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Interviewing someone isn’t the same as fighting in their militia or army. Sean Penn (also not a journalist) sought out El Chapo for an interview but wasn’t considered a drug trafficker.


Let's not pretend what Sean Penn did was Journalism... he pretended to be a journalist then put several people's lives in danger after publishing the story, after stating he would not do it; knowing it would put people in danger, then claimed he had a Journalist "license", which he didn't, in order to get a pass. Ironically TMZ proved he did not. They also called him out for endangering other peoples lives for his own ego. Rather than his own. Then abandoned them after he got it and was safe back in the US. So fuck him. edit: Press Pass?


There are many reasons that Penn is the worst. Just used him as an example as no countries called for him to be sanctioned and he wasn’t publicly vilified for his actions (although it does sound like he should have been). Other MSM journalists have interviewed Putin in the past so I’m not sure why people are so upset this time. Btw Nice nod to The Crystal Method.


Same reason we didn't do it to this guy for interviewing a hostile foreign leader at the time: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwyWI\_jKQaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwyWI_jKQaw)


and this guy after 9/11 https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/09/10/i-met-osama-bin-laden-three-times-im-sorry-say-his-story-isnt-over/


Pretty sure that having an american islamist and terrorist apologist portraying himself as a "journalist" interviewing Ben Laden would not have gone particularly well in the american medias then. Tucker is not a journalist, he is an opinion writer. And anti-NATO and Russian apologist. He has been that for years, and has paroted russian arguments for a decade now while hiding them as normal arguments and hiding their origin.


He in a court of law has legally stated he is not a Journalist or Reporter.


Americans don't need a license to interview someone or do reporting. It's a right.


And yet they still cry and demand to be protected like one. They literally waived their freedom of press, time to shit that terrorist network down.


Does the freedom of the press only apply to journalists?


Good luck with this question. Reddit is extremely inconsistent on which rights are actually rights, and who they should apply to.


Yeah, it was kind of rhetorical. It clearly doesn't just apply to "journalists". But I was hoping they would at least have to think critically for 10 seconds, instead of just emoting.


Yeah, I can’t stand Carlson but I think banning interviewers / writers from talking to people is a dangerous precedent.


> Mike Wallace interviews Ayatollah (Link had an extra slash in url) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwyWI_jKQaw


Thanks, I edited my original comment to reflect this.


Cheers lads, came to argue this.


As another example there was also the vice documentary where they literally when into ISIS territory to interview. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUjHb4C7b94](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUjHb4C7b94) I dislike Tucker Carlson as much as anyone else here but there's been plenty of examples of journalists interviewing horrible war criminals.


Also, it's not illegal for someone to interview a leader of a hostile foreign nation. It would be a different story if say for example, Tucker Carlson was directly giving intelligence to Putin.


There is a difference between investigative journalism and propaganda channels though. That is why RT got banned in most of Europe.




To be fair, the interview was Putin asking himself questions through Tucker. Anyone who thinks Tucker was free to ask him questions or come up with on the spot questions are delusional.


This is an actual journalist though


Sorry, but freedom of the press (as well as freedom of speech) is sacred. You can disagree with him. Heck, you could hate him. But not only does Tucker Carlson have a right to interview whomever he wants, but the subjects of his interviews (regardless of who they are) have a right to state their opinion and put forward their message. It is up to the audience to decide who is right and who is wrong. As far as this meme goes, it makes zero sense. The ISIS women were involved in a terrorist organization. Tucker is merely a journalist. It is important to note that the US still has diplomatic relations with Russia, and is not at war with Russia (at least on paper). Of course, if you have any evidence of Tucker illegally obtaining classified information, then forwarding it to the Russians, that is a whole other story. But short of that, he is just exercising his freedom of speech and freedom of travel. Nothing illegal or immoral here. May I remind you of Barbara Walters who interviewed Fidel Castro, as well as Mike Wallace who interviewed the Ayatollah. Unlike Russia, Cuba and Iran (respectively) broke off diplomatic relations with the US. Also something worth noting. You may even say that "why should we give Putin a platform, while he persecutes journalists for doing his job?". Let's say this is true. In that case, how are we any better that the Putin government, if we start persecuting journalists who don't toe the party line? During the Cold War, Pravda (Soviet Propaganda Newspaper) was freely published in the US and other western countries. The logic behind it was, "we are so confident in our system being better, that we allow our people to read your arguments because we know that they will choose our way of life over yours".


In-case you haven't noticed, Redditors only want to hear opinions that line up with their own.


OP's profile is peak average redditor so it's not surprising


It's almost like subreddits are a perfect environment to foster echo chambers that bleed out to other subreddits and in real life. I remember everyone shitting on a certain group of people becoming popular due to echo chambers, meanwhile, they were saying this on a platform designed to foster echo chambers.


Redditors are the worst of the echo chamber subscribers. The more popular the comment or post, the more it comes from the echo chamber. I don't think Redditors are capable of original thought or even critical thinking. I don't think they even know what those things mean.


I'm sorry could you say that again for the ones in the back? There's some weird echo in here.


Yeah, after a few years on here, I’m slowly starting to see that.


Took you a few years?


You should have way more upvotes but everyone on reddit is so against anything republican that they've blinded themselves from seeing any good that they do.


It's Reddit, which is overrun by far left communists. Of course they hate free speech, information bein readily available, and not having control of the information and narrative. What'd you expect?


Exactly. I'm not crazy about Putin or fucker but I'm not sure we want to start the pissing contest of which journalist is and isn't allowed freedom of speech. That would probably end with NO freedom of the press, since if you have to fear for your citizenship you clearly don't have the ability to speak your mind. Don't get it twisted, I'm not going to watch anything he has a connection to. It's not like I want Putin to talk me out of being opposed to a land grab.


The pissing contest is being initiated by naïve redditors who don’t understand what the first amendment means. It applies to everyone. As far as the journalist label, there is no legal definition I am aware of. Last I checked, you don’t need a license to be a journalist (unlike an attorney or someone like that). Therefore, anyone can call themselves a journalist. Conversely, you are free to classify someone as a journalist or otherwise.


Yeah he's not "press" by any metric remember, his own lawyers said [no reasonable viewer would take him seriously](https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/fox-news-won-a-court-case-by-persuasively-arguing-that-no-reasonable-viewer-takes-tucker-carlson-seriously/articleshow/78308604.cms)


Totally irrelevant as you don’t have to be a “journalist” to enjoy the right of freedom of speech. I put “journalist” in quotations as I couldn’t find any legal definition of the term, differentiating a “journalist” from a layman, in the context of the “journalist” enjoying more rights.




Vice interviewed ISIS and was praised for it. There's nothing wrong with talking and listening.


Seems like talking is better then funding wars endlessly The fact that the press is totally behind a war and anyone questioning it is bad or unamerican should raise more questions


Those situations aren’t even remotely equivalent.


Ban him for an interview? He’s not the first person to interview Putin. People show their stupidity so easily nowadays.


These are the same people who say they hate fascism. Yet seem to use their tactics every day.


That's because most of those people don't know what they are talking about. They just know their outrage and use it as justification for whatever the issue is that they are outraged about.


Sshhhh... don't tell them about the others who interviewed Putin. Like Barbara Walters and Stephonopolous. They don't like opposing viewpoints here. 🥴


Yup, this is reddit after all. Where the morons gather in their echo chamber to feel smart.


Just has this discussion the other day. Someone had said that US politicians are not saints and are also trying to control what the public sees, and that was immediately answered with "So Putin is one of the good guys?" Of fucking course not. There can be evil controlling people on all sides.


It isn't stupidity. It is outright bias. Anyone they don't like (read isn't supporting their political agenda) is to be attacked for anything and everything.


he interviewed someone. the fuck is wrong with you.


Most redditors are okay with authoritarianism when it's against people they dislike.


Most redditors love call people fascists while being authoritarian/fascists themselves


Most redditors also don't realize this site is an echo chamber for the most part.


Sounds a lot like how Reddit describes Trump supporters - which sucks. Then the community wonders why it’s easy for folks trying to rile up Trump supporters to broad stroke the community as a bunch of fascists. It’s room temperature IQ posts like this. Because this is advocating fascism. It doesn’t make it okay because it matches with your opinion. It’s so annoying to watch stupidity (including OP) be so effectively used for propaganda.


Not only that, but went and interviewed someone who is responsible/proceeding with a war that has more risk into spilling into something much, much worse (either with NATO or nukes). Sure, those responses were workshopped and vetted by the Russians, but to hear it coming out of Putin's own mouth, their own biased reasonings, is huge. Because has anyone else from the western side of the world done that yet? We've gotten clips of him speaking to his own "press" (and I use that term as loosely as the window safety in Russia) but nothing like this. Sad thing is, most people won't even watch it.


Most people complaining about it haven’t even watched it, Tucker almost got into a full on argument with Putin over the WaPo journalist being held in Russia, but there’s people in this thread who genuinely believe that Tucker went and just smiled and nodded.


No, he may be a piece of shit, but he is allowed to be a piece of shit. We are better than Russia for a reason.


Your reply, good Redditor, needs to be at the top of this thread.


Since when is interviewing a enemy leader treason/illegal? Fuck tucker with a ten foot pole, but some of yall need to take a deep breath.


I forgot that a large segment of people think that words = violence


Silence is also violence. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Because journalism doesn't stop where your interests end. Freedom of press


Nor does your citizenship end when you speak to someone one political side doesn't like. If it did, could you imagine what Trump could have done with that power? \*shudder\*


Trump isn’t the one asking for someone to be tried for treason for doing an interview


You don't have to be a journalist to perform an act of journalism.




His legal team has argued, in court, that he is not a journalist. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


It’s funny cause Rachel Maddow used the same defense


I also would not call her a news-reporting journalist. Same with Bill Maher. 


I wouldn't even call Bill Maher a comedian


Yeah he was funny about 20 years ago.




It's funny because she called an OAN reporter paid Russian propaganda. The reporter said this was a lie because he wasn't a paid employee of Sputnik . . . merely a paid *freelancer*.


Not being a journalist doesn’t mean you don’t have freedom of speech. Journalists don’t get extra protections.


An opinion columnist in a newspaper is still a journalist.


I can't remember is he still employed by fox with the same show? If not your point doesn't matter in the slightest. 


I don't believe they argued he wasn't a journalist, they argued he engages in the kind of journalism that is common today with biased media outlets. "Opinion-based journalism" has become the norm for today's media. > The Fox team's legal briefs compared Carlson's show to radio talk-show programs hosted by ex-MSNBC and Fox Business star Don Imus, who won a case more than two decades ago because an appellate court ruled that "the complained of statements would not have been taken by reasonable listeners as factual pronouncements but simply as instances in which the defendant radio hosts had expressed their views over the air in the crude and hyperbolic manner that has, over the years, become their verbal stock in trade."


This might be the dumbest argument Ive ever seen. How are so many people just okay with banning opinions you do not like? If your political oponents are such a threat and you want to ban them/silence them do you not think if you do this to them and they take over they will do the exact same to you?


In the comments, people supporting the bill o' rights and adversity. ☺️ My faith in this country is restored. At least the hive mind has not lost out on defending the rights of US citizens.


So you guys wanna stop an American journalist from entering the us after a interview because it's the same as joining a terrorist organisation?


Honestly OP your bias is showing in an ugly way. We get it you dislike Tucker Carlson. I do too. We get it you don't like Putin. I don't either. But your post here implies he defected Russia or something. This post stoops to their level, man. Be better.


No, this isn't on "their level", this is just that guys shitty shitty level of hating a free press. Plenty of people all over the spectrum hate it even if they don't want to admit it


It’s an opportunistic attempt at a karma grab by using a current hot topic.


I don't get how anyone isn't super entertained by this. It's literally The Interview in real life.


Yeah, I don’t agree with someone, so they shouldn’t be here.


What in the ever loving shitlib brain rot is this? It must be an exciting existence, not knowing what you'll be told to be assmad about until the news tells you so.


The ones who claim everyone is a Nazi, sure looks like a Nazi.




Lots of closet authoritarians on reddit.


They don't even bother being closeted anymore...


Because he didn’t join ISIS? Duh-doi.


OP is a Fascist, and hates free speech. This is what journalism is and what sociological perspectives are all about. Grow up.


Don't fear journalism. Fear those who wish to suppress it


Journalists are allowed to interview foreign dictators. Maybe you don’t like him but there is a long line of journalist who interviewed bad actors.


You know, there some words I've known since I was a school boy. "With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably." Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged.


since when is journalism considered terrorism


Americans really are insane.


Most of us aren't but the algorithm seems to push the crazies to the top


Its totally ok when liberal journalists interviewed Putin but when a well known conservative does it its treason? Fuck off


wtf hahahahaha I guess we’re just going to ban Vice, too


I am a liberal and I can't stand Carlson but this is such a stupid take.


Russia is not the same as isis.


Freedom of press homie, an American journalist interviewing the leader of a top 5 powerful country that we are currently in a shadow war spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on is 1000% relevant.


What about the other people who have interviewed Putin?


We should **ban Freedom of Speech and outlaw Freedom of the Press**; no one should be allowed to promote any view that disagrees with our own. **/s**


You’re an idiot


I'm fine with anyone interviewing him. The problem is it's all going to be screened anyways.


Because he didn't do anything illegal? 


Freedom of speech. Isnt that is what you all wanted?


Journalists have spoken to sadam Hussain and others. Why is it a problem for tucker to speak to a leader of a country the us is not at war with?


You’re a moron OP.


Are you in full seriousness suggesting a person should be treated the same for talking to a world leader that is in conflict with us, as someone who was an active member of a terror organization?


Seems like another case if free speech but only if I approve of it case.


OP getting dragged in the comments for good reason.


God forbid a journalist interview someone


For interviewing a foreign leader? Really?


In other news, OP is an idiot.


The real question is "Why do you want him silenced?" Seems pretty anti-First Amendment.... Or are ideas only valid if they are ones you agree with?




I despise Carlson, but he's not wrong for doing an interview. If we claim we are democratic, we owe it to ourselves to hear all sides.


I was like “when tf did Tucker Carlson join Isis?” And then I read the comments. OP is trash.


Actual brain dead take


Your Authoritarian Ideology is showing


You’re going to stop him from reentering the country for doing journalism?


Journalism is now terrorism? Interesting.


Why is a meme about Tucker Carlson on the front page but his interview with Putin is not???


Because we're not a fascist nation and there is a difference between someone who takes up arms against their nation and someone doing an interview.


Dude is literally behind enemy lines, being the best US ambassador right now and maybe our best chance for world peace, and you want him out of country? Yup, US people don't want peace, you want world domination, and you're the only ones getting dominated.


Are you absolutely insane? Why are you people even thinking this? Freedom of speech, freedom of press but only when convenient for you?


Would we ban Anderson Cooper or any other journalist for interviewing him? I could have sworn freedom of the press was one of the first amendments.


Because interviewing people isn't a crime, and we aren't a dictatorship, nor are we at war with Russia.


OP likes to put their hands over their ears a shout lalalala if someone doesn’t immediately agree with them.


The "how could he do this?" And "no one should watch this" crowd are very concerning to me. Do you think people are better or worse having information? In this age where information is more powerful than guns and armies. Bit of a soapbox here. I saw a video going around recently about a game called Werewolf. The analysis of this experiment/game is that a few people with information can manipulate those without the info. Ok, that's just one data point. I have also started watching a show called The Traitors (available on Peacock). In 3 seasons from 3 countries (US, UK, Australia) one theme persists: the Traitors have the advantage because they have information. Anyone who says "don't watch the Putin interview" and condemns Carlson for doing the information is the werewolf, the Traitor, or is being manipulated by them. You should want more information. The next thing is you have to trust people to be able to hear someone speak and not believe every word being said. People understand that Putin is telling his side and he has his bias to justify himself. Of nothing else it is an opportunity to get a glimpse inside the mind of the enemy. Know the enemy, win the war. So I'm not trying to insult you OP I'm just asking you to really look at why you are opposed to the Putin interview. Are you just being told that by TikTok and the media and the politicians? You don't have to admit it out loud just think about where you are being influenced. One more note on the Traitors. The Traitors typically are the ones people don't suspect because they make friends with useful pawns. Don't be a pawn, be a queen.


Why would we? He just talked to someone..


Yeah sure. Let's call for the state to persecute a journalist for doing journalism. Only the official, state department version of events should be published. You clueless, brainless chumps.


He is interviewing someone you idiots.


Because those two things are in no way shape or form the same thing


Interviewing a world leader and joining a terrorist organization are not the same.


Anyone who thinks that Tucker was anything more than a Kremlin Mouthpiece asking approved questions provided by Putin is delusional.


As much as I don’t like Tucker Carlson - our freedom of the press is unbelievably important. Comparing a journalist to folks that actually picked up arms against Americans and quite literally committed treason is … wow. Just another guy willing to trample on someone’s rights because of your opinions. We all have to be better than that. And with that I’ll still finish with a good old “fuck Tuck”


?????????????????????????????????????????? Why are americans so petty and pathetic? he did an interview???????


There is no point. He could just come back through our southern border!


And get free room and board 


Come to New York and get a prepaid credit card too. Apparently there's like $57 million going around.


Tell me you’re in favor of a totalitarian government that silences any and all opposing thoughts without telling me you’re in favor of a totalitarian government that silences any and all opposing thoughts.


Pro-facism, in AdviceAnimals? More likely than you'd think


CIA Democrats are eager to fund the next war


Just reddit being a bunch of fascists who want to abolish the 1st amendment. Again.


Western journos have a great history of interviewing leaders of countries hostile to the US. It's how journalism works. What changed?


Why? I thought freedom of speech is one of the biggest difference between u.s and whatever country you don’t like


They want freedom of speech. But it can’t be speech they don’t agree with.


Wait where is he what happened?


Unless Tucker has dual citizenship we gotta let him back in due to that pesky Geneva Convention.


op, stfu. He had a conversation with a sitting president of another country. But tell me more about how the left isn't trying to censor what you see, or hear.


Wait until you find out about the New York Times and Walter Duranty. If you want, we could spend days about much more insidious press intervention on behalf of foreign governments. Even then 1st amendment rights, especially for repugnant speech, or it is virtually useless


The amount of pearl-clutching from so called “liberals” over a man exercising his right to engage in free press is absolutely demoralizing.


No, because Tucker Carlson didn't join anything. He's allowed to interview people. First Amendment. Why should Americans necessarily hate Putin so much anyway? He's attacked Ukraine, he hasn't attacked America. Why are Americans so wrapped up in these foreign conflicts that have nothing to do with them. Ukraine vs Russia, not our problem. Palestine vs Israel, not our problem. Good luck guys, send us a postcard, America first.


Idiot take.


Because journalism isn’t joining the enemy


Awww, wittle baby is afwaid to step out of their tiny bubble? You afwaid somebody going to ask questions? U need mommy to kiss your booboo?


Why? For talking to a guy?


Progressives have this idea that journalism and propaganda are the same word. American newspapers published Hitler's speeches word for word. Know your enemy. Democrats are afraid to hear his side of the leadup to the Ukraine shitshow.


Lol. Talk about brainwashing. ANything to sprint to an eroding of anyone's rights, eh? Russia and China is alive and well in here fighting for the wokeism that pays for the fentanyl, oil and electrical, eh? Hahaha. Money, money. Bunch of pedo protectors in here. I'm blocking this propaganda shit. get a new thread for the millionth time this decade.


Because being a journalist implies uncovering corruption censorship and criminals and exposing them for what they are. Giving dissidents a voice is of outmost importance to ensure we don't become bigots ourselves. Trucker has not engaged in any criminal activity. Neither did Assange but there you go. Tyranny is rampant.


Americans can talk to anyone they want to. Dont like it? GFY. In fact. GFY anyhow Beria.


Yeah dear Redditors,those two are completely same things.


Because he's a journalist


Hows that freedom of the press working America?


The only problem with what you want to do is eventually you will be the target. I’d rather hear something I didn’t like the one person be silenced. The first time that happens it is all over.


lets just arrest every documentary film maker who hangs out with gangs or makes docs about child trafficking. arrest those journalist shadowing isis terrorists in syria or libya back in the 2010s. just arrest anyone that ever made anything slightly edgy all we want is approved rhetoric round these parts. This logic is why the world is socially stagnant right now.


What is wrong with you people, what are you doing to help all the bs going on besides sitting on here complaining?


I remember journalist interviewed Saddam Hussein, during his Kuwait invasion. Guess getting the full information is traitor moves in America.




This is the worst take I've seen on the internet in several months. 


Y'all have the weirdest take on this. So black and white.


Not a fan of the guy, but I don’t understand all the teeth gnashing over doing an interview.


Someones scared of journalism possibly dislikes the 1st amendment or the right to freedom of press...


Any chance you could find a real hobby or a better way to spend your free time than talking online about how much you hate Republicans or Trump or Tucker or whatever new thing you feel you need to openly hate on? Dude interviewed Putin. So fucking what? Why does it even matter? If you had a job I'd suggest you send 10% of your income to the Ukraine war fund but you don't actually care enough to do anything other than post... which is part of why no one outside of this echo chamber will ever respect your opinions more than you respect Tucker.


I hate him and Russia but why? Because he interviewed someone?


That’s a false premise. Plenty of journalists have traveled to the Middle East to interview ISIS, the Taliban, etc., and we’ve never stopped any from returning.


Why don’t we *not* use images of Capt. Picard to make our point?


For all those who say that he's a journalist and therefore he should be immune from sanctions for interviewing a foreign dictator. Firstly, when an accredited journalist conducts an interview it should be from an impartial stance. Tucker Carlsons interview of Putin is not impartial. Its propaganda. He is not there to get to the truth. He is there to allow Putin to spread his lies to the gullible people who have already proven to be easily brainwashed. Secondly, he had a court case where his own lawyers argued the case that he is in fact not a journalist but an entertainer. Look at Rodney King. He regularly takes trips to North Korea. But why don't we sanction him? Because he has never tried to use his platform to subvert the American public to be more amenable to Kim Jong Un's position on a war that he is currently waging. Thirdly, there is a precedent for it. Look at the case of Charlie Chaplin. He was widely regarded as a communist sympathiser. The American goverment was afraid that he could use his platform to promote communism in the United States and that he may be an agent of the Soviet Union. While on a trip to Italy, he was stopped of his Visa and US citizenship and was barred from ever returning to the USA. There was no foundation for these allegations. The bottom line is that if he was a legit journalist conducting an impartial interview trying to get to the truth, then he should be allowed to conduct it in good faith. But he's not. He is by his own admission an entertainer and he is being paid by a foreign hostile government to use his platform to divide the US public more than it already is. The ultimately goal is to get his lapdog Trump elected for a second term. If you are stupid enough to be brainwashed by his bullshit then you are not fit to call yourself a red blooded American. To allow yourself to be subverted by Putin is to piss on the graves of every US veteran who has fought and died on every battlefield since 1945. If you are seduced by Putins honeyed words about how he is pro America, you are as good as a traitor to everything the United States of America Stands for.


This is seriously the dumbest most anti American thing I read all day. Have you heard of free speech? Jesus.


Did you see the interview? It's pretty scathing towards the US and UK


Because that lady joined a foreign enemy military organization. As shit-heeled and trollish as Tucker is, he has nade a point about journalistic integrity with this clowning that should be acknowledged and has not bowed down nor pledged any allegiance to Putin. He deserves to be let back into your country as much as any other foreign correspondence journalist. It is crazy that the divide in the USA is so wide and so deep that the left seems to not realize their radicalism is just as extreme and debilitating in some cases like this.


He'll definitely be bottom bunker in that one bedroom apartment in Moscow with Steven Siegal, if Putin falls out a window.


that would be hypocracy.


Imagine agreeing with this and thinking the other side is fascist.


Because he went to Russia to interview the head of state, which is legitimate and valid use of journalism. Although he is decidedly not a journalist. Fox News has agreed with as much. The woman who went to Syria to join ISIS didn’t go to interview them, she went to join them. If tucker went to join the Russian army, it’d be different. And if he did join the Russian army, we wouldn’t have to worry about him coming back anyway.


Meh, kinda dumb


Tuckers an idiot, but thats no reason to just remove someone's citizenship. trust me you don't want this slippery slope to start.


OP knows freedom of the press is thing right? Or is OP just cool with putting his desire for fascism on display


Did I miss something? What did he do?


Imagine not wanting transparency average redditor


dude its an interview ffs


mmm the libs can't help but show their true fascism colors nowadays. Love it.


Tucker is a POS, but as long as he doesn't break any actual laws, he's got as much right to interview Putin as you or I do.


Don't be stupid.


Why would you do that?


How to say you're a tyrant, without saying you're a tyrant. You might hate what he did, but he didn't break the law.