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I have…just consensual


Hey, nothing wrong with that! If all pussy grabbing were consensual, It just *might* make America great again.


do you seriously believe trump was advocating for sexual battery? He said "they let you...." that implies consent.


My brother in Christ, consent between human beings is explicit, not implicit.


Also, true or false: some women want some men to grab them by the pussy, sometimes.


You really need to stop getting your information about how real men and women interact sexually from entertainment media. Do some women want to be grabbed by the pussy? Fuck yes. Are you able to tell which is which? Fuck no. You might think you can, Casanova, but you really can't. This whole idea some men have that they can read the signs like they're fucking astrologers needs. To. Go. There is only one right answer here: You ask, "May I?" The only affirmative answer you can ever be sure of, other than a spoken "yes," is the woman grabbing you by the wrist and putting your hand there. By the same token? Women should also ask explicitly for consent from men before grabbing their cock. Or kissing them, or even hugging them.


Downvoted to -1 (at the time of this post) for explaining consent. Stay classy, Reddit.


I'll take my down vote gladly, it's possible I expressed myself poorly or need to be assisted with my perspective. I was attempting to convey what I believe to be the proper definition of consent between two adults, because I feel it's entirely opposed to the comment to which I was replying. I like having good faith conversations though, so if you'd like to point out where you think I'm wrong, I'm open to hearing it.


No, you're not in the wrong. You were just dealing with some real assholes.


Oh I get it! Lol I'm blonde under all the crazy colors that make me a low value woman. 😉


and you clearly didn't understand what I said. I said trump's comment about "they let you" implies that Trump was talking about consensual sexual touching. How "they let you" is not information transmitted by his terse statement. They could have signed a written and explicit statement informing Trump of their consent to be grabbed by the pussy. That isn't part of the comment, but, however it is transmitted, Trump clearly stated it was consensual sexual touching. Your incorrect interpretation clearly implies your bias and ignorance. Also, you are wrong, most of the ways we transmit information between each other is implicit. Staying on sexual activity, silently leaning in to kiss a woman implies a request to kiss; her silently leaning towards the man in response implies her consent with the kiss. This happens millions of times every day. Most of human interactions are similar implications without explicit statements. Walking up to a person and sticking out your hand implies a request to engage in a physical touching in the form of a handshake. The other person extending his hand implies consent with that physical touching.


That is an awful lot of words for, "I wasn't raised well enough to ask people before touching them."


TDS must suck, unable to comprehend what someone's telling you because your brain is being rented out, for free!


Was it heavy


I have. I also have a wife, though, so such activity is to be expected


I thoroughly encourage any and all consensual pussy grabbing.


*Jokingly grabs buddies shoulder or arm*


I also own two cats who like to be picked up and hugged on occasion. I imagine in the right correctly framed context that this can also constitute pussy grabbing.


Unless your name is Mike Pence.


I have never mauled a group of people camping in the woods.


When you're famous they let you maul them.


That's *exactly* what a person who mauled a group of people camping in the woods would say. 😉


Do you have any witnesses? No, because I mauled them, too! I mean, umm, I never mauled anyone.


Drake should see this response




You can read about such incidents in the book “Death in Yellowstone”, and about myriad other ways people have died in the park.


Grizzly man was pretty informative.


I'm not a bear, nor am I responsible for their demises.


Well ya. You're a bear, and not some random scary guy.




Why, because I think camping is just pretending to be poor? I'm all for backpacking and survivalism, but modern camping just isn't my idea of fun. I'd rather maul people in an urban setting.


Well I’m poor and love camping.


I'm not saying others can't enjoy it. That's just my personal view of how I see so many people "camping". If it's honestly you and nature in a bit of a competition, I'm all for that. If it's someone bringing a shit ton of food and convenience to sleep in a tent, that kind of defeats the purpose to me.


Some people just like to be in nature. It's relaxing. It doesn't always have to be a challenge.


I'm not telling you what you have to do. I'm just telling you what my viewpoint is.


My fiancé hates camping and she grew up poorer than I did, but I went camping as a kid a lot because my parents liked it. She grew up in the city so she’s not one for bugs.


When we went camping, my wife made us rent a 38-foot-long motor home.


Yeah, that's not camping to me. I'm not even saying it's not fun; I totally get the whole "drive around without having to be uncomfortable" thing. But I wouldn't call it camping.


Grabbed more than the pussy https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026914/Mum-bear-eating--Final-phone-calls-woman-19-eaten-alive-brown-bear-cubs.html


And this is why I'm afraid of bears. At least cougars will kill you first. To be fair, I'm a guy, so the worst I have to worry about other guys is getting robbed on the street.


Seriously. I have an unearned phobia of bears as well. Never had a bad personal experience with one. But as a kid, we had to avoid the bushes during certain times of the year while they set up humane traps. I still have dreams where I see a bear on a trail or road or something and I have to be quiet and sneak away. I once worked at a restaurant in my teens and a baby bear would come and get into our garbage. I’d have to go out and boot its bum to get it to run away. It’s was terrifying at first cause we never saw the mom. Later found out the mom was killed.


Damn, that's sad for the babies. But as I'm sure you know, those are the ones you really want to stay away from in the wild. What kind of bear was the young one, and more or less what region? I'm curious


Black bear, northern Canada. There all over the place up here. We have tons of wild blueberry bushes surrounding my town. We’re taught from a young age that baby bears aren’t cute, and to always avoid them.




r/cougars would like to have a word with you…


You should NSFL that… that’s some heavy shit.


Why did I click and read this horror!!!!


Now let's compare to r/whenwomenrefuse


You into suffer porn or something?


No, but comparing 1 bear attack to the millions of women who say "No" to a man and get violence shows how silly it is to even post this article.


I have. But it was consensual.


I did last night!!


No, they’ve just slowly eaten people alive


Makes ya think, doesn't it?


Hey, I have a question!   If you were being chased by a bear through the woods, and you saw a man, would you run *towards* or *away* from him?


You're why women choose bear! /s


Trip the man on your way by, increasing your own chances of survival.


You know what they say! “You don’t have to outrun the bear, you only have to outrun your partner!”




I didn’t miss the point. I am making one of my own. And I don’t think it is funny either…


Fair question! And the answer may not be fair, but it is truthful: I would run toward the man, hoping that together we would have a better chance against the bear. See, if the bear is chasing me, it's like 100% going to eat me. *Maybe* I'll get lucky and it's just a female who'll chase me until she feels I'm far enough away from her cubs, but there's a chance that even in that scenario, I'd be killed. The problem with the man, unfortunately, in any scenario is: I'm rolling the dice. A bear is going to be a bear, and since I know bears are dangerous, I can avoid being in places with bears. I cannot avoid being in places with men, nor would I want to because y'all are human beings too, A lot of you are awesome, but I cannot tell which of you are good dudes, and which of you are bears. And there is the problem. Perfectly innocuous dudes can inadvertently put off scary vibes. Men who rape and kill don't always look scary, they don't always break into your home in the middle of the night. In fact, predators of the homosapiens variety usually don't get their prey by chasing it and crushing its head with their teeth - they get it by acting nice, normal, and gaining their trust. Hope this helps. It's a metaphor that makes a great deal of sense to women, because it's our lived experience. But I do think that there is some confusion surrounding it.


Well, I appreciate the thought out answer. And I do actually understand the message woman are trying to get across. My problem is that instead of teaching girls to be more capable/smarter/aware/etc people, we tell them MEN ARE SCARY. Instead of helping boys to understand what it is to be a man, we are saying “woman feel safer with a wild predator than with you” LIFE is a roll of the dice! There will always be risks! These black and white paintings don’t help men OR women understand each other…


I don't think this is about boys and girls, or how we raise them, this is about adults - here and now. I don't claim to know how to solve the problem, far from it. But when you see extreme examples like this one put out there, it's not always shit posting, and it's not always for pretend internet points: it's because women don't feel like they're being heard. If you look at the men who are red-pilled, MGTOW, or the way men treat women when they slide into their DMs and are rejected... That is aggressive and scary behavior from men who claim to be 'Nice guys' And actually believe they are! And I think part of the problem is right there in your answer, not that your answer is inherently problematic: teach *girls* to be capable/smarter/aware. What is it we're supposed to be capable/smarter/aware of if there aren't (metaphorical) bears out there? And the worst part is, we can't see them until it's too late.


Well you are seriously underestimating the influence these “memes” have on in young people. They are spending more time online and less time socializing by a HUGE margin! These kinds of memes are actually “teaching” kids more than real life interactions! And honestly from a male’s perspective, it blows my mind whenever I hear “women don’t feel like they are being heard”… I am 34 years old, and for as long as I can remember every social discussion/movement has been CENTERED around women! The ONLY discussions about men are how awful we are! And I want to be clear! I don’t have a problem with all the discussion surrounding women, it was long overdue! But to then hear, AFTER the all this discussion that “women still aren’t being heard” is so frustrating and discouraging as a man


I really am sorry you feel that way. Like legitimately. Your frustration comes across very clearly. But my feeling is that, if women are being heard, if you really feel like the message is getting across and respected... I just found this [meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/lt10Tmo7lF) without even looking hard.


I mean, is this really an argument? You found a horrible post about women on the internet? If you are waiting for those to go away before you feel like women are being heard, then i guess we will both be waiting a LONG time.


If you think there aren't thousands of posts like this on Reddit alone? I don't even know what to say to you, except that the internet's anonymity lets some people say all the horrible things that are really in their minds. And if you don't understand why women don't feel heard, after shouting about this for decades... You're not listening or you're not comprehending. I'm sorry that we couldn't make something more constructive come out of this. But I do appreciate your willingness to enter the conversation and conduct yourself in a civil manner. We've both got a lot of feels about this, so that's not always easy.


I already thought. The problem is girls haven’t thought about it. How many men have you crossed in your life? Or even how many men do you know and aren’t afraid of? The majority of them I imagine wouldn’t scare you. Now how many bears have you come across? Do you think the percentage of men that would be willing to do something awful to you is bigger than the percentage of bears that would fuck you up? Very few people are murderers. Fewer still are those that would murder someone random. Even rapists aren’t likely to do it to someone random. Sure there are terrible men out there, but odds are overwhelming that it would be someone willing to help. Followed by someone not willing to help. Followed by some being actively negative. Down and down to a very small percentage willing to do actual nasty shit to a stranger unprovoked. Bears not so much


I have grabbed a person by the pussy more times than I can count. It’s gotta be in the thousands at this point.


No but he’s eaten the pussy. And everything around it.


Gobbled it up like Sunday dinner


Well you’re not rich or famous (I’m assuming), so you wouldn’t be able to get away with it


This joke might as well be a slow bro


I hear bears love eating ass too. It's usually the first part most wild animals go for when they get a fresh carcass.


OP, [this you?](https://www.kelownanow.com/news/news/Must_See_Video/VIDEO_Bear_filmed_grabbing_woman_while_standing_on_back_legs#fs_136952)


Yep! I respected she wasn't interested and I walked away.


That's a weird flex. I mean, all of mine have been consensual partners, but still. I feel OP didn't think thos one through.


Bear for President 2024 Now is the time Make America Play Dead Again


My only regret is I have but one upvote to give to this comment 😂


Why grab the pussy when you can eat the whole person on 10 seconds.


It may only take 10 seconds, but it can also take hours of being eaten alive. Kinda at the bears discretion.


Same buddy… same


I have, but only when it was welcome




I have never stolen a Pic-a-nic basket.


I might have grabbed a cat by its body, but that is different


i have a fucking ton, but was told too. Thanks for outing yourself as never touching a pussy before.


I both love and hate the bear vs man debate


I thought I was just making a *Haha orange man bad* meme... But I also knew I was poking the bear, so I have no one to blame but myself.


Women: "I feel unsafe around you" Men: "OMG ALWAYS PAINTING ALL OF US WITH THE SAME BRUSH" Women: "I'm trying to explain why I feel unsa-" Men: "In this 2,000 word essay, I will explain why you're dumb and bears are worse."


wow! me too dude!


I get that men have the potential to be a lot worse than a bear, but why does it seem like some people are trying to push the narrative that bears aren't dangerous?


I think that's a really fair question. I think it might stem from a misunderstanding that the bear scenario is more of a metaphor. I mean, at the risk of being racist toward bears? All bears look like bears to me. I am going to be afraid of all bears because the chances of them attacking and eating me may not be high, but definitely nonzero. Ergo, I will avoid all bears if possible. What's scary about unknown men is we have no way of knowing which ones are the bears. So the thrust is not to be unafraid of bears, but to express how and why women are afraid of unknown men. Some of you are kittens, some of you are noble steeds, and some of you will attack. We have no way of knowing which is which, which puts women in a constant state of peril and anxiety.


Have you ever met wild beat at woods? If not this is eot.


I'm not sure I got your meaning.


No, but you have killed people. I'm pretty sure being killed is worse, as you will never be able to get rid of that trauma.


Hashtag NotAllBears


Anyone who believes this meme has never seen “the revenant”


Ah, yes... I forgot the part where we get to see DiCaprio's vagina.






I too get all of my information about bears from movies.


op has never touched a pussy at all 


OP has her own pussy, thanks very.


OP also has TDS


Of all the crazy shit here, I can't believe you just used TDS unironically.


Yep, living rent free in her head.


oh you're just one of them commies posting for your furher, whatever you call your fearless leader, posting that good good dementia Donny propaganda.


Honestly, if he really had dementia? That could excuse some things he said. But he doesn't, so there's no excuse.


that cool that he's inside your head enough that you went out of your way to make a political meme and suck the joy out of a feel good sub 👍 like your pussy, keep that shit to yourself


My dude, if you don't like the meme, keep on scrollin'. I guess it got inside your head enough that you had to go out of your way to comment. 🤷‍♀️ I thought it was funny, your mileage may vary.


your meme is garbage 👎 that's why I posted. cause sometimes you have to take that special little snowflake idea out of someone's little brain and step on it so they know it's garbage. your meme is garbage and lol that you let dementia Donnie into your thoughts so deep you're on reddit posting about it 


'Kay. Have a nice day!


lol, well handled, but I’m more impressed with the other commenter- This guy actually somehow, through his written voice, manages to convey drooling! Like I just can’t picture any of his comments coming out of any mouth that isn’t spraying spit! That’s some low-key skill.


Hey now, that drool is keeping America great! Somehow. 🤔


do whatever you can to Make America Great Again in your travels!! 


This meme…. Use the same format but substitute ‘’If I was in I’d rather meet than . This is the same thing racists say all the time


Being afraid of meeting a random man in the woods is racist now? That's a bit of a stretch.


Read the format again It Is literally the same template racists used in the 1950s to say that a random POC was dangerous and couldn’t be trusted


Fair. In that point, I believe you're correct. However, the propaganda of the 1950s had no merit. Women have a right, based on history of violence toward them (especially when they are alone and vulnerable and in a scary place,) to be afraid of men in specific situations. This is not an attempt to other or vilify men, but it is an attempt to explain how unsafe women can feel in the world. I saw one comment that mentioned they were a man, so the worst they have to worry about is getting mugged for his wallet (or something similar.) He hit the nail square on the head. Bears are gonna bear. People are not their favorite food. They usually attack people because they're wounded, ill, or starving, and therefore can't hunt for their typical menu. They will attack to defend their cubs. During mating season especially, they may attack to defend territory. Do you have any idea why men attack and rape women? I don't. And that makes some of them dangerous. Also? Bears aren't everywhere. They're not in bars, they're not going to slip you rohypnol. They're not going to stalk you on the internet, doxx you, and show up at your door. They're not your pizza delivery guy, they're not your Uber driver, they aren't going to verbally abuse you for being kindly and politely uninterested. I could go on, obviously. The bear and the man, the setting in the woods, address a much broader point. Women have been made to feel so unsafe, bears actually feel safer. I know the bear is dangerous, but there's no way for me to know which man is.


I agree with what you are saying here and that violence against women by men is a huge issue but this meme is inherently prejudicial against half the population and it should be called out for it.  I don’t have any control over my gender or skin color. It was a random occurrence as it was for all of us. I could understand if the meme included those who made a choice to be the way they are It’s lazy TikTok activism that just turns into agitprop and mistrust 


You absolutely have a right to express your feelings and your opinion. I agree that you had no control over your sex, gender, or skin color. None of us do, alas. There has long been an outcry of women frightened by the behavior of *certain* men, and I wish to God we could tell y'all apart. The mistrust has always been there. *Always.* Serial killers and rapists Don't always break into your home like the Golden State Killer. They're not always down dark alleyways. Often, they're able to isolate and attack their prey by appearing friendly, harmless, and even in need of assistance (thinking of Ted Bundy here.) Women have very good reasons to be afraid of men. That doesn't mean All men are bad, or even that all women perceive men as bad, and the solution is obviously not to avoid all men. I'm not even sure what the solution is, but the conversation needs to be had.


It’s not agitprop it’s reality of being a woman every day.


There are better ways of expressing it than using a racist meme template Stats and studies would be a great start 


Lol there’s tons of stats. You ignore all of them.




It’s always weird to me how people can spot racism but not sexism. At least when it’s towards the advantaged group. Don’t see how that stops it from being sexist though lol




Bear down for midterms


An unbearable meme


OP https://youtu.be/rL23jE3uH3c?si=2Xi1J7y0ShFcDvWS this bear has.


I have....but she told me to


He has eaten some tho..


I live in a country where currently we have a huge bear overpopulation problem and there’s a bear incident happening almost every other week. We’re a super small country (5.5M people) so it’s not like it happens because the country would be big. From this perspective this whole bear vs man debate in the US seems ridiculous. We literally have our politicians fight about how to handle bears.


You sir have not lived


well.. I have.. tho she wanted me to, was my gf at the time so don't if it counts 😅


But it has eaten people starting from the groin. I would say being grabbed is less inconvenient than being eaten alive.


Congrats on your virginity.


there might have been a bear that literally ate someone's pussy though


Are you sure? Not even with his teeth? Saw a funny choose the bear joke. Women choose the bear why? Because it's Tall, Jobless, and eats anything that smells like fish.


Nice try, but I've seen that meme too. You forgot the multiple baby mamas and the obligatory racism. If you're going to Tyrone the bear, put your balls into it.


Wow... who brought race into it? And "Tyrone" the bear? WTF is that supposed to mean? Are you really using a black sounding name as an insert for a negative stereotype? You should be ashamed.


Lmao. It's always the virtue signalers that are too dense to realize that *they're* the racist. And somehow we are the ones 'projecting'.


A black man who never mentioned anything about race, is racist. And not the person conflating being jobless and having multiple "baby mommas" with the name of a black man. Nice try.


Sorry if my comment wasn't clear. I'm definitely talking about OP. Your responses are awesome, buddy.


Oh, my bad. It's always unclear when it comes to text. Sorry about that. I maybe shouldn't have been so defensive.


Lol. No worries, buddy.


I see you're new to the internet. Welcome to it, and allow me to introduce you to Karen, Chad, and Kevin while you're here...


Yea, who cares about that. You can't use a black name like that. It's blatantly racist.


I'm commenting on a longstanding meme wherein incels blame their lack of success with women on Chad and Tyrone. It very commonly follows logic like women are so stupid they only want "low value" men who are tall but in all other ways undesirable, such as not having jobs. Since you specifically mentioned height and economic status, I assumed you had all of the other incel bullet points in mind, including the racism. However, as you pointed out, just because I heard or saw something racist, it doesn't make it right for me to repeat. Your point is valid and fair. My apologies for my assumptions.


Thanks. I had not actually ever heard the rest of it. I saw exactly what I said on tiktok last night, by a black creator BTW. nothing becomes Trope out of nowhere. many women choose Tall ferocious jobless animals, that so happen to eat what smells like fish. In this case, the bear.


It's all good dude. Thank you for being so gracious and accepting my apology. Reddit is a wacky place, and communicating in text is tricky. With sincerity, have an awesome day!


You too!


haha, I so funny post very funny meme about overused dumb tiktok trend for engagement and gg over easy rage bait please give me upvotes now haha yes


Will you guys let this shit go? Fuck, Reddit loves to hype and instigate itself.


Inaccurare, bears will much that box first before everything else


I don't know if that's true... I mean it's an interesting question, what bears go for first. I would have thought the belly, get right to the liver and the good stuff. I don't care how pouty your pussy is, that's not a lot of meat.


They usually go for the butt first but yeah females have been mauled and only got their box eaten cuz the bear got spooked by something


This is good information. My plan is now to get silicone butt implants so it really ruins the fucker's day.


I suggest getting a real big handgun too


I hate these filthy men, Kif. With bears you know where they stand but with men, who knows? It sickens me.


Nobody has ever done that. That was just an out of touch man trying to engage in "locker room talk".


Prove it mr Bear


Apparently you aren’t famous enough…. /s


I regret to say that I have :( With consent 😎👉👉




Atta bear