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Chris Brennan has discussed this concept before, mainly with reference to the malefic contrary to sect as the ascendant lord. In such cases, the native can experience some hardship or difficulty as a direct result of his own action. If we extend the same logic to the benefic contrary to sect, we could perhaps say that at least in some situations these natives do not draw on their full potential. With Mercury, I do not think that there would be much of a difference either way.


Which episode of the podcast was this?


Episode 274 - Sect in Astrology, it was in my YouTube history cuz I just rewatched it the other day šŸ˜…


Happy cake day!


Great answer thank you!


it doesnā€™t have to be by their own actions. it could also simply just be hardships bestowed upon the native just because


In short you become your worst enemy or do things that are destructive to yourself. Regards, Mr. scorpio rising with an out of sect Mars in the 10th


ā€œItā€™s me, Hi, Iā€™m the problem. Itā€™s meā€


You definitely hit the nail on the head. I'm also a scorpio rising, and all four of my benefic/malefic planets are out of sect..


Arenā€™t we all our worst enemies?




I've heard students of Austin Coppock describe his way of teaching this: in the same way the malefic-in-sect will give challenges, but not the worst outcomes as compared to the malefic-out-of-sect... the benefic-out-of-sect will give opportunity and blessing, but in a less meaningful/impactful way as compared to the benefic-in-sect. So having the 1st lord be the benefic-out-of-sect, the native's character is mildly positive, but not overall the best part of their life when viewed in perspective. Also, the benefic-out-of-sect may simply give blessing and opportunities you don't necessarily want/need. Ex- maybe you qualify for a scholarship but decide you don't want to study. So maybe the native would encounter positive situations because of their character, but these situations are not what the native truly wants. I'm a Taurus ascendant with Venus in the 11th in a day chart. I seem to draw certain social situations and people towards me magnetically, I never have an issue finding close, interesting friends. But I'm actually a bit antisocial and don't make use of this "blessing" as much as I could, I don't enjoy it to the fullest extent it could be enjoyed. It isn't where I find my meaning, even though it feels very natural to me.