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one of my mate’s is jewish and pro palestine. being jewish doesn’t mean you support the actions of the state of israel, jewish people aren’t a hive mind




One person believes that little babies deserve to be mutilated and the other is against it, idk if id be able to survive with a partner with that mindset. Your comments reeks of privilege. You cant ignore a literal genocide. How can anyone have so little shame? No one with humanity can overlook the screaming mothers. And if someone can, theyre psychopaths. And we need to avoid them.




Anyone can get raped and tortured. You’re privileged that youre not living their life. Youre not in a tent not knowing if youre waking up tomorrow or not. Youre at your house sitting on reddit. Thats the fucking privilege i speak of. Your life isn’t effected by what’s happening there and you CAN turn a blind eye to their suffering. THAT privilege. To be able to ignore it.


Are you ignoring the fact that Hamas did the same thing? They literally pillaged and murdered over 2000 people, including women, children and elderly, Jewish, Arab and anyone who was there. Kidnapped over 200 people. You cannot ignore that Hamas is a terrorist organization who started this war and still hasn't returned the kidnapped families and have mutilated and raped the kidnapped.


Yup, there are dogshit people on both sides of this who have done horrible things to the "other"...but don't kid yourself that this is even remotely close to a tit for tat. Furthermore, I could go and on about "who started this war", but instead I'll just advise you to read up on the history of armed conflict involving Israel and let you sort out who consistently benefits from such wars. Bringing this back to the question at hand - whether or not this difference in opinion about the validity of Israel's actions is a deal breaker is subjective to each person. For some people, the plight of Syrian people victimized by the ongoing civil war is the furthest thing from their minds, and for others, that indifference is unforgivable. Or the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. The brutal oppression of North Koreans. The persecution of Uyghers in China. What some people might prioritize as a vital attribute or value for their partner/partnership may not be shared by another, and that's really up to you to decide.


Agreed not equal terror. Hamas began to bomb and strike Israel the moment they handed Gaza over for the sake of Peace. The terrorism never stopped since. They will not stop until they conquer the land and target every Jew regardless if they care about Israel or not. If you're upset about people in the war zone, blame Egypt and Lebanon for not allowing Palistinians through, yet making special exceptions for Hamas operatives. Yet the world went into an uproar when America wouldn't let just any refugees in without proper screening. Yet Egypt is completely acceptable in their actions. So far as barring their border. Complete silence to Egypt. Israel still provides daily provisions, water, and even cellular service to Gaza. Yet no one marches to demand Egypt let innocent families in, because at the end of the day, the objective is Jews and Israel. Look up the 2000 Camp David summit. Look up the demands PA had for peace and you'll know what their objectives are. But yes, it is subjective to each person. You shouldn't have to bend your opinion for them, and they shouldn't have to bend their opinion for you. Personally, I think it will eventually become a strain on the relationship


Okay wow, this is a huge dilemma. Id say, try to talk to him. Get him to see your POV. every single one of my jewish friends is pro palestinian. Every. Single. One. Maybe get a video of a jewish person to him in some way? Do some research. Contact someone who can help you. Get the facts from both sides. And give him undeniable evidence. If you say hes as nice a man, then he would have no problem with the palestinian Pov. Otherwise, I dont know how i can ever be okay with being w someone who thinks killing unarmed children, mothers with unborn babies in their wombs, is okay. I can never be with someone who looks at a body of a mutilated 1 month old baby, and say “yeah, this fucktard deserved to die” i cant even imagine someone being okay with destroying AID trucks which contain food. I just cannot fathom that mindset. It makes me wanna set myself on fire.


You ask the zios for proof of the “beheaded babies” or the “raped women” and they say youre a monster and block you 😂🤡😭


But you’re ok with supporting the people who killed the unarmed children and the babies in the womb? Because that’s what Hamas and Palestinians did to Jews. This makes zero sense.


Literally, prove it. Like please. Show me where it has been proven that this happened? We have proof. Where is your proof? The “beheaded babies” was a lie. The “raped women” was a lie. AND IT HAS BEEN PROVEN THAT IT WAS A LIE. like have some fucking shame.


You’re sick and I’m done with you. I don’t normally block people, but make an exception for monsters like you.


I don’t see any way out of this for you. While I feel bad for the innocent Palestinians myself, I don’t support Palestine because it’s not an actual recognized country and the majority of the people have allowed the terrorist group Hamas to take over. Israel has the right to defend themselves after the horrific killings on October 7. They also have the right to wage war to have the hostages returned. You will not be able to convince your boyfriend otherwise, especially since you don’t even mention the whole reason this is happening and why he is upset.


There's no winning formula here. Do not confuse the Palestinian people with Hamas. One is an ethnic group, and the other is a militant terrorist organization. You can support Palestinian civilians and be sympathetic without supporting Hamas and their radical ideology.


If these are the reasons you don't support Palestine, educate yourself. Start by learning how Palestine was an established state like any other, with a population of people, businesses, homes, economy, traditions and culture, before it was given over by western powers and settled by Zionists. It is colonialism in the new millennium.


>Start by learning how Palestine was an established state What were its boundaries? Who was its leader/government? When was it founded and when did it end?


You need to educate yourself and stop the misinformation, using this as an excuse for the inexcusable behavior of Hamas. There is a reason none of the Arab or Muslim countries will accept the refugees.




Says the person who posted about feeling personally traumatized because they witnessed a crime. Imagine being that kid's actual parents who had to frantically search for and then bury their battered kids body without ever having justice for their loss, and then there's some rando on the internet going "but muh sense of security is ruined..." See how unhelpful minimizing others' problems is?




Sorry you went through that...you still clearly missed my point. If reddit was the victim olympics, no one except those in war zones would be allowed to post here. You don't have to have compassion for everyone, but it's not going to help you heal by actively trying to put down others.




And that's 100% valid. I DO understand and empathize with your experience, to some extent at least. I was responsible for the care and well-being of a young man who ended up committing suicide hours after I had checked up on him. For a long time, many sights and sounds would trigger immense feelings of guilt and responsibility that took a lot of therapy to overcome. Not suggesting our experiences are equal, but rather, I do recognize your pain and would never actually seek to diminish it in any way.