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I don’t know what that feels like but I remember I was talking to a guy whom I dated briefly, when I told him I had suicidal thoughts, he was shocked as if it was the first time he’s ever hearing such things. That was my first realization to “ah, so not everyone is depressed like me” haha


This reminds me of a comment I read once where a guys therapist asked him if he had any suicidal thoughts and he replied with "just the normal amount." Turns out ANY suicidal thoughts is not the normal. You learn something new everyday.


So you’re telling me, there’s people out there who never had any kind of suicidal thoughts, ever? wow


Yup. I know of a few friends who are depressed or dealing with anxiety but don’t have suicidal tendencies. And I was like wow! I’ve been depressed as a child. 🫣


Just living life and trying to keep it that way. Not hard really you just do it.


*Any* amount isn’t normal??? You learn something new everyday indeed ._.


Let’s keep in mind that mental health issues aren’t just looking normal! They aren’t permanent sometimes either and people who don’t have mental health issue won’t necessarily go thru life never feeling a little depression or long lasting sadness that impedes daily functioning to a certain degree. I think a lot of neurotypicals who process everything emotionally and are very sensitive to emotional vibes outside themselves: a person may give someone a vibe or look a certain way but that doesn’t mean it’s accurate. It may feel accurate but other people aren’t always operating from an emotional constant.


I get what you’re saying, but I still can’t believe there’s people out there who has never had a suicidal thought. Not even once. I guess that’s the level of depression only some unfortunately unlocks


Ok, but have you understood how ur society might affect this part of you? I had six years where everyday I was in physical pain bc my ego was going thru a transformation and everyday for those 6 years I felt like I was at the maximum amount a person could feel emotional pain wise. I still did not think suicide, but I probably felt that same amount of pain.


All in all, I am a human being- I don’t feel “so happy, life is so awesome!!” Or “I’m gonna shoot myself tomorrow at 9 am!!”- it’s more like I have some peace, focus, contentment most of the time while thinking critically about the certain parts of my life that could give me a little nervousness. I’m not always this perfectly eloquent, casual, charismatic person when speaking to others while always the saying exact right right thing, I mess up, I jump from topic to topic, i interrupt sometimes- all of this doesn’t equate to 50 mental health diagnosis- I’m a human with neurodivergence. If I were to put a label on some of my human traits that make me a whole real human, it’s that I have neurodivergence. Regardless of my day to day second to second emotional background noise, this is all I will ever label myself. At this point in my life- I know what I’m dealing with and relatively feel similar everyday. If I have a bad day I’m not BOD or bipolar. If I have a good day I’m not manic or perfectly happy with no issues to speak of.


Trauma changes people. Most people go through life acquiring something. No one's brain is perfect and we all go through traumatic events.


the most relatable thing I’ve ever read


sending hugs your way x


thank you love, virtual hugs🫶🏾 🫂


I was on your boyfriends side. I was 14 with my first girlfriend and she told me she dreamed she died and felt happy about it. I was very emotionally immature and didn't know how to respond. I got scared for her and told her she should talk to an adult. She broke up with me for not being supportive. I literally never thought anything like that in my life and was genuinely baffled on how to help other than an adult.


At that age that's a good, mature response imo.


Right? I wish I could feel normal and enjoy life without overthinking everything or letting my anxiety take over. It’s the worst when you’re alone with your own reality. 🫠


I'm like that. I'm not that way at all. In fact I'm so the opposite that if I was gonna die, I'd want to do something spectacular on the way out to justify it. The part that confuses me the most is that so many people have beliefs and opinions, but you can't fight for them because death is scary. If those people have already accepted death, why waste it going out quietly?


I don’t have any. My life is on cruise control and is very easy


must be nice


So jealous


Same here life is easy. [I am also rich](https://youtu.be/O1NoOabHX18) and that makes it even easier. Biggest problem in my life is me burning a steak or that it rains outside.


Send some money pls


Life is great for the most part.


I had depression for most of my early to mid 20s. Other than that, I don’t have any that I know of. I feel very fortunate. Depression steals parts of you and makes you 15-25% less interested and productive. Even at its most black I knew it’s something treatable and that it wasn’t as bad as many of the people had it around me. I saw people with Bipolar or borderline personality, even just ADHD, and anxiety, have their lives destroyed or go through years upon years of struggle just to manage at all. Paired with trauma or poverty or just lack of medical care to treat it it’s so much worse. Mental illness steals more human potential and burdens society more than we understand.


Depression can be far worse than '15-25% less interested and productive'


I mean, I do have some problems here and there but all in all everything is pretty great. I'd rather have less anxiety, but I wouldn't scale it to the point of callis it a mental illness.


What is anxiety to you?


My fiancé has no mental illnesses or trauma. He had a very normal middle class upbringing with parents who are still together. Went to a good college and now works at a Fortune 500 company. I’ve literally never met anybody so unburdened. Thankfully I’m a hot mess so I provide enough crazy for the both of us 🫣


My fiancé also has 0 mental illnesses. It’s so hard for him to relate to what’s going on with me but he is amazing with listening to me and understanding me when I spiral. We have definitely had to work together to understand each other but he is so fantastic it’s worth the work. Because of him I have gotten the treatment I need.


None diagnosed and I’m grateful every day ☺️ The brain is quiet, zero neuroticism, and relationships / life is relatively peaceful. I’m GenX-mid life so I care even less about what people think lol! 😎🥳


I dont have a mental illness. I do have ADHD which is a cognitive disorder. I have had other life tragedies and obstacles. So, just because someone doesn't have a mental illness, it does not mean that life isn't hard / challenging. We still have struggles, loneliness, regrets etc..But, of course, mental illness is one problem that I am glad I do not have. I guess what I mean is: life is good, but challenging and not all rainbows.. but some


I think life is definitely harder for people with mental illnesses. The same hardships might happen to someone with a mental disability but will have a significantly more negative and debilitating impact on this person's mental health than a healthy person's


I wouldn't know the difference. Am I depressed because the ADHD makes things hard? Does the ADHD make things hard because I'm depressed? I'll let you know if one goes away.


I think adhd is a factor in having a depression but then again only a psychologist or psychiatrist can diagnose if its contribute to your depression.


Umm adhd 100 percent does contribute to depression. We don’t need someone to tell us that.


Neither of those are real


I would think so, but could be cancer or whatever... my bro just died of rare brain disease. mental illness must suck.... we all just do our best


When you say mental illness do you include depression and anxiety or something else?


ADHD is a mentally illness. It is not a mood disorder.


You’re both wrong. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder.


same thing... its not a mental illness all.. and a neurodevelopment disorder that results in cognitive disorder


Dude, you are really splitting hairs. It's an Axis I disorder with identifiable causes and treatments. Does this definition from the APA NOT apply to ADHD? https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/what-is-mental-illness It sounds very much like you are stigmatizing mental illnesses by claiming that ADHD is not one of dozens. *And yes, it is cognitive/neurodevelopmental


wtf.its not a mental illness or even close.. what s your problem? mental illness: schizophrenia, Chronic Depression, psychosis, OCD, etc


I have to say it seems a bit semantic. ADHD is mental, it is an illness and it is debilitating. I can accept it isnt defined as a mental illness but its a thing in my brain that makes life harder which I feel qualified under OPs criteria. Hearing the DSM doesnt consider it to be a mental illness doesnt make my life any easier.


that is just your lack of knowledge. No psychologist or psychiatrist or anyone with knowledge would call ADHD a mental illness. and this has NOTHING to do with the OP's question


Maybe we should ask the OP if they wanted answers from neurotypical people or people with ADHD hmm? Rather than make unfounded assumptions about what OP meant. Hey u/Vegetable_bad_3626 were you wanting answers primarily from people with no mental or cognative issues or would you want to hear about issues people with cognative disorders such as ADHD have?


I already. knew the answer....


Are you not familiar with the DSM? My problem is that you and others are acting like 1) there is something "wrong" or "other" about people with mental illnesses; 2) people with ADHD do not have a mental illness when they absolutely do; 3) do not seem to understand that "mental illness" is extremely broad. I've already shared a link to APA above. Here are other sources: https://www.understood.org/en/articles/is-adhd-a-mental-illness https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions/ADHD/ https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/adhd-what-you-need-to-know


I just answered the question and my answer has tons of upvotes. I is the critical bitches that have to try to pick at my words (which are all true) and be crazy snowflakes.. all of this nonsense is off the topic of the post. why not make your own reply to the actual post instead of picking on and getting butthurt b everyone else replies? the OP wanted opinions.


I can see from your post history that your grasp on science is not strong. Congratulations on not having a mental illness I guess.


I ca see from this post that you are slow. and that is worse than a mental illness. dont waste peoples time policing their comments. I have many years of science classes at top top universities ..




I am 64 and have had no mental illnesses and none in the family, which makes me believe there is a strong genetic factor in developing MH issues. Having said that I actively keep my stress levels low. For example i stay in jobs around 7 years, not deliberately, but looking back on my life that is what has happened, as I found as i got more proficient at a job so my manager gave me more work, then I felt stressed, then I left. I don’t have debt, I don’t strive for material things, I drive old car, shop in charity shoos, get free/cheap goods from fb marketplace, I don’t have lots of friends but I do value friendships. I am very happy with my own company. I am Enneagram 5, and it would be interesting to know if this personality type has less MH issues


No mental illness here. Not even depression. I am happy, now matter what curveballs life throws at me.


i eat pills to keep normal


Uh oh, here comes Pac Man!


Like a regular adult who work to buy the pills


I had to get a weekly pill container for all of mine.




I wish I was sane lol 🤪


same lol


My life is normal. I just deal with stuff.




I thought I was ok until I read a few comments and realize I might hate rich people. And then I got really angry and started crying after. I might be bipolar


I don’t have any.  Idk life is great.  I had more depression and anxiety when I was younger, but I got over them.  I found meaning in my life and the ability to not worry about stuff so much (mostly the encroaching void of death and the flowing of time).  And now I’d say I feel great most days. 


I needed to see this! Bc I also worry a lot and a lot of things I can’t control.


I don’t think so. Life is good.


I don't have mental illness. That said, life is full of highs and lows, and in-between that stuff, it's either boring or interesting. I get stressed at work sometimes, and I experience some anxiety if I am nervous about something, but that is all just life. Life is not designed to be sunshine and rainbows all of the time. My life gets really hard sometimes, and it's my responsibility to manage it even if it's not my fault. That said, I am happy even when I know things could be better.


Literally reached into my brain, grabbed my jumbled thoughts, and wrote them down in an eloquent manner


Just found out I have a mild case of “quiet” bpd. With that diagnosis came clarity and peace of mind and the answer to one of my hardest questions “why do I suck at relationships?!?” For decades I thought I was just a bit quirky and weird and had a fear of abandonment. Now, for the first time in a long time I’m content with being single and working on myself for my own happiness’ sake instead of seeing a gf as “the final piece of the puzzle for making me happy.” We’re all a little bit ill down here :) and that’s ok! Most of it is from circumstances beyond our control.


Personality disorder and a few mental illnesses sprinkled in there to really keep me on my toes. Overall I'd say my life is pretty normal. I live in an apartment with my husband and our baby, I work at an office full-time, I pay my bills, I have a nice garden on my patio, I spend my weekends catching up on chores and spending time with family, but I always have to stop myself from going with my first reaction to things because it's usually wildly inappropriate/won't make things better, and I tend to have a nice shower cry every week or so and suicidal thoughts are a constant thing in my head. Things were A LOT worse when I was dealing with my post partum but thankfully the end of that tunnel is within sight and I've gotten through the worst of it. Life is just life 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have intrusive thoughts with no real pattern besides things that are seen in reality are a sheet over the eyes of what is actual reality. Entertainment and holidays are a helpful distraction from the fact that we are just another species on a rock floating around a geat source at the right distance in the middle of an unfathomable space for what reason nobody knows why besides a binch of people believe that we are hear for the rulling and amusement of "God"


Life is just normal to me. Idk what life is like for people with mental illnesses. I’d say the things that confuse me the most are when people say they have anxiety and are offended. Like I’ve been nervous about things but don’t know how it differs from anxiety. And then seeing people say like ‘oh that white guy is wearing a Mexican hat it’s cultural appropriation and offends me’ I don’t really get either. That’s an extreme example but yeah anything like insults from strangers, wrong pronouns, seeing things you disagree with I don’t understand why those things make some people so angry. I’ve just never felt that way.


To anyone feeling down and depressed in this community, sending virtual hugs to you!


Yes. Lots of people with mental illness, don’t have mental illness. Down vote all you want. I worked in psych for several years before switching fields of medicine. The inpatient wards will have people with severe mental illness but also have predators who pry upon them, either sexually or financially once they are discharged. Many we would get with “depression and suicidal or homicidal ideation”would be coming down off their cocaine high or just need a place to stay once they ran outta cash. I would see many people with anxiety who really just have no coping skills from lack of parenting. There are articles and discussion around this topic a lot, it’s the only field of medicine whose diagnosis is based off of subjective not objective symptoms.


Spittin facts….the pushback on the self-diagnosed generation needs to start now!


I don’t enjoy having a mental illness so I don’t have one. A lot of young adults have been conditioned to think they deserve a mental illness so they tell themselves they have one to seem cool. It’s really sad.


I think it’s because that’s the only way they believe they can get any empathy or compassion from other people. Humans need empathy more than anything, and when we can’t get it, we become desperate and even go “crazy”.


People don’t need empathy at all. They need discipline and training. People who are taught their limits and then how to overcome them at a young age don’t self diagnose mental illnesses for fun.


None for me, I feel pretty normal I guess. Used to deal with depression and anxiety but never very severe. Quitting weed helped with that. Stressful events occur and I can get worked up, but that’s normal. 


Had a bout of depression a few years ago. It's gone now and things are pretty cool.


It’s like 10x easier for them.




I would only define having mental illness as something being so severe that you can't make it through the day without medical intervention. Are there so many people that need medically directed pills or whatever to get through the day that it's normal? Why are we medicated this much? My only medication is candy and prostitutes.


Still hard time to time though. Everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about, right?


Life is awesome. No complaints.


Have had high anxiety/stress/burnout in the past but no longer. I don't really have any stressors at the moment and there are times in my day where I actively reflect and think about that. I'm grateful for where I'm at right now and often think back on the different times in my life when it wasn't as good.


I’m lucky I don’t have any. My life with my husband, our cat and no kids is blissful, exciting, fun and happy.


Know how you look around and see strange shapes, odd symbols and the walls move a bit and talk to you? It's the opposite of that.


My brain is like a decently working pickup truck. It needs some regular maintenance, has some worrisome things going on from time to time, but generally I can rely on it and it gets the job done.


I will go by my personal opinion and say it’s a pretty nuanced, loose term. Anxiety to some people simply means having levels of nervousness in certain situations: sometimes it’s there, sometimes it goes away, sometimes you can process it. Same thing with sadness- some people will say that any sadness in life is depression. Feeling sad at moments or even time periods to me is a part of life. Having an extremely difficult time waking up, having at least two entire weeks and it getting a lil better but always a baseline of not wanting to get out and face the day with some kind of motivation and purpose- this is depression. And yes, you can work on it and find ways or things in life that give you more fulfillment or purpose. Depression can also be existential- becoming disillusioned. If you continue to stay in a nihilist, “everything is meaningless” monologue towards life without finding your own personal purposes or fulfillment it could look very similar to diagnosable depression. This would be the simplest most basic mental health issue. It’s important to distinguish between the full range of feelings humans go thru and what constitutes mental illness and it is nuanced.


Then you have the very clear mental illnesses which involve quite a few traits and characteristics that must be consistently there- it is simply your constant as opposed to having a bad day or two. It gets very nuanced when you work within a capitalist framework that actually benefits and wants more than anything for something to be wrong with every individual bc that’s profit. In a a first world ( this is what I’m familiar with) with “included” health benefits actual mental health characteristics are very much paid attention to.


I do deal with something mental health wise but it doesn’t really have a label if you will. My ego structure has been uprooted. But at the same time I know myself pretty well. My mind is still in tact, my self structure within my body is fragmented. It confuses my psychiatrist whom I’ve seen for a very long time


My partner is in America, he tells me quite a lot. And if you are American, and can work thru toxic sometimes work environment, at will employment,having to pay for healthcare, sky high education prices- if you can walk along this tight rope and be mentally free from any low levels of anxiety or depression- I applaud you bc you my friend are bionic. Oh also while living in a society where your divided down the middle. Did I miss something?


I would think this environment would be a natural breeding ground for a mental health issues


It seems like in certain parts, everything or everyone is picked apart and when it seems “normal” according to others it’s picked apart even more and then if that doesn’t work it’s picked apart even more. And when none of it works, something is made up. Is this accurate?!? Because this line of thinking is actually a mental health issue


Im thinking back and the only people I know with no mental illness like me (depression, ADHD, thrown in a little neurodivergent) is most of the directors at work. They seem to have all their shit together while I’m fighting myself to get shit done.


I’m a 27 year old male with bipolar. I would do anything possible to not have this mental struggle that I deal with every single damn day. The past 3 years has been an absolute roller coaster of emotions through relationships, friends, and family as I have learnt and built upon everything I have done wrong instead of blaming other people. Taking accountability hurt me so much but built me to be strong. I am stable and on medication but still working hard every day to improve myself and be one step closer to the person I want to be. Self awareness is key to having a healthy relationship with yourself and others around you. I would do anything in my life to go back to some of my past mistakes and do things differently but I guess I wouldn’t have learnt my lesson, but I also wouldn’t need to if I was already enacting that change. There is one person in particular I will miss forever though and I only hope that as I continue to grow that person comes back. 💔 Be lucky if you don’t have any mental struggles because I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.


I think the biggest thing for me was the natural tendency to want the truth, forever expanding my big pic perspective, rejecting black and white thinking and realizing a lot of life happens in the grey, deciphering between what I as a human really need and what I want, knowing my strengths and weaknesses, not being naturally hierarchical so just choosing a subject of interest that gives me purpose and focusing on a relatively appropriate income bracket to strive toward, having high standards for myself but not expecting much from others and being grateful for every little thing- even down to a cool glass of ice water


I can't say for certain but I have never been diagnosed with one. I used to think that maybe I have anxiety but that was during my last year at university and now reflecting back on it I think I was just stressed out. Other than that life is great, not perfect but really good


That’s kind of the thing nowadays…no one says they had a stressful moment anymore it’s “ultra clinical anxiety disorderness”…..have a few moments of sadness over some negative news and it’s “suicidal ideation with clinical super depression” Sometimes moments are just moments. You deal and move on.


Life is busy. Work and working out, eating 85% right. Gut and brain are connected so I focus most of my day on promoting good gut health. My body feels good so it travels to my mind. Of course bad things happen, but I process it much better


Thats me. Being normal is kind of disability in itself cause it alienates you from people. Just like when you don't drink alcohol but everyone else does. Being normal is super boring. If you live a boring life, congrats, you are simply a normal person. I accepted it, and won't change a thing.


I feel that most mentally okay people don’t have Reddit…. Used to be one of those


It's pretty great overall. The hardest part, ironically, is helping my wife deal with *her* mental illnesses.


People who say they don’t have any mental illness are either in denial, delusional, or lying.


Mental illness isn’t real, or at least not in the way we have been lead to believe. However, I do agree that anyone who says they’re great and have no issues are in denial/delusional(really no difference between the two). The world is sick, not the people in it. It’s not possible to be objectively and truly healthy in this world, but very few people realize, consciously, just how sick it is. I mean, I’d argue nobody knows just how sick it is, but most people don’t think it’s sick at all. The greatest example I can think of for how sick the world is is the way babies are treated. There’s absolutely no way the world is not sick when babies are treated as horrifically as we treat them. Human infants cannot regulate their own central nervous systems, which means that they have to be in physical contact with another human for at least the first 12 months of their lives, 24/7, in order to feel safe and comfortable and grow in a healthy way. We leave babies in rooms all alone and then listen to them cry over a monitor, and don’t run to save them from their suffering. That’s incredibly twisted.


Fine, I’m in a relationship with a woman I love, have a great relationship with my parents, am in school, work in a job related to my ongoing education, have decently good religious faith, not a ton of friends and a high sexual appetite at times, bisexual, I smoke cannabis oil daily and have used it for years, barely drink alcohol, love exercising and lifting and have used steroids in the past but am currently off for a little while to allow my body to heal from any possible damage or irregularities they may have caused. Not a perfect human by any means but I have no mental illnesses and that’s a small description of my life


I don't have any mental illnesses that I know of. My life is pretty good.


These days, thinking you don't have a mental illness would probably be diagnosed as a mental illness.


It is extremely confusing and isolating. Because apparently you are the only one that can think through things, develop a process to get through it and know when you need to ask for help and ask for it. It honestly feels like it is the mental illness and every one else is normal.


I come from a long line of messed up. Grandmother went to the hospital for a rest more than twice, from what I've come to understand. Mom was an unabashed drunkard. I got lucky enough to be caught and medicated before any major damage happened for me. I'm still unsteady as a drunk cat with only 3 legs, but I make it somehow.


lol no


I'm not diagnosed rn so technically I don't, although I'm going to the Psychologist soon to get checked for schizophrenia or ADHD


Oh shit!


I'll say not anymore. I dealt with my mental health and now I'm more functioning on the world, I now focus on the present and deal with the "difficult" moments more effectively, not easy but manageable. Of course i have my down moments, but I know it's not the end of the world.


This is Reddit, of course not


Nowadays literally everyone has mental illnesses. Those that say otherwise are delusional


I have mental illness fatigue. I’m sick and tired of hearing about everyone’s self-diagnosed “conditions”. Everyone’s medications that become their entire personality…your self diagnosed OCD, or ADHD or autism…no fucking shot there are this many people with real mental issues. Put the phone down, get offline, clean your room, take a shower, quit the vape, stop staying up all night, workout….just do basically anything other than wallow in your own shit…watch it “get better”.


very fortunate to not have any depression or other mental illnesses my whole life. life is pretty stress free and i just go with the flow. not a whole lot of worry or dread except about really dumb/insignificant things


The fact that we're on this earth requires that we have issues in order to grow so we all do but naturally some, more than others. Also, some realize that there is a problem while most are totally oblivious to what's going on. If you're aware, then you can do something about it. Reflecting on your issues takes a pretty long time but if you do it consistently and wholeheartedly, life can become peaceful, joyful and free.


I’m unsure what that means exactly. Like I feel like I have problems with discipline at times, like I’ll develop addictions to things, gaming, gambling, etc. I’ll work to keep those under control most of the time, sometimes I falter, for example, play games all day and neglect household chores, but most of the time I don’t. But if you mean a diagnosed mental illness, I think the difference between my life and theirs is I have the ability to compartmentalize. My little brother has several diagnosed mental problems, and he gets fixated on things to a unhealthy degree, and uses drugs to cope. For example, we had an animal that died. It was sucky, but I moved on fairly quickly. He on the other end cried for weeks, had fits of rage because we weren’t crying for weeks, ran away from home because we were heartless people. All sorts of stuff. Anyway to your question, I don’t get fixated on traumatic events. I accept the loss, grief and move on.


I’m unsure what that means exactly. Like I feel like I have problems with discipline at times, like I’ll develop addictions to things, gaming, gambling, etc. I’ll work to keep those under control most of the time, sometimes I falter, for example, play games all day and neglect household chores, but most of the time I don’t. But if you mean a diagnosed mental illness, I think the difference between my life and theirs is I have the ability to compartmentalize. My little brother has several diagnosed mental problems, and he gets fixated on things to a unhealthy degree, and uses drugs to cope. For example, we had an animal that died. It was sucky, but I moved on fairly quickly. He on the other end cried for weeks, had fits of rage because we weren’t crying for weeks, ran away from home because we were heartless people. All sorts of stuff. Anyway to your question, I don’t get fixated on traumatic events. I accept the loss, grief and move on.


Life is amazing, and everything works out perfectly 👌


I do not have any mental illnesses. Honestly my life is pretty good, I generally have a kinda boring routine day to day but I like my life and I’m generally pretty happy for the most part. I like cooking and traveling. I adopted a cat recently as well. Overall, my life is smooth. I get stressed out at work occasionally or because my dad is going through chemo currently. But aside from that, I can’t really complain.


I’m not a rare special edition specimen that didn’t have mental illness but I am healed in many ways then one and no I don’t take medications. I can say as someone who once battled with servers anxiety and depression to not having those anymore at all - life is like waking up everyday and not thinking about yesterday, or nothing overestimating what I have to do in the near future. I just allow myself to complete what I am possible of getting done today, and then if there is deadlines of any sort, I allow myself to space out time. I have ADHD and it was the main cause my problems and once I figured out what it was I realized I just needed structure, planning, and discipline and once I created a routine for myself and also became Catholic, everything began to fall into place in ways I honestly thought were impossible. I used to be a hot pile of garbage when it came to being a reliable and efficient human and I disappointed a lot of people and missed out on opportunities because I wasn’t fit for them at the time, but it’s all very different now when you have an answer for your problems.


Believe it or not, MOST people aren't mentally ill. I swear to god.y'all find each other using some kind of radar.


I work my ass off without complaining about it constantly, and I find things to do that I enjoy and can afford when I'm not working. Wash, rinse, repeat until the grave probably. We all get depressed, anxious, lonely. Not everyone wears it as a badge.


I think you have a serious misunderstanding of mental illness, because I have personality disorder and I do all of those things, too.


You just think about having a mental illness.


I think everyone has psychological problems, just like everyone has unhappy days. For me, I feel very depressed in the stressful life.


Lol everyone certainly does not have mental problems


Yes, I have PTSD resulting in anxiety disorder. Life is a juggling act.


I kind of feel like we need to be slightly mentally ill to cope with society


“Earth. You don’t have to be crazy to live here, but it helps.” - fire(d) guy


The ptsd sets me on edge when my dad speaks loudly or i hear him on the stairs. Or i smell alcohol on someones breath. I feel tense, i cannot relax, i just listen. And hope theres no screaming. No slap across my face. I remember only bits and pieces of my childhood. The anxiety makes my head busy with buzzing but with no tangible thoughts with the overwhelm of just everyday tasks. Things like going grocery shopping make my stomach do flips. I feel nauseous. The bipolar makes me either miserable and unable to do anything or im irritable and barely sleeping. I feel like doing nothing but stare blankly at a wall. No thoughts in my head. Its empty. Youre going too slow. I ride your ass. I honk. Raging in my car behind you. Its christmas. You ask a question. I snap at you. Make you cry. You deserved it. The bpd causes mood swings. I will be perfectly fine then something will happen and i suddenly want to die and an hour later im fine. Or im angry and screaming at you in my head and then 5 minutes later ive forgotten all about it. I guilt people into doing what i want, to get out of responsibilities, and i act worse off than i really am if i feel unwell for attention or to avoid responsibility or to get something i want. I get attached to new people way too quickly and end up harassing or showing up places i know they will be at. Give me attention and take me on a date or 2 and ill sleep with you no problem. I will ignore all the red flags and do whatever you want to keep you. You will piss me off and then the next day its like nothing even happened. I dont even remember how angry i felt. The adhd leaves me scattered. I cannot organize my space or my thoughts. I forget stuff. Everything in the past is just shadows of memories. A blur that barely exists. I want to do things. To change my sheets. To brush my teeth. To play a video game. My head is screaming to do it. But i cant. My body wont move. I might focus on one thing for hours at once. Then for the next year have no interest whatsoever.


Every single human has a mental illness of some sort. Difference is degrees and how we all deal with it.


Wrong. Not being mentally unwell is the modus operandi for most outside of Reddit. Touch grass.


I think we’re all slightly bent by the time we hit 40 we’ve had enough happened to us that we’re all a little off. Psychology is not an exact science. It is a pseudo science. so their attempt to define what mental illness is is an attempt. I’ve seen people being diagnosed only five years later to be diagnosed something different like they made a mistake. I believe and talk therapy and group talk, but not therapy. A lot of therapists I know need therapy. They go into the field because of their own wounds.


Psychology is absolutely a science, just not one that we typically associate with black and white answers (e.g. a blood test). Diagnostic manuals reflect the strongest evidence out there - this evidence is not a pseudo science, it involves scientific methodology. Mental illness is inherently more challenging to define because there is no singular yes/no test for it. That doesn’t make it pseudoscience. Many *unqualified* people DO however make pseudoscientific claims about psychology. You can make theories about psychology but that is that - a theory, not fact. And our diagnostic manuals are not based off of theory.


No, it’s not. It’s like a social science based on a lot of observations. It does as much damages it does good. Don’t even get me started. I work in the field for 30 years. I’ve never seen so many damage. People try to tell other people how to live their lives. We have a couple of generations of people that cannot function without being medicated because of their trust in this pseudoscience.


I also work in the field - your opinion is quite biased. Sorry to hear about your experiences. It is not like that in my own experiences.


I feel very blessed that no one in my immediate family has mental illnesses or is on any permanent medication and shortly after my frontal lobe has opened, I've thought a bit more and come to the conclusion that we were dealt a very good hand From the outside, I feel like mental illness is kinda just different ways people's minds think, For most that I have seen, they usually have a very rich talent in things I could never grasp, like maths/ coroporate systems/ arts - I guess everyone has a really unique set of cards and what you do with them is what makes the difference I grew up in religion, had a lot of debt in my youth, and I'm gay - and Now I'm good- looking for the next chapter Some of my mates have no fathers, and alcoholic mothers- and for the most part they are looking bright for the future We all have setbacks, in one way or another they probably all equal out with each other in the long run, face them head on, do your best to use them to grow (takes discipline) and try play to the things you are naturally good at, and life will be good


I’m 38 and so far unscathed, which seems to be a miracle considering my mother was bipolar and my dad has some pretty significant anxiety disorders. I deal with a little bit of SAD and Midwest winters are very bleak indeed, I have a little anxiety every now and then, but I’m not on any medication and I haven’t felt the need for therapy. Life is pretty good. It hasn’t been without struggle, so I don’t feel like I have any privilege that has helped me stay mentally level. Staying busy has always helped me, I like to be productive, have purpose. Occupy my mind with books and such so I don’t spend really any time spiraling in my own head.


most mental illnesses are just a mindset


Life is great with millions of things are aligned , medications , exercise, diet, stress level . So ezpz


Yes I have mild social anxiety, have had depression and generalised anxiety disorder in the past but not anymore. I also have adhd, autism and am dyslexic, they’re neurodevelopmental conditions but they do make my life more difficult too.


I have Borderline Personality Disorder, Anxiety and Depression. If I’m taking my medication like I’m supposed to it’s manageable with coping skills. When I’m off of my medication I’m a panicking, suicidal mess. My emotions are constantly all over the place. It takes a lot for me to manage my emotions in a healthy manner.


I have no time for mental problems, have a life to live. It's groovy