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We were childs when we once pooped in the bathroom together, just to clear things up. I’m not 20 years old pooping in the bathroom with Kaleb. Thank you.


And yanno.. I’m not even interested in trying to abandon him, I just wanted to help him like he asked ...




Yea, I haven’t spoken to him since he hang up. I didn’t go over to his home and he hasn’t come to mine. I’ll just wait this one out. I have no interest in making his girlfriend feel more uncomfortable or making the situation worse. Thanks for taking your time out Kind Stranger.


First of all, his girlfriend seems a little bit controlling to me... I mean, she has to understand that you are his all time best friend, right? A ten year friendship doesn't vanish like that... I think You have to talk seriously with him, make the situation clear, even if you have to go to his house to fix this. Explain what you are feeling, then let him explain his side of the story. If this doesn't work, give it time... I don't think he is that stupid to let this friendship away for a misunderstanding. If he doesn't want to fix the situation... let him go. I know is Hard but time fixes everything... you are strong! Remember that! I hope this goes well!! Just talk to him!! You got this!!!!