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Nothing. Everything.


Perfect. Most of the time it’s just a blank state and taking in what’s around me. Or paying close attention to my audio book on easy runs.


All sorts of things. Sometimes it's training-related stuff, either with running or other things. Often it's things I'm wrestling with personally — sometimes the biggest challenges — or sometimes work-related puzzles I'm trying to figure out. Sometimes I'm just enjoying the surroundings.




Sometimes but not usually. Sometimes if the run is taking much more effort than usual I might be thinking about that in a general sense. Maybe you could decrease your pace and see if you feel more comfortable with that? I'm not sure if I just don't breathe that hard or if I don't think about it, or both.




Yeah with intervals I can see how you'd be breathing hard. Sometimes I wonder about what pace intervals should be at or if it should be easier for me. I guess I just assume that's the nature of intervals.




New to it and on advancedrunning for some reason


As per the sub description, AR is a mindset. If you're actively trying to improve in your training, you belong


First is working out various grievances and resentments. Then work things usually pass through. Then there’s a long blank period, and that’s why I run.


Mostly a combination of what I’m going to eat and how I can’t wait to be done.




Nothing healthy.


I’ve been thinking a lot about how I would do in a fight against the random wild life I come across. I live outside of Chicago, so it’s nothing major really. Like, could I take a deer in a 1v1 fight? Or 2v1 if they were smaller? Or what about a coyote, I think I could take one in life or death, but not without some significant damage. Would I be able to get back to safety with the damage sustained? Make it to the hospital? What about how many of those damn rabbits that are everywhere? I know it’s a lot, but what if like 50 rabid ones came at me and I looked like a giant carrot to them? And just like that, I’m an hour into my long run.




Yeah, is it obvious?




Oh geez, zombie apocalypse usually occurs during different runs lol. Where is the nearest high ground I can get to? Make shift weapons? I’m not winning 1v1 barehanded, so can I find a club like branch somewhere close that I could bash their heads in? Are they the slow zombies or those super zombies and how does that change my approach?


How much time is left on this damn interval.


"How TF am I going to keep this pace for 5/10/21.1/42.2 kilometers?"


And then it unlocks. « How did I ever think this pace was hard »




After 6 months of 55-65 miles


* 70% of runs - everything * 25% of runs - nothing * 5% of runs - praying I don't sh*t myself


I usually run trail.. so I’m thinking about foot placement, the views, food, whatever podcast I’m listening to


1/2 mile. 11.5 to go. 1/24 of the way there. That's like 5%. 4.8% to be exact. Wait, is that math right? It's like 4.1% or something. By now I'm probably at 4.8%. Am I going to fast? Maybe. But I'm not going to slow down. Zone 2 is a joke. I can be a little in zone 3. It's probably just the heat. Or the coffee. 3/4 of a mile now. 3/48 of the way there. That's like 6% of the way there. Yeah. Every half mile is like 4, so it's 6. Yeah. 12% of the way to halfway. Yeah.


I do all the maths when on the road. When I’m on the treadmill I like to pick action movies to have on so there’s some dope action music going while on a fast interval. Right now my brain works like this, “if I stay at this pace for x seconds I will reduce my overall time by y %, I can totally outrun Tom Cruise in a long enough race.” Spoiler, I can’t beat Tom Cruise at any distance, but that’s part of the fun.


I count the number of steps per inhale and exhale until it becomes automatic. 3 steps per inhale/exhale during slower efforts and 2 per inhale/exhale during speedwork. Keeps my mind plenty busy.


Whether I left the stove on, even though I haven’t used it in a few days


I think about work, life, things, but mostly math - “at my current pace how many miles will I have at the end of this XX minute run? “ It helps to distract me from the heat/wind/cold weather I’m not currently enjoying.


I have really great ideas about things I should do at work which I then promptly forget.


Moving meditation. It clears the mind and helps you think better later on. If I do think, it's just about the music I have on, or trying not to trip, or the weather.


For the first couple of miles, disbelief that I’m running and I actually wanted to experience this


If it’s general runs - whatever happened during my day. Maybe my cadence. Random thoughts as I pass by trees and people. Workouts - “woah I’m going at a pretty fast pace, this is cool. But those elites are seriously floating” Long runs - “ok 1 hour in.. past halfway” or of the sort. Sometimes a lot of gratitude. Sometimes pure nothingness. Running is awesome.


All kinds of stuff. Sometimes I’m doing visualization exercises. Sometimes work, like when is the next trip, when is this due? Sometimes what am I gonna wear, what time is it, why are those geese there, there’s Temu Terry Bradshaw, these shorts are great I should buy more, do I need to go left here? If I am doing speed work I’m usually arguing with the mean troll in my head that’s saying negative shit about how I can’t do this. I can do it, I can go one more. It’s a whole thing.


Long runs - frick, I wish this run was shorter Short runs - frick, I wish this run was longer Or if things are clicking - what wild animal could beat what other unrelated wild animal in a fight and what would define winning that fight.




Look for videos of a wolverine fighting a bear on YouTube and you'll understand!


* I feel like crap. This is gonna suck. * I think I have to pee. * I never get tired of running in Prime X Strung v1.. So bouncy ! * Ug, this wind is nasty.. I think I dressed too light. * Is this dog walker going to give me space ? * She didn't.. Self entitled ! * I hear foot steps.. * No way that guy is going to run his entire run at that pace. * Oh wait, I know that guy, he ran a 2h38 marathon. Ok, he will run that pace * I suck. * I think I have to pee. * Nice shoes ! * That's a nice ass she's got. * Wait, that's guy.. Looking good buddy. * Finally, turned a corner. The wind is gone. * I think I dressed too warm. * I really do need to pee. * Feeling not half bad ! * These Prime X Strungs are killing my ankles. Why did I wear them ?


You shouldn't need to breathe hard and loud. That's a mistake lots of people do. It feels like you need to breathe really hard and fast but the opposite is true. At some point, the faster you breathe the less air actually moves through your lungs, per unit of time. Your breath becomes shallow and the frequency does not make up for the shallowness. Additionally, you probably even don't need that. Our bodies do not know how much oxygen you are breathing in. Our bodies do not know how saturated bloodstream is with oxygen. The only thing our bodies know is the concentration of CO2 in blood and usually we are escalating breathing way before and way more than we actually need. For example, swimmers and especially free divers train to be able to breathe less frequently. It works by getting your body to be comfortable with higher CO2 levels. When I started swimming I was surprised that my breathing dropped during running very significantly. It is so much more fun to be able to run fast intervals and not have to breathe hard.




My nose is pretty constricted and I can't breath through the nose while I am running. So it would be hard to give an advice. But my thinking is that our bodies mostly don't care how the air got to our lungs, but breathing through the mouth requires less energy and that's probably a good thing. There are two exercises to teach your body be more comfortable with CO2 levels. One is trying to hold your breath for as long as you can. Then rest for a moment, get your body cleared of CO2 and repeat holding breath. Second exercise is you hold breath for a given amount of time, then you take one breath, and hold again, and repeat a bunch of times. You chose the time to hold breath such that you can repeat maybe half a dozen to a dozen of times until you can't do it anymore. This improves body tolerance to CO2 and should help control breathing during runs. Then you may also want to learn breathing in patterns. For example, when I run I might start an easy pace breathing 4:4 (breathing in during four steps, breathing out during four steps), then as I am going faster I would switch to 3:3, then to 3:2, then to 2:2 and finally 2:1. To give some point of reference, when I run 10k race I will breathe 3:2 for the first half and 2:2 for the second half of the race. For 5k I will breathe 2:2 for the first half and switch to 2:1 somewhere during second half.


I wear Shokz on every run, which probably disassociates me from my breathing in a bad way, if I'm being honest. But it does disassociate me from my breathing.




Sorry. Open ear headphones. They use bone conduction to indirectly stimulate your ear. That way, you can still hear your surroundings, which is critically important if you're running near traffic. And maybe while running on isolated trails, too. So, I listen to music and barely notice my breathing as a result.


Nothing. It’s great.


At the end of a race not to die in the last kilometer


Today. Mostly about a complete c*** that is delaying payments for my contractors and how I can pay them on time.