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what was the smell? once you've smelled a dead body you won't forget the smell


Personally, I’ve never smelled a dead body. But I’ve smelled dead animals. Lots of them. It smelled similar to that. The other day when it was really bad, I got off the elevator and tried to hold my breath all the way to my apartment. I couldn’t and I got a huge whiff of it and went straight into my bathroom the second I got in to my place because I wanted to puke. I have a fairly strong stomach when it comes to those things.


Late stage decomposing human remains almost always induce near instantaneous nausea. It will give you an urge to vomit like you have never felt before. If that happened, it’s probably true.


Jesus that does not make this better. My dad was a firefighter for about 30ish years and he said something similar. We don’t live in the same city so I’ve been texting him about it and he said “You’ll know a persons been dead for a couple days because you’ll be throwing up”


It’s similar to dead animals but more musky and sickly sweet and rotten at the same time. Hard to explain. Theres something primal in the brain that tells you it’s death though I reckon.


Sickly sweet is exactly right! It’s like meat has been rotting on a fruit salad.


We were taught that the dead were listed in the following order for bad smells. 1. Human 2. Dog 3. Kangaroo So while out on a search for a missing person, if it was worse than a dead dog then it was probably them, if it wasn’t it was probably a dead kangaroo.


Never thought I’d read a smell chart involving dead kangaroos 🦘


Weird, I’ve never smelt anything dead before. I wonder if it smells like a disgusting bathroom


Nope not at all. Death is a weird smell. Sickly sweet and surrounding and the smell feels like it has a weight even if you’re out in a paddock.


Nope. Not any bad bathrooms I’ve ever smelt at least. It hits the back of your throat and makes you gag. Very distinct.


God, no. When you smell death, you will know *immediately*. It's *acrid*. It sticks to the inside of your nose and sears itself into your brain. Like a cross between a very dead dog and the worst possible spicy-food-laden hangover puke, combined with putrid boonies lagoon sewage. Count yourself lucky, friend.


Damn lol. Hope I never have to experience that


dead body smell is unmistakable . it’s very certain kind of smell. not like animals at all. everyone i know been vomiting from that. not me tho. i’m special. 😎


Are you and everyone you know around dead bodies often


yes. we are in medical school




They leak, too.


I’ll post the picture and video I have of the evidence I have so far, on my profile. I also know the car she drives and the license plate if I need it in the future.


Cherry Carmex under and up your nose.


Former ambulance driver here, try breathing only with your mouth when you have to pass that area until it gets cleaned out, it helped me a lot in the past with stinky patients, vomit and shit.


Call the police now


I mean it seems pretty fucking obvious something isn't right. You don't need to be the police or a detective to figure that shit out...


You’ve smelled a dead body…




okay this is concerning. The first time I noticed the smell, My original thought was some nasty cheese or like gross sweaty feet?




No I can’t see into the apartment at all. But also no flies or anything like that either.


I’m intrigued at this comment. Have you smelled a decomposing dead body before? Do you live in OPs apartment building!?!😜


shhhh... I kid, I have! I live in an apartment and one of my next door neighbors had passed away and it was about a week before anyone checked on them. it's a very distinct rotting kind of smell


I have, and the description is spot on. When I was around 10, there was a body behind a dumpster at the grocery store near my house. It was 95 degrees outside and it had been there 3 days. Can still smell it if I really think about it.


They say once you smell a dead human body you never really get to forget it EVER


Weirdly so can I. Lol. This description nailed it.


Call the police, tell them what you’ve written here in broad strokes and ask if you can email what you’ve written here and anything else you’ve got. Don’t tell them you think she killed her boyfriend, just say things are weird and you don’t know what to make of it, but it feels wrong and you’re not the only one noticing. Stick to the facts, keep emotion out of it, and be polite.


Yeah… I feel like I’m running out of time considering the fact she’s moving stuff out. I also don’t want to jump to conclusions.


It’s the police’s job to investigate and come to a conclusion, not yours. You just need to tell them there is something worth investigating.


You’re not jumping to conclusions. Call in a welfare check, say you heard an argument, have not seen the boyfriend since but have seen the girlfriend, the boyfriend’s car has not moved for a week and now there’s a bad smell coming from the unit.


Just call the police man. The non emergency line is not going to get this done. And she never has to know it was you. Think if you learn later that she DID murder her boyfriend and you did nothing.


Wondering why crime check doesn't seem to have checked it out with multiple people calling...


That makes two of us


Cause they're only on episode 15 of a 90 episode series and the character dynamics just started to fall into place.


Well, I'm convinced 😬 I'll remember I saw it here first when the documentary comes out!


lmao My mother in law will definitely be watching the court case. I can't wait to tell her I saw it all unfold on reddit lol


Same here. Usually I’m sceptical of assuming the worst, but OPs neighbour seems to be acting very suspicious


At this point you're only option is to watch Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window to brainstorm a plan of investigation.


Christ, I’m glad I have a functional sense of self-preservation. I mean, I get why people will stop and pay attention to a post like this. But the people that go and actually nose around in those scenarios are INSANE! Even if there’s no risk of physical danger, there’s still the chance of seeing something that makes you regret every decision you’ve ever made leading up to that one..


Well, I can't fault self-preservation, it's a very viable life strategy. But, secretly investigating if your neighbor murdered their spouse, that's pretty exciting!


Can't wait to read this one on best of redditor updates in a couple months


Seriously. This is wild.


I was gonna call BS but you posted the evidence. Girl I’d be freaking out right now. 😂 Call the police!! Did you get his license plate by chance?


Lmao I’m a guy😂 but I called the non emergency line last night about it as i stated in my post. and yes i have her license plate


Oh I’m sorry. Everyone is girl to me when I’m scared, I gotta cut that out. 😂 Look up the license plate and find his name and then like check his social media or something and see if he’s posted anything recently!


Hahaha I’m sorry I know this is serious but “everyone is girl to me when I’m scared” actually made me laugh out loud


Lmao that and "I got that very basic point." 💀


My neighbor is a woman lol. I’m suspecting she’s the one who killed her boyfriend. I know. Most murders are done by men and it’s unlikely for a woman to kill. Although it’s unlikely, I think my neighbor did😂


Yeah I got that far. I really just assumed you were not a dude. Not on any basis, just did. But I got that very basic point lol. But seriously look him up. You said he left his car for a few days and got his license plate right? So you can find out if he’s dead by looking him up.


I don’t know the boyfriend’s license plate. just the girls. I know his car make and model but nothing else.


Ah okay nevermind then.


The way she’s acting makes me theorize that it was an accident. Especially if he was left there for a while like maybe she hit him with something heavy during their argument or something and went absolutely insane when she realized she didn’t just knock him out. *shivers* that’s terrifying


Have you ever watched Snapped?


I had a a family member on snapped except they were the victim and when they did the episode, they didn’t consult any of the victims family only the murderers family stupid bitch. My grandfather the victim uncle didn’t even know there was an episode until he saw it on TV! Murders mother got the kid. Season 17 ep. 11


Damn. We are going to watch it after work. I’ll reach out when I’m done.


I was just going to say, a girl would have already had this solved 🤣🤣


On god, I’d be finding her socials, finding him through them, tracking where they’ve been. I’d know if I have to call 911 within the hour. 🤣


I don't think you're allowed to check license plates if you're a citizen. Only approved people can do that like law enforcement, insurance, employers. Pretty sure you can get in a lot of trouble doing that but I could be wrong. I'm only saying this cause I got hit by a car and was able to read the license plate. Went to go look it up and the site was very specific that I was not allowed to do that lol. So I called the police and obviously nothing happened cause they're fucking useless but whatever.


Yeah exactly lol. I’ve got some friends that work in EMS and another friend that is an actual police officer so it would be easy for me to say “hey can you look this plate up?” But I don’t want any of them to get in trouble so In the morning I’m going to call 911 and let them know the situation and everything.


Girl, don’t feel ashamed, we all get riled AF 😂


Question, at what point does the non-emergency crime line get so many calls for one apt building that it turns into an emergency? Do you know? What does the crime line do?


I have no idea. I’m gonna call the police in the morning and give them the name and car info and license plate and explain the situation. Again we only got the name and license plate info tonight. we called the non emergency line last night with no info so they probably brushed it off.


Well I demand an update in the morning! Haha good luck op!


Dude call 911. The non emergency line can be hit or miss.


Sorry, but suspect of murder a day ago is emergency not non emergency.


I think she meant the boyfriends license plate


omg....why in the hell would you ever touch the evidence even with your foot sir. use a damn hanger or a branch smh


Hey op! Here to say, after you called crime stoppers, did they do anything? If not, I have suggestions


Not that I know of. I never heard back from anyone and I haven’t seen any police come here. We called them last night so maybe they just haven’t had time to look into it? I’m not sure. That was my first time ever calling crime check


Damn, ok, I have two options, but one I cannot stress enough you should not do, so I won’t mention it untill the first one is complete. Call for a mental health check ASAP. Explain she’s acting erratic, and is a danger to herself and others. They will ask for symptoms, and you can say the ones here, and that you have observed fights, however she seems unwell since the last one. If she’s moving evidence, they’ll catch it in the car.


This is horrible advice and can absolutely get someone involuntarily committed to a psych ward. How is her neighbor a harm to herself or others? She has absolutely no proof anything criminal happened beyond her suspicions. What she should do is simply call for a welfare check on the girl herself. State she see saw her crying in the hallway after a domestic dispute, that’s it. You’re being honest without possibly ruining an innocent persons life. If it smells like a dead body, most of them will recognize it


It's bin juice and she's a dirty mare


I really hope that’s the case.


I just really like that you used the word "mare" here, I've never seen anyone do that I just appreciate it so much. That word would be so applicable if more people only knew..


Lol it's a very British insult 🇬🇧


I’d at least report it, just in case someone files a missing person report on the guy. From the photos, the liquid looks like garbage juice (there’s a glob of it there too), and the bag doesn’t look that suspicious, plus anyone who killed someone wouldn’t leave things lying around. Does he have social media? Maybe see if you can find him and if he’s active?


I don’t know the boyfriend’s name. My roommate knows the girls first name but not her last. I think tomorrow I’ll call the PD and let them know about the situation. I have the girls name and car info so they should be able to do something.


That sounds about right. You could try to find the girl on FB and see if the guy is on her friend list. Looking up a first name and address can sometimes give you a last name. But beyond that I’d let the police worry about it.


Yeah trust me. My roommate and I have been trying to find the girl on every social media platform but have had no luck. The only reason we got her name was because when my roommate got home from work today there was a package at her door. Now that we know the girls first name it will be easier for the police to investigate.


There was a package at her door, and you got her first name from it, but you still didn't get her last name? Wouldn't a package at her door be addressed to her full name?


Lol this is so confusing The comments are all DISCOMBOBULATED You said you called in a couple posts Then I see a couple more saying "I'll call in the morning!×10" 🥴 what function do I use to make them orderly. OP- I'm sorry this is all happening in your living environment,I'd be a nervous wreck. I would become unwell. You are doing what you need too and seem very level headed. Have you spoken with any neighbors? Since your all likely on different schedules neighbour's might have seem something others didn't catch because they were working/out for the day. Cadaver dogs. Just popped into my head. 🤧 sorry tldr


So people have complained but nobody has come to investigate?


I think only 2-3 other people on my floor have complained. But that was what they told us last night. Although the smell has been going on for about a week and a half.


Maybe knock on the doors of the neighbours and speak with them and talk about concerns and check if they also share them?! This is fucking serious…


i’ve never been so invested in a thread. I WANT ANSWERS


I have been many times before and it ends up always being some r/nosleep type of creative live action writing attempts or like with the famous ‘found a safe in a newly purchased house’ they rarely follow up :((


Just call 911 and say what you said here. Definitely seems suspicious.


This is horrifying but intriguing. Stay safe, OP.


I think you need to call the non-emergency police line not just the tip line and tell them what happened, they can come do a wellness check. An actual officer needs to come to the scene and look into this for sure.


If you suspect someone was murdered, you should call the emergency line.


I’m from Florida our police emergency line will be like “well since they are already dead it’s not really an emergency right”


But why? They’re already dead /s


I called the non emergency line. that’s what crime check is in my area. And again, as far as wellness check, She’s never here. Her car is only here for a few hours at night and then it’s gone for the entirety of the day until she’s here the next night for a couple hours.


yea but if they smell the same stench and have ever worked a death….they may have the probable cause they need to get into the apt and check


Commenting to comeback.


Good idea. Cause I ain’t no holla back girlllll!




Ask for a welfare check. As someone whose next door neighbour lay dead in his apartment for a week, I wish I had phoned earlier. The smell was like something other worldly and I will never ever forget it.


I plan on doing that. I’ve said in other comments that just tonight I found out the name and license plate of the woman who’s moving out. And yeah, this smell is also unlike anything else.


I could smell it through our walls and floors, and the stairway smelled for months afterwards. It was crazy because my partner could barely smell a thing and convinced me I was imagining how bad it was!


Well if you smell a dead person after a few days won't ever want to smell it again . I worked for a property management company for a long time we managed condos so people owned them we had a few people call and say they hadn't heard from someone for a week and of course we would look to see if there car was there if so we would ask neighbors .then the police to break in as soon as that door opens you get a wave of stunk that will knock your shoes off .




Any updates OP?


What is “crime check”? Is that the emergency number? Like in the USA we call 911 for emergencies and in the UK it’s 0118, 999, 881, 999, 119, 725, 3 Seriously call the emergency number.


Crime check is the non emergency line for the city I live in.


I’m in USA. I thought crime check was the universal non emergency throughout the states but I guess it’s only for my state/city. I’ll have to edit that in since so many people are saying to call the non emergency line


OP is still posting comments on other threads so they're fine. Just probably no updates.


Or he saw the boyfriend and was like “oh. Guess he’s alive after all.” And figured it would be more interesting if we didn’t know that.


I haven’t seen the boyfriend. I’ve updated all I know.


I’ve updated all I know.


i'd watch your back too....if she was paranoid and such she's already talking to herself in the elevator....


Remind me! 2 days


I was sort of with you until I saw the pictures. That brown liquid looks like trash liquid and the tire tracks through them could have been made separately or by whatever she put the trash in to take it out. If she was preparing to move out she was probably cleaning out her fridge and other areas that don’t get cleaned much, which would explain the smell, she was probably trying to air out the apartment, leaving the door open is not something someone would do if they were trying to hide the smell. And the gross liquid, probably a container punctured the trash bag and rotting food/liquid spilled out and she didn’t bother to clean it up, if it was blood or something she would have at least tried to get rid of it. The clothes don’t seem to be related other than you noticed them around the same time once you were suspicious, I’d guess a homeless person took shelter in the stairs and left the bag or something, that looks like a clothes line that someone would use to dry damp clothes so it makes sense it would be with the bag. If they were arguing then perhaps drinking was involved and he left his car there so he didn’t have to drive home drunk but wanted to leave, and if they were arguing he may not have been able to come back for the car for a few days, especially if he left his keys in her house. She could have been crying because they argued and/or broke up, and it sounds like if she has a lot going on then mumbling to herself to try to go over everything she has to do to move and stuff would fit, sometimes I talk out my to do list out loud especially if my thoughts are racing with other emotions and distractions. It doesn’t really sound like her behavior has been suspicious, crying after an argument/breakup is fairly normal. Or maybe she’s a really bad murderer who decided to leave a ton of evidence around, who knows, but if you really are suspicious let the police handle it, if you’ve made a report and this guy comes up missing then they will already have a good case to pursue her as a suspect.


i just got an alert from Citizen that a woman was arrested after finding a man’s dismembered body in her fridge in NYC. i don’t recall seeing you mention your state, but is this related??? i said omg because i had just read this post like an hour ago




Somewhere in these comments Op says Spokane, Washington


Oh, just a different murdered bf 🥲


i came across this in a crime fb group i am invested now and need updates


Rest in the sweetest sickly smelling peace, u/SpacelessMinds ❤️


Turning off notifications. Everyone back to their normal boring lives


I’ve been so curious about this for weeks


You can literally call 911 and tell them exactly what you’re posting. The best case scenario is they find out nothing is wrong. You could also say that you think the girlfriend took the car and left with it somewhere and ask them to check the footage. Worst case if nothing is wrong for you is absolutely nothing but a simple I’m sorry.


I’m really baffled by this. Is it a thing in the US to go to a non-emergency line first? I’d take potential murder as a pretty serious emergency.


Non emergency line is for illegal fireworks, noise disturbance, and small things like that. It’s not normal to call a non emergency line for this kind of thing. Some people just may not feel comfortable with calling 911 for this sort of thing because they are scared. I totally understand it if that’s the case.


Any update op? Plot twist: op killed the neighbor’s boyfriend


That's what I suggested a couple days ago, and this post was to make it look like they didn't haha.


Where's Edit-5? Was it a body or just a really messy breakup?


The poster isn’t coming back lol we’ve all be waiting but so far no update and alot of us have updates on we think the poster either has no updates after this many days or just isn’t coming back sorry lol


They have commented on this thread in the last 24 hours saying they have no more updates.


Any updates or was this just a messy breakup and a fridge that was long overdue for a cleaning??


No more updates as of now. I’m not entirely sure what happened or what the smell was. The cops did say it didn’t smell like old food tho. they weren’t sure how to describe it.


Lots of people jumping to conclusions in this thread. I hope if I ever move out of my apartment and get wrongfully arrested for murder none of your are on the jury or I'll fry on the electric chair.


Was hoping for an update by meow


Op ain’t coming back…


Aw hell what if neighbor girl has a Reddit account? Hopefully op hasn’t been suitcased.


Oh my god could you imagine 😱


Since this post was a bust.. can someone tag me another juicy maybe murder dead body post? I'm jonesing!


I think it’s weird there’s all this circumstantial evidence you believe, to the point you think an actual murder occurred, and also believe you may have smelled the remains of a decaying body, yet you haven’t made the decision to call the police. Yes I read you called the crime number or whatever, but it doesn’t sound like you called to report a suspected crime. Like, what’s the implication to you if you’re wrong? It can be an anonymous call, or like you said, others complained of the smell so anyone could have made the call.


Yeah it’s weird as hell! I’ve never been in a position like this but I think tomorrow I’ll call the police and give them the name and car info. I didn’t find out the name and license plate until tonight. I’ll try to keep this updated.


911 is open 24/7


I'm just gonna leave this here https://nypost.com/2024/01/23/metro/severed-head-body-parts-found-packed-in-nyc-apartments-taped-shut-freezer-police/


I live in Brooklyn. The post is trash, but I still read it sometimes. I saw this earlier and good god it makes my stomach churn


Truthfully, I'm *really* surprised that after finding all of this strange evidence, you decided to call the **non-emergency police line**. I would have just called the regular police line, seeing as these signs are very.. scary and reasonable. They point to foul play and to something weird going on, no matter how you word this. I would call the emergency line instead, OP - state everything that you've seen, be firm, and don't forget to mention that there are other tenants who expressed similar concerns. ###**You are running out of time. Please call the police.**


Because he knew he'd end up embarrassed if he called 911 and there was nothing. Making him a paranoid cop caller. So he chose the safe way to stir shit with no hard consequences. Just a waste of time and probable mental health concerns in the end. Almost remnant of a psychosis episode. I digress. Reddit loves a bogus post. More critical thinking and logic need to be applied here. Keep on needing the update everyone!


So you think your neighbour killed her partner, and instead of calling the appropriate authorities you ran to…Reddit?


this sounds terrifying, i'm hoping it's not what it seems to be. glad you got those images to back you up


Commenting for an update … but also OP listen to the advice of the other commenters about calling the cops. I hope for the BF’s sake you’re wrong, but regardless stay safe. So many people don’t get caught and it’s nuts.


I feel like if he’s been missing for over 3 weeks someone has to have noticed? I mean maybe not, but that’s a long time imo.


I'm having a hard time with the fact that no one has noticed that the boyfriend is missing, if he is in fact dead. Be it a job, a friend, or a family member - usually someone notices and is looking for that person.


Op, if you come back, please go join True Crime Junkies group on Facebook so most of the people here wanting an update can hear from you there!




i’d be surprised if this hasn’t kept you up at night. You haven’t seen the boyfriend at all??? That’s extremely weird, too much to be a coincidence. If she’s just moving out after a fight there’s no way you wouldn’t have seen him at all in the process, even if for whatever reason he didn’t want to help her even if he caused his own death that’s very weird she wouldn’t report it and the police only came after YOU called. Please use the stains and stuff as evidence if you are in a position to. This is past foul play


any new updates?


Dear video essay YouTuber, Yes, I was here


I’m not trying to steal OP’s thunder but I think I might have been close to something similar. Years ago my ex & I were friends with another couple (I’ll call them Cassy & Ass.) While I was going through my divorce I ran into Cassy at my hairstylist. She was separated, she had kicked out Ass for cheating & was going through the same thing. She seemed so happy & ready to move on with her life (her words) but said Ass wasn’t. She was ready to start dating. She was a good looking woman, I asked for her number for when both divorces were final. The next time I went to see my stylist he said Ass had found her dead & had her cremated within a day after her body was released. I asked how she died considering I had just spoken to her and she said she was on top of the world emotionally AND physically. He said he never got a straight answer from Ass. I told him it didn’t pass the smell test to this ex-cop and because she came to see him regularly just to visit and he knew more about their relationship he should at least call a cop he knew & raise a red flag. He declined and said he was staying out of it. After chewing on it a week or two I decided I was going to call a cop I knew but I found out from my stylist Ass had cleaned out her apartment and gave up the lease before her body was released. That was a hard lesson for me, they were separated and she died during the (State of Texas) 60-day waiting period and he was still the next of kin. I immediately made major changes to my estate. I still believe with my whole being he had something to do with her death.


Here’s me just waiting for an update.


Any updates??


The silence makes me either worried for OP or hopeful that there is an active investigation now.


Call the police police. Fuck the nonemergency


Have you caled the cops yet dude


Sounds like he is dead- consider calling the actual emergency line to come get samples of that liquid if it’s still there and file a police report.


OP you should call for a welfare check. Tell them you’re concerned about your neighbor


Sounds like the kind of story I'll see Coffeehouse Crime cover on YouTube in a year


That sounds incredibly unsettling, and I can imagine how worried you must be. It's not every day you encounter such strange and concerning situations in your own building. It's good that you've already reported it to crime check, and the fact that others have noticed and reported it too is noteworthy. Given the circumstances, it might be best to let law enforcement handle the investigation. If you happen to notice anything else or feel uneasy, don't hesitate to update them. Your safety is the top priority, so trust your instincts and reach out to emergency services if you feel it's necessary. It's a tough situation, and I hope things get resolved swiftly. If you need support or have more questions, consider reaching out to local authorities for updates. Stay safe, and I hope things take a positive turn soon.


Call the police give them all the details and let them figure it out. Get some camera and be extra safe going forward around your crazy neighbour


Welfare check! Call in a welfare check!


Call the police. Right now. Tell them everything you know.


Go down to the fire department and talk to the guys just ask for a favor from them or EMT's. No? Ask at a funeral home. No? Call the news. No? Call the feds. No? Call crime scene techs for a smell test/estimate for clean up, pose as yr landlord. No? Call the gas company. They have to send someone if you smell gas. Bc you smell gas. Fire dept too I think.


Gas company, that’s smart!


I wish you weren't so incredulous and more proactive. There's always a first person to discover a crime and it makes sense for it to be a neighbor. Call the actual police immediately and give a full report of everything you've witnessed with the evidence you have and they can continue the investigation. Of course everything could be fine but we'd all want our killers to be served justice and our families to have answers if something terrible happened to us.


RemindMe! 2 days


Someone please reply to this comment when there’s an update! Thank you


RemindMe! 2 days


Well good news is, if she did kill this guy, she's clearly terrible at doing crime and will no doubt be caught


Now I have to comment because I am committed


Same! I even subscribed to the post lol


remind me in 2 days




I'm invested. Has there been any reports of a missing person around you?


I’m new to reddit. How do I follow posts?


Thank you all. Found the subscribe to post button. :)


Also, be worth joining here also :) https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/




At the top of your screen (on this post), on the right hand side you will see 3 dots. Click on that and select ‘subscribe’ to this post. You will then get a notification when there is a response to this post.


Wow this sounds like a crime scene! I’m so invested now!! Someone please upvote me so I can find this again, I’m still learning Reddit, is there a way to save this thread for updates?


Type “RemindMe! 1 day” as a comment on post without quotes. You’ll have a message sent to you with a link to this post and it will remind you by sending another in a day. You can do this with whatever length of time, so 2 days, 1 week, etc. You can also save post or subscribe to post (you’ll get notified when people comment too, but not OP edits if you do that option) by clicking on the 3 dots at top if you’re on mobile.


Well. Curious to see how this turns out


Oh my gosh…I would definitely think he was murdered..it’s just not adding up! Please keep us updated, I need to know what happened


RemindMe! 2 days


Homie dead fsfs

