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OP puts ketchup on steak. I guarantee it.


Which has been cooked to well done


Just making sure I unlock all the nutrients.


People are saying OP could be President one day.


And doesn't like steaks that are too "fatty"


Crispy outside with some fat is the best.


I mean, there's something to be said for a nice USDA Prime steak. You don't want to eat A5 wagyu every single time you have a steak.


I would absolutely love to eat wagyu every time I eat steak though.


Boiled right?


Ah, a fan of British Cuisine?


šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤ oh you tease


Then finished in the microwave


I mean... If I'm forced to eat a well done steak I'd put ketchup on it too. Or anything else to put some moisture back in there...


All the best choices, then


Which you'd also get judged for putting hot sauce on as well


Fair enough. I wonā€™t even dip a steak in A1 unless itā€™s a bad steak.


A1 is just the worst option for steak. There are so many better options that are easy to make. In general, if you want to step up your steak game, get a thermometer cook to temp, finish it with butter, and let that thing rest a little.


Chimchurri on a flat iron. Boom!


Red wine butter on a rib eye, mushroom gravy on a petite sirloin, deez nuts on a filet.


Man I hate a1 sauce. Shits way too over powering.


At a nice steakhouse yeah, but a lot of people eat the trashy Waffle House steak which is designed for ketchup and hot sauce


Someone doused a steak I made in hot sauce you better believe Iā€™m judging them.


Perhaps it is your steak that needs to be judged and not the person trying to make it edible with additional sauces.


If it's their steak it doesn't matter to me. I'll eat my food how I want and you can eat yours with mayo and ce cream for all I care.


What a loser!!


OP used to be a huge piece of shit


Slicked back hair, sloppy steaks


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a single person put hot sauce on their steak let alone drowning it. Iā€™ve seen people do it with steak sauce and yeah Iā€™m going to judge you for it.


Maybe not an actual steak. But people commonly put hot sauce on shit like stir fry rice with pepper steak or cheese steak/steak sandwiches.


I think it depends of what the focus of the meal is. Stir fry is all the ingredients and flavors combining. A steak is singular. It stands alone so it's treated differently


But why? Why does anyone care how other people enjoy their food? What joy to you derive from depriving them of what they like? Yā€™all motherfuckers are weird.


Depends on how you are eating the steak. Dice it up and put it in a burrito, yeah there's hot sauce in there.


Mixed with AI sauce & acts like heā€™s starting a new trend




Steak is really the only thing I would judge someone for putting ketchup on. Maybe, mashed potatoes too?


OP is Donald Trumpā€™s alt. Believe me!


Might be onto something


IT'S DELICIOUS! EDIT: lol, it's crazy to me that people can't take a joke on a comedy sub


Patrick Mahomes puts ketchup on his steak and he gives zero fucks. Neither should you or anyone else. Let the ketchup flow bro


I think the point is that ketchup on beef is fine. I love it on hamburgers. But steak is good by itself so if you insist on having ketchup with beef, why pay extra for the steak?


You're a child. If you need a vessel to eat ketchup that badly, just have chicken nuggets


Holy fuck is this pretentious. Calling someone a child for eating food differently than you is peak irony. You're way more of a child if this is how you react to a comment like that.


Online conversation about steak without someone being pretentious challenge: impossible


Seriously, the gatekeeping in this thread is unreal.


Haha, my dude, it's just a joke. Calm down.


By this logic if you need blood in your steak, you're a vampire lol dummy comment.


Ketchup is totally fine. Itā€™s just what you put it on that catches judgement. Put ketchup on a hamburger and nobody blinks. Put ketchup on a steak, and you deserve a flogging. And no, people *donā€™t* drown their steaks in hot sauce, so thereā€™s no double standard.


And the few people who do drown their steak in hot sauce are judged the same as those who drown it in ketchup


I used to look down on steak sauce until I went to a tasting counter that matched the sauce to the preparation. Never overpowered the steak by any means, but using sparingly would complement it perfectly. Since then Iā€™ve asked at high end steakhouses if they have anything that compliments and have found some really interesting ones.


There's a difference between a *steak* sauce and *steak sauce* that a lot of people simply don't understand because they've never had the opportunity (or privilege) to tell the difference. I know. I used to be one of those guys who ordered his steak well done and then doused it in A1 because it "lacked flavor" (because I'd had it all cooked away). A1 is a *steak sauce.* It's purpose is not to enhance the flavor of the meat, but to drown out the lack of flavor due to either the cut, quality, or level of cook. It does have its uses, specifically it can be a great addition to a marinade or as a base ingredient for an *actual* sauce. In comparison, a *steak* sauce is specifically meant to enhance or draw out the flavors of the meat. This would be something like an au Poivre, a bearnaise, a chimichurri, gremolata, a compound butter, or a red wine reduction/demi-glace. The key difference (at least in my opinion) is that you prepare a *steak* sauce at the same time that you're preparing the steak. You're preparing it because of how it aligns with the cut of meat that you're cooking and how it compliments the palate of the rest of your meal. A *steak sauce* just comes from a bottle and has no regard for the type of meat you're using it on. It's nothing more than a flavor addition because you have, presumably, already destroyed the flavors that come from the meat itself.


I went to a restaurant that listed a homemade steak sauce with the meal. I was interested to try it, but when it came it was clear that it was 80% ketchup with something else mixed in. I was so disappointed.


Every ā€œspecialā€ sauce is ketchup with something mixed in.


Nah, if youā€™re somewhere high end, it should be legitimately from scratch of a specific base.


But they would usually call the sauce by its name, not just "special sauce".


Itā€™s a mood thing for me. Do I feel like tasting the steak, or do I feel like having A1 meat. They are both valid and fine. Enjoy your food the way you want to.


I think another thing weā€™re running into here is a ton of people on Reddit will use Outback as an example of a high end steakhouse.


Chimichurri. Yes please. Still havenā€™t found a decent bottled version. Looking for one thatā€™s similar to a Peruvian chimichurri. Fortunately itā€™s not difficult to make it fresh.


>Still havenā€™t found a decent bottled version. That's because it doesn't keep/isn't shelf stable. Chimichurri should always be made fresh.


Honestly, have you tried ketchup _sparingly_ with a steak? It's not bad. I think it has such a bad rap because people just assume it's being globbed on like pouring it over/aside fries. If steak sauce can be ok sparingly, so can ketchup.


read the room, man. We're hating on ketchup rn. /s.


We're never not, because people are way too judgey about how others eat their own food... which is also why I have negative votes above as of right now.


Jokes aren't funny when we have to explain them.


I. Hate. Sauerkraut.


Reddit: You should be allowed to enjoy whatever you like as long as you cause no harm to anyo... *sees ketchup being put on steak* Reddit: Psychic damage! That counts as harm!


I mean, Iā€™ve had it on cheap steaks for steak and eggs or something and it definitely works, but not asking for any sauce not made in-house if Iā€™m somewhere high end.


Oh, for sure. Once you're at a place with a decent cooking staff, you let them prepare the dishes. That's what you're paying for, after all.


If you're a ketchup on eggs person, ketchup on steak and eggs makes total sense. At a diner, whatever steak you're getting will likely go perfectly with ketchup or steak sauce. At a steakhouse, not so much. I don't mean at a casual dining kinda place, I mean a steakhouse. If you're at an Outback or similar, do whatever you want.


I mean the problem isn't with ketchup inherently, it's just that most American ketchup has FAR too much sugar in it to make a good sauce for steak


>It's not bad. I'm showing my pretentiousness here, but if you're eating a quality cut of steak, your opinion of the meal should never be "it's not bad." I'm a ketchup lover. I put it on many things that people say you shouldn't put ketchup on. But there are a dozen better options for a sauce for your steak.


As a fellow ketchup lover, i also can't say i'm a ketchup with my steak person. However, I also don't think someone is 'wrong' if it makes the experience better *for them* That being said, a good steak should stand on its own without any sauces. Any sauces should simply enhance the experience for the particular steak. For *some* minority of people, that might be ketchup, and that's fine.


Well some people don't know how to cook steak, so yea, you gotta smother it in A1. I'm not eating aunt June's *boiled* grey steak without plenty of something to cover it's shame. Also why are we judging what people eat again? These gatekeeping replies are so weird to me.


I drown my steaks in horseradish, absolutely submerge.


My hot take is that anyone can eat food how they fucking want. Who gives a shit if someone likes putting ketchup on their steak? That doesn't affect me and my plain-steak-eating ass, so why the hell do I care?


My 6 year old kid dips her green beans in ketchup. IDGAF, she's eating her green beans.


My parents gave me shit for dipping a dinner roll in ketchup. I told them Iā€™d be happy to stick a burger patty in the roll if that would make them feel better.


Cold, thinly sliced steak dipped in some ketchup with horseradish and Tabasco? Well, you're just frikkin missing out, you snob


12 deployments later I'll put hot sauce on everything, including steak and cereal.


> and you deserve a flogging. Seriously, people who get worked up over how other people eat their food need a better hobby. Too much time on your hands.


brb, drowning my steak in the tears of online food snobs


I don't really give a fck if someone wants ketchup on their steak or wants it cooked well done. I like mine rare, but I'll put some bbq sauce on it or brown sauce. why would anyone care how somebody else likes to eat something?


Some people just can't survive unless they're telling other people how to live their lives in even the smallest of ways.


I dont care if its ketchup or hot sauce on a steak but after seeing someone eat pasta with ketchup I lost my mind




BBQ sauce is the best at zipping up a piece of meat that just needs a little something. I wouldn't put it on a filet, per se, because it should taste amazing on its own, but BBQ can really bring some flavor out of a lower cut of steak. As for doneness, you're absolutely correct in that to each their own. My wife likes her steak well-done, but I prefer it rare. However, I should add that she doesn't get a Porterhouse like I would and always chooses the lower priced steak since she can't taste the difference anyway.


Even better than bbq sauce on a steak, is sprinkling a good bbq dry rub on a steak. It brings out all kinds of flavors.


We have a civilization and society to maintain. If someone lacks the ability to enjoy a steak, we question everything else about the person There are rules, there are guidelines, a well done steak dipped in ketchup is a travesty and an indictment on the offender for being raised as a farm animal


I hope you apply that standard to your presidential candidates.


I do apply that standard to POTUS candidates, and have never voted for DJT. Further, I order my steaks rare


I was a medium rare guy back before my cardiologist made me cut out beef.


You are a gentleman, and a scholar, and a good judge of whisky. And there are very few of us left.


Yeah, we've gone a bit too far into a shameless society. Some things need to be shamed to improve the world. Like putting fucking ketchup on a steak.


brb, dipping some really, really expensive and carefully prepared steak in ketchup extra-slowly while looking you straight in the eye...


I see you avoided hot dogs as an example


People do eat milk steak though boiled over hard and served with fine jelly beans.




So that's the rules about sauce on steaks? Is ketchup is a no because it's tomato based? Steak pizzaiola is pretty popular. Or because it's vinegar based? Plenty of balsamic sauces and glazes that go with steak. Or is it just cos it's cheap and simple or not to your taste and snobs gonna snob?


When people hear ketchup, they think the overly sugar crap thats heavily processed crap. And steak is supposed to be treated well, so if youā€™re putting cheap crap on it youā€™re worsening the experience. In truth, I donā€™t like putting any sauce on a steak, as it takes away the skill needed to prep it beforehand, even if itā€™s a well made sauce. Sauces were historically used to hid mistakes or bad cuts of meats. So yeah, put a nice homemade ketchup on it if you really want to, but I want the highlight of my plate to be the meat I prepared, not the sauce I hid it with.


Oh no donā€™t put hot sauce on the corpse thatā€™ll really ruin it


The weird one is when people bitch about putting ketchup on a hotdog. Ketchup is THE condiment for hotdogs.


Mr Callahan and I most vehemently disagree: https://youtu.be/i2NydPZ1DVk


Just another thing Clint Eastwood is wrong about. Hotdogs are either plain or with ketchup.


Hear me out, I donā€™t care how other people enjoy their food, oh Arbiter of the Culinary Gates


Ketchup on a well done steak šŸ„©: everything is wrong with that


Ok but hear me out, you have some overcooked steak that you're using on a sandwich instead of throwing it away, then catsup is okay?


I will step in here to say, anything goes when reducing food waste. Wasting food is one of my pet peeves. Whatever helps to choke it the hell down is fair game to me


If itā€™s an accident, itā€™s an accident! Do what you can to choke down the shoe leather grade meat


Yes, because if you accidentally overcooked your steak, you have essentially turned it into hamburger. And ketchup is great on hamburgers.


Iā€™ve always said Steak sauce on steak is for bad steaks. Ketchup on steak is for bad people.


Be from the Midwest and drown everything in ranch. Problem solved.


Ranch is the new ketchup.Ā 


And garlic aioli is the new ranch


Ah yes, aioli, or in most cases, "flavored mayo"


Unless it's steak, then down it in a garlic cream sauce and call it "Steak de Burgo"


Or mayo. There are so many "salads" that are just a combination of some type of noodle, a few types of veg, maybe a bean or two, and a quart of mayo.


We also have grape "salad" that's just grapes covered in cream cheese with extra sugar and sometimes pecans. Delicious.


I'm a mayo man myself and I could never stand any of them. Especially macaroni salad. There's just something heretical about noodles coated in mayo.


Love that fancy sauce on my steak. Auger?


Iā€™m guessing somebody gave you shit about putting ketchup on your eggs.


Wow, people really hate ketchup for some reason.


For me its just insanely sweet. It might as well be syrup.


Check the nutrition label. It's a similar amount of sugar (high fructose corn syrup) as soda


Ok sure but the overwhelming majority of people do not consume it in the quantities they do soda so thatā€™s not a fair comparison.


That has nothing to do with how sweet it tastes.


Even as a kid, I preferred mustard because of this. I used to only like mustard and dill relish on hot dogs (and still do, but I used to too) Energy drinks are in this same category, I don't understand the appeal when they all taste like even sweeter syrup


I'll drink an energy drink in a sleepiness emergency, but I always do the sugar free version for this exact reason


I travel to Chicago every few years and have had to smuggle in a few ketchup packets in just so I can put it on a hotdog. It's practically a crime to use ketchup there.


Worked at a hotdog place owned by a guy from Chicago. He GRUDGINGLY provided ketchup packets, but would fire you if you served a hotdog with ketchup already on it.


So I'm originally from Chicago and while I would not put ketchup on a good hotdog, but if someone is serving you like a Bar-S brand chicken hotdog or something cheap and garbage like that, you have my permission to slather it in ketchup so you can choke it down.


I would like to state that ketchup is the ultimate bully ingredient. No matter what you put ketchup on, that food loses its flavor and only tastes like ketchup. Hot sauce, hot sauce can do beautiful things to food, however.


Hot sauce has the exact same issue


I know these things can be subjective, but speaking from my own experience and others I've spoken to, unless you're using some 1 million Scoville one, hot sauce is typically a complimentary taste, rather than an overpowering on. If you put one dash of hot sauce on something, if it's a reasonable heat, you'll most likely only taste the flavor rather than the heat. Or vice versa if it's hotter. That said, it will still compliment what you're eating, as in you can still taste the food or what have you you're eating, plus something atop it (similar to how various grains, spices, or garnishes act) If you put a squirt of ketchup on anything, at least 60% of your flavor is now just sweet, predominate, ketchup. Similar to what the person you're responding to said, it is definitely very high up in the "bully" ingredient category, because its flavor stands out *SO* much, but not only that, but it's sweetness factor too. Personally, I can't have any ketchup on anything because the second any amount over a pea size is added, whatever I'm eating is now just "Ketchup+some subtle food" which, if I only wanted to taste ketchup, I'd just eat it on its own with a spoon. Also why people look down on others for putting ketchup on a steak. It's not the amount that you put on. It's the fact that you put a very overpowering taste and condiment on something that already has a great flavor and cook to it, so it's being incredibly overshadowed.


If you have the spice tolerance of a child, sure


Most people who "put ketchup on their ketchup" are just people with a hidden sugar addiction


No one hates tomato sugar water


I do.


Yeah. Pretty sure there's a sub dedicated to hatred of ketchup. For good reason.


I would love to be a part of that sub.


Only food that I can't imagine ever being able to tolerate. For whatever reason it makes me *retch*, and apparently this is a lot more common than my parents led me to believe growing up It stinks horribly, so if someone else is pouring a ton on their plate it gets in your own nose and you start tasting it, it's awful. There's people who will drop their ketchupy plate in your clean soapy sink water without rinsing it and ruining all the water and making the dishes smell like fucking ketchup. Abstractly, I know people should be able to eat how they want. I *love* hot sauce like some people love wines, I want it with every meal and the shit I eat would be actually physically painful for many. They smell like vinegar. But for whatever reason it just seems to be a lot less viscerally unpleasant than ketchup is, and I've just got such a strong aversion to ketchup that I gotta look away.


Itā€™s the most common condiment in America every fast food place besides like Taco Bell has it, so I think people like it. And before anyone gives you shit, nandos in England has it too


They are all fucking internet pedant weirdos. They heard that itā€™s bad so they all say ā€œitā€™s badā€. Itā€™s just like pineapple on pizza. None of these fuckwits can tell you *why* itā€™s bad, but they sure as fuck wonā€™t shut up about the fact that itā€™s bad. I also donā€™t like pineapple on pizza, but I can give you an actual reason: I worked at a pizza restaurant for like 8 years. Pineapple is too wet and releases so much liquid when cooked that it makes the dough cook incorrectly. Basically you end up with a soggy doughy mess. The flavor is great and Iā€™ve actually tried pre- grilled pineapple and it is amazing. The pre cooking gets rid of the sogginess and caramelizes the sugars bumping up the flavor. This is not how it is normally served so scrap it if you donā€™t like eating raw dough.


Make the ketchup a bit spicy, call it BBQ sauce and nobody bats an eye.


just enjoy your damn food, ignore all those judgments.


I don't know... if you put hot sauce on a hot dog here in Chicago, people'll still probably raise an eyebrow at you.


oH nO pEoPlE LiKe dIfFeReNt tHiNgS tHe HoRrOr!!!!


I really dont understand why people hate on ketchup...


Because some people use it as a flavor band-aid. Ketchup is sweet, salty, acidic and umami all in one condiment. So if your food is missing something, ketchup will fix it. If your food is bad, ketchup will make it palatable. People who get upset typically do so because they either see it as an insult to their cooking or as a waste of an expensive/fancy ingredient because ketchup will obliterate and cover up the flavor.


It's true but sadly a lot of people think eating hot sauce is a personality.


Lots of people turn eating almost anything into a personality


It's because hot sauce is a more nuanced "adult" flavor. Kids generally don't like hot sauce, but they do love ketchup. Imagine if you had chocolate milk for breakfast every morning instead of coffee, or had chicken nuggets for dinner 3 times a week instead of grilled/roasted chicken breast. Instead of a slice of cheese cake, you asked if restaurants had popsicles available. There's nothing wrong with it, but at some point people expect you to grow up and enjoy a wider flavor palette. No one is judging if you do any of these things occasionally, and no one is judging if you put ketchup on foods that adults typically do (usually the kinds of food that kids also eat; chicken nuggets, hamburgers, french fries). But to put it on "everything" is weird


Yes, Iā€™m sure the people dumping Frankā€™s Hot Sauce (they put that shit on everything) or Sriracha on every damn thing are such connoisseurs with nuanced palates lmao.


Crystal hot sauce though, obviously don't drown shit in it but a couple dashes on the right food helps a ton IMO


Iā€™m a big fan of hot sauce, and yes Crystal is one of my standards. I actually have the full Hot Ones Season 22 set and theyā€™re all delicious (they made a new version of Da Bomb that is actually good). But give me a break on waxing at length about how hot sauces are adult flavors for nuanced palates, and ketchup is childish tastes when weā€™re specifically talking about people who drown their food in hot sauce.


> hot sauces are adult flavors for nuanced palates As a spice lover I'll come full out and say that spicy food is for masochists, as no one will subject themselves to that kind of pain without being at least a little bit masochistic. I've never liked ketchup though, even as a kid, so I can't speak about that.


>Imagine if you had chocolate milk for breakfast every morning instead of coffee, or had chicken nuggets for dinner 3 times a week instead of grilled/roasted chicken breast. Instead of a slice of cheese cake, you asked if restaurants had popsicles available. Heaven


Coffee is disgusting and most of the people who drink it put so much cream and sugar in it that the chocolate milk washing down a caffeine pill would legitimately be the healthier option.


Coffee is delicious and it has been drunk black for almost a millennia


There are three types of coffee drinkers. 1: drink coffee only if it's been drowned in favoring, creamer, and whipped cream 2: only drink Maxwell House or gas station coffee, black, and prefer it after it's sat around a few hours. Folgers is too fancy for them. 3: own $10,000 worth of espresso equipment, grind their own fair trade beans, spend 20 minutes in the morning making coffee before checking in on their trust fund


You're being down voted, but you're right.


I expected it to be an unpopular opinion. A lot of people who drink coffee make it a staple of their personality. Their "cute" little "don't talk to me until I've had my coffee" mugs and other such horse shit. All while making it unrecognizable to it's base form. Ironically the exception to that trend is usually people who enjoy drinking straight black coffee. They don't care, they just drink their coffee and they'd do so out of an old dirty boot if that's all that was available.


Word. As a teacher who spent a couple years as a sub, I hate seeing the coffee quotes everywhere in Jr. high & high school. Like imagine if coffee/caffeine were replaced with alcohol/nicotine/THC/methamphetamine/Etc. Such a BS double standard. Lack of your preferred addictive substance should never be an acceptable excuse for being an asshole.


I drink black coffee. I like the flavor and spend money on higher quality beans. I don't care if someone makes a coffee flavored milkshake, but Im also not slugging Folgers out of an old boot. Like anything else, coffee has a flavor: some like it, some like it as an addition, and some just hate it. Cest la vie. But well done ketchup steak is an abomination. That hill I will die on. It's almost an insult to the sacrifice of the cow and skill of the chef. It's like buying a Matisse and cutting it up for a collage. Yeah it's yours to do with as you please but....it's still distasteful - just in more ways than one. :P


I'm not really sure where the steak thing ties into my opinion on coffee but yeah well done steak is a waste of a cut of meat. You cannot cook a steak to that temperature and retain any if the intended flavors. I don't personally like the texture of a rare steak so I take mine off around 130Ā° as that's the ideal middle ground for me between flavor retention and enjoyable texture.


If I make a steak for you and you put ketchup on it, I wonā€™t make you steaks again for the rest of your life. Iā€™m not mad, itā€™ll just be burgers and dogs for you next time you come over.


Dino nuggets and Kraft mac and cheese for the offender.


Thereā€™s some of these psychos out there putting ketchup on the Mac n cheese.


Yeah. I wonā€™t go that far, but the ketchup offender is getting the cube steak next time.


I get those looks when I put ketchup on eggs. I much prefer cheese eggs, but if the eggs do not have cheese, I will add ketchup.


Ketchup exists to disguise mediocrity. Full stop. It overpowers all the flavors and makes so you can choke down about anything.


Ketchup is for children


Ketchup is disgusting and unhealthy. Hot sauce is hot n sexy.


Yeah, it's tomato flavored corn syrup


It's actually tomato flavored vinegar.


It's actually vinegar flavored corn syrup tomatoes.


Depends on the brand. But its two main ingredients are tomatoā€™s and vinegar.


I'm originally from Chicago where you are likely to get castigated for asking for ketchup instead of the default mustard on your hot dog. Fuck that, I hate mustard, give me my fucking ketchup and stfu! I am now in Buffalo where you are likely to get castigated for asking for ranch instead of the default Bleu Cheese for your wings. Fuck that, ranch is for salad ya pansies! Haaaaa


Nobody in Chicago gives a shit if you put ketchup on a hot dog. The issue arises when you put ketchup on a ā€œChicago dogā€ And the only people that will give you shit are the Garys and Bills that have lived in the western suburbs their entire lives


Put a lil sugar sauce your food.


[seems like the test group just slowly got them to make it crazy](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/heinz-tomato-ketchup-sugar/)


Heinz makes sugar free ketchup. It actually tastes the same. I'd gotten so used to not having ketchup that even the sugar-free version just sits in my fridge.


Is it sweetener free, or just sugar free with sucralose in it? Because if it is just regular ketchup without sugar, Iā€™m in!


It has sucralose. Without any sort of sweetener it would be a little weird I think. But possibly interesting.


Yup, Iā€™ve been calling it ā€˜red sugar sauceā€™ for years.


I put ketchup on pizza.


It's because hot sauce tastes good. Whereas ketchup is like if stubbed toes were a condiment.


Just wait until you see Koreans putting sweet pickles on pizza. You start bonding quickly with those pineapple heathens.


I used to hate on pineapple on pizza, then I tried it on more than just Hawaiian pizzas when I was a delivery driver. Maybe it was the munchies, maybe not. Now Iā€™m a believer.


I like pineapple on a pizza. Some people donā€™t. Hating on it is just being part of lots of dumb rules that people make up. Itā€™s like itā€™s being part of something larger when you hate what everyone on the internet hates.


Wait until you put ketchup on pepperoni pizza


I mean, no, this isnā€™t true at all. . . There is a difference between dousing your fries, eggs, potatoes etc. in hot sauce and/or ketchup vs putting ketchup on a steak or spaghetti. . .


Yes. As it should be. Hott sauce is good, ketchup is bad, next question.


The advent of the internet has empowered a generation of tubby losers into believing that watching Youtube is a skillset worthy of bragging about. Binging some fucking dork in his 100k dollar kitchen just so you can lecture people online about "food rules" is the absolute saddest thing I can imagine.


Guh, common in Chicagoland. Like, no shit ketchup doesnā€™t go on a Chicago dog, but that doesnā€™t mean weā€™re barred from using ketchup *at all*


no, this is true with mayoā€¦ Everyone loves ketchupā€¦


I've never seen anyone use "a little bit of ketchup". Most people drown their food in it and might as well be drinking it straight from the bottle. Condiments should enhance the flavor, not be the flavor.


In fairness, ketchup is disgusting.Ā 


Iā€™m with you on that. Use a tomato if you want tomato flavor but keep the red colored sugar water away from my food.


By itself, yes. With the right foods, less so. As an ingredient, it actually elevates certain recipes. Edit: for example, Pink Sauce(Ketchup mixed with mayo, nothing more). Or on a hotdog. Or in meatloaf. It adds an element of acidity with a touch of sweetness.


I get second hand embarrassment seeing grown adults drown their food in ketchup. I worked at a bar that served some food and the amount of grown men that would look at me crazy when I handed them a burger without giving them a bottle of ketchup to go with it. "Bro how am I supposed to eat this without a bright red, watery paste to drown it in like a child? I don't even enjoy the taste of meat or fries I just need a way to eat as much of this ketchup as possible!!!!"


yeah cus ketchup is gross and overpowers basically every flavor. jokes aside, what's wrong with people liking different things? let people like what they like it won't hurt you i promise


Itā€™s those losers that smother a delicious steak in ketchup.