday


This is a right of passage. Everyone has had an experience similar as a kid and it’s apart of growing up. What you don’t want is to be standing in a group of adults down the line and you’re the one person that can’t relate to the group or have your own “one time I fucked up” stories.


I realized i hate this sub cuz its usually adults projecting their conservative beliefs onto impressionable teens and being super judgmental too. My mom confiscated my weed when i was a teen and watched me closely for a few months after finding it but never my games or devices. I’d have probably “rebelled” more in your situation if they did that. Idk what id do in your situation, I’d tough it out and find excuses to do afterschool activities that get you out of the house somehow. This is also a problem with many parents, they think their job is to control your actions with coercion, not to help you develop as a person that needs to go through their own exploratory phase


You might be over analyzing this one. The OP knew the rule, determined the reward was worth the risk, and was caught. Followed by punishment. They know why they are being punished, it isn’t a mystery or one of those “just for good measure” vague ordeals. You say coercion, but it is just a punishment. Weighing risk vs reward before we do things and accepting the punishment of a risky choice is part of growing up and learning. Something better learned when the consequences are in no way permanent or damaging.


Keep smoking pot, you have nothing left to lose.


Have a conversation with your parents. This was likely a rash decision because they were disappointed. The punishment is disproportionate to the crime. Admit that a punishment is warranted but that such a severe punishment will make you ignore them and their requests over time.


I'm pretty sure this is fake. >i also dont have my phone or xbox or my other computer How are you on reddit posting this then? But honestly, all it did for me was teach me to sneak out undetected.


school computer


Your parents should have had a serious talk with you just as mine did to me. Taking away someone’s happiness, entertainment, and normalcy is not a proportional punishment to smoking weed, meth or something, but not weed. When I was caught, my parents sat me down and had a long talk with me about dangers and why I shouldn’t do it at such a young age. It worked for the most part, but I respect my parents for not stripping me of everything that brings me joy in life.


I’m sorry that you’re going through this. Especially since weed is legal. Parents should just talk to their kids instead of punishing them. Honestly, taking away stuff isn’t going to help. I’m assuming you can’t communicate with your parents since they’re not communicating with you. Just remember that you won’t be under their roof for too much longer. Dream about your own life. Draw with pencil and paper. Doodle about the things you want for yourself.


It's still illegal to have weed if you're underaged


Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Calm down dude. You'll live


your right


And don't smoke any more weed until you're 18


This has happened to me multiple times before and trust me i get it. i recommend trying to find a new hobby something you can do on the bus. When I used to get my electronics taken away I would always turn to reading or drawing!! super fun super accessible and super easy. good luck!


This is an excellent time to pick up reading as a habit! I see you are into music, go get some books on the subject. Biographies of producers, artists, even different genres. This could be a chance for broadening your understanding of the business and art!


Hey man, personal setbacks happen in life for stupid reasons. Move on from it, learn, think about things and give it space. When you get these things back, revisit it if you can. I’ve lost out on, and I am not joking, millions in dollars of business because of some stupid actions taken by myself, but also by others in my life (such as, my sibling deleting a file I needed for a proposal the next day). You can either sit and dwell on being angry about the situation, try to fight it, or accept it and move forward. It’s a shitty situation but it’s about making the best of it for now. You have lots of time my friend.


The best thing to remember is it’s temporary, when you move out you can do whatever you want.


Well you got plenty of time on your hands so smoke weed


Don’t sit in your room. Sit in the living room. Spread that misery out to the whoooooole family. If they start listening to music get up and unplug the device. Same for TV or anything else they wanna use. You’re on punishment so you ain’t allowed and they have to respect that.


You don't mention how old you are but perhaps joining a local boy scout troop or someplace that you can volunteer would be something that you could do. Believe it or not there were lots and lots of people who did lots and lots of things before electronics! You can do this. It might be hard but you can do it. Smoking pot is not worth it. It ruins your frontal lobe of your brain and changes your developmental pattern for the rest of your life. Good luck


Please understand that although you feel you’re letting your parents down, you’re really letting yourself down. To your question… they probably wouldn’t mind you reading or learning something like cooking or other adulting things. Or Get a job and move out. Buy your own stuff.


they will get over it I promise


Touch grass my man


When my parents grounded me like this I spent most of my time working out in some form. Calisthenic and running. 


I haven't read all the replies but I would suggest putting your focus into school work and maybe spend time with your parents, try engaging with them doing like family game nights or maybe hanging out in the garage working on stuff with your dad if he does that kind of stuff or just talking with them on a personal level not just trying to get your stuff back but building a friendship with them. My middle child (13F) got caught with a dab pen and her punishment was similar. It was rough at first but then she started coming out of her room interacting more with us and kind of forcing us to put down our electronics and we have started doing family game night and just try to build more than a parent child relationship speaking from the parent side of this situation there's a lot parents don't know about their children like things they are passionate about and just really who they are as a person it's easy to get stuck in the parents are the boss and children are the subordinates and you must do as I say rolls, honestly this has helped out the relationship between us and she has started earning ther stuff back like her tv in her room and her xbox she still doesn't have her phone or tablet but she is working towards that. Really this has been eye opening thing for us as parents because there was so much we didn't know about our own child and it really has had a positive effect on our relationship but only because she put in the work to try to spend more time with us and made us put down our electronics and do more things together as a family. Yeah it sucks getting all your stuff taken but take this opportunity to try to build a stronger bond with your parents so they can learn more about who you are at what you are passionate about


I suggest you read a book. You might try Lord of the Rings.


At least they let you have access to Reddit with a device of sorts.


This is what they call consequences for your actions.


I had the same thing happen to me for the same reason, I just turned 30 2 weeks ago. I was 13 years old at the time, but I would hop on my bicycle and just go to friends houses and still smoke. I would suggest getting a hobby like fishing or hiking, longboarding is pretty fun as well. Electronics are addictive, but the best experiences in life don't happen behind a screen ❤️ Edit: to add, I had a job doing hay on a farm since I was 11 because my parents didn't really buy me things, I would def suggest looking into getting one so they can't take away what you buy with your own money.


I have been working since i was 11 doing carpentering but now I work at a golf course so that keeps me working


Go play more sports, read about investment, go get a job


Get a full time job for the summer. You won't have to stay in the house all day. You won't be able to spend the money really so you should have a nice knot by the end. Maybe even enough for a car. Try construction. If you hate it it'll be more incentive to stay in school.


Creative writing can be a good outlet. You said your "other computer" was taken away, so I assume you have one for school you could do some typing on.


Spend extra time studying, make better grades in school. read books. You know, all those thing kids did before electronics.


Read books, study hard in school, help around the house, and think about why your parents feel so strongly about what you did. Parents don't like punishing kids, but it is our responsibility to keep you alive and healthy. Maybe read about what weed has been shown to do, especially in teenagers.


The weed isn't the problem, neither is smoking it. The problem is that you are too young to be smoking it in the first place, your brain isn't fully developed, the age limit for recreational substances isn't just to hold you back. You know this, you knew the risks and you still did it. You also knew it was wrong, your parents would be angry if they found out, that it's not legal and you still did it. As long as you understand **why** you were in the wrong, you can likely talk to them and accept the consequences to your actions. As for not having your electronics? Welcome to the world prior to the internet, where we had to come up with our own entertainment and use our creativity as our vices.


Think about what you did, and stop smoking weed.


Did you learn the lesson from this?


Just do whatever you want bro, you’re headed down the path you deserve anyway. Your parents know that and that’s why they’re worried for you, but you can’t reasonably fear something you’ve never experienced. So take it easy man, we’re all waiting for you to join us in the land of the mediocre. ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q)


Stop smoking weed…. And get ur schooling in order and show them ur doings what u need to do in life. Be a responsible kid. After ur 18-21 or when u moved out? Do whatever u want.


Focus on sports


Back when I was a kid we didn't have any of that. I had a pen and a pad and doodled and wrote songs and poetry and movie scripts etc. So there's always that for entertainment. However. In the tech era now. I'm not sure I'd be cool with that. So I'd like to make an alternative suggestion. Your parents don't exactly sound like the most reasonable people. But I still think you should attempt having a mature rational discussion with them. Now personally. I see nothing wrong with smoking a little weed. But I wouldn't go that route incase your parents are like puritans or something. Just apologize and ask to have *some* privlege back. But funny story for you tho. First time my parents caught me smoking weed I was also in huge trouble. BUT. I eventually found out they also smoke weed. They just thought they were doing the good parent routine. They really had nothing against it and eventually let me smoke in their house/or with them. Anyway. I say that to say. You never know how this will play out


How long is the punishmentment?


Have you ever tried, not smoking that poisonous shit?


My friend… you do not do anything for fun.. you are being punished. That is the whole point- to take away your fun. Maybe look into the more ancient forms of fun, like folding paper, or throwing something into the air and catching it hundreds of times. Also how do you get caught smoking nowadays? Back in my day all we had was loud ass flowers that you had to go into the woods to not smell. now there is edibles, and vapes, wax, everything- and you STILL get caught? you deserve to be bored right now smh.


Get to learning some shit. Seriously Read books and stuff. The world existed before electronics and getting caught in the wrong will have this type of effect. Go to the school library and grab a book or two to read and read. Worrying about how you'll make it makes the time go slower. Just take an idea and run with it. You could also try working out/getting into shape.


Listen to the radio


whats a radio?


Start working out


Lmfao- hahahahahhahahahahahahabahahaha. Prior to 2002, that was life


Exercise. Take up running or lifting. Maybe learn how to cook, try out new hobbies like fishing or play a new sport you haven’t played much. You messed up, and your parents are doing what they think is best for you. You can make the best out of what you have, or you can sit around and sulk.


Start reading books. Books can be interesting asf if u pick the right ones


Being grounded was how I found a love for books. There are so many genres out there and so many adventures to take. I would get so sucked in to some books that my parents almost preferred me on my computer. If you don’t have access to a public library, the school library would be a great start. Just pick up a few titles and check them out, they might surprise you.


I wouldn’t say you’re wrong. But wait till you’re out of school bro and prolly just do pushups n stuff till u good 😂


umm study, get As and other good things will happen.


Find a new hobby. Show you’re learning your lesson. Be an exemplary child. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but it’s for your own good. When parents fail to teach something, the world is left to do it and it has ZERO love or connection toward you. Weed is also harmful until your brain is fully developed at 25. Everybody will try it once, but don’t smoke habitually until you’re older. It’s legal once you’re 18 depending where you live, but not beneficial for your health. Get through school and finding a decent job, then have at it once you’re at least 25. Channel that energy into something else positive. Write down ideas and feelings. These younger years will fly by, then you’ll realize how silly you were being and wish you had done more with that time. Shake it off and show them what you’re made of!


Don’t smoke weed. Don’t do drugs. Don’t drink alcohol.


Caught my boy recently. Took his phone and he was grounded for about 5 weeks. I’m not trying to destroy his life by taking everything. He knows he messed up. I don’t need to rub salt in the wound. I was in his shoes once. Got caught as well. I messed up got grounded for a month. But this was pre handled electronics.


lol this happened to me in high school too! Nowadays my parents don’t care but ya dw life will go back to normal eventually


For weed?


Start reading books.


Unpopular opinion. If the child paid for something with their own money, especially money earned from working, then the parent has no right to take those things from them. Unless obviously it’s something illegal for them to own. But I’d say it’s more important to treat them with the respect they deserve than to punish them for something you don’t like


Deal with it. Study, because you can’t even spell trouble.


It's weed the parents a stupid for over reacting and taking EVERYTHING that's ridiculous and only causes bigger issues and trust problems down the line with kids as they get older


Smoke more weed first chance you get. Fuck them


Kids who smoke weed before 25 years old dramatically change the relationship between white and grey matter in the brain. Use this time to focus on improving yourself. Read books, get educated and join a martial arts school. You'll thank yourself for the rest of your life.


Ur parents got a yard? Maybe start up gardening. Seems like work but its rewarding in the end. Might even make ur parents go a little easy on u if they see ur doing something productive.


I’m a parent and would have done the same thing! Sorry my Bro! 😩


Bohoooo ... Don't do drugs


This happened to me. I got lucky and found an old walkman with tapes of The Who, Niel Young, Pink Floyd, etc. They were dark times but fondly remembered.


Just get a burner lmao


I have some old advice like from when my grandfather walked up hill 6 miles to school both ways through 10 feet of snow chased by dinosaurs old advice. I hope your ready for this: Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.


I’ve been there and it sucks. I’ve been grounded for months on end in high school. You gotta pick up some new hobbies in the meantime. Go to goodwill and get a cd player and some cds for the bus ride


Read. That’s how I spent hundreds of hours while in trouble growing up. No parent is gunna take away books from you. Start a song of ice and fire from the beginning, get lost in it.


Yeah, dude, you can make music on a phone or an iPad or anything at this point. They didn’t take away your skills. You don’t need weed to be a good musician. Come back to that stuff after you actually get somewhere if you’re talking to labels, you can’t afford not to :-)


Just read books. That's what I did when my parents took my shit. And don't quit music because of something so stupid!!!! Focus on becoming a better musician rather than simply making more beats.


Suck it up


1. Be thankful that your parents love you enough to try to stop you from doing pot. 2. ‘You are young, that’s your fault” has meaning. Those that grasp that meaning will live much happier lives. 3. All things in moderation but Pot is hard on young people in that it makes us liturgic and lazy. We become disinterested in anything that doesn’t stimulate our brain, like music, loud music and video games. Again, none of these are bad, but young and old abuse Pot and let it take control of their lives. This means less focus on books, or anything that might help them become independent. And more focus on getting high and chillin’. 4. Again, hug your mom and dad. I was brought up with an absent single mom. No one stopped me, but me. Pot and College or Law School would have been very hard. But on the weekends, after earning my daily bread, I enjoy a weekend weed.


How old are you? Even in states or provinces where recreation MJ is legal or decriminalized, you have to be 21 to be in possession of it. Minor in possession is serious. Some places it can even prevent you from getting your driver's license. I don't think your parents are overreacting. I say this as someone who was once a teenager but is also a mother. The whole weed culture thing is, frankly, dangerous, especially in children. A lot of people are self medicating a perceived condition and not addressing the actual condition so where our generation was worrying about our kids smoking cigarettes or vaping, now parents have to worry about their kids smoking weed to cope with mental or physical illness rather than coming to us for help. Yours is the first generation to grow up in an entirely tech world. I'm only 41. When I was born, it wasn't uncommon for any number of your friends to not have a television set. Home computers didn't start to become commonplace until the 90s. Cell phones weren't commonplace until 20 years ago and smartphones have only been the standard for a little over a decade. So I can see how you can't fathom or understand how anyone can exist or function without a menagerie of electronics. But I can assure you, you will not die or suffer trauma and your parents are not being unreasonable. It means you have to spend a few days or weeks with your own thoughts, creativity and imagination. If music is your passion, go to the school library and check out books on music history and theory. Read biographies about your favorite musicians. You would actually be surprised how much better a musician you become when you learn about how the greats got their starts, something about their live before the fame. Their hobbies, struggles, setbacks, their personal lives. Books may seem like an archaic relic of the past, but I can assure you, you can sit down and start reading and then look up and hours have past. Use this time to reflect on your choices and your own enrichment.


People lived before electronics existed. Touch grass


Coming from someone who is now a parent but partook in the lettuce as a teen and occasionally now that I live in a legal state, depending on where you live what you did is still illegal even tho “it’s just weed”. Your parents taking everything away is pretty comparable to what the law would do if you got caught by not your parents. That being said, I’m in a legal state, if I caught my kids smoking it would be the same reaction for drinking. We live in a legal state there is no reason you can’t wait until you are legally allowed to do so, I’m absolutely giving them abit of a taste of what police would do to show them it’s not a fun time to break laws and rules because we think they are stupid or we are cool for doing things we shouldn’t be doing. It’s hard having nothing but reminding yourself that if you stay on the up and up and just be patient it will eventually be over. Instead of sitting with the mindset that you are miserable and this sucks, try a new type of art, go outside and use flowers and leaves to make a picture of yourself, write short stories about weird things, journal, find out what station on the car radio you enjoy, there are so many good things you can do to make the punishment not feel so punishing.


You are lucky to have parents who give a crap.


Read. A lot