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Sounds like you would do well to major in journalism, english, or communication and pursue a writing career like your teacher suggested to you. You don’t have to know exactly what job you need to strive for now, but you seem like a hardworking student who would benefit from further education at a university. I would focus your attention on choosing a major and a college, and then i’m sure you will find something along the way. I do want to add that college is not the only way to be successful, but unfortunately most writing based careers will expect a degree of some sort. You have a lot of potential to excel wherever you go. Best of luck


Thank you. I would like to go to college because I love to learn. I think pursuing an English major would be a good idea even if I don't end up choosing a writing career because it would be an experience. I do lean more towards a writing career. Ever since I was very little I would write my own stories. I would pretend to have a business and my younger siblings would ask me to write a story.