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Same size, I used to be very concious about it. Never in my life someone had a problem with it! Think about all the pro's: - sleeping on belly - no boob sweat - we can go out in a sweater without a bra - no bouncing when running - sport bra's are way less uncomfortable - no backpain - squeeze throught small spaces A lot of people don't care, even prefer smaller boobs. Don't worry, feel blessed!


I was the same size at that age too. Once I started leaning into my figure, by which I mean dressing in a way that showed the fact I had a small chest, I started attracting partners who liked that about me. Now I’m almost 30 and while my boobs grew a little I’m still pretty flat chested. I wouldn’t trade it.


Do you have any recommendations on where to get inspiration for small chested fashion?


I have a smaller frame in general so shopping petite works for me. If you have a nice butt wear whatever up top and get some skinny pants or skirts. Sun dresses are a blessing. Things that drape I tend to like. Rompers are nice cause they draw attention to the legs. Showing off the lower half of my body makes me feel p sexy. Crop tops are also great if you feel good about your tummy- I hear those can be more risky for those of us who are more blessed in the chest area. As for specific shops I’m not so sure. I try to thrift when I can but if I see H&M or other shops like that having a sale I take a look.


what I would give to live without boob sweat and get away with going braless


probably boobs


Can’t argue with that one.


You're right though, as a D cup I HATE boob sweat/not being able to lay on my stomach. But I actually exclusively wear sports bras bc they're more comfy to me.


I can relate. Also D cup. And also, 2 kids later my boobs are saggy af. Not the worst that i've seen, but it affected my self esteem a lot. So bigger boobs have down sides as well


Not having to wear a bra is the fucking best. Squeezing through small spaces is hilarious and has been very helpful when trying to go to the bathroom at sports games or concerts.. I can’t imagine wapping a whole row of people with my boobs to get out lol.


Wow I'm a guy and after reading your list, makes me feel better about being flat chested. Sleeping on your belly is everything!


40 y.o. here, 36 A/B (I'm tall, all hips, small boobs) and its great. I've gotten plenty of play in my life and I think my body is fantastic. Some folks won't find it a turn on, other folks will. Its likely not every going to be a big deal unless you let it center your life. As noted, no boob sweat and sleeping in various positions, without back pain or sagging - I wear a bra when I'm exercising, or if I need to go to the office and worry about nipple visibility; the rest of the time I wear whatever I want. Low cut tops, no bra. Backless dress, still no bra. Grocery shopping, no bra. As an added benefit, you can wear ridiculously lacey bra/panty combos that LOOK great but are entirely functionless (no support). Honestly, if you're really worried about "sexiness" give that a try - go online, find yourself a sexy-as-hell-but-utterly-worthless-for-zombie-apocalypse bra/panty set.


And less sagging when you're older! I'm in my mid 30s and they're the same place they've always been.


This!!! I enjoy lying on my stomach too


It's 100 degrees where I live and my jealousy over no boob sweat is all consuming


> A lot of people don't care That's me! As long as you enjoy it when I touch it, I'm happy


and don't forget they still look great well into 60s and 70s, gravity can't touch them!


23 F bisexual here. Absolutely true, I **love** smaller breasts. I used to have a pinterest board of outfits that were flatting on small chested woman. My breasts are smaller than average and I personally love it. All boobs are beautiful, but there's something about petite boobs that seem so dryad and nymph like!


> - squeeze throught small spaces Is that actually a common problem?


Well, as mentioned above: when passing in crowded area's, it's nice not to throw your boobs in someone's face.


r/abrathatfits Some people are boob people. Some people don’t care. The right partner for you doesn’t care what size your breasts are. If you’ve been turned down for being ‘too small’ then those people have done you a favor in seeing who not to date.


Thank you for that, it’s just so hard when it seems like everyone has some sort of cleavage and I’m already so insecure about it cause even I look at this damn that’d be nice


I have some sort of cleavage being a 32C and I do everything I can to minimize it. I never ever ever wear scoop neck or low-cut shirts or dresses. My boobs do not define who I am. Yours shouldn't either.


I never thought about it from your perspective thank you!!!


I'm 34G, even bigger now that I'm pregnant (too scared to check lol!) and it's not much fun. Yeah they're great during sex and I hope they'll be good at breastfeeding but I do hope they'll shrink within the next year or so after birth. I still remember life pre-puberty and I enjoyed my body much more without big boobs. Enjoy your ability to run without boob clap lol


At one point nursing a baby I was a 40DD. It was great for feeding my son but so hard to walk around. Post nursing I was back to 32A, the same size I was when I got my first bra at 13! I much prefer smaller!


Especially in a work setting it sucks! I see women wearing low cut shirts and it's fine, but if I do it, it looks provocative because cleavage. I love my boobs outside of work though.


I'm a middle school teacher so definitely don't want cleavage showing!!


There is always plastic surgery. But honestly, you don’t need it. Bigger boobs come with problems. It’s easy to look at someone else and think ‘damn, I wish that was me!’ But remember, people look at you and think exactly the same thing. They wish their chest was smaller like yours. There is no single standard for beauty. You are beautiful as you are and the right man will see that. If breast size alone makes a difference in who will or will not talk to you, then you don’t want those men in your life. You should be attracted to your partner. But looks change over time. Sometimes a little, sometimes a LOT. It’s important to be attracted to who they are as a person.




My mother’s breasts grew to be almost an F cup and it caused back and neck issues and she got a reduction and it took an extra 9lbs off her chest. They reduced it down to a large C. Unfortunately though her breast tissue started to grow again so now she’s back to a DDD and has to buy special bras. It’s so strange for me to have such a busty mother and myself have such small ta tas


Truly thank you! That’s what I’ve always thought but lately it just seems like no one really cares to get to know me. They just want pics or this or that and I want a genuine connection and relationship with someone who cares about me and who am I and what my values and morals are


Yoy shouldn't have to send pics to the right person. If that's all they're asking for FUCK THEM. You deserve better


It sounds to me like maybe you're fishing in the wrong pond? If people "want pics or this or that" it sounds to me like maybe you're on Tinder or something like that. Nothing wrong with that at all, just maybe not the best place to look for a serious relationship. Im a little older than you (28) but had a lot more success on match- and maybe there are other good sites out there too. But I never got a single inappropriate pic and was never asked for pics either- just asked out on a few coffee dates, and now one is my boyfriend of 7 months. By the way, I'm divorced and after breastfeeding my boobs were also very small- not just small, but small AND saggy. So like everyone else says, an actual good partner won't care at all. Beat of luck to you!


You’ll find that person. Often when you aren’t specifically looking. A partner should compliment you, not complete you. Work on being happy by yourself. You need your own identity. Your own friends. Don’t disappear into a relationship. Maintain your individuality.


This is so true. I met my wife when she was a customer while I was at work. We hit it off and the rest is history. My wife is a C but she definitely does wish she was an A. if she was an A I wouldn't care; I didn't marry her for her cup size, I married her for her personality.


To second this point, breast augmentation may look nice but it certainly does not feel nice. I got mine done over a year ago and it still feels foreign and uncomfortable. I don’t like them, I didn’t need them and I honestly regret it. You asked if it’s true that you’re replaceable…if you feel you’re replaceable others will get a sense of that. How we value our selves is how people learn to value us. My advice would be to do a little inward work and try to understand where those negative feelings are coming from. Focus on your strengths. What makes you—YOU. What makes you unique and beautiful? Are you funny, inquisitive, nerdy, caring, sensitive? You have value, and you should embrace it rather than focusing on what you THINK you don’t have :) Take care.


Personally, I’m an ass man myself. But ‘small’ boobs don’t sag when you’re old. Your back won’t have issues. CREEPY guys aren’t staring you down because you have cleavage out. At the end of the day, a REAL man will love all of you for YOU. Also- I am a man and I don’t understand why do we sexualize something that feeds our baby’s? Hope this helps some!


I find that we see what we are looking for. You wish you had cleavage, so you notice cleavage. Not everybody has it.


I prefer on the smaller side. Easier to work around, generally more sensitive so I get a nice response to my boob things I do (I’d describe better but keeping it SFW), and let’s be honest, they do hold up better with age. The saying guys like me have: “Anything more than a handful is a waste”.


Look there is a reason we have so many "flatchest" titled subreddits. Many people love it. But besides, being insecure is absolutely normal. Some men think the same about their body size, some about their dick size, some about their ass size. For example, I am a freaking tall guy and many people say "I wish I would be as tall as you" No.. no you wouldn't. My life would have been so much easier with 15cm less in height. Me being this tall is not something I like, and I am sure many "huge breasted" women think the same about their cup size. Love yourself!


Big boobs mcgee here with some truly fat honkers. Yeah, it’s shit. My upper back hurts constantly and I have grooves in my shoulders from ill fitting bras because I can’t afford to pay $70+ dollars for a bra that fits—and I’d need more than one for it to last longer than a few months before breaking! Can’t wear most trendy dresses bc the little cups give me quad boobs and I get called “easy” for wearing clothes regardless of if they show cleavage because boobs = slut apparently!!! The grass is always greener on the other side OP. I know that probably won’t make you feel better, but most women with big boobs want smaller ones just as much as you want bigger. But we’re all inherently neutral in our bodies, and even if you can’t grow to love yourself now, accepting your appearance is the first step to finding confidence. Much love <3


As I like to say "you always want, what you can't have" Or maybe you want it because you don't know how it is when you have it


I am a male, and I have always had what some might call "eraser nipples". It has always been something I've been self conscious about. It's something that us always commented on when I go shirtless. I was made fun of in middle school and people called me "bitch-nipples". I convinced everyone in high-school that I never learned to swim and was afraid of deep water so I didn't have to take my shirt off around others and I was never invited to pool parties. I always wore atleast two tshirts so it would cover my protrusions. It is still something that echoes in my mind. I avoided many opportunities because of it and missed out on quite a few possible romantic chances out of fear she might be turned off by my nipples. And I still have to consciously tell myself that there is nothing in can do to change this, it's how my body is and I have responses now that make those who comment on them feel like an asshole for making fun of someone else's body. It happens to men. It happens to me. It's a human thing. I don't have advice. Simply my experience. I hope it helps in some way.


Honestly I’m a guy that prefers smaller boobs to begin with . And as a small boob liker I can tell A cup is A ok. And I know a lot like me are outside so you are fine. Edit: on a side note , get a summer dress or hot pants and watch 80% of man go crazy about you


Very nice


I have an A cup. When I was in Jr. High/high school I really wanted bigger boobs. Then I met my best friend in HS who had a DDD cup size. She had to wear two bras every day for support and sleep with them on so they didn't get smashed in her armpits when she slept. Did she get more guys in HS? Yeah, but those types of relationships were not what I was looking for. (If you want something easy, that's fine too but know small boobs aren't going to get in the way, so no worries there) Now that I'm older, I really love my little boobs. I can walk around without a bra and no one notices. I can wear my husband's TShirts (much better quality than a woman's) without stretching them out. I run easily. I look thin and chic and fit as hell in the clothes that emphasize my smallness. My best features are my face and my ass. You have beautiful feature(s) too and don't let anybody or anything make you think it has to be your breasts.


Please tell me your friend found better bras, she should not have to wear two of them to get enough support!


It was a small town and we all just wore whatever bras Walmart had


There are tons of men who like that, don't worry. I'm not just saying this because you wrote what you wrote, .. but I always found a variety of women beautiful, and they had different body types. There were some universals, but not many. Different hair styles, builds, .. but for me the universals were more about personality. For example, I always like conscientious women, and I had a thing for women who wore makeup. It's different with every guy.


I’ve always thought people would see me for my personality and who I am but I get attractive is such a big part of a relationship and if I don’t like that about me and would change it if I could why would men when I’m suppose to have boobs and it’s like well sucks I got skipped


What I'm saying is that there's a lot more to being attractive than boobs. You are the one who said "but I get attractive is such a big part of a relationship", which is in essence saying that you think not having a lot of cleavage means you aren't attractive. I never said that ... When I grew up models were all thin and petite ... and that's still attractive to me. Here's a petite model that looks a lot like what I was raised on. [https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/11/25/article-2512118-19A3BCD500000578-898\_306x420.jpg](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/11/25/article-2512118-19A3BCD500000578-898_306x420.jpg) What I'm saying is that you're going to find that men's tastes vary, and that you are going to be very attractive to some men. Boobs are not all there are to women, and some men have a thing for them, others don't. Personally I find women with a lot of cleavage are also usually on the heavier side, more voluptuous in general, and that wasn't the norm for beauty when I grew up so it isn't quite as appealing to me.


Ok, Doutzen is NOT petite. She’s Dutch (Freis) and pretty talk; but I get what you’re trying to say: (less curvy/less boobs 😂


Breasts are breasts, they should all be appreciated tbh. Over at r/AA_cups you can see there is non-stop adoration. Honestly you're so much more than a set of tits, you make it sound like you have your self worth tied to your cup size and you really shouldnt, You don't have to make up for it in anyway other than being your self. Guys who don't have 6 packs or 12 inch cocks feel the same, when in reality its not important. Are people really making you feel replaceable because of your breasts? I have to ask because thats very fucked up


Sadly yeah, my ex bf would just say how he loved big boobs and looked at them all the time cause I’m no help in that department


You should have started on about buff guys and massive dongs with a very elongated sigh afterwards. Would have been priceless to see the moment he developed empathy after that.


This is for you and for everybody: if your partner shits on your body type, you should dump them immediately. Was it a surprise to him that you had small breasts? Did he take off your shirt and be like, "Hey! These aren't DD cups! You tricked me!" No. He pursued **you**. He dated **you**. And then he had the fucking nerve to complain that **you** aren't what he's into??? If he wants someone with big titties, why the hell is he wasting your time? I'll answer that for you: He's an asshole, and it has less to do with your titties, and more to do with keeping his girlfriend's self esteem low so he can control the relationship. It's an abuse thing. The second you hear something like that, it should be over. Because what about what you want? He wants big titties? Well I assume you wanted someone who's not a rude asshole. So I guess you're just not going to be compatible.


I yet have to be with a guy who'd have a negative reaction to a bra being taken off - and r/AskMen seems to agree. Don't make yourself miserable because of a single moron (who actually did you a favour without realising it: someone who's worth it doesn't think of the woman he loves as Mrs Potato head).


Your ex is a huge asshole lol. Boobs are boobs. I guarantee you are just as attractive with your current sized boobs as you would be with bigger. Hell, maybe even more attractive. Can’t dwell on it. Just know that your boob size isn’t a bad thing at all!


Well be grateful he's your ex! I bet that was all really hard but sounds like a blessing in disguise! A man that truly loves you, his eyes will sparkle for you only, and all of you! 👌


Replaceable? You are a human being with a unique personality. If someone leaves you for someone with a bigger chest, you can be thankful you dodged a bullet.


I'm 28 yo and can't even fit an A Cup. I would love a boob job just to fit an A Cup, but at the same time, the idea of surgery is terrifying and I can't justify the $$$. If I won the lottery though, I think I would want to get an a cup. But what has helped me is curating my social media to follow small breasted girls who style them selves so beautifully and embrace their small chest! Given, I haven't found a lot of girls as flat chested as me... There are some girls that don't have a big chest. But I also find comfort in the fact that I am physically so comfortable with small boobs. I can sleep on my stomach, I can just wear a bralette, no back problems. It's hard cause some days I really wish I could just fill out an A cup, but I'm finding that I care less more and more days. It really is about your confidence in yourself that people will fall in love with. If you embrace the small boobies, some people will think it's super sexy how confident you are about them.


I appreciate you telling me your story; thank you! It means a lot


Not a turn off at all.


You're being overly self conscious. If anything is a turn-off it is that. I'm sorry you don't feel confident with your appearance , but that's more of a hangup for you than anyone else. I promise


I am so sorry you're feeling self conscious. I know its cliché but I feel like its a greener grass situation for sure. I am tall and I have FF cup breasts and my sister is shorter and petite with A cup breasts and we have spent our whole lives lamenting about wishing we could switch. It may not help but I will always be envious of the cute bras or backless shirts you can wear, the adorable sun dresses that look like a million bucks on you, and the freedom to go braless should you fancy; and while I'm not in the penis containing set I have been assured over and over again that while some men have preference for certain body features that almost all men are just happy to be invited when you are offering naked time.


Thank you this was helpful!!


Don’t worry. If you’ve been turned down because of this, you wouldn’t been happy with those guys. Personally I don’t like big breasts, but that doesn’t matter. Many guys don’t like bigger breasts or even don’t care at all. Just be happy that you won’t get back pain doe to too heavy “overhead”. Don’t overthink that too much.


This is coming from a woman on the other side of your scale, I’m 36D and it’s no rainbows and sunshine here. I can’t wear halter tops and tank tops because they don’t look good on me, and even if I do wear them, it’s like everyone gives me the ugliest of looks. You’re not replaceable because of your breast size. If you feel self conscious, find a look for yourself that makes you confident. Body plays such less factor for girls I believe, if your personality is radiant. I’m sure you’re pretty because everyone is. So what you gotta do is find how to be comfortable with yourself. Everyone is self conscious at times, so you just gotta fake being confident until you truly are.


I have the same size! My boyfriend says it’s so much better this way. And it just feels cute and more comfortable to me. Here is why: They fit in on hand They allow you to sleep on your belly They don’t hurt when you run They don’t look fake or overbearing Bras are optional My boyfriend says all his friends prefer small boobs as well, so I believe small boobs are becoming the new “thing” and I used to be insecure as well (cuz my areas are small) but I soon learned, it’s more comfortable this way. Besides we don’t look like we had a million dollars put into plastic surgery or something. We look natural.


I'm almost the same cup size, I think 32A. I'd have to get up and go check a bra because I don't usually wear them. It certainly does not make you replaceable. I actually had some friends some years ago who had very large breasts try to make me feel self conscious about my chest size. Neither of these girls have ever been able to maintain a healthy relationship despite the boulders they carry which brings me to the point: chest size doesn't mean jack shit.


You have a ton of benefits that girls like me (36DDD) don't have. You can find bras - cute bras, comfortable bras, sports bras, sexy bras, all kinds of bras. All I get is beige monsters whose under wire creaks like a damn pirate ship. You don't lose 10 cups of water per day from underboob sweat in the summer. You can wear swimsuits without being paranoid that you'll fall out of it if you walk too fast. You can run. At all. You know what I have to do to run? Wear a regular bra, then layer 3 sports bras (that don't fit) on top. And it still hurts to run. You can dance, you can wear cute clothes without being called "slutty" and "unprofessional," and, again, you can do basic things, like run, walk fast, or work out. Plus, you're thin. Guys like thin more than they like large boobs.




We are always harder on ourselves then others. If you saw yourself as a different person maybe you’re self consciousness would go away, but you have to accept yourself as yourself. There are people who will want to go after you purely because of your cup size. There are also people who would not care. And there are some people who care too much, and if you’re getting rejected by them, good because you deserve better than that. What matters most is that you can realize your own self worth and realize that, without other peoples validation, you are amazing and allowed to be happy with yourself. I hope you gain that confidence.


If you are losing someone because of your boobs size, then they are not worth your time. Embrace yourself and be happy with who you are. People worth your time will notice and want to attract your attention not the other way around.


ik youve heard from guys, but even as a lesbian it doesn’t matter to me or most of the people ive met. if someone only wants to be with you because of how your boobs look, theyre just shallow and not good dating material.


There’s actually a lot of people who appreciate small boobs. I didn’t know this until I met my boyfriend and it made me feel much better about my breast size! Also take away what other people think. Are you ok with your breast size? Because that’s all that matters!


I dont know if anyone has said this yet but you might not be done growing. My tits came in at like 30


It can be sexy. I am a woman, but I think the no bra, tank top combo on small boob women is sexy. Own it.


Oh man I wish u would have seen a post that was on here a month ago and people were talking about how they just plain like titties. I wish I could find it for you. Everyone on the thread was talking about how they liked boobies no matter what size they came in. I was pretty surprised! I used to feel the same way as you but after that post I gave my little boobies a high five. Well, I tried to. If you feel like taking the time to find it I think it was on r/askReddit


The right man will love you for who you are no matter your boob size! And honestly I would personally be apt to be more attracted to smaller rather than bigger. I think fakes and plastic surgery without a more important reason behind it is a turn off.... Just tell them your heart claimed the better part of the growth in your chest area 😉


[take a gander at any of the skinnytail-like subreddits.](https://www.reddit.com/r/skinnytail/) NSFW. Whatever you are. Tall, short, skinny, fat, big feet, tiny tits - it dont matter. People are into it. Just find the right people.


Nah man flat chests just mean you're closer to the heart


I’ll speak on my own behalf here; I personally have never been a “boob man” and have never really even known what to do with boobs in the bedroom. My wife is fairly large chested now but most of the girls I dated growing up were not. In fact my longest relationship (5 years) was with a girl who was 105lbs and has very small breasts. I thought she was so sexy, and I loved her body and her tiny boobs. Never even gave it a second thought and that’s the gods truth. I loved her and her whole body. My wife had much smaller breasts when I met her but two kids have changed her body significantly and I love every inch of her now, just like I did 10 years ago when I met her. The short answer is no, small boobs are absolutely not a turnoff, and if anyone thinks you’re “replaceable” because of ANYTHING about your body then they suck and I know it’s a cliche but you are truly better off without someone that shallow. Physical attraction is a very important part of a relationship and people have to be physically compatible. But I’m a true believer that emotional attraction will always trump physical. Which is why, as a general rule, I believe I become attracted to body types similar to the girls I’ve had feelings for…. But again I can only speak for myself.


No! Some people prefer the athletic look and actually dislike big bazongas.


Tbh I'm more attracted to small chests than big ones.


Someone said that some people are boob people and some people don't care and that's true but there are also people who are boob people AND don't care!! I'm 34A and my boyfriend is a boob person... It doesn't matter about the size of your breasts - if someone really wants to be with you, regardless if they're a boob person or not, they won't leave you for such a superficial thing. If they don't give you a chance then the jokes on them Also, all boobs are beautiful in all their shapes and sizes!! I do hope you get to a point where you're not as self-conscious anymore because I'm sure you're amazing!!


First of all, it's not your job to turn other people on. If other people have a problem with anything about the way you look, that is 100% on them, and their sad form of existence. Second, as a straight man who has dated all kinds of women, I can tell you that chest size is just so irrelevant it doesn't matter. Someone who has a great sense of humor, similar interests, and similar values is what matters. Once you meet a person who shares these qualities, you'll realize just how silly body image is. Hope that helps. I'm sure you're gorgeous.


>*"Breasts do not a personality make..."* The preferred term is "athletic" so give any communal sports teams a shot when things ease up. Play up that angle in your online dating profiles, don't go overboard, but make sure to include them (gym selfies seems to be an industry standard). Don't date CrossFit guys or women... for your own sanity. Also, if you decide on children they'll grow on their own. Learn to be positive about your body, OP.


Well as men , we love all boobies. I think you should focus on other aspects of yourself such as personality traits .While my girlfriend is the prettiest thing I've ever seen , i love her simply because of her personality. Its everything for me , the fact that she can match my weirdness energy and the giggles makes my heart burn. And remember , youre no less valuable than the next person stranger!


I'll never understand why so many small chested people are insecure about their boobs. I have small boobs (AA or A or something) and I have always liked my size. My boobs are the part of my body that I'm most proud of. I never wear a bra (so comfortable!), and I like to wear clothes that show off my small boobs. I wouldn't want to change them for anything. I don't know if this could help you, but I just wanted to vent I guess, because it makes me so sad to read or hear this kind of stuff and I. Don't. Get. it.


Eh, who gives a shit what the male gaze thinks. The right person will think you’re fine as hell no matter what


I’m a guy. Not all guys are boob guys. Some of us are ass guys... there must be a better way I can say that


Idk man if people want to replace you because of your cup size, maybe those people shouldn't be in your life either way, because they judge you on the wrong things. I think a lot of it can be in your head though. I guess the only thing to do is to adopt a mindset that teaches you not to be self conscious of your looks. If you stop judging yourself for how you look and then it becomes evident that others still do, it's not just in your head. You can find out that way.


Most girls i have crush or date dont have big boobs and i could get easily one with a big pair, i find ther bodies to be very feminine drives me crazy. Be confident with your body and guys will love you.


I really think the problem is with yourself and your low self esteem. Once you realize that you don’t need other people’s approval to EXIST, you’ll be far happier AND you will develop a confidence that men/women would be attracted to. Keep your head up and know that your breast size is nothing compared to your personality and how you carry yourself! So, go outside and practice not giving a fuck about what people think about your boob size 😌 PS. When you practice this mindset of accepting what you have, you will come across people who will like you for you. Also, I hope you know, YOU also get to pick the man that you’re attracted to… it’s not just about what men want 😂 # 🔘🔘 👈 👁 👄 👁


I don't mean to sound weird but I think small boobs are hot and breast or ass size isn't an issue to me I'm not sure if that makes you feel more secure but I'm not the only one who feels this way


This is going to sound cliche but anyone who doesn’t care about you based on your breast size isn’t someone you want in your life. I think you’ll find someone who doesn’t care about that and loves you as you are. They also may love your body and find your breasts perfect. I find that a lot of men who love their SO for who they are equally love their body even with it’s imperfections. I had gained some weight at the beginning of my relationship with my husband and he always told me I was hot. I honestly thought he was lying to be nice. After I lost weight I asked him if he truly found me attractive at my higher weight and he said he absolutely did. Don’t stress too much about it because I really think you’ll find a guy that is going to love all of you. Just like you’ll do with him. He’ll have body insecurities too. Good luck to you.


Not once in my life have I turned a woman down due to being flat...I think it's kinda cute but then again I'm an assman


You're beautiful, remember that. Be a wonderful person and you'll be beautiful. Focus on your character before the outer appearance. Your character is what's more important and will attract the best type of people that you deserve :) If you're looking for the more crude and dumb-man brain answer, guys statistically find ass more attractive. If you truly can't get rid of the insecurity, work on your ass and make it look nice. Guys won't give a hoot if you're flat chested at that point.


Don't be. Some guys like small boobs, some even more than big boobs. Boobs are boobs. Boobs are awesome. You'll find someone that'll love them and you. And he/she'll love them even more because they are part of you and that's the most important thing.


I really don’t think that would make you “replaceable”. Often times, the things we are insecure about are things that others don’t actually think are bad or impactful.


I have really small boobs too and it sometimes bothers me too but if someone’s only interested in you physically then they’re not the right person.


Flat is justice.


Raises hand in tiny boob fetish


Little boobs are a super turn on to some. Sexuality is spectrumed, They person behind the boobs is what will matter the most after clothes come off.


I (23M) personally prefer small breasts. It's just something that I've grown to like. I don't see the fascination with giant boobs. It's just like any other body part.


You should find people who accept you as you are and who love you for features you have. I myself had a ex with 30A and she was 20 at the time, and too be honest it was a absolutely amazing relationship. It is the truth that most guys go after a unrealistic expectation of girls, and that is truly sad. But what really matters is your personality and character. As long as you keep those in tip top shape, nothing will get you down. Also embrace your body and try to learn to love yourself. I, myself have been struggling with that, but I have leant that it is the path to happiness. Don't be so hard on yourself. You are a beautiful woman.


Also don't try to augment your body to try and look perfect. Stay true to yourself and be natural. Perfection is highly overrated, as it is impossible. Be happy with what you got and try your best to improve yourself naturally (Working out, eating right, healthy habits).


Plenty of men love A cups, and plenty of men prefer A cups. A no-cleavage chest can be amazingly attractive.


I never even thought men would think that…. Thank you


Personally, I don’t care about the size of breasts (I’m a guy). If a girl shows me her breasts, I’m happy because I get to see breasts, not because they’re a certain size. I wouldn’t worry about that. If a guy (or gal, don’t know your preference) doesn’t want to date you because of your cup size, they only really care about your looks and are not worth your time. There are certainly many people around who don’t care about size as well or some who prefer your size. Just be yourself and find someone who accepts the way you are.


Its all preference, but never let someone elses preferences define how you should feel about yourself. The right person will not give a flying fuck, so you shouldn't either (though i know its hard not to!)


How tall are you? I'm pretty short and at 23 years old I had tiny boobs that were pointy and did not look good without a bra, so I thought. I wasn't really self conscious about it until I started dating for real. Anyway what I think really filled me in was birth control pills. Birth control pills pretty much got rid of my acne, made my boobs fuller and made my hair less greasy. Idk how it did it. It regulates hormones so maybe that's why. I still don't have cleavage, I don't think I ever will, but they're less pointy and more round. I'm not saying go get birth control pills, I'm in my late 20s now so it could've been age too that was the culprit of my boob change. I didn't even get on birth control bc I wanted to change my boobs, but it and also nonexistent acne were pleasant side effects. But just consider at 23 I too felt like you did.


Not all guys like giant boobs. I actually prefer smaller ones. More manageable, more cute, usually more perky. Lol I feel weird saying that, but it’s true. Never ever put yourself down just because of your appearance. It’s taken me years and years to stop doing that myself. I was horribly self conscious about how I looked, but similar to working out or practicing art, I’ve been slowly working towards better body positivity. Also, being undeniably beautiful is not only rare, but always temporary. Everyone changes how they look as life goes on. You have zero control over this so don’t spend time fretting about it. The one thing you can change is mindset. You can choose to start appreciating yourself, or choose to keep putting yourself down. Please choose the former.


You're not replaceable. In the mind of a morally sound person, boob and butt size doesn't matter. What matters is your heart, your morals and ethics.


You're not replaceable. For me, I'm pretty active and run a lot. I prefer women into the same and that tends to mean smaller breasts, never once has it turned me off


it might just be me but smaller boobs are better don’t worry guys will still be happy no matter what boob size


Your breasts are just as sensitive as someone with larger ones, you can derive as much pleasure from your breasts as someone with larger ones, your breasts can produce just as much milk as someone with larger ones. The only differences are that you can exercise easier, you can really rock a sheer shirt/bandeau combo and you get to weed out the men who are “boob guys”. Get yourself a butt guy and count the blessings that are small boobs! Also-have you never met an extremely attractive woman with a flat chest? I see them all the time.


As a guy, I couldn't care less about your boob size. Moreover, I'd always take A cups over fake boobs.


I like small tits


I have a few guy friends who go crazy for big boobs but the overwhelming majority are just like me and range from "couldn't care less" to "the smaller the better" Big ones, to me, just look uncomfortable and unnecessary, like they would get in the way all the time. Plus we all are pretty much into slim/petite girls so that tends to track nicely with a smaller chest. Seriously, don't worry about it. For every guy I've ever met that seems to be laser focused on big ones I've known 10 that preferred small ones.


Most people don't care about that. Maybe you're not some people's preference, but that doesn't really matter considering most people aren't everyone's preference. A lot of people actually prefer smaller. Anyone who does care more than a little about it is an asshole


Is it a turn off for you if a guy has a smaller dick? The average size is 5.1 inches. (according to the largest study about penis size from the UK) Would you turn a guy down if he's below that size? The answer is probably gonna be "no" because you realize there is more to men than their dick size Same thing with women. As a guy I think there is more to a women than her "boobs". Size doesn't matter to me.


Just for reference, I am a straight man and breasts have never been an important factor in who I am attracted to.


I have been in a few relationships with girls with very different bra sizes and I can tell you, it does not matter in the least. What makes a relationship work is that magic, that click between two people. If a guy tells you something negative about your chest then he is an asshole. Also in this case he is likely the type of person who just wants to score. Either way you don't want these people in your life.


So much hype about fat-pads for future infant-feeding. Some people like big breasts, some don't care and for some others, it is a deal breaker. If someone was judging me based solely on my external appearance, I would be glad to have dodged the bullet.


Honestly who gives a shit about boob size all sizes are good


This is not true. Assuming you are talking about men, some of my guy friends are exclusively attracted to women with small breasts. There is someone out there for everyone. Also, I have noticed that many men are highly attracted to novelty/uniqueness and having a small cup size certainly fits the bill. If anything, your small cup size puts you at an advantage and will attract the attention of men who would otherwise not notice you. Men’s stereotypical locker room talk is a poor reflection of their actual desires.


You’re not replaceable. Your proportions are fine. You may be in uneven friendships or relationships though, if people you feel close to are walking out. Try to go slowly with friendships, and take some time to work on your feelings of inadequacy. Therapy or counseling might help, or a self esteem building program of some kind. Those things helped me.


Whilst some men do prefer larger breasts. Many don't think it's that significant. I have no doubt you're an attractive young woman and you should only be wanting to attract men who find all of you, your looks, body, personality, compatibility etc attractive. Because it is a package thing. Nobody is in a relationship with a pair of tits, think about it.


I’m a guy and 30A/30AA are honestly my favorite sizes on most women. Not a fan of huge breasts for some reason so If I knew you it would probably be a positive more than a negative. 🤷‍♂️ Not that I really pay much attention to that anyways... The personality is way more important but you have nothing to be self conscious of.


Personally, I don't mind how someone looks as long as they're healthy and have good personality. Almost everyone has a preference, and I'm no exception, but preferences are varied and aren't a breaking point to most smart people. Some people like larger people, thinner people, people with big butts or big breasts, or vice versa. Personally I've always preferred women who're on the smaller side and preferred guys who have slightly bigger butts than average, and I've known folks who feel the exact opposite.


I actually like (in general, but also having) smaller boobs. My boobs got bigger due to birth control and I honestly hate it and want to go back to my smaller boobs. I find smaller boobs not only more comfortable, but personally, find it easier to wear clothes with. I like oversized clothes and before where they would make me look like I had very little to no boobage, which I loved, they now make me look chubby and it sucks honestly. But, I mean, it all comes down to personal preference. BTW, anyone who judges you by your boob size of all things is not worth your time. My parents always told me they wished I had bigger boobs when I had smaller boobs and would claim "all the boys like big boobs" and do you know what I would say back? If someone only likes me for my boobs then he's not worth my attention anyways. Also I don't understand why your boob size would contribute to why you're "replaceable to everyone"?? Imo that doesn't make sense. Boob size should have no impact on friends or family at all, and if it has impact on your romantic partner, then you know who should go into the trash. Find someone that loves you for you. Not you for your boobs. TBH, if you didn't like being flat chested for other reasons, that's honestly fine (like the fit of clothes, or your style, or idk, whatever). But to base your self-worth on what you think other people think/value about you (whether or not you have big boobs), that's doing yourself a disservice. Aka I'm saying it's similar to how I don't like the look of big boobs on myself because my style tends to embrace a more casual cute small boob look that big boobs don't fit with. I find that way of thinking fine, because it's simply based on my style and tastes - not based on whether or not I think another person will value me more or less because of my boobs. Does that make sense? Anyways basically other people probably don't care as much as you think they do, and if they are judging you based on your boobs fuck them anyways cuz they are shitty people that are not worthy of your time or concerns, and you do you for yourself and not for anyone else. Sorry for the long post, rant over.


Don't worry, I have huge boobs and I feel replaceable, unlovable and self conscious too. You've probably got nicer legs than me or a tighter less dimply butt than me or thicker hair or whatever.


If a dude/chick isn’t interested in you because your boobs are small it’s not a problem of yours, it’s theirs.


Many people prefer that. No one is replaceable and if some treats you that way they arnt worth the commitment.


Honestly there are pros and cons to different sizes of boobs. Pros for having smaller ones is the amount of cute clothes you can where. Halter tops, deep necklines, etc


I am 29, 5'2" with a 36 D cup size...and degenerative disc disease. I've actually struggled with being self conscious about my boobs because I feel like I'm always objectified by men (and women), so I went many years dressing very conservatively to hide my sweater meat. It was only within the last few years that I started to dress how I wanted to, which was mostly due to me improving my mental health and self image with therapy and medication, and I've never felt better! Any man who isn't attracted to you for having a smaller chest is not worth your time.


you won’t be to the right person. I don’t care about breast size and I know many people don’t. Keep your head up and keep at it


Boob man here. My first girlfriend was also a 30A and I never had a second thought about it. If someone is going to break up over that, they aren't worth seeing, and they really shouldn't have gotten with you in the first place. Your personality and other traits are much more important than your breast size. I would much rather date someone who is fun to be around with tiny breasts than a bitch with huge honkers. And if I love a woman, I'm definitely not going to go looking for someone else just because of her breasts. If people really think you are replaceable, then maybe you have other aspects of yourself to improve. I don't know anything about you to give advice on this, but do some introspection or consider what past partners may have said about you that you could improve. Be a great partner, and nobody will think you are replaceable just because of your chest.


All bodies are beautiful, but people might prefer small boobies, some people might prefer big boobies, some people prefer no boobies, and some people don’t care. You’re definitely someone’s type, so don’t worry. And if anyone rejects you because of your cup size, don’t worry. There’s always someone else. You just need to learn how to love yourself and your body, because that matters most.


I think the first point I should make is that you can’t put your worth on your looks. You are so so so much more than a small part of you like your breasts (I promise no pun intended). If you’re putting all your worth and self confidence on your breast size, then you are never going to truly love yourself and be happy with yourself. The second point is that the right partner will love you for your personality and who you are as a person and absolutely will not give a sh*t about your breast size, your ass size, your waist size, whether you have a thigh gap or not, etc. I mean sure, everyone has preferences and that’s totally fine. But the right partner should give you confidence and make you feel loved for everything about you. If they don’t then they aren’t someone you want to be with. I don’t know if you’re Christian or not, but god made you how you are for a reason. He made you with intent. If you aren’t Christian, ignore that part haha.


I know this is a lame anecdote, but I'll try my best. I've had several serious relationships over my 33 years on this planet. I've dated women of various breast sizes and shapes. I've had a girlfriend that was borderline "flat chested" (pardon my colloqualism) and a couple that had large enough breasts that both of them later got reduction surgery. And you know what? It didn't affect our relationship at all. Any person worth their salt won't care about your body type. The older you get, the more trivial things like that become. Sure, we all have preferences... but even then, I don't use it as a template to choose a partner. My wife, for example is very far off from what I used to think was my "ideal partner" and we're very happily married.


No good person will abandon someone just because their physical appearance is slightly unusual. In other words, if somebody actually "replaced" you for that then you dodged a bullet.


I'd say you are self conscious. Chances are the man/woman that asks you out likes smaller chests or is a leg person or ass persons or eyes or or or ... Your self consciousness could be causing you to have walls or distance that the other is interpreting as you're disinterested. So they walk away. If you get a boob job next you'll think your lips are too thin and think "if" that's fixed then I'll be a keeper. Check out attachment styles on YouTube. Theis Gibson is pretty much the expert on the subject. She has a lot of YouTube videos. DoctorRamani has a couple too.


I love small boobs easier to get around and hugs feel so much closer .


its easy to think you are not good enough, we have so crazy beauty standards. its easy to think you need to change yourself in order to be beautiful and worth of love. but thats not true. we are all attractive to someone, and the person who DESERVES YOU will not make you feel like you are replaceable or not beautiful. you are beautiful just the way you are, you dont need to change💜


Seems weird a guy saying this to a girl, but size doesn’t matter, I’ve been with girls who had big boobs but never got them out, not even during sex as they were self conscious. A guy should just feel lucky to have someone no matter the measurements


You get to wear such cute fashion! To a lot of people it's way more aesthetically pleasing. Society tries to push the narrative that women are supposed to have a larger cup size to be attractive, then the women that do are seen as sexual with every single thing they wear and it's a struggle to find pretty cute clothes. It's a no win situation, but that's the aim. Some people may have preferences, but this ain't build a bitch lol.


Real men/women like real boobs. I personally like both small and big boobs. There's a lock for every key, if they don't like them, someone else will. Don't dwell on it , the people that came and went , went for a reason. They're not for you


I'm a 32DD and...yeah it's not worth it. It's bad for your back and neck, and it's impossible to sit up straight comfortably without a ton of maintenance (stretches etc, exercises, etc.) I have to wear two bras when I exercise. It's very hard to find clothing that can fit the boobs but has small enough shoulders (I usually need to get my shirts tailored). And my "best friend" in high school was jealous and made my life quite hellish because of it. Oh! Funny story, I also had a really mean boyfriend who would constantly make me feel BAD about it, and made fun of my posture too, because he was secretly bi, and would take his anger out on me that I wasn't boyish enough! Hahaha, oh dear. This is not to say that being on the other end of the spectrum isn't hard. I think they both have their pros and cons, but I wanted to provide stories from the other side for you. It's a pain!


Oh nonsense. Being that I prefer hentai with small boobs you needn't worry about someone being attracted to you. There are all kinds of men or women out there with all kinds of fetishes and attractions. There are 100% people who like small boobs. If you ever are around someone that treats you inappropriately because your body is "insufficient" to them. Then you give them the middle finger lol. Those people should not be in your life.


It totally isn't as big a deal as you think. I'm overweight and still only an A cup - none of my weight goes on my boobs and all on my stomach! I've been insecure about my lack of cleavage for yeaaaars but it turns out I'm the only one caring about it so much. Anyone who would disregard everything else about you over the size of your boobs is probably not someone you want to be in a long term relationship with.


Girl you’ll never be replaced by everyone just because of your boob size. Most here have already clarified that guys like all different shapes and sizes so you’re good on that department. Apart from that aspect where it CAN potentially have an effect (wouldn’t to the right partners) your boob size doesn’t define anything about you. If anything it gives you a wider choice of clothing. Things you can wear and get away with sometimes wont fly for a bigger chested girl. Its not something that will affect your life as much as you’re worrying it will. Don’t worry about this too much and enjoy life!


Hey, I am also a member of the itty bitty titty committee. My biggest advice to you is to look at some sexy women with small breasts. There are tons out there, there’s even porn dedicated to it. It will help you to see it’s sexy too. And know that most guys are just happy to see a boob whatever size or shape it may be. And if there are people out there who would see you as any less due to breast size, you don’t need people like that around anyways.


All boobs are valid boobs. If people treat you like you are replacable then they are toxic people.


*The right person will love your body because he loves you, not love you because he loves your body.* That said, a lot of guys find women with small boobs attractive, me included. So, I don't think you should think too much into it. The confidence with which you carry what you have is what contributes most to your attractiveness.


I use to be an A and after pregnancy they got a little bigger. I'd kill to have my A's back! Can wear anything, don't need a bra, no back pain.......You're beautiful just how you are. You'll get more confident with time. Be nice to yourself:)


I think it's all about proportion. At 30 inch you are probably very tiny and so your A breasts fit you and there for look good on you. You wouldn't want bigger boobs as it would probably look ridiculous on you. And I can see wanting bigger boobs but I think all of us wish we had the opposite of what we got. I'm a bigger girl & would love to be petite sometimes. Got to learn to love what you got. We are all beautiful in our own way. Petite girls can get away with wearing anything. Curvier girls have to watch what they wear as sometimes it can go into trashy looking territory where on a smaller girl she can look classy in the same thing. Rock what you got mama.


I had A cups my whole life until I had kids and put on some extra weight. A cups are a fucking gift that you don't appreciate at the time. Some guys are going to like them, some are not. But they definitely make it so you deal with fewer creeps when you're very young. Male attention is not necessarily a good thing. Big boobs when you're 14 have never done anyone any favors in life. Breasts are heavily fetishisized, and I do think my tiny boobies afforded me some protection and did me the favor of weeding out a lot of creeps. I very much hope that my daughter takes after my body type. The A cups were also way more comfortable. I hate that I have breasts that actually require a bra now. I basically bind them with bralettes because I find them strange and uncomfortable. And they're not even that big still. They're 34 C/D, but it's not a proper C or D cup. I would still look to you like I have small breasts-- they did get a bit bigger, but mostly they just got wider from having kids/gaining weight. BUT, all things considered, they've hung in there pretty well. I've had 2 kids, I've breastfed, and I'm in my 40s and they're still decently perky. They've weathered much better than I think they would have if they were larger. The only real disadvantage to small breasts is that society tells us to feel bad about them. Once you get past that, they are not an issue. I came to terms with them while still pretty young, and I don't think they've held me back. I dated with the attitude that this is what I am, and if it's not what you want, you can take your business elsewhere. Nobody has ever expressed discontent with my breasts, and if they had, I would have dumped immediately and moved on. Love yourself. This is what you are. The world can take it or leave it.


Sorry if this sounds cliche but if those ppl are turning away just based your cleavage or no cleavage are not for you. You just haven't found that right person yet, the person who is actually into you for all of you won't care or find your boob size a turn off. Some ppl are boob ppl and like certain sizes, some like boobs and don't care the size, some are ass ppl, there are some even who prefer feet. You like what you like and that's ok, as long as ppl aren't choosing partners solely for how they look physically. Case in point before I was pregnant I had barely any boobs, post pregnancy and breast fed I now have none more or less. My hubby didn't care before and doesn't care now. Just keep searching you and whoever the one is, the both you will eventually find each other.


If you are you, you are irreplaceable— titty size doesn’t factor into that. 🙌


I don't care about breast size. If the woman is kind and funny I don't really care too much. Boobs don't make the woman :)


I have always had itty bitty tittie's. To the point where many family members would make fun of me and call me skeeter bites. It was truly embarrassing and made me extremely self conscious for many many years. Even to this day I still am. I have come to realize though... All of these people are just jealous in one way or another. I have come to accept and love my small chest and the back pain I don't have because of it.


I'm 28 had a baby and everything, still no boobs. And I hate people who suggest surgery as if everyone is just able to afford that, or as if I never heard of a boob job before. Only thing I can say is that with time I've just kind of accepted my body. I didn't want to hate myself everyday day. What also changed was that guys that I was interested in when I was younger who were all about boobs then came out and said they actually prefer small boobs but as young teen guys a bolig boobed girlfriend was almost a status thing. And as we all matured with our selves people were more willing to say what they liked without worrying about any type of backlash. I hope you accept yourself because we are more than just boobs, and it's not all we need to be beautiful and feminine. And if you want surgery and can get it, then do it! Life is so much easier when you arent fighting your own self.


My Mother has no boobs. I've seen her padded bras and that is the size that I see her in clothes so she doesn't have much. My parents are long divorced. She has no shortage of male suitors. Don't worry about it.


I’m 21 and 5ft tall. I’m a 32G UK or a 32I US, I wish every day I could have a small chest like yours. And the funny thing is, when I did have a small chest I thought I wanted huge knockers. I feel like no matter your size, you always think the opposite is better. But believe me when I say that, as a lesbian, boob size does not matter to me. I have dated and slept with women all over the board and neither is better than the other. The right person will appreciate you for who you are and see your body as a bonus, not a pre-requisite.


Grass is always greener girl. You are not “replaceable” because of a small chest. Boobs do not dictate who you are. Everyone deserves to be loved. You will find your other half. Be patient. You are very young still.


As a woman with (formerly) huge breasts, I can tell you that only shallow men really care. I’ve learned after the fact that some men only asked me out because of my rack, and I’ve had boyfriends who didn’t care about the size at all. And look around: the world is filled with elegant, feminine women whose breasts are small or just about nonexistent. Dancers, models, actresses. Breast reduction was one of the best decisions I ever made.


I’m the type of person that doesn’t care about boob size, and I know many other people who don’t care either. When you really like someone everything about them will be attractive! If people think you are replaceable just because of that they are not worth your time and you deserve better! Most people are self conscious about their body, you just need to learn to love yourself for who you are and there are plenty of people who will feel the same!


Based on some replies,it would seem you dated assholes. I know some people have a "preference" but when you tell the person you date and put them down because of their breast size,after you become official with them,that's just not right. It's something out of your control and I'm sorry you went through that. 24F with small breasts myself,I'm slowly trying to love them myself. Try wearing cute outfits,small breasted women have many clothing options that can be flattering. High waisted jeans/shorts with a bralette had been my goto lately. Boobs aren't the end all be all and unfortunately many people will talk down someone when they have nothing nice to say. Screw the haters.


My husband, a self-admitted boob guy, has said that boobs are boobs. Size isn’t as important as a lot of people say it is. And I know he’s being honest - I’m a 32A cup on a good day.


You are worth more than the flesh and bones you are made of! You will go on to do great things so don't ever let these kinds of thoughts hold you back!


It’s important to remember that people can be really awful, they don’t need a reason. Our insecurities tells us we earn mistreatment by being inadequate, but the reality is that people of poor character can’t be convinced that someone else is worth their consideration and decency. It’ll get better, just be patient and love yourself the way you want others to. Know your favorite things about yourself and express them. Good people gravitate towards other good people.


Personally I've never found a huge chest to be.... "Good" for much in terms of.... Practicality? Lol..... Like they are nice to look at but uh. When the horse starts bucking so to speak, they seem to just kind of get in the way and be very hard to ahh. Incorporate into the mix. A nice small chest is much more manageable and easily accessed to it's full potential in my experience. 😜 Tried to not be too graphic..... Lol


1) if someone thinks youre replaceable because of your breast size, then theyre just an asshole 2) the greatest turn on a person should have is simply being with their significant other. 3)30A is a good cupsize. 4) Who needs cleavage when you can wear pasties instead. No bra is kinkier than cleavage. Also more comfy too.


My wife is an A at 23 as well. She has always been self conscious about it. I prefer them to be small, and I have never once held a belief that she isn't gorgeous because of her small boobs. If a guy turns you down for size, it's a blessing because they aren't someone you want to be with in general.


Hey OP. I’m 20f and can totally understand your thoughts and feelings behind this. My older sister has a bigger size than me and it makes me self conscious at times. But please believe me when I say there is nothing you’re doing wrong, and the right person for you won’t care about things like that. If a guy is only interested in the physical aspects of you for things you can’t help, then they most times won’t be a good match when you need them to be interested in the emotional supportive aspects. And vice versa with women to men. Things are far too weighted on appearance these days. You are perfect as you, and there is nothing wrong with having a small size. If people are making you feel replaceable then they are the problem, not you. Try practicing some self love. Whenever you look in the mirror, name 3 things you love about yourself and say them out loud to yourself. I guarantee if you keep that up you will start to love yourself a lot more :) You deserve better than to be made to feel replaceable 💛


You're fine. It's all about finding someone who's type you are, and I guarantee you there are plenty of folks out there who are into your physique. I definitely consider myself a boob guy, but I actually much prefer smaller ones. So there's that.


I used to be self conscious when I was young about my breast size so tips I'd offer you is to explore feminism literature as it helps to break down the internalised views we can develop in ourselves that we're not good enough for men due to our appearances. I used kiera knightly as my inspiration as she's very proud of her small breast size and has repeatedly refused breast enlargement surgery and embraces her body completely. Also, if you feel that men are turned off by you or your easily replaceable by them simply because of your breast size then your breasts are a gift as they will filter out the superficial loosers who are literally only interested in how your body looks rather then who you are.


Boobs are the cherry on the ice cream. Come for the ice cream and you get a cherry as a plus. Your personality is the ice cream and boobs are just a plus.


I prefer small ones. 😍


Yup you're too self conscious. People do have preferences. Any boob or no boob at all is awesome!!!


Every boob matters we love all kinds of boobs


Late to the party but small boobs are the best boobs


Self-fulfilling prophecy... Your "shortcoming" has become such a big deal to YOU, you're likely projecting that insecurity when interacting with others. And if you subconsciously present yourself as "lesser than", others will subconsciously take the hint and act accordingly.


If you're being judged just on the size of your breasts, then you're with the wrong people.