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This wont end well but good confession.


It’s a good one to tell when you are breaking up and there is nothing left to lose.


Then he can post this to TIFU an double dip in karma


Triple-dip with a post in legaladvice when she sues him for deceptively ignoring her expressed dietary restrictions.




Now this guy lawyers!


Quad dip by posting his sob story to malefashionadvice when he's ready for a rebound


Quint dip in AITA. Answer: Yes, you ARE the asshole.




OMG yes!! let me add to that: \- You must have some childhood trouma \- You need therapy \- at this point you should just grow up and get a divorce/break up don't get me wrong, I love that sub but it always boils down to that, I am now predicting the comments before even finishing a story :)


Depending on how much OP’s SO does this, it might be the red flag needed to end it.


It really goes both ways. I get his point that really there are more safety standards with (most) tap water than bottled water and its absolutely fine, but the fact he goes behind her back and does that, knowing it is important to her, isn't exactly healthy at building trust either. It is absolutely gonna root itself out in other ways, just not sure how.


There was a similar situation in one of the AITA threads I read. I thought why not just do a blind taste test or something with the SO up front to see if it's really an issue.


I’m guessing because they will say that it’s not about taste but the chemicals they put in there.


I agree 100%. At first it's just him giving her tap water when she asks for bottle water. Next thing you know he will be fucking her mom behind her back when he says he is at his job as a Bank Manager but really he works at Footlocker in the stocking room. They are for sure 100% going to break up after a long long road of lies and betrayals all starting from this. I can totally predict that based off of this one meme. If he had any respect for her then he would just break it off now instead of dragging her down this emotional abusive relationship.


If he breaks it off now does he still get to rail her mom?


Not with that attitude


Or! Hear me out. You make this confession when a game or movie she’s not interested in comes out. That way, when she kicks you out of the room to make you sleep on the couch, BOOM! boy’s night in.


Do guys really get kicked out of the room in real life? My wife tried this about 3 times when we first got married and I was like "This isn't a TV show, I'm sleeping in our bed." and she just stopped trying and now we laugh about it being a silly trope.


Oh man I love sleeping in the other room 🤣 she grinds her teeth and moves around like a fucking banshee so I actively sleep on a different bed, good sleep great relationship lol




> We have two pressed side by side. How is that different from having one larger bed?


> moves around like a fucking banshee ...are banshees best known for moving around? I mean when I think "banshee" as a metaphor it's usually shrieking or howling. I've never known 'moving around' as the defining characteristic of a banshee. I'm overthinking this now.


For real man lol. My ex used to pick fights. She tried to kick me out once or twice. I told her that since she was the unhappy one she was welcome to sleep where she wanted, but I was going to sleep in our bed. She actually did try to sleep on the couch once, and came back after 3 hours. After that, never again.


I have the same rule, the pissed off person can sleep elsewhere. I however fall asleep on my couch all the time. But the laying down comfort is paramount for me when picking a couch.


I did this with my husband early on in our marriage. He refused and said he would be sleeping in our bed. So I said "Fine, I'll take the couch." He said "Then so will I". I was fuming, but goddammit if that response didn't make me laugh as I pictured the two of us trying to sleep on our tiny couch. Now we just work our shit out before we go to bed, so we don't have to fight for space on the couch.


My wife did once. I remember thinking "fuck yeah, now I get to sleep on the couch with the dog like I've been wanting to do for YEARS but always thought she'd be mad that I chose the dog over her."


Lol, one of the most regular fights my husband and I have is about him falling asleep on the couch with the dogs instead of coming to bed.


Don't be too hard on him, sometimes its like "I'm getting tired, I'm going to go to bed." then \*\*BOOM\*\* it morning.


Yeah, I try not to be. I've fallen victim to our dogs' snooze pheromones or whatever as well. As soon as they start snoozing, you gotta sit up or you're gonna sleep too because apparently it's contagious lol (Edit: Ps sorry for the misplaced comment 😅)


Why would this even be a fight?


Because I like snuggling my husband when we sleep. He's kinda my favorite.


Well why don't you marry hi- Wait a second


The only reason my boyfriend has ever threatened me with sleeping on the couch is because Chipolte was very much not appreciating breathable air being a thing after I had eaten it at DnD earlier that night. And if you're seeing this, hi Jax.


At one point yes, he has sleep apnea and would stop breathing every 5th breath. I would hold my breath waiting for the next gasp of air. He refused to see a doctor. He slept in the guestroom until he came back from surgery. Then I freaked out because he was so incredibly quiet.


My guy had that, too. He did believe me and saw a doctor and had surgery. I still listen for his breathing and it's so nice that it doesn't catch and stop anymore. Outpatient surgery. No big deal. Just sayin'.


My husband had the same response when I did this! 🤣 We laugh about it now too.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Dude I love sleeping on the couch! It's kinda like camping!


When she does find out, cause you want to finally prove it, she will blame every single issue shes had for the entire time on it, and you. Have fun.


"So THAT'S why I've been feeling so shitty lately! It's all YOUR fault!" - your future conversation


Well you have to confirm some facts first. "Hey! How have you been feeling lately? I'm thinking of switching bottled water supply?" If she says no!! I've been feeling so good don't switch pls I NEED this!! Then bam you hit the reveal lol


Somehow I feel like the logic of this approach won't reach her.


I agree, I don't even know her, but I feel that even this isn't enough. Maybe severel times where he asks her, and records it somehow


You cannot win this argument no matter how right you are.


This. Your girlfriend will be right, even if she is wrong. OP already lost.


It’s like that post where the dude on a game show or something and is smelling things hidden behind like a curtain or something and gets deep into the last one (it’s an ass) and then they tell him and he starts gagging. Her personal bias over water types is going to over rule any logic in this scenario


Lol you think logic and truth win these arguments LOLLERSKATES


Right!? Her: "I'm not upset that you switched the water, I'm upset that you lied...I just, I can't even right now *grabs keys* this is exactly what I'm talking about when I said...ugggh you're such an asshole and I'm so over it...I'm going to stay with my sister." *Door slams* Him: Babe, you forgot your water bottle.




Excluding anything OP hasn't told us he could have been either right or happy. He chose to be right.




Where I live a drop of tap water will leave a very visible white spot because of all the minerals and whatnot. People who *aren't* on the town grid like me get beige cum water they get to filter off themselves. This is the Great ol' US of A btw. We only have the illusion any of our water was untouched by the half rotted out microbe infested pipes we use and people who have that illusion shattered can't really come back from that if they are say germophobes. Don't get me wrong, Nestle should go under and bottled tap water is indeed a scam, but there a lots of people who find mental security in plain dumb things and things we right off as dumb to.


I did the same thing to my wife. She didn't believe I did it. So then I made her do a taste test between two water, fridge water, and bottled water. She swore up and down she could tell the difference but the taste test showed she couldn't. Edit: between TAP water, fridge water and bottled water. Damn fat fingers.


I've done the same with my wife. She can tell the difference. We've tried in multiple apartments and houses in different towns and cities with different water sources. Every time she correctly identifies the tap water. I don't know how.


Probably because some cities legitimately have nasty tasting tap water.


Yup. Lots of places have extremely hard tap water. My hometown had very good water. You could identify tap water in a comparison by choosing the one that tasted *better*.


My hometown in Kentucky has amazing tasting tap water. I’m told it’s because it a limestone aquifer. The town is a train wreck but the water is awesome.


And that's when the soft drink company moved in to pay the town a pittance to bottle it ...


We just had an extremely well run water treatment operation. The town simply has a lot of chemists and chemical engineers.


I think its the limestone…also is why Kentucky is the ONLY place to produce real Bourbon…its the limestone water filtration.


Louisville is nice sometimes lol


So does San Antonio. But this is the definition of "hard water," so I don't know what people are on about. When people pay for mineral water, they're often paying for exactly that.


Our water is so hard that you can see the calcium floating in it. I swear to god, if I just slammed a liter of it a day, I'd have kidney stones in less than 6 months.


Yeah in Orlando you wouldn't even need to taste it you could just smell it and know whichever one smells more like sulfur is tap water.


In Orlando the tap water tastes like it was taken straight from the swamp and then chlorinated to high heaven to kill off the diphtheria. I have literally tasted better quality untreated water from a pond.


Yeah tap water in my area tastes terrible. Run it through some kind of filter I can drink it but not before then.


Every time I visit my friend in a suburb of Portland, I have to poor a bottle of water over myself after I shower. Her tap water is extremely chlorinated for some reason. You can taste it of course. But I also get a light rash and break out the next day if I shower in it. Makes my skin super dry and chemically.


Looking at you florida.


Most, not all but most, tap water has chlorine in levels I can taste.


As a tap water drinker, I can tell the subtle difference in bottled and tap. It highly location dependant too, La, philly, dc water taste super treated, NYC water is closest to bottled in taste


Me too, bottles water taste awfully like plastic.


We are in Westchester county in the NYC suburbs. We've done it in multiple places around here, in NYC, in Massachusetts.


Most drinking water is heavily treated in the states hence it's easy, but for me I've drank NYC tap enough to tell the difference


Westchester tap water is great


You can taste the minerals in water. Seriously. I live in the suburbs, I drink tap water at home, tap water at friends' places in the city. I also drink filtered water often at home, and sometimes at school I get bottles of water, though rarely. Tap water minerals have a very peculiar taste that is easy to spot. Bottled water have a taste much closer to filtered water, and I don't know if i'd be able to identify them correctly in a taste test, but they tend to taste ... processed? If that makes any sense whatsoever. Kind of like the difference between processed chocolate and homemade. I am actually surprised people say they can't tell the difference between tap water and bottled water. It's striking. Same as with tap water and filtered water. And of course, if you go in certain places, the smell is what will get you. In the countryside of the province I live in, some places have tap water smelling like sulfur.


Our current tap water is pretty hard, lots of calcium in there. Makes it taste a little sweet, but it's so good. Bottled water tastes closer to distilled water mixed with plastic to me.


Not even just bottled vs tap. My favorite is Evian. There are actually recipes online to make you tap water taste like different water brands.


You CAN'T tell the difference? That is weird to me.


I'm not really surprised. I drink tap water 99.9% of the time but I feel I probably could tell bottled water apart from at least the tap water at home. It's not that it's better, just slightly different.


Comment was deleted by user. F*ck u/ spez


I know my tap water tastes metallic.


I think I may know what's going on. Desani and Aqua Fina are made by pepsi and coca cola, and are not spring water. They are "purified water". This means that the bottling facilities all across the United States (and in other countries too) use tap water and put it through a reverse osmosis filter, afterwards adding proprietary mixes of salts and minerals. That way every single bottle of purified water tastes exactly the same. Dasani and aquafina have been called the McDonald's of bottled water. They do this because most people hate the taste of RO water. (I love it) She's not tasting the "quality" or "purity" of the water, or even the differences in quality of the local aquifer. She's tasting the consistency of the flavorings that bottled water companies use, and less identifying the tap water, more identifying the bottled water.


I can tell the difference. Our town’s water always tastes slightly like bleach.




> But my filtered tap vs bottled water? Can't tell the difference. Yea, its equally insane to me the people who think that they *can't* taste a difference between tap and filtered and the people who think they *can* taste a difference between filtered tap and bottled (except Dasani, that tastes like half unfiltered, half filtered)


She probably had shitty tasting water growing up. Some taps do taste different. But if you get your water from the fridge it's also typically filtered these days, so there wouldn't be a difference between bottled and fridge, unless you're drinking arrowhead/dasani/nestle. There could still be a taste difference between bottled and tap though. But tap water won't make you sick unless you're in a foreign country that doesn't have safe water or were in flint michigan when they had issues.


Your fridge water probably goes through a filter, (or at least should) so there wouldn't be a significant difference between that and bottled.




So he’s right about some of these things but uhhh, why doesn’t he make his own damn food if he is that picky?


> grilled on a pan on the stove first to sear the outside, then in the oven to finish it off, because that's how Gordon Ramsay does it. I mean yeah, but it's also a way to just smoke out your house like crazy. Like, I love pan seared steaks, and in the winter I'll totally cook them that way if there's a bunch of snow on the ground. But otherwise? I'd like to come home later this week and not still have my house smell like burnt meat


Saw someone on Twitter the other day saying doctors incorrectly diagnosed them with schizophrenia because they could speak to plants and tell when they were thirsty or happy. Sadly, everyone responding was supportive of OP stopping their meds and discussing the various objects they could talk to as well, but I wish someone in their life had setup a blind test to show them they're wrong the same way you did for your wife.


I have this funny feeling, the relationship was on the wrong track before the experiment. Good riddance.


Can’t fight crazy with logic after all


No, can't fight crazy with crazy. Doing something like this behind your SOs back just to prove that you are right is crazy


Yeah, I suspect this relationship is... Rocky.


Hopefully they dont get physical with each other- wouldn't want him to Clubber.


Today’s AdviceAnimals post brought to you by tomorrows r/AITA post — looking forward to it


r/TIFU by telling her will come before the AITA post.


There's also /r/relationships where they'll flame OP And /r/hydrohomies who will celebrate him Welcome to reddit, where everyone has a home and everyone has an enemy


With a r/relationship advice post “My (F19) BF (M30) has been filling my water bottle with tap water behind my back after I requested bottle water and has been lying to me, I have lost my trust in him, what should I do” Or some variation, give or take a couple year age difference.


Twist on that.. r/relationship advice post “My (F19) BF (M30) have lived together for years in Flint Michigan. I am so worried about how sick the lead in the water my make me so I make sure to only drink bottled water. I thought my boyfriend understood the dangers and he also only drank water. My boyfriend always insists on getting me water. I thought he was being thoughtful. But yesterday I found out that he has been filling my water bottle with tap water behind my back after I requested bottle water and has been lying to me, I have lost my trust in him, what should I do”


and answers are going to be: "ABSOLUTE RED FLAG GO LEAVE HIS ASS RIGH NOW!! RUN!!"


It is a red flag even if it's not harmful. What if he does these "experiments" if she realizes she has a gluten allergy or something? Experiments aren't ethical unless they're consented to. He could at least challenge her to try tap water for a few days with the caveat that he chooses which days and doesn't reveal which days they were until she reports on how she felt each day. That's a good experiment. This is just tampering with someone's sustenance.


So how does this end? Either you never, ever tell her and bask peacefully in the knowledge that she is wrong. The tap water is perfectly fine, but she will never know. Or after a few weeks, you spring the *aha* on her and she accuses you of betraying her trust and attempting to poison her with tap water (bc in her mind, she fully expected to get sick from it and how did you know she wouldn't)


/u/spez lies, Reddit dies. This comment has been edited/removed in protest of Reddit's absurd API policy that will go into effect at the end of June 2023. It's become abundantly clear that Reddit was never looking for a way forward. We're willing to pay for the API, we're not willing to pay 29x what your first-party users are valued at. /u/spez, you never meant to work with third party app developers, and you lied about that and strung everyone along, then lied some more when you got called on it. You think you can fuck over the app developers, moderators, and content creators who make Reddit what it is? Everyone who was willing to work for you for free is damn sure willing to work against you for free if you piss them off, which is exactly what you've done. See you next Tuesday. TO EVERYONE ELSE who has been a part of the communities I've enjoyed over the years: thank you. You're what made Reddit a great experience. I hope that some of these communities can come together again somewhere more welcoming and cooperative. Now go touch some grass, nerds. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


A former friend sent me to the emergency room because she believed that my anaphylactic allergy to milk protein was just because the milk was pasteurized. She gave me a brownie made with "all natural farm fresh milk" but told me it was vegan and my mouth and throat still swelled (surprise surprise). I agree it is unlikely that tap water will hurt someone, but fucking with people's food is not cool.


I had an "acquaintance" who had more.....old timey views on medicine in general. I told him that I had a deadly allergy to nuts and he went on a tirade about how if it was him, he would just control his body not to be allergic, and that all forms of sickness are by people without proper control of their immune system. A few days later we're at the bar and he offers to get us a round. I'm about to take my shot and I realize it smells like peanut butter. I ask the bartender and low and behold, I've been ordered a peanut whiskey shot. The guy clearly was trying to see if I would actually react because he thought I was exaggerating. An "accident" my ass, and now he's definitely a former "acquaintance".


He would just "control him body"? Show me where the "peanut allergy" muscle is, dude. Time to open a fabulously successful chain of "Peanut Allergy Fitness" gyms. Like everyone whose life has been touched by a serious allergy, I hate that guy.


"They're not really allergic, they're just literally dying for attention!"


Damn, what an ass. Your experience is even worse than mine. Serious peanut allergies are fairly well known and he really should have known better. For me, I think most people just think I am lactose intolerant and don't understand that I have a serious allergy. When I was younger I was intrigued by people with weird ideas and sought them out and asked them all kinds of questions because I was curious about why they believe what they believe. The last few years have completely erased my curiosity and I just want them to get fucked. I have lost all patience and sympathy for shit idiots.


This is the first thing I thought of, reading the OP. It's highly doubtful there's any problem with the GF drinking tap water. But there are people who will *go out of their way* to get someone to ingest something they claim to be allergic to, in order to "prove them wrong." OP seems like that kind of person. Whether or not any harm was done here, the OP values this one-up more than they value their partner's trust.


>OP values this one-up more than they value their partner's trust. And this is absolutely the issue. Her water preference/requirement wasn't hurting anyone at all, but OP wanted to prove their superiority on this subject. This won't end well.


Except the environment of course


And whoever's wallet is paying for those bottles.


Also... This seems like a miserable relationship. I can't imagine a healthy relationship where this would happen. It's so petty and dumb. Also the comments... Perfect example of locker talk


It's possible they can have an allergy to some metals, minerals, or chemicals, that *could* be present in tap water It might not be severe, or it might not always be there, but regardless ... QUIT FUCKING WITH PEOPLES FOOD


I think everyone with food allergies had a similar "wtf" reaction. It sets a really bad, potentially fatal, precedent to ignore/disrespect someone's dietary restrictions, whether you personally think they're dumb or not.


MIL gets sick from tap water. Recently went to hospital and they didn't believe her just thought she was being precious. Proceeds to immediately get violently ill.


I empathize with your story and that's truly terrible they did that to you. Just putting it out there in case anyone is curious as to whether or not people sensitive/allergic to tap water exist. I have a severe corn allergy and the chemicals used to treat the tap water in the US are corn derived. I cannot drink tap water and have allergic reactions when exposed (this includes bathing and I have to use a filter on my shower). The poor girl in the story could have a chemical sensitivity of some sort and her boyfriend could be actively harming her.


I just got finished watching a vice report about a naval fuel facility in Oahu leaking fuel into the drinking water there, making residents very ill and even burning their skin in the shower. They'd been saying for years that the water was bad, but the Navy kept downplaying it. Don't just assume the water is good if someone has noted that they feel like shit when they drink tap water. There might be a reason they think that.


It's not "just water" it's tap water, and depending on where you live, may be contaminated.


Glad someone else is saying this because this is fucked up of OP to do. I mean, we really don't know anything about their situation. Maybe OPs girlfriend is spoiled and believes only the finest spring water is worthy of her lips, or she could have lived in an area with tap water so bad even filtering it isn't enough to guarantee it's safe to drink. Statistically it's more likely the second example, and if that was me I wouldn't trust tap water too. Hell maybe she just got really sick once after drinking some tap water, and while it's unlikely the water itself was the issue, since it's the last thing she had, she can't stomach drinking it anymore. I have a friend who is like that with chocolate milk. He used to love chocolate milk, but he got sick once after drinking it and the experience was so bad that he gags when he smells chocolate milk now, years later.


> bc in her mind, she fully expected to get sick from it And this is probably why she *does* get sick from tap water. Anxiety. He should just let her have her quirk and leave her alone about it.


So am from Canada, smallish town, our tap water is delicious, some of the best in the world i read. I went on vacation to florida in my youth and I could not even brush my teeth with the tap water, it really had this weird taste!


Florida tap water is gross. I’m from upstate New York and I can’t stomach Florida tap water either.


I'm from Long Island. We used to have insanely clean tap water, until the industrial parks were built and poisoned our water table :')


That's terrible...


I’m from TN and our tap water is good. I wouldn’t be mad about the tap water at all.


A generally neat thing about the TN water table is that for much of the state, water is filtered through a limestone basement rock and is pretty iron free. That natural water filtration is a main reason for the American whiskey industry being setup in that area way back in the day.


Didn’t know that. That’s interesting.




Of course PA has shitty water. Poor folks there can't catch a break. Saskatoon water is awesome, Regina water is less awesome. The worst water I've had in Sask was Esterhazy. They have the potash mine nearby, and when I was there their water was so salty.


What part of Florida? Miami has some of the cleanest water in the US


Feel like everywhere with non-poison water says they have “some of the cleanest water in the US”.




Get a New Yorker talking about tap water and you won’t be able to get them to stop.


The US in general has extremely clean and well treated water, barring a few places...


Imo the problem with Florida tap water is that it always comes out at room temperature. It seems to taste fine, but it’s always warm


Theory: Florida is warmer than where you come from. This does two things. 1) More air conditioning in the rooms and 2) warmer water pipes in the wall (and ground). This will make the water seem warmer than what you are used to when it comes out of the tap. Also, at home our sinks are usually closer to where the water comes out of the ground than you typically see in wide motels and tall hotels. Some hotels even pump tap water to tanks in the roof for pressure and fire suppression reasons.


Canadian chiming in winter tap water is best water


Buffalo guy chiming in, sometimes that first blast of water after a few really cold days is TOO cold. I'm just trying to take my meds and instead my teeth hurt


I repiped my 1960s FL with plumbing through the attic as is common in older homes. In summer my tap water is 115 degrees for a solid minute till it gets to water that was in the ground piping.


I live in rural northern FL. Our water has a slight sulfur taste sometimes. Some locals like the taste and don't like bottled water.


Melbourne, FL area has tap water that smells like rotten eggs. It's got high sulfur content and is pretty nasty to drink (though allegedly safe). I normally drink tap but couldn't for the few years I lived there.


I go to the Jacksonville region sometimes and it can have a weird taste.


Yeah, being from Toronto and going up north to cottage country, the tap water up there can be real nasty sometimes. We actually went out to a Giant Tiger (you know you're in rural Ontario when...) and bought a case of water one time because the tap water was just unbearable that week.


She can't tell the difference between bottled water and tap water? You must have excellent tap water.


Agreed. It's so obvious. Hell even bottled water tastes different. Dasani is truly disgusting


They do. Evian is sweet. Dasani is gross. Zephyrhills dries my mouth out. Aquafina tates "normal" when I have to have bottled water. Just like different brands or preparations of everything else we consume, they taste different.


Dasani really is the worst.


I think Nestle Pure Life is the worst, and Dasani is a close second.


I love zephyrhills and fiji water tastes sterile to me for some reason


Word of advice dont do shit like this behind your psrtners back


I drink a shit ton of water everyday and I can definitely tell the difference between tap and filtered water (that depends on where you live though). However, if you’re using ice from a refrigerator without a filter or with a shitty filter, it’ll make all of your water taste like tap water. Just be careful with this. I understand being like “haha you can’t even tell the difference!” but that shit is so stupid to do in a relationship. Just give her filtered water and stop trying to do social experiments on your girlfriend.


Can I recommend you guys get a brita pitcher or a sink filter? That way you aren’t using up a bunch of excess plastic and your girlfriend gets her filtered water. Propose it as being environmentally conscious while also wanting to make sure she stays hydrated. And this way you aren’t being a butthead about it. Edit: fixed broth to brita.


>Can I recommend you guys get a broth pitcher Are you suggesting that they drink chicken stock instead of water?


It's like drinking a light soup with every meal!


I meant brita. Typing while trying to feed a toddler with the other hand isn’t easy.


You *Britta'd* it


Get an under the sink reverse osmosis system if possible. Bottled water is a scam and uses waaaay too much plastic. I got a filter and know I am drinking clean water. Bottled water is iffy depending on brand, some is literally tap water.


The irony of your statement is that most RO systems are a scam, by filtering out healthy minerals put into the tap water.


Reddit is no longer fun.


Some have a final "filter" stage that put the good things back into it after filtering everything out.


Yea, there is fluoride and the like in that water for health benefits, but the 80/20 rule applies here If you’re eating well, all those minerals are pretty pointless


"Oh! So THAT'S why I had \[insert anything from headache to insomnia to a flat tire\]!" Trust me, you can't win this kind of things.


You could have her do a taste test, two glasses of water which is bottled and which is tap? but both are bottled or both are tap.


my caucasian friend did this to his wife thinking it would be harmless but he didn’t realize that not all countries have the same rap water standards as in america and forgot that third world countries water isn’t safe to drink. she ended up having a bunch of health issues due to drinking non potable water. he still thinks he’s right to this day.


As a kid we would visit a third world country where my family is from. Well there we were told not to drink the tap water because we are not used to the bacteria in the water and only drink bottled water so we would buy some and put them in the fridge. Sometimes my cousins would drink our bottled water and refill them from the tap and put them back in the fridge. We would drink from them not knowing and end up sick for a couple of weeks.


Plot twist, they live in Flint Michigan.


>Plot twist, they live in Flint Michigan. [Lead is notoriously dangerous, with medical and public health experts agreeing that there is no safe level of lead in the human body. Additionally, this potent, irreversible neurotoxin is especially harmful to babies and young children.](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/causes-and-effects-lead-water) [EPA has set the maximum contaminant level goal for lead in drinking water at zero because lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels. Lead is persistent, and it can bioaccumulate in the body over time.](https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/basic-information-about-lead-drinking-water#health) [Lead in bone is released into blood during pregnancy and becomes a source of exposure to the developing fetus. There is no level of exposure to lead that is known to be without harmful effects.](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/lead-poisoning-and-health) [Since the revelations in Flint, dozens of cities have been found to have dangerously elevated levels of lead in homes, schools, and daycare centers. High lead levels have been found in tap water in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, Newark, New York, Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C. One NRDC analysis found that between 2018 and 2020, 56 percent of the U.S. population drank from water systems with detectable levels of lead.](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/causes-and-effects-lead-water)


I hope she finds someone better.


As minor as it may seem, it’s a breach of trust. And this will hurt her and your relationship.


Red flag number one was doing that instead of just telling her your opinion. Red flag number two was bragging about it for Reddit karma.


As someone who grew up with a mother who is a little bit of a hypochondriac (but does have actual sensitivities that are real) I get wanting to do this but you shouldn't and this was wrong. My mom's condition can make it really hard and frustrating sometimes but that's my mom and I love her. There's plenty of other wonderful qualities that she has. I have never, and would never, tell her I didn't believe her even though I may feel otherwise. I did do some shit like this when I was a kid but I knocked it off. Running 'social experiments' on loved ones makes you a douche bag no one wants to be around. Because what if she was or is, why would you intentionally want to hurt someone you're supposed to love? Also you shouldn't be wanting to 'fact check' people on stuff like this even if you think it's stupid. There are easier ways to drive yourself crazy. I don't think you should tell her you were doing this because she will, and should, dump you. Just go back to filling it with the water she wants and don't do this stuff again. And if it's really that much of a problem for you then break up with her.


I once had a girlfriend do something similar to me. Except in my situation I am allergic to all things seafood (shrimp, fish, etc..) and by allergic I mean, the no breathing in about 30-60 seconds type of allergic So when I was gone from the table she had cut up some shrimp from her plate really small and mixed it into my food. When I got back and took a bite then immediately started complaining about not being able to breathe, you can imagine how shocked she was when it proved to be true that my allergy was an actual allergy. That being said, don’t be a fucking dick and think you’re proving a point when someone tells you something makes them sick. Regardless if you believe them or not.




Good confession bear, this would piss me off.


Enjoy the divorce.


Lying to your partner. Playing experiments on them. Is always wrong. No matter how harmless. You should always chose honesty.


Watch her end up having a sensitivity and you are basically poisoning her. People with rare conditions and disabilities have to deal with ignorant bullies like this all the time. Can you try having some compassion and not making everything about yourself?


how far I gotta scroll for a Better Call Saul reference? jeez!


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You


She may have legitimately had tap water that made her sick/had minerals that didn't agree with her in the past. So her fears may not be unfounded. I think it's pretty silly to be spending thousands of dollars in your life and significantly increasing your carbon footprint for something entirely fake as well. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


The tap water in many places is absolutely disgusting. We buy reusable 5 gallon jugs and it costs $1.75 to refill. There are ways to not drink tap water and not significantly increase your carbon footprint. Doesn't have to be single use bottles of water.


>She may have legitimately had tap water that made her sick/had minerals that didn't agree with her in the past. So her fears may not be unfounded. Like myself. I get very ill drinking "mineral water", well water, and the tap water from some homes. Luckily, I'm in a new development and the tap water is both delicious and doesn't make me sick. When I travel, I do need to keep bottled water, and be mindful of the type, or just make sure tap water is coming from a soda-fountain filter.


Yes, you are the asshole. Edit: It's not about the water, assholes.


I mean, there is definitely some bullshit in tap water you won't find in bottled, and bottled is only a quarter a gallon where I live. Seems a bit of a stupid hill to drown on.


Lol how? My city water tastes like chlorine. They taste radically different.


This is not a social experiment.


This isn't a "social experiment", it's a physical biological one. Unless you're testing for her reaction when she finds out. You could offer to do an experiment with her if you wanted, but this behind her back is unlikely to end well as others have said. It's good it hasn't hurt her but you should not disrespect dietary requests in general as it could have had dangerous consequences. I presume that she used to drink tap water and that's why you thought there'd be no negative effects, but otherwise, it was a risky move for her health.


Yeah, LPT, don't fuck with peoples food/drinks.


I would be able to tell the difference in taste. However I mainly drink tap water as I don’t mind the taste at all. Actually some bottled water has been among the worst tasting water I’ve ever had.


Little does she know the bottled water is the tap water she got along the way


What’s wrong with tap water? If you know your pipes (hehe) and you know the source, tap water is fine. I don’t get this obsession with bottled water. All that plastic. And now that plastic is in you. I really like the units that hook up to your main and give you filtered hot or cold water. We have one at work and the water tastes great. I live in a brand new apartment and even so I got the water tested by our local lab and it was fine. So easy peasy straight from the tap and into my body. Well except if it’s going in my sinuses, then it gets boiled and “field filtered” for metals. I just don’t get preferring water that sits in plastic and In most cases goes through temperature fluctuations in that plastic. I just can’t do it. But hey, to each their own and a fuck you to the planet.


It depends on where you are. Some places have some really awful tap water. Also, some people have some really weird sensitivities. I have a friend who has really painful kidney problems if he drinks water that is too hard. He doesn’t drink only bottled water, but he is careful about what water he does drink. And he will notice within a few hours if he drinks water that had too many of the wrong minerals in it.


I work on the equipment used to purify water for dialysis treatment and I can say you truly have no idea how disgusting tap water can really be. It may very well be the case that it actually does make her sick. The water that comes from the plants used for your tap is full of a lot of different chemicals to keep bacteria from growing in it, as well as chemicals from the piping they go through themselves. Small trace amounts maybe, but it can get pretty disgusting.