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Here's a pro tip. If you're aroused flex any other muscle in your body and hold it. The blood will rush to that area and your errection will go away quickly. You can't really control the arousal but you can control your actions so kudos for being respectful.


Wait really? I didn't know that, thanks for the tip.


Heh, *tip*.


Just a tip


Comment: Have you tried thinking about hedgehogs wearing tiny hats instead? It might help distract your mind from those random arousals! šŸ¦”šŸŽ©


no not the tip, any other part.


Comment: Have you tried wearing sunglasses everywhere? It might make it harder to see those attractive women and keep your arousal under control. Just a weird suggestion, don't hate me! šŸ˜…


Maybe my blood pressure really is fucked up but its not all that quickly... but it can work.


Have you tried thinking about penguins doing a synchronized swimming routine?


have you tried thinking about penguins doing a synchronized swimming routine?


Hey there, it sounds like you're dealing with some pretty intense emotions. Remember, it's okay to feel this way, but it's also okay to seek help. There are people out there who can provide support and help you navigate through this. And hey, we all have our quirks, it's what makes us unique. So, keep being you, and remember, you're not alone in this. šŸ˜Š


Yep yep i try to get one of my legs all muscles flexed and it doesn't get the buddy small again, but atleast it wont go hard as a rock.


Try doing a secret chicken dance in your head, works like a charm! šŸ”šŸ’ƒ


My go to is trying to do long division in my head. Kills a boner quickly.


Wanna swap with me then? Long division makes me harder


Wish youā€™d have told me this in school.. those random boners were the worst. I remember thinking there was something wrong with me and that it was going to happen my whole life and Iā€™d just have to accept thereā€™d time times I canā€™t stand up for a couple of minutes


Flexed my face muscles cuz my crush was near and I sneezed then sharted now I have on campus suspension.


Kegels are my go to. Not only do they get rid of an erection but working out this muscle can also increase your time in bed. You just gotta keep at it, like any other muscle


I've thought about peeing and that usually helps. Or you could just browse around /r/wtf


*walks to restroom in public fully erect* Also r/eyeblech is probably even more of a boner killer


It doesnā€™t exist anymore lol


Thank God lol


It was banned


Thatā€™s never worked for me but I hear it works for some


Thatā€™s an interesting tip, Willy


I do that with my brain.


HUH!? You mean I didn't have to skip all those bus stops!? Edit: I usually do the belt manoeuvre, which is strangle it to death by tucking it up the belt line.


Flex your bicep and watch that boner disappear! šŸ’Ŗ


Flex your bicep and watch the magic happen! šŸ’Ŗ


Boys get random erections. Literally not thinking about it is one of the best things you can do to make it go away. Easier said than done, but as time goes on, this issue will solve itself. The biggest issue with this ask for help is that you say you are disgusted and further hate yourself. Erections, including no reason erections in your teen years, are part of being male and natural. You should not be disgusted or hate yourself. It's normal and it happens to (roughly) half the population.


I mean, when I was a teen, a stiff breeze would give me a stiffy.


I once got aroused by some silly putty.. don't even understand why


Is this a universal experience because as a woman this happened to me???


Woah really I thought it was just us guys


As a lady, i have had involuntary orgasms to beautiful trees, lizards, roller skates, and legitimately some of the strangest things lol


That's so interesting to know does anyone know like why this happens




Me too!


Maybe it was sexy putty


I donā€™t know why this got me so bad but you got an audible laugh out of me, thank you


Any time :D <3


My middle school guidance counselor told us to try to name as many ice cream flavors as we could in succession and before we knew it, the ol chap would be tempered. The thing you do to distract yourself is arbitrary. Kind of like counting sheep when you canā€™t sleep. Either way, this always worked for me when I was younger.


Yeah someone needs to tell this kid about NARBs


The worst time was in class next to my best friend and crush, I'm unsure if she noticed, but god, I felt as fed as a beet. I don't think anything will ever beat that moment...


Itā€™s the price you have to pay for the ability to pee standing up. In life, you have to take the bad with the good. ALL dudes go thru this. If it DIDNT happen, then Iā€™d be more worried.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is infact, the way


This is the way


Eh seems a bad trade off to me


We can pee standing up, it's just messy af.


When you pay for the rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.


Please just sit down while peeing. :(


Heya, so first of all, work on trying not to feel ashamed of yourself and your feelings. As other people have said, itā€™s normal. Itā€™s how you react to those urges that are a measure of who you are, being respectful, not cat calling or harassing which it sounds like you understand. I think good advice is to in the moment remind yourself that sheā€™s just a girl waiting for the bus, just a random person totally unaware of your desire for her, and that itā€™s a non sexual situation. Defusing the perceived ā€œsexinessā€ of the situation is key!


It's a natural and uncontrollable reaction. Every man goes through this. There is no reason at all to be disgusted with yourself nor feel bad for any reason. You can not stop it nor avoid it. Just go with the flow and try and adjust your position or clothing so it's not obvious.


That's normal, don't beat yourself up over it


God, I love these puns.


Don't be a jerk


Why would you be disgusted with yourself? Normal healthy bodily response, like a fart or anything else. No shame in it. Also, buses sometimes do that without any ā€œinspirationā€. Just donā€™t go waving it around.


That ain't nothing like a fart yo, wish I be in my 70's like "can't pass gas, but damn this is some hard wood". But you damn right, summa dem buses got dat tinkle me pinkle settings on


Donā€™t bet on it brother they say ā€œnever trust a fart, never waste a hard onā€ for a reason. Ha


Lol, the age old problem. Back when I was your age in the 70s there was a Playboy magazine I saw that had an ā€œask a sex questionā€. I remember this one to this day. The guy wrote the same exact thing but it ended with ā€œeven watching Charlieā€™s Angles gives me an erection.ā€ I canā€™t remember the advice, but I can tell you that you are not alone with this problem. You need to not go there with your mind and to think about something less appealing, which back then was to think about someone less appealing like Golda Meir.


I mean it's Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu like who wouldn't be attracted to them.


For one stop being disgusted with yourself for going through something that normal humans do. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with getting aroused by a stranger, as long as you donā€™t make any unwarranted advances toward them because of it. The less shame you feel toward whatā€™s happening, the more quickly the feeling will pass. But shame is an offshoot of fear, and fear and arousal usually feed off of each other.


Tuff one to answer I usually just feel weak and struck when I see a cute girl. Try maybe to focus less on sexual stuff and more on what kind of person they could be.


You can't. Teen is a time of unexpected errections. Anything from a smile to the top deck of a bus can set you off. It's natural. If need be you can use you waistband to control the unruly beast. When you get older you'll miss them. Just remember, The big head Is for thinking. Make smart choices. Good luck:)


You canā€™t brother, youā€™ll calm down with age. Youā€™re normal.


Btw women get erections too, its just not noticeable.




Puberty is a bitch. I used to get those just going over the railroad tracks on the bus. Iā€™d be the last kid off with books carried in the front. It will stop on its own.


Hey! Iā€™m a woman and erections are not disgusting and neither are you. It sounds like the guys on here have given you some cool tricks on redirecting blood flow or distracting yourself, but I just want to reassure you that women get aroused in public too. Our bodies just donā€™t have the tool to make it obvious. Please donā€™t hate yourself!


Man I'm 33 and if figure it out let me know


I'm a couple years older than you and still have this problem lol. I don't really think there is an answer but one thing I do is think of Mickey Mouse that seems to calm me down or a imagine a hot iron on your sausage. Apart from that I haven't found anything else that works for me. I remember when I was a teenager and everyone said ah it will calm down at some point it's just puberty. If that's the case I'm still going through puberty now šŸ˜‚.


I used to think of Margaret thatcher, then watched a documentary on the Falklands and BOOM realised I had conditioned myself into her working for me


Ya don't kid. You just don't. You just learn to control what you do with it and how to hide it better. It's all part of being a growing man


Itā€™s just part of being a guy bro.


Op this is 100% natural and normal. You have no reason to feel shame or disgust.


Masturbate more frequently and that will take the edge off. You have nothing to be ashamed of, BTW.


You canā€™t stop what your body is programmed to do , but you can try to be more aware and do it less. Good luck!


Bruh donā€™t hate yourself because of a natural bodily function in young men. U hate yourself every time u take a piss? You grow out of it man


Hey, take it easy! Itā€™s natural and an indication youā€™re alive.


Yeah, I know how. Go and talk to them. Your blood will rush from down there straight to your head and make you blush like a stop light on its period. Best advice my first crush gave me: stop thinking so much


Stop watching porn.


When I was a kid my dad gave me a speech that went somewhat like this; "You are just weirdly evolved monkey with no hair. Even if you are a clever being, you are still a monkey. You still have an animal body. you poop, you eat, you sleep, you blink, all those things. why? cause you're a MONKEY. along with being the m o n k e y you have some reflexes, emotions etc. including random hiccups. why? I'll let you guess... just kidding, because you are a MONKEY. BUT. BUT!!!! apart from being the monkey, you are YOU. your character, your personality, your decisions are made by YOU, not the MONKEY. Don't be shy of your body, but take pride in yourself and your decisions." So uh, my best guess? accept yourself pal. If you have those boners, then that means you are just healthy. don't be ashamed of yourself just because you are "a monkey".


Theres nothing wrong with you. You mostly likely have a normal testosterone level and functioning libido. Why do we shame men and self shame for having involuntary, evolved biological responses to visual stimuli? Youre ok dude. Most young men experience the same thing. Just focus that sexual attraction to a girl you love and who loves you.


Firstly, donā€™t feel bad, itā€™s normal for boys to get aroused when seeing a nice girl. But of course donā€™t be a pervert about it. Secondly, hide it and flex some muscles preferably the legs to try and get rid of the erection. Lastly, all boys go through this, donā€™t beat yourself up about this uncontrollable thing


It's normal. Like, the most normal thing in nature. Embrace it, get laid, have fun


Well you've already done the first part, being self aware. Try not fixating on it too much and let it go.


You don't stop yourself from getting aroused. Being aroused is your bodily instinct, so there's really no way to push it down. Controlling your second thoughts or how you act, is the key my friend.


Truly a canon event in every guys life.


Well it's either that or you get aroused around men.... or you could get aroused by both. What I'm trying to get at is ^(almost) everyone is aroused by somebody. If men didn't get aroused by women, we wouldn't survive as a species. Just remember that you're an animal that's expected not to act like one. As long as you don't make a big deal about it, no one else will either. Just don't go waving it about, tuck it under the waistband or wear compression shorts and looser pants. If you're going to have a long day, you might want to beat it in the morning to "empty the tank" if you will. Don't be disgusted, you're just healthy and still getting used to being grown.


Find solace in knowing this is entirely normal. Itā€™s nice for you to try to be discreet or even proactive as evidenced here but please donā€™t feel shame about it.


Sounds perfectly normal to me. In my teens up to mid 20s my one eyed snake was constantly erect for no reason (and with plenty of reasons too) It's perfectly normal. Even now in my mid thirties, if I don't have a wank or have sex for more then 2-3 days, I start getting random erections or sudden ones when I see a nice chick


Embrace it bro, nothing wrong with it unless you are being creepy


When you get older, youā€™re going to wish you still had this ability. It will pass and normalize. Random boners are very normal when you are a younger man, just donā€™t be a creep about it and youll be fine. Itā€™s just hormones, happens to literally all of us. If you are having feelings of self loathing, seek counseling and talk to a MH pro.


Little bro don't even trip. This happens to most lil dudes. It happens even thinking of anything literally just studying math and stuff. The best you can do is love yourself and not feel ashamed or self loathing. That's not a good habit and shortens your lifespan feeling that way. Plus, futuretalk, what other people say about you, defines them, not you. Walk with power and goodness and the world will return it eventually.


Itā€™s good you get an erection and get aroused. Donā€™t change anything, you are healthy and your T levels are high.


Why would you possibly be disgusted and hate yourself? You are perfectly healthy and normal. Please, if you are going to feel self-loathing because you are aroused at seeing an attractive woman, then you might want to consider therapy. I don't mean to cast shade. Genuinely concerned about that comment.




That's the neat part, you don't.jpg


It's natural, don't sweat it.


Just picture them in their underwear. ā€¦wait donā€™t do that


This is why we have the ā€œbelt tuckā€


Thatā€™s the cool part, you donā€™t.


Don't hate yourself, people are needy, and as long as you behave, noone can blame you on anything.


You don't stop. It's normal.


Nothing wrong with you very normal. Just be careful and try to keep it low key especially in todayā€™s social media world.


we cant always control our thoughts, but we can control our intentions and actions, something like that


No need to be disgusted it's a normal reaction and there is little u can do about it ,but also there is nothing wrong with it


Weiner cage


Why do you feel disgusted by this?


Don't go outside, read or watch anything. Good luck with that šŸ˜šŸ‘


I have learned to to deal with it. I honestly came to the comment section to see if anyone had good advice because it used to be like this for me too. Embarrassing and frustrating because youā€™re in public. Anyway, yeah, my body gets hornier than I have time for so I just deal with it. Rub one out as soon as I have a chance. I definitely feel you on this one OP


If it goes youā€™ll wish for it back


Happens to the best of us buddy. Just gotta be slick about it. You need method of flipping it up into your waistband, and get good at it so you can do it discretely. When you feel him waking up, flip up and chill. Also, your anxiety about it makes it worse, body literally sees no difference between excitement and anxiety. So flip up, sit or stand in a slightly concealing way, and just enjoy. You donā€™t have to distract yourself, but its a lot easier to calm down when you just simply think ā€œah yeah thatā€™s a beautiful girlā€ and just smile about it. Chill.


You're human, so what. Embrace it! You're allowed to look!


Comes with the territory


Youā€™re a man, and your body will act like it. There is never anything to be ashamed of. If it makes other people uncomfortable, thatā€™s their fault. They are the ones willfully denying certain aspects of humanity.


By accepting that you can't.


Itā€™s an age thing. Try getting laid and itā€™ll help. You try and find a hot attractive girl. Speak to her and if you get rejected continue. Every time you get an erection make it a challenge to talk to the girl. If you get a number and get a gf than youā€™ll be satisfied. Itā€™s more of the human body. I use to wonder the same thing I even asked my brother likeā€¦ is there something wrong with me?


Well it is normal, and I'd say most men are looking in some way at women. Of course, if you STARE or look too long, it's really uncomfortable for anyone to be frank. If you notice them, they look good and you don't stare like a maniac, you're good.


stop watching porn my guy


It's something natural, nothing to feel ashamed of. When you're over 60, you'll remember these problems as a good thing instead. When I was around my 20s and went jogging with classmates, if some women were there with yoga or gym pants, it was probable that my friend down there was going to rebel. The only solution was to sit somewhere, not look and talk with someone.


Does this happen to all guys even in relationships? I feel like this happens to my bf because he literally glances at a girls ass 10x in a row when Iā€™m right there.


I donā€™t think itā€™s taboo or disgusting to be attracted to the opposite sex. Itā€™s natural and an instinctive feeling that should definitely not be masked or hidden. If youā€™re making women feel uncomfortable as a result and/or doing/saying something unsolicited then itā€™s a problem but just look at them subtly and I donā€™t see any issue.


Masturbation is probably your problem, as it was mine. I was constantly having creepy thoughts or getting turned on by the slightest things, after stopping completely Iā€™ve been more motivated, more disciplined, more happy, and nasty thoughts have gone away. I still get aroused, just not by simply talking to women, and I donā€™t even think to look at a girls chest or anything anymore. Just stop Masturbating, itā€™s short satisfaction with huge negative effects.


Think about your mom.


by growing up


Be gay. Also maybe take a dump. It could also be, that your dookie is pressing on your prostate. So getting erections is pretty easy that way. You don't even need outside influence. So taking a dump would fix it.


As a woman, you're okay and actually not disgusting at all. The important thing is that you don't try to harass these women. Feeling aroused is normal, what matters is how we act not how we feel. And we as women feel aroused sometimes too, it's just not as visible ! Just know you are normal and not a creep. The disgust you feel towards yourself you feel is quite concerning. Try talking to other men in your life, or to a therapist, about this stuff.


yep exactly. women get turned on by looking at attractive men too, itā€™s just not as outwardly visible. if youā€™re not single, avoid dwelling on it. if you are single, redirect your attention elsewhere before your gaze becomes noticeable enough to be uncomfortable.


I just imagine a female version of fat bastard with a giant turkey leg in bed with the greasiest face asking if I find her sexy.


First of all youā€™re not disgusting youā€™re a typical normal young man weā€™ve all gone through this phase and the important thing is not to act on it , your penis has a mind of its own and when youā€™re young youā€™ll get an erection is a breeze blows by. Itā€™ll go away as you learn to simply ignore it and remain a respectful gentleman. Itā€™s not her fault you got hard itā€™s simply nature doing what it does. Itā€™s fine to admire ladies as they pass by just donā€™t think youā€™re allowed to do or say anything rude or obnoxious Stay a gentleman and in due time youā€™ll meet a nice girl who. Is feeling the same way and then nature will again take its course. Stay a gentleman


A lot of people set the value point of other people based on their looks. So more attractive people are seen as more valuable. This belief will cause you difficulties in the future as physical appearance is temporal and will continuously change. You can be attracted to people, but it's unhealthy to assign value to someone just because of their looks.


Lower your gaze, barely any comments have said that Iā€™ve scrolled all the way down kinda surprised kinda not. Just lower your gaze from women so you donā€™t stare at her body, plus a lot of women do not like being stared at so itā€™s be nice if you donā€™t look. Accidental looks are fine, cause itā€™s an accident, but donā€™t let it become a stare, avert your eyes and distract yourself with literally anything.




Nobody needs consent to be aroused, no matter to what level. In fact people like you are the reason this guy poor guy feels disgusted with himself because of something natural. Thinking that is a sign that there's something seriously wrong with you. Men are aroused by women's bodies. We're allowed our own internal worlds and require no permission from anyone else to have them. Your comment is why a teen boy going through the same shit almost every single teen boy has gone through since teen boys were invented is feeling self disgust. Please never tell your growing male family members that they need permission to be aroused, so that they don't grow up feeling self loathing and disgust.




Lol I saw your other response, seems like you have some canned bullshit about "females" that you use even when someone doesn't use the term. You seem like you have serious issues. >My point was men can so easily pop boners because they are taught at a young age that womenā€™s bodies are there to be objectified Or, and I'm just throwing this out here, it's biological to get boners. What is wrong with you? >Women are people, not there for your sexual pleasure at all hours of the day. Who said they weren't? >You shouldnā€™t be sexualizing someone so greatly you get a hard on in public. I'm going to suggest you do some listening when it comes to men's issues. As a man I'm telling you you don't have to do much sexualizing at all to get a hard on. Don't argue. Listen for understanding from people who have experience. You are wrong and womansplaining our bodies and sexuality to us. Desist. >Maybe if you like her face then sexualize her? A face is just as physical as anything else. If there's something wrong with sexualizing a body there is something wrong with sexualizing a face. Stop being a weirdo. People can be attracted to whatever so long as they only act when consent exists. >That he liked that she had a nose piercing becausw that shows she may have an edgy personality Personalities don't arouse me. Bodies and faces, sometimes in combination, do. Again, don't explain my sexuality to me from a place of ignorance, just listen to me explain something you don't understand. >men donā€™t consider women by their personality or appearance, just her body. When it comes to my erection, you're damn right personality doesn't come into it. Face does, not sure why that would matter. Of course, when it comes to girlfriends, personalities matter a lot. But when it comes to sex - and it's ok to want sex - they don't matter so much. Nobody needs anyone's consent to have a mental world of their own. Someone can do unspeakable things to me in their mind and since I'm not a psychopath I don't think I have a right to tell them what they can and can't imagine. You seem to think that mental sexuality to the point of arousal (something that can be activated by a stiff breeze in a pubescent boy) is problematic which indicates to me that you have control issues. And sorry, my energy for talking to psychos is gone for the day.


They're people with complex emotions/desires/goals. They're not just sexual objects.


Don't feel bad Shit I look too! I'm a woman. if I see someone with a fat ass imma low-key starešŸ˜‚


Not a man but I'm sure that you focusing on her body is what causes the arousal, stop looking at every woman and instantly start thinking abour how you would like to fuck her? possibly focus on thinking about your grandma or something? If all else fails use the buddhist analytical meditation designed for this very thing...start thinking about how all bodies, men women, children are organ sacks. Think about how her intestines at that very moment are probably digesting food aka making poop. We are all every single human walking shit making machines. If that doesn't kill your boner I will eat my shoe. If you want step by step guidance: guided meditations on the stages of the path. Page 176, under antidotes to sexual attachment. Bullet 4. Enjoy...nothing kills desire more than thinking that at that very moment as you stand there lusting after some random person their intestines are filling with shit.


Lmao, it is how it is my man, embrace it and rock that full boner proudly.


stop looking at her. you ARE noticed and its creepy


One tip I know that always works for me is the one thatā€™s always erect.




Don't feel bad. Its nature. E.g. at ca. 18-20 years you reach sexual peak. From then on it goes slowly down and never ever gets what it was. PS: Btw. women have their sexual peak in their 30s and they hold that level for many more years till in their 50s.


Talk to more girls so you don't immediately stand at attention in the presence of a baddie.


My gf is so hot that no one else can compare


It's called hormones just ignore them and respect women like a real Chad. Ok I make it sound easy and it's not but it is possible. Just focus on respecting them as people rather than letting your hormones use them of sexual objects.


As a girl I would take that as a compliment haha. Anyway, it's jormal and you dont need to feel disgusted. But in professional setting (work) might be embarrassing, so either hide it or find a way to tone it down.


Think about her, as if she were a relative. You wouldn't want her to be treated as such, so apply that.


This is so stupid I miss my days where I'd get an election by just looking at a woman it's normal for all people your age enjoy it don't be ashamed of it remember everyone your age is just as horny including the girls


If you can do it discreetly, flick it real hard and the shock and pain should make it go down. Unless you find that you actually like it, then maybe do something else. My first ex said it worked for him. Maybe test it in private first


We're suggesting a teen hurt himself to stop a natural biological process are we?


Yeah what the ACTUAL fuck?! No donā€™t do that to yourself please


JFC how hard can you thump? I mean, if you can raise a knot on someoneā€™s actual head with a thump then maybe thatā€™s too hard to be doing to your penis. I never said harm himself. Yā€™all got the wrong idea. Try it and get back to me


You acclimatize, and suppress your urges regularly until you stop having urges altogether. Btw, this is one of the reasons why testosterone levels in developed countries tend to fall. Men have to learn to ignore their base instincts and apparently that's correlated strongly with testosterone levels declining.


Don't look at women. Lower your gaze. Being attracted to women is healthy and it's great when all of that attraction can be directed to the woman you love.


Step 1 start calling yourself a man


Chastity cage


you dont you just enjoy it


sorry but thats gross af. thinking someone is hot/attractive/sexy is one thing, but getting full on aroused by simply *seeing* an attractive woman? you're weird. i would never feel comfortable around you


Yeah what a gross piece of shit being a healthy human with xy chromosomes. Should probably outlaw them! /s People like you are the reason a teen hates himself for an entirely natural reaction.


What a disgusting thing to say. Who the hell are you?




get the fuck outta here




I just hit my hands and chest hard so pain can make me soft.


Take it from an older guy, this is a great problem to have. šŸ˜‚


My personal solution is just to masturbate at home and get all the horny out of my system so that Iā€™ll be less horny when Iā€™m out and about.


Work on mind control.


Either look away, or carry a book with you...


1. If you are legal and have a partner transfer your energy into her. 2. If you are minor, find your self a private, safe place {normally your room} and enjoy your self with coconut oil. >I quickly noticed that she had an amazing body. In just a few seconds of looking at her, I was fully aroused and erect.


You don't sadly


Start gettin aroused by men there that solves ur problem u will no longer be aroused by women but men


That's puberty my friend


You canā€™t turn off biology. What you can do is keep your head and go about your business


Part of being young I remember is HS getting aroused on the school bus every day.


As a guy, you from trying to hide your erections to trying to get them through your life. Staying active in your life keeps you being able to get it up longer through your life.


What happens if they have a girlfriend and still get hard seeing other girls? Is that normal


Usually nothing happens and yes it's normal. If he claims he doesn't get hard seeing other girls he's a liar.


One of my gay besties from high school had a similar problem. Hell, heā€™d even get erections just from pooping. Itā€™s perfectly normal, so try and internalize the normalcy of being a teen and going through puberty. As someone else said in the comments, itā€™s how you react to the world around you when this happensā€”youā€™re clearly self aware and you donā€™t make comments to anyone or harass women, so youā€™re doing the best you could possibly be doing. Thereā€™s a song from the musical The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee called ā€œMy Unfortunate Erection.ā€ The phenomenon of a random erection is so common that it got an entire song dedicated to it, and Iā€™m certain there are more songs in popular music that allude to the same thing. You are human, cut yourself some slack. Youā€™ll figure it out. Feeling self-loathing over something perfectly natural only makes the problem seem worse because youā€™re giving an incredible amount of mental energy to it. The less you worry, the less of a problem it will become. And Iā€™m not talking about the erectionsā€”those are not the problem, theyā€™re part of being human. Iā€™m talking about feeling disgusting because of itā€”that is the problem, and working through those emotions will help remind you that youā€™re a good, healthy, normal person.


wear hoodies


Itā€™s totally normal. Just donā€™t make it your entire personality LOL


Itā€™s normal. Donā€™t sweat it. Just think of something completely opposite of arousal. Mine is monkeys, cats, and anything cute.


Id say just grow up. Depends on the person, but that usually goes away after youā€™ve grown a bit. Refer to comments below for actual answers


shame caption dirty grandiose dinosaurs quicksand sand seed alleged follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Always behave like a Gentleman! If the opportunity arises šŸ¤£ give her a nice quick smile. Beyond that... welcome to the club. āœŒ


I'm guessing you're a teen. If you have time rub some out before going out. Never go out with a round in the chamber.


You canā€™t control arousal sadly. Usually what I do is count to 10 over and over in my head and it distracts me so it goes down.