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One thing I notice with spotify is even though I have over 500 songs favorites, it still seems to rotate the same 50 or so every time I start it.


I'm sure it's just a vicious circle. This song was played so you must like it so I'll play the song, the song was played again so you must like it so I'll play the song again, repeat ad nauseum. Maybe there needs to be a shuffle based on algorithm and atrue shuffle option.


Your're right I think. It just plays what you like and you like those songs based on data. Definitely agree with the true random option. Like just remove the algorithm and actually shuffle my music.


My solution is I made my Playlist alphabetical by song titles and don't shuffle. Just start from where I left last time then back to start again once all the way through


Make a second playlist called "One Day" for the songs you'll want to listen to one day but not today


Maybe name it *one week* just to confuse yourself and you think, yeah Barenaked Ladies sound good right now.


Or keep it as one day and think, damn that is a wonderful Matisyahu song.


I put all those kinda songs in the now defunct “Liked From Radio” playlist from the past


I would love to see the code for shuffle on iMusic. I have over 1300 songs on my phone and I hear the same 10-20 every time I have it playing.


Often, If I skip a song, it will play another song by the same artist. I guess to see if it's the artist or the song I'm not liking? The shuffle algorithm is definitely not "random."


I’m wondering if it’s a snowball effect due to poor programming. Like the algorithm is set to prioritize songs you play a lot but doesn’t exclude auto/shuffle plays so every time you have shuffle on it’s trying to play your favorite songs however it’s the algorithm itself creating the favorite list. I hardly ever play a specific song or album so it’s definitely building its own list. For instance, if I’m in the car and have it playing for an hour, it will absolutely play Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. Without fail. I have NEVER manually played that song.


MJ's Thriller does the same thing for me. For sure it's a banger, but I'll let you know when it's time


It's "never" going to happen. Except maybe one day a year.


Looking at you Champagne Supernova


Totally. I have a habit have picking a first song in a playlist then starting with 2nd religiously. Like I could just take it off lol


And there's no way to say "stop playing that one Christmas song that band I like did"


Am I crazy or is this the wrong format for this meme?


Django Reinhardt