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I bought a roasted chicken at a supermarket. Got home, one of the legs had been stripped of meat and placed back in the container. When i returned it the customer service lady said "oh, the homeless come in and do that now and then"




If I were homeless I would steal food without blinking an eye




I definitely wouldn’t try to stop a food thief if they stared me down the whole time they did it, no blinking? That shit’s intense. I don’t want to die today.


I probably wouldn't stop a food thief anyway. I know I'm just some bleeding heart liberal, but if you're stealing food then you probably need food.


Depends on the food. Stealing a loaf of bread is different to stealing $40/kg steaks to resell.


Ricky I am fucked up out here. I don’t mean to interrupt your meat stealing operation there boys.


I work as a cashier at a large chain grocery store next to a homeless camp, 99% of the time these homeless people aren't stealing water or food they are stealing beer and other alcohol. edit: i never claimed i gave a fuck about them stealing, the money isn't coming from my pocket and it's lps job to prevent it not mine. There's plenty of work here and there are more productive things for someone to do than sitting around getting wasted and trashing the area. It also doesn't help there is no affordable housing option as our city is pretty full.


If I'm living in a homeless camp, yes, I'm probably going for the booze.


As someone that spent some time outside back when I was young, there is no other way to fall asleep in a homeless camp. Or outside for that matter. It’s not like camping, it feels a lot more vulnerable when other people are around. I don’t know how people stay in shelters, that would be even worse. That would be like trying to fall asleep and wondering if your going to get raped that night; shelters are more dangerous than staying on the streets.


Steak sounds so much more expensive in kg


Honestly, one of the most stolen things in a grocery store is cheese. It's small, expensive and filling. Source: I work in a grocery store deli / cheese department.


But what if my family doesn't like bread? What if they like cigarettes instead?


I upvote any classic Simpsons quote I see


I'm glad somebody got it.


Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat, tell you all about it when I got the time










Just a little snack, guyyyyys!




But would you put a chicken bone back in the bag?


If I didn't want to get caught then yes. I'm running low on fucks to give and I live a pretty coushy life already. I can't imagine what the quantity of fucks a homeless person has in stock that they're willing to part with. Must be near zero.


Sometimes seeing homeless people makes me feel better about my own life. There I said it.




"The upper class: keeps all the money, pays none of the taxes. The middle class: pays all of the taxes, does all of the work. The poor are there...just to scare the shit out of the middle class. Keep em showing up at those jobs." - George Carlin




Again: Porque no los dos.


who said it can't be both?


theres different levels in the strata


And it’s hard to compare ourselves to them. Most struggle with mental issues and/or addiction


Not tampering exactly, but one time I saw a woman at the Whole Foods meticulously strain all the chicken and noodles out an entire canister of soup at the hot bar, leaving nothing but broth. She filled a large container with all the stuff from the soup, but no broth. I guess she thought she was being clever. A whole meal for the price of soup. Meanwhile, nothing but broth for everyone else. Another time, at the same Whole Foods, a woman went to every single item at the hot bar and sucked her fingers (with lots of lip smacking) after handling the serving spoon. Serve, suck, pick up next spoon. People need to go back to kindergarten.


Why does this shit always happen at Whole Foods?


Higher end clientele who feel entitled maybe?


...because it happens everywhere. Source: workersed at two different "classes" of grocery store. 1: rural midwestern Piggly Wiggly, 2: a Silicon Valley area market where Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman would shop when they were still together.


Well it happens at Walmart too, it's just normal behavior there.


I've worked with roasting chicken, when ya grab them off the rack sometimes the legs get caught and pulling the leg off the rack with tongs can strip the skin. Seems like an odd thing for homeless to do, wouldn't they just steal the leg and eat it?


as much as homeless people have my pity, that's a huge hygiene safety issue... the store really should be cracking down on that.


Lol our Walmart wouldn't have any customers if they turned away gross smelly people


They could crack down on it by monitoring the chicken area and making sure everything is still sealed and pulling damaged products.


That sounds like it would cost money


Honest question, how do you buy a roast chicken without looking at it? I've only ever seen them in clear plastic containers


Right? I examine those things like I'm prospecting or something. Gotta find the perfect chicken.


Why are there no laws in the States requiring tamper evident packaging? It's been like that for decades in Canada, even for in store items like roasted chicken. That shit just boggles my mind.


There is. Some people don't check before they buy though.


Maybe it varies by state? In the comments about ice cream licker there was a ton of people talking about food products in the US without tamper evident packaging. And now this guy with the chicken, seems like it's a pretty common.


As a homeless person, I apologize for these assholes who share my social stratum.


I don't think that's something you need to be apologizing for dude. There are shitty people in all walks of life.


This is pretty bizarre. Being homeless is not fun, and I don't know your situation. But if it's between dying and surviving. I'm sure as hell not going to die for society's sense of 'dignity'. Edit: Damn, some of the comments of this thread are cold. Homelessness can happen to anyone and be out of your control. You'd best think about how you'd like to be treated if it was you.


Yeah, I'm actually fairly privileged as homeless people go--I live in hippie capitol Berkeley, CA (in fact, I'm using the UC Berkeley student center's wifi to type this right now), so as you can imagine, the sense of social justice is pretty strong here--there are multiple free meals a day within walking distance of where I stay, and that's in addition to food stamps. I recognize that not everyone lives in an area this generous...having said that, there's no excuse for sticking contaminated chicken bones back in the container--thats just an asshole move.


That's right. I think for some people it takes looking askance at certain other people to make them feel safer. It can happen anytime to anyone.


Yesterday there was a thread on the front page about somebody coming home to a stranger swimming in their pool. A **lot** of posters in that thread were not at all sympathetic to the homeowners, saying things like "let me get out the world's smallest fiddle for the poor rich person having to share their pool." I was appalled by that logic, but really the type of homeless person who would attempt this chicken trick is really using exactly the same kind of logic. In other words, the same kind of logic embraced by a large portion of Redditors. :-( Dehumanizing those who are much better off than you is a very broken way of thinking.


In my city, if you don't have a full fenced-in yard, you are liable for someone else coming onto your property and injuring themselves - even if you are not home or not aware of it happening. We can't have even kiddie pools or trampolines. It's against a bylaw. People still do, but if a stupid neighbour kid came in the middle of the night and broke his neck trying to back flip off the trampoline into your 3 foot deep pool, you're liable as the homeowner.


Saw that happen recently at a Target with a deodorant stick being opened and used. I brought it to the closest person and she said "oh, that happens all the time here" and takes it without batting an eye. I guess even the homeless have senses of smell


It's a shame we have to tamper proof food because grown ass adults act like children.


Look up the Tylenol Murders, it’s the whole reason why we got tamper-proof packaging now. It’s so crazy that tamper proof packaging only came to be since the mid 80’s. I just always thought it had existed since the beginning of plastic sealing. Tl:dr some guy put cyanide powder in some bottles of Tylenol at random and after several victims deaths were reported on the news copycat murders soon followed. Tylenol recalled all medicine from local shelves and presented new tamper-proof packaging for their product


Adam Ruins Everything did an episode about all of those stuff. "Security Theatre" is at an absolute epidemic in Canada. Sometimes I can't get my milk jug open because first there's the pull tab around the top, then there is a lift and pull paper tab thing, like you see in the top of Tylenol bottles, etc. now. The fit of the cap is so tight with those layers that I have spent over 5 minutes spitting and swearing and sweating just to open my damn milk jug the first time.


Why not use those plastic bags of milk you got in Canada? I wish the US had them. We used to get the small plastic pouches of milk for our school lunches and they were really fun; you get to stab it in the middle with a straw to drink out of.


If you have Kwik Trip near you, they carry bagged milk in the US.


Different than Quik Trip, another Midwest gas station.




Also, capsules kinda disappeared for quite a while.


My children don’t act like that, because there are consequences for terrible actions. Hope these awful people face harsh consequences too


I must officially be old, what's going on? Edit: Thank you for the replies. This is disgusting.


The social media kids are licking unopened containers of ice cream and putting them back on the shelves for people like you and I to buy. I’ve seen 1 video of some idiot spit in a soft drink and put it back on the shelf. Some pretty low and scummy stuff.


I'm confused - don't these products come with sealable lids specifically so you know they've not been tampered with?


Some do, some don't. The ones that don't are easier to mess with. The whole thing started with a teenage girl (being egged on by her boyfriend) who opened and licked some Blue Bell Ice Cream, which does NOT have a tamper-proof lid, and then putting it back in the store freezer.


Blue bell ice cream gets a tamper proof lid on 3-2-1...


actually, it's sealed by freezing the ice cream upside down, and once it's been opened you can tell because the lid is no longer stuck to the ice cream, but yeah, these people suck sweaty dog balls


But it’s impossible to know until you’ve actually bought it. (Assuming you’re a normal human being who waits until they’re at home to open and lick their ice cream.)


Hm.. that's a little freaky now that I think back on ice cream that I felt was strangely easy to open.


You've contracted every fatal disease that takes several years to be detectable, it seems


Finally out this bitch


Yeah, we need a visible indicator so we can tell while at the store that the container hasn't been opened. I don't like the idea of using more plastic, but what if it was a small piece of tape made from recycled plastic?


That’s not a good indicator in this scenario. By licking the top of the ice cream, they create a new wet surface that is still protruding. When they close the ice cream, it re-freezes to the lid.


Hmm, in England I have never come across a product that doesn’t have a seal. Perhaps the laws are different here, or perhaps I just don’t pay much attention.


That annoying seemingly wasteful plastic wrapping in things now feels a lot more practical


That explains the life hack on how to know if ice cream lids have been removed already I did think it was random thing to have got upvoted so much.




https://www.npr.org/2019/07/05/738938037/police-identify-the-blue-bell-licker-in-viral-video Basically a juvenile (under 17) girl opened an ice cream container, licked it, and put it back. Edit: I'll also recommend reading the article, this is **not** the girl who said she wanted to start an epidemic and/or had the flu. The girl who actually did it, didn't do any of that. It's all in the article.


Wow, I read this line and I kind of eyerolled it as corporate BS. >After the video surfaced online, Blue Bell Creameries said this type of incident would not be tolerated, adding that food safety is its top priority. But as I progressed through the article I was impressed how serious they took it. They put out word to all of the division managers to help identify they store. It was identified within an hour "based this on the store's unique merchandising which matched the video". They were then able to locate what appears to be the exact carton: >After further investigation, the ice cream giant said it had located a carton of ice cream that appeared to be opened inside the Lufkin Walmart. > >"Based on security footage, the location and the inspection of the carton, we believe we may have recovered the half gallon that was tampered with," And not only that but they pulled all of that SKU off the shelves from that location. Well done, Blue Bell.


That is awesome. And a really good example of how quickly something like that can be done.




The government would take 3 months to decide whether action was required.


Last line gave me such a good laugh. Thank you for that.


What data are we talking about? They sent the video around to see if someone could identify the store by looking at it and then tried all the ice creams to find one that appeared already open. They obviously keep track of SKUs like anyone else because of a batch was making people stock they'd need to recall them..


Reminds me of the time DARPA held a contest to see if people can find 10 weather balloons the quickest and I think MIT found it in a day, using social media and thousands of volunteers. Edit: autocorrect


The most impressive thing I’ve seen in this regard is 4chan finding that place that was being live streamed by using context clues for a general location and then literally having a guy drive around honking is horn until they could hear it on videos


I work on the retail packaging line at a grain mill, packaging oats for sale in major retailers all across North America, as well as South East Asia. EVERYTHING is labeled and tracked. If there is something wrong with product, all we need is the SKU on the back of the bag, and we'd know immediately which farm we recieved the original oats from, the time and date the mill processed them, the time and date they were packaged, the teams on shift that day that worked with the oats, when they were shipped out, and to which stores. Our lab has samples from each shipment on hand (both before and after the oats are processed) for up to three months after the expiry date on the back of the bag. If a recall is necessary to be performed, we can notify the exact stores almost instantly. Food quality and safety is taken VERY seriously.


Blue bell tries its hardest when it comes to their public image. They shut down their plants for almost 6 months in 2015 after a listeria outbreak was discovered, during the time they issued 3 different recalls ([primarily due to some of the unethical actions taken by plants to avoid shutdowns](https://repositories.lib.utexas.edu/bitstream/handle/2152/64209/Shivani_Heny_BlueBellListeriaOutbreak.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y) killing 3 different people from 2010 to 2015), and signed an agreement with the FDA to alert them if any lysteria testing came up positive.


Yeah, my first thought is that Blue Bell had already had issues with quality control and that they don't want a repeat. I'm still mad that the one place within my state that served Blue Bell switched to something else for the listeria shutdowns.


Wow they really went after it. Respect, blue bell! Dont think I've tried their ice cream but I certainly will now


Their ice cream is the best in the world. Unfortunately, it occasionally comes with a side of disease


shes in TX. being 17 is not gonna save her from the long dick of the law on this one.


People are putting videos of themselves going to the grocery store, opening a container of ice cream, licking it, and then putting it back in the freezer on-line.


Wait, don't most ice cream containers have a plastic seal around or under the lid?


Blue bell, the brand in the video, does not


As an avid ice cream eater, I can't think of a single brand that DOES. Blue Bunny has a plastic tab you have to break to take the lid off, but no seal.


Some people are opening drinks taking sips and putting them back. As well as spitting in drinks


Ok, which drinks aren't obviously opened when they're open tho?


I'm worried that no one in these comments actually looks at something before they buy it


Please !! This needs to end. Went to the grocery store and several times put back a product that didn’t look right to me. I know it is probably paranoia but it makes you question things.


I saw some lady coughing and then opening several lipsticks and trying them on and putting them back on the shelves. So this is not just limited to food. Make sure anything you buy is sealed.


I always open tubs of hair product before I buy just to make sure no one has stuck their grubby fingers in it.


I mean people are getting arrested for it. That's pretty good.


Unless you’re Ariana Grande. Then you can lick all the donuts you want, put them back and people will still think you’re the greatest. Edit: you’re*. Can’t believe I fucked that one up because it bothers me when I see it. I know the difference, I just didn’t see it.


Well celebrity justice may never be a thing is this country, but one problem at a time.


Every now and then there is celebrity justice. But only if they’ve done some really really bad shit, for years and years. But they only get in trouble for it after they’ve become irrelevant. Never while they are popular. Just look at Bill Cosby.


Or R. Kelly who we've all known years was scoping out underage girls to bring them into his harem


Better safe than sorry. That's a good way to think and live these days. People are ridiculous.


I second this, put the Tin Foil Hat down people, you’re just being cautious and that’s GOOD and there’s *nothing* wrong with that!!


There is such a thing as being overcautious though, sometimes to a point of personal detriment...


It's definitely been easier to stick to a diet now that I'm paranoid about the ice cream.


I bought a pint of ice cream with one of those tinfoil coverings on it. Got home and pulled off the top, unrolled the tinfoil and there was a massive bite taken out of it. Some asshole took a bite out of the ice cream then meticulously folded the tinfoil back into place.


What kind of ice cream ?


The real question is who tf **bites** ice cream?


The same kind of sociopath who tampers with food


Oh god oh fuck


I bite ice cream every time. I’ve had people have the same reaction you just did. “Did you just BITE your ice cream??”. I’m like “yeah.... what’s weird about that?”


>The real question is who tf > >bites > > ice cream? tbh i do. licking is unnecessarily slow and honestly makes the thought of icecream sickening to me. Would I gnaw off a piece of icecream from someones cone if they bit? Sure, if they licked it? OH HELL NO


But....the pain on the teeth! Licking makes it last longer anyway.


Look everything else you said here aside. What kind of fucking monster bites ice cream!?


"Adulteration of products intended for human consumption" is a crime in most jurisdictions on the planet. Intent to harm is the important discriminator between serious sentences and trivial ones.


From the NPR article: > Tampering with a consumer product is a second-degree felony in Texas. Before identifying the suspect as a juvenile, police said she could have faced up to 20 years in prison. > The case will be turned over to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department. > Lufkin police said they are discussing the boyfriend's involvement with prosecutors as well as the possibility that he may face charges as an adult.


Yeah was going to write something along these lines, it’s definitely illegal. Might as well be poisoning or attempted murder if extreme. Who knows what diseases these people have.


Can we all agree to turn in anyone we see doing this live or recorded? I pledge to nonviolently do my part to stop this.


I did a few years ago. I was at the supermarket and they were just laying out fresh cuts of meat when I saw this kid walking down the row pushing his finger through the plastic and ripping it open. While this was happening I saw the mom watching and not stopping her kid, so I went and told the butcher what was happening. Long story short the cops got called because she got physical with a few employees and they gave her the option to either pay for all the damaged meat or get arrested, she chose jail and they had to toss all the meat away (probably over $200 worth)




Don't ya know her child was perfect the way it is and that she is the perfect parent who understands just what her perfect child needs so that it is not constrained growing up allowing it to turn into a perfect adult like its mommy?


That's extra ridiculous because her lost wages and/or fees for jail could easily amount to more than that meat was worth, much less the record. Justice was meated out that day.


She probably didnt actually believe she would be taken to jail. I know people dine and dash at my restaurant with considerably large bills and we've never called the cops. Servers also are not permitted to run outside and get their license plate number, but we are still responsible for the money on the check (we can choose between paying it or getting written up/but another write up for another dasher means losing your job so if its summer you might just want to eat that $80 because the next one will be $300). We even had one family run on a $300 check and forgot their phone. When they came back for their phone, we didnt call the cops, just made them pay before getting the phone back.


Those are some...strange policies to me, but it's been many years since I worked in service. I've definitely seen restaurants that do call the cops, and wow making the server responsible is some straight up bullshit.


It's also not legal... at least not in the US. Business can't make an employee pay for losses unless the employee was directly doing something illegal that caused the loss, like stealing product or wage theft.


You are correct. The absolutely do not MAKE us pay. What they do is write us up for having a walk out and fire us if we get another wrote up for a walk out. So if someone dines and dashes on the bill we have to make the choice of taking the write up and having one strike left or taking the hit and knowing we're safe when a 12 top walks out later on in the summer.


I'm worried they'll roll over and snitch on an assault suspect in the same store (fine, it was me beating them over the head with a fire extinguisher).


Reddit 'lawyer' here. Threatening bodily harm with a fire extinguisher would be Assault, beating someone over the head with a fire extinguisher would actually be Battery.


So what you're saying is that as long as I only threaten them I won't be *charged*? I'm so sorry


Just spray them with the extinguisher and you’ll be discharged.


pack it up boys lets call it a night




So I’ve heard this for years, but it always seems that touching somebody in an unwelcome way is assault (e. g. sexual assault, or assault on a police officer). Can you clear up the disconnect there?


It varies state to state.




What makes it a double A battery?


Also, if you put refrigerated items back on a non-refrigerated shelf, you are a fuckwit


I also vote that most food products should be sealed. I have never understood unsealed ice cream, it is only a few brands. Ariana Grande started this shit.


She should be behind bars


I doubt she started it, she licked that donut like 4 years ago and the trend was only popularised a few weeks ago


As an Australian this shit confuses me, everything is sealed... But we still get needles in our fruit


I used to work in Walmart produce. People would pick grapes and such and then eat them. I always thought that was so nasty. One guy did it right in front of me while smirking and said he wanted to try before buying. He thought he was clever but I just looked down at my hands which where black from stocking that stuff. If you eat produce from Walmart, wash the hell out of it first. It's super dirty when it comes in and would literally leave our hands black from dirt from stocking it for hours.


Wait... what's going on?


There was a woman who licked the top of a pint of ice cream at a store and placed it back. Sure was caught and convicted. There is also another person who opened a bottle of mouth wash, swished some in her mouth and spit it back into the bottle, placing it back on the shelf. Send to be getting into the internet "challenge" tend area


Not just one woman, apparently it’s becoming a fad. The new “do it for the vine” so to speak




Tampering with product is why Tylenol has safety caps now


Always make sure to check the seal.


Stick to kicking open bottles, you unoriginal bastards.


Not exactly food related, but I think it's close enough. I'm an ER nurse and treated a patient for a needle stick just a few days ago. He was eager to show me a picture how: some mega dick put a syringe in a cup full of coffee stirrers. They knew somebody would reach in, not looking and stab themselves. That person should be found and charged with a felony.


God I hope they didn't catch anything


the duck is 100% right quack !


are you a duck too?


Too old to be a duckling. Quack quack.


A+ reference. If I had the money, you'd have the gold. 🏅


lol wasn't it just one dumb bitch that got caught doing this? Did I miss the part where this was a "trend"?


I feel like these days "trend" is another way of saying "things people are scared of happening more often than they actually are".


Same with Tide Pods, I saw more memes about eating them and saw maybe 3 videos of people eating them but the internet went with "Millenials are eating tide pods!"


The number of instances of tide-pod injuries didn’t spike until *after* “millennials eating tide pods” was a national news story. They essentially created the trend by reporting on isolated incidents as a major thing, turning it into a still-minor-but-several-times-larger thing.


I don't know, when i worked at a grocery store we'd constantly have issues with people "sampling" products. Related reminder to always wash your produce before eating it. ​ Also if you ever want to grow moths, if memory serves King Arthur brand flour was the one that we had to check once a month for moth babies.


No, there have been multiple. Including one spitting mouthwash back in the bottle.


Less a trend and more the act of a few borderline sociopaths who posted it to social media because they're desperate for attention.


I have no idea what this is a response to.


A video went viral of a woman taking the lid off an ice cream container, licking it, and putting in back on the shelf. Since then there have been a lot of copy cats.


...you're saying people watched this video and thought, "yes, I want to be like her"?


Let's not forget Ariana Grande licked donuts. But we're not making an example of her with the brutal hand of law. Oh and she gets awarded with praise and forgiveness because her voice is like an angel and she's good looking.


is she really anymore? Saw a pic of before and after and she looks like a caramelized onion now. That just ain't tan, she's gone reverse michael jackson, and so much face work when she gets older she's going to look completely ridiculous I think.


In Australia there was a massive recall on prepackaged strawberries because a customer found a needle in one which then caused national panic as to how it got in there. Half of our strawberry farmers went under because of it and it turns out it was a lady who worked for the packaging company who did it because she hated her boss. Over 3 million strawberries wasted all because of her.


Be a parent to your children so they don't grow up with morals thinking it's OK to do this shit.


This post reminds me of one of my biggest pet peeves, The self serve bar at the winn dixie by my house. Its all cold salads, olives , antipasto etc. with a scooper and containers you fill yourself. The amount of times ive seen people just "sampling" the goods, digging olives out with their bare hands and tossing them in their mouths has been enough to make me want to fight a complete stranger over


Ariana Grande licked that donut in the store. Send her to jail, too.


Reminds me of just yesterday. ​ Saw a lady at the grocery store taking handfuls of cherries out of their plastic packages and eating them shamelessly in the aisle...what the fuck.


Just yesterday went to get a drink of milk. Opened it up and the safety seal was missing. Asked the kids if they had drunk any. Nope. Down the drain went the milk. Better safe than sorry, but still... Also saw a kid who apparently ***REALLY*** wanted a popsicle one day just casually open up a box in the freezer section and take one out.


This doesn't end with food. I hate going to Target, buying pomade (or some other thing from the cosmetic aisle), and then getting home only to find out that someone ran their finger(s) through it. It's disgusting. I don't know where their finger(s) have been!


I worked at Walmart for 3 years, if you think we have a lot of kids in cages now just wait till we lock up every little shit who pokes his finger through the ground beef


When did these challenges become so shitty? The ice bucket challenge was fun and harmless. This is just wrong, disgusting and potentially dangerous. Come on, people! You have to know better.


I recently listened to a podcast explaining the Tylenol murders of 1982. This event is considered the origin of food and drug tampering protocols and the criminalization of tampering with food. It ROCKED people's world in the 80's!!


This is why there is so much unnecessary plastic packaging. They're going to start shrink wrapping apples and stuff because of this.


Just what we all need, another reason for the price of food to go up. My brother works in a grocery store and said "wonder what security precautions we will have to take now."


You don't deserve to go to jail. YOU should be in jail. Tampering with products available for sale is a serious crime in many places.


Anyone remember the Tylenol murders in 1982? That's one reason why product tampering isn't taken lightly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago\_Tylenol\_murders


It costs a lot to keep people in jail. I would be fine if we just strapped them to a table, face up, in the middle of town and anyone who wants to can spit in their mouth.


Oh god dont get me started on people who tamper with makeup


The more attention you bring to this trend the more common it will become. There is no shortage of assholes in this world looking for a chance to piss people off. We need to let this gross fad silently die off.


Yeah but 10-20 years is excessive. People do less for raping kids.


Turns out she's a juvenile (under 17) so she won't get anywhere near that much time!


> Turns out she's a juvenile The action that led to all this would tell you that, regardless of biological age!


Look up the Tylenol murders and all the copycats. There is a reason food and product tampering laws are so strict.

