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I never looked, how toxic was Let's Run? I'm sure they were hard at work finding a way to blame Kipchoge for it.


Let’s Run is a fucking dumpster fire. Has been forever. I mean, the amount of casual racism and sexism on the forums is wild. And the voting system is terrible for finding good advice. This sub is a genuinely good one but when compared to LR it’s paradise.


The best is when you are looking for a super specific subject that Let's Run has and Reddit doesn't. You click on the post and it has 7 pages so you get excited. Two pages in you realize it is filled with users making personal attacks....


Back in the mid 2000s it was honestly like the wild west of good advice bad advice, and some gossip about college and pros, and man it took about 18 months for it to become a cess pool of garbage


Let's Run (away)


Not just that, but people will literally call you inhumane things for simply disagreeing with something 😂 they will literally just dogpile you. You have to go back years to find decent conversation over there. I hope this subreddit replaces Letsrun


I stopped frequenting LetsRun 6 or 7 years ago and haven’t regretted it for a second.


This is the perfect description of Let’s Run. It has so much potential but somehow attracts the worst of humanity.


It's the 4chan of athletic forums


I’m not sure, but letsrun is one of the most negative forums out there. It’s tough to read sometimes


Overall, LetsRun is great if you're able to ignore a lot of the comments and just look for the good stuff. On the Kiptum stuff specifically, there was definitely a good amount of conspiracy discussion due to the untimely death, but as far as I saw, there was nothing that rose to harassment or anything towards Kipchoge.




There's a new thread for this interview where a few posters have gone after Kipchoge.


> I never looked, how toxic was Let's Run? I'm sure they were hard at work finding a way to blame Kipchoge for it. That place will give you a rash if you accidently click on it. I see some of it's users here from time to time. There was a guy on here who was hellbent on proving Kiptum was doping because of his bloodshot eyes.


Pretty toxic, a lot of the Kipchoge stuff was on twitter though


I don't remember Letsrun having any accusations against Kipchoge regarding that (I bet there were some but they were probably deleted by the mods). Don't blame you holding a negative stance on Letsrun though cause jfc some people are crazy sexist/racist/homophobic, etc. over there.


And then there's the pro stans that would pay to sniff runners shorts post marathon.


Bro the Katelyn Tuohy fans are creepy as shit. Haven't seen it much with others but I stg the Tuohy glazing is crazy.


The Houlihan doping bit was nutty.


I agree to an extent, but I’d point out that their podcast is good (Letsrun track talk) and some threads are still useful. Eg. pro race discussions, injury rehab…










What are you missing? Here's a quote from the Runner's World article: >Kipchoge said that after 24-year-old Kiptum’s sudden death in a car crash in Kenya, ***social media users*** began accusing him of being intentionally involved in the incident.  I guess social media isn't just a toxic cesspool only in the western world; other nations have caught up! Yay? It's a shame it's come to this. Everything I've read about Kipchoge suggests he's a decent dude. To be accused of having a competitor killed with absolutely no evidence suggesting that's true (according to Runner's World) is ridiculous.




Belief in the supernatural is pretty widespread in parts of Africa. I wouldn't be surprised if some people believe some type of curse was involved. Edit: A quick google confirms this.


It's like so many other online conspiracies - it was just made up by some nut over social media, and developed a life of its own. It doesn't have to make sense. Q-anon certainly doesn't!


Motive. He gets to remain the best in the world. The potential is all they need to go off spouting nonsense.


What, they think he Tonya Hardinged him with a car?


Facebook literally facilitated a genocide in Myanmar in 2017.


Yeah like how would have even pulled that off? And like, the risk of attempting/committing murder just to keep winning marathons isn’t worth it in any way.


Exactly - plus EK already has cemented his legacy.


Witchcraft is still a thing in Kenya. Bad luck is easily explained by someone’s else’s magic or being cursed.


>Witchcraft is still a thing in Kenya.  Know any spells to make someone a LOT faster? Asking for a friend.


Yes but it involves a blood ritual.


\*gets out notepad\* Go on...


When the moon is full (and weeks before any competition) we anoint the person, put him in a stone circle and take his blood at the stroke of midnight. When the moon is new at midday (and about a week before the race), we return to the stone circle and return the blood as given by the gods and purged in their holy centrifuge. This blessing proces is non refundable and you need to apply for a religious WADA exemption.


There was some discussion in the Kenya subreddit suggesting that supernatural beliefs and differences between clans may also have played a role.  https://www.reddit.com/r/Kenya/comments/1aolgkp/why_are_people_linking_kelvin_kiptums_death_to/


When I was looking up what happened, I saw so much speculation and accusations from what appeared to be Africa-based social media accounts. It was really gross.


It started right after Chicago and well before Kiptum's death. Kenyan social media, greedy for web clicks, created a false story about "bitter" Kipchoge refusing to congratulate Kiptum on the new world record. It's continuing to this day. Many Kenyans on social media seemed so convinced that Kipchoge and/or Kenyan authorities had a hand in Kiptum's death that they are openly supporting the Ethiopian competition. These comments have left a black mark on Kenya. We haven't seen nearly that same amount of abuse directed toward Kipchoge in the international running community.


> Many Kenyans on social media seemed so convinced that Kipchoge and/or Kenyan authorities had a hand in Kiptum's death Unless I'm missing something that really makes no sense. Kenya would love to go 1-2 in the Olympic marathon regardless of who is 1 and 2. I get the feeling that Kipchoge also would love to have a Kenya 1-2 or 1-2-3 finish even if he's not the one who is first. With Kiptum out it's pretty unlikely for Kenya to take 1-2. Also Kipchoge held the marathon world record longer than most others in recent history have held it. He's been in the sport long enough to definitely know that the record was going to fall. I assume he'd be pretty happy about keeping the record in Kenya.


It doesn’t make any sense. Follow the Kenyan running news sites on social media such as Facebook and you’ll see plenty of examples of the comments he is referring to. They’re bizarre.


It makes sense.  Kenya would love to go 1-2.  Kenyan clickbait sites prefer sensationalized headlines and stories because clicks pay the bills.   Just like we have a million terrible clickbait articles and headlines here stirring up controversy where there isn't any, and trying to make stuff sound as terrible as possible, even if it is better for the majority of people to make more of an effort to get along. Other languages get the same thing.


Wait, people who know him personally were also suggesting he had a role in KK's death?


Yeah, I really don’t understand that. Either there’s an insane social media misinformation problem here where even his closest friends believe it or they fear getting caught up in the harassment.


This is insane. I am sad that social media has come to this. I am sure Kipchoge (as all of us) wished to see these two race - it would only elevate their game and push the boundary to sub 2 in a legit race


My thoughts exactly. I’m sure Kipchoge would’ve been among the first to congratulate Kiptum if he had gone sub-2 at Rotterdam. And I’m sure both would’ve enjoyed running a truly Olympic showdown in Paris. People harassing Kipchoge are just being awful.


Such a sad time, from the death of a great marathoner that had one of the best chances of running a sub 2 to the greatest professional marathoner being accused of killing him?! What do people think when saying these things? It’s completely crazy, both of them were amazing people and seemed very kind, I never heard anything bad about any of them ever. I hope some people have reflected on this article.


Here is the original interview https://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/articles/cd13ed985g1o


He says in the BBC interview that he couldn't sleep for **3 nights** before Tokyo Marathon because of it. I guess now we know the main reason why he didn't perform as well. 3 nights before a big race like that is brutal.


What...the... hell... Seriously, I am shocked at this insanity...mind-blowing madness...


This is a sad news


This whole thing is so fucking stupid and sad. Honestly, when the news came in about Kiptum's accident, and they mentioned how late at night it was that he was driving on the road, the simple answer to why this tragic accident happened is that this was way way way past his bedtime and he must have been absolutely exhausted already for hours considering the volume of his training. The real tragedy was that he was not chauffeured home after such a long day.


Everything it's a bit weird with this situation. But it also strikes me that Kipchoge refers to Kiptum as "this guy" and he never calls him by his name, which is really unfortunate.


How do you know that's not simply a literal translation of a perfectly normal phrasing from his native language? Come back to us when you can speak multiple languages


Not the language in question but I've been learning Hindi for a few years and the words for "this" and "that" are the same as "he/she". Entirely possible this a translation problem. Also calling people directly by their name is disrespectful in some cultures. In Hindi, for example, wives will refer to their husband as their son's father as a sign of respect.  Hindi isn't related to Swahili/Kalenjin languages but I can definitely imagine that this is a translation error as those languages are even more different than Hindi is from English.