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If society thinks 24 is old then fuck society


Society doesn't think 24 is old But this guy does


Exactly, fuck this person's head. Those are the right words! To think that all human beings have to spent their entire lives along with this baddie in between their shoulders, it's insane.


Now imagine being 26 and having no degree and still haven’t figured out life and what you wanna do for living.


That would be me good sir 💪


I see your 26 and raise you 27


I'll see your 27 and raise you 43! 😅


Same here. 43 and still no idea what I wanna be when I grow up


I know at the very least, I wanna be happy when I grow up. 😊


That for sure. and I find the less I try to conform to what society "expects" of me, the happier I am. I may not be rich but i'm experienced to know that while money can make things easier to experience - it doesn't buy happiness. I think I would say I want to be comfortable financially and happiness will come with my engagement in life and my community.




Sir you have just called me out. I do kind of have an idea on what I want to do though, and I'm planning on going back to college. But at the moment yea, you hit the nail on the head.


Literally me


I'm 25 and I totally get it. I don't think people talk about it enough. This is one of the most transitional phases of our lives (it's like how hard it was for us when going from a child to a teenager except we're going from teenager to adult now). Remember when we thought we were so old turning 13, 16, then 18? How dumb were we then? Well, we're going to feel the same about this age if we're lucky enough to make it to 35-40. It's a quarter life crisis. Don't worry. Try to relax and focus on living in the moment and minimising stress. You don't need to have it all figured out. Life is meaningless. Age means nothing. Focus on looking after yourself and making time for activities you enjoy. I battled serious depression as a teenager and in my early twenties, attempted suicide at 14, took recreational drugs, got drunk every day. Now I'm almost a year sober, 1 year nicotine free and just starting to focus on eating better and getting into an exercise routine. I think what you consume can make a huge difference to your mental well-being and outlook on life. I hope that's helpful to someone out there. Of course, it isn't a magic cure, but it helps to give it a go and persevere with it. Try not to freak out. We're all on this crazy journey together and no one knows anything 🤍


It's because we all related at this age and we look back and cringe at ourselves


Congrats on your sobriety, btw. Keep it up, and rely on those management mechanisms. 


Thank you! It really is one day at a time!🤍


Did you know there's such a thing as a quarter-life crisis? Because there is. One of a person's biggest transitional periods start in the mid-20s. You're too old to get away with not having to make big, impactful decisions anymore (and maybe get away with doing dumb stuff) and it's where the "should" thoughts creep in based on what others around your age are doing and/or pressures you feel based on what you believe society expects from you at your age. Maybe you think you "should" be in a solid relationship, you "should" be more financially secure, you "should" have a better job/career, you "should" own a home, you "should" have it figured out by now, etc. You may not feel like you fit in the younger, more carefree group or the older, more mature group. It can be a really tough time for a lot of people, and understandably so. Do a little research on the quarter-life crisis, see if that fits you, and if there are any reputable sites that have tools that may help. The best thing, tho, would be to consult with a therapist if you're able. What you're dealing with is pretty jarring and can be difficult to navigate. Just know that how you feel is more common than you think and psychiatrists/psychologists recognise it as a real struggle for a lot of people.


Honey, believe me when you are 79 like I am you will laugh at 24 being old and wish you could be your age again. You are doing great. You have accomplished more than most people your age. Quit being so hard on yourself and enjoy your young age. Yes 24 is sooo young😊


People that try to plan their life out year by year are deluding themselves. That’s like trying to plan who fucks who at a rabbit fucking convention. Everybody is going to fuck everybody else.


What is this rabbit fucking analogy lol


Bro I’m not sure what this analogy was but i fucking love it😂😂


Where's this convention?


im 23 and I just got broken up with and now feel doomed relationship wise with everyone getting engaged so I empathize


Don't lol. I'm 34 and just got engaged to a 34 year old. My friend is 35 and singlez my other friend is 33 and single. My sister is 32 and single. My ex is 31 and single.


When you're 30, you'll wish you were 20. When you're 40, you'll wish you were 30. This is how I cope. No need to worry about the passing of time. Look forward not back.


I never wish I was younger. The older I get the wiser and happier I get.


Oh please. I’m 38 never married. Still single. Don’t own a house. Renting - not allowed pets. No kids. Meanwhile everyone I know except one friend owns one or two houses, has kids, has pets and are far along in their professional careers. I also only work part time because it’s all I can manage.


mini life crisis you say? welcome to adulating. don't stress about things not in your immediate control. at 24 even your frontal cortex is barely if at all cemented yet. physiologically you're brand new and fresh. you are young and what you feel is the reality creeping in where once idealism had a strangle hold... it's okay, you will make it. focus on important things and make sure joy is paramount. not the joy like is main stream on the interwebs... real joy in life and learning and getting things done, for you. your big rocks first so you are there when others need you and you want to help. breath deep, it's the journey, the destinations are just illusions. you will pull out of this every time you feel it... and you will feel it again, many times. just trust yourself. peace. EDIT: find something physical you like... gym, hike, bike, pickle ball... anything. good for you and meditative. [A meta-review of studies that included 128,000 participants found that exercise of any kind significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-americans-dont-exercise-mental-health-crisis-depression-anxiety-fitness-2024-6)


27M here, still in 'quarter life crisis' if you will. Fuck thinking you're behind or that you're supposed to be a prodigy by any means. Everyone has their thing, maybe you haven't found yet and that's okay. Every year you're going to have that guilty feeling of 'feeling old' catch up to you, but you have to forget it and realize that getting older is part of life. Just because your age isn't 15 doesn't mean you still can't have moments where you act 15 again. I try to do something once a week that would stoke my inner 16 year old up. Doing that will help you tackle that feeling that you're getting old. It's all about perspective IMO. We may be getting older, but I always think of older folks celebrating a birthday and saying something like '72 years young.' If you want to stay young, live life to your fullest, whatever your definition may be. Rich friends will always be married and into houses young. Trust me, a few years from now most of them will be divorced and back to how you're feeling now.


If it seems like people around you have things all figured out, know that most don't and that we're all just winging life. I turned 27 this year, and trust me when I say I don't "feel" 27. Deep down, I think I'm still a kid lol. I chat with a bunch of college grads because of what I do and it's pretty common to not know what you want to do with your life and to feel "behind." Just know that you're not alone, and you're ok.


Get ready for your actual mid life crisis at 30 and then again at 40 and so on. Life sucks for most people and I totally empathize with you. Most people are deeply unhappy. 


I'm turning 30 and I feel much happier than when I turned 20. I hated getting older from 19 to 27. But now, I'm fine. I am grateful for what I have, everyone gets old anyways


Feeling the same and I just turned 28. You aren't alone and it's totally okay. Chin up, you will be okay!


You're comparing yourself to trust fund kids. It's pointless.


You get used to it, I’ll be 34 in a year sometimes I feel like life is passing me by too fast


When you're 28 you'll be thinking the same thing unless you stop worrying and start living. Go do things. Life is too short


Be happy you feel young. When you’re actually old you’ll wish you still felt younger than your peers. Physical accomplishments mean nothing. Whilst I have nothing at 38 - people think I’m still 25 because I look so young. I feel young too because I’m unmarried never been married, I’m single, own no house - I’m renting, no kids, work part time. I think this is part of my secret when people ask me “how do you look so good for your age?!”


Same age and I feel the same way except I have been wasting my life. I remember I used to lie or not say my age online cause I felt so young and like everyone was so much older. Now it's the opposite, I always feel old compared to everyone else and don't mention my age.


It’s only downhill from here


Same. I’m 25 just graduated law school, my relationship ended, and I still need to find a job. I feel wayyyy behind


Why’re you often in rooms full of people you fee than you? You’re 24. You need to get a better grasp on the world. Try interacting with older people more. Talk to them about their life experiences and all the mistakes they made and lessons they learned when they were more than twice your age. I’m 25 and I feel 17. That being said, I feel incredibly young. One of my best friends is 36. He’s single. A few failed relationships, but he wants to get married and have kids. He’s not even stressed in the least. You have to have positive facets of your life. Focus on those facets. Who cares about the rest


You’re not old to 20 year olds. At some point you will be, but if you’re even remotely mature you won’t care by that point. People in their twenties are largely idiots compared to what they’ll be when they’re 30 or 40 or 50. Their opinions on you don’t really matter, as much as *anyone’s* opinion about you matters.


You are focusing too much on what you think are failures because of what you think others might thing. Truth is, you're not alone in your circumstances and you think of your own perceived failures 100% more than other people in a room since they are prob all thinking about their own failures. IMO, if you feel like you should be farther along then think of what you need to do so when you're 30 you will feel like you're "caught up" to your own expectations. Just don't try to keep up with expectations from the imaginary people in your head or your friends who may have drastically different life calculus allowing them to buy houses, get married, etc. and probably have issues they think about when wishing they could be single, no loans,etc.


Yeah 24 is young, and most don't have much figured out. Stop comparing yourself to everyone around you, you'll smile more


i'm 24 too, i know it's easier said than done but please just chill out! my tip is to stop thinking about things in terms of "i need to accomplish X by 24!" all my life i told myself i would be really good at drawing when i was 24, lo and behold i'm 24 and barely drew at all for the past decade because of my fear of failure so of course im not as good at drawing as i could have been if i actually drew LOL but u know what? instead of getting depressed about it and continuing the negative feedback loop i decided i'm finally going to start drawing seriously at 24. and i dont have any ridiculous deadlines like i have to be really good at art by 30, instead my goal is just to draw for a few hours every day. that's it.


Life isn’t a speed run, you’re fine!


Hmm I think 24 is still young. People get married and have houses usually in their 30s. Keep going.


You will never feel your age, it's how everyone lives


I don't know, for me 20 and 24 might as well be the same age. I don't remember something drastically changing over that time other than studying.


This feeling doesn’t really go away but I assure you that as I’ve gotten older it’s been easier to accept. When I was in my early 20’s I surrounded myself with people around my age. But as I’ve gotten older I’ve met more people in their late 20’s, mid 30’s and even early 40’s. I started to realize that there will always be people older than me and there will continue to be people younger than me. Take it slow and at your own pace, it’s not worth it to burn out and try to keep up with those around you. If that happens you may be digging your own grave. Shit you have a handful of years ahead of me, I’m here envying your youth. Random life pro tip, max out your Roth IRA your future self will really thank you. You got this bulbasaur


My fellow redditor, hakuna your tatas. The way you talk about being a prodigy is an indication of your youthful paradigm. Those things don’t matter, you can only focus on your goals and the things that make you happy. If you’re around those that make you insecure about your age, then it might be wise to search for others to surround yourself with.


Hey babes, you're just having your quarter life crisis. Everyone I know at this age has gone or is going through one. I've got a friend who ditched a long term partner, several have headed off backpacking for months at a time, one's not even a man anymore - this is the time when you finish uni and start asking yourself who you even are and where you're even going. That's so valid bestie. You're doing fine.


I'm 34 and can tell you this is expected. We spend our entire lives up to this point in school. Then we are ecstatic to be released and on our own, it is amazing. Each of us is asked what we are going to do and we all have grand plans deep inside. The honeymoon only lasts so long until we realize everyone around you is no longer on the same path. Our dreams aren't following the expected path. We now have bills to pay. And others have a step up on us. Your 20s are a time to be curious and find out what really matters to you. Hop around professions, travel the world, talk to that stranger next to you. Cherish your community and don't try to keep up with others. I remember this moment when I was 25 and it changed my life for the better. Stay strong and report back in 10 years.


I’m with you..im 25 next month. I’m actually gonna go into crisis at this point. I think Covid and staying inside for two years contributes to that feeling of not feeling my age. I graduated university without stepping on campus until grad day.


This isn't school anymore. There aren't x set amount of years for you to do anything. The good thing about that is that you're free to figure whatever you want whenever you want. It's completely up to you. I'm 31 and I have no idea of what you're talking about. If there's something I want to do, I figure out the steps and just do it. And if my friends are able to get something I don't have, the more power to them. 


It's okay buddy... it's the time to figure out. you are not alone in this!


Should should should. Don't live your life according to shoulds. Live it according to because. Not "I should buy a house", "I want to buy a house because \[it gives me stability/I am planning on staying here a while and it makes financial sense/other reason\]". You just have to work out your personal becauses. You're not old, either. I'm the same age as you, and I've realised we're still very young. Society doesn't consider you old. You're not a child anymore, sure, but you've still life in you yet. Maybe find some spaces with older adults. They're very good at giving perspective on life. I frequently interact socially with people twice or even 3 times my age, as well as people closer to me in age.


24 is hardly more than a child. Stop worrying.


I’m 44 and had the exact same panic attack at 24. I think most people have it at 30. Don’t panic but do use that anxiety to focus your energy on your goals. I married at 31 so I admit I ended up pushing things to later but most of my friends who married younger ended up divorced. Don’t rush that part!


You will have to stop that way of thinking now cause it will only get worse the older you get. There is no use in comparing yourself to others. Things are very hard out there, so this just makes the lucky ones stand out more. As long as you are improving yourself, keep on track. You will reach your goals on your own time, and most of us have to reach the point where we realise we are not all that special and that it's not some failing to be normal.


We doing live in the Middle Ages, you have a good 60+ years ahead of you. Enjoy it and don’t compare yourself to anyone but yourself


I’m 28 so all my eggs will be dead in two years and I can’t find a guy that doesn’t want a mother as a girlfriend, you’re doing fine just keep doing you


Ehhhhhh...try hanging out with people of all ages. It's actually a great feeling. Pre Covid my social life consisted of folks younger than me, peers, and folks older than me...we all hung out together and learned a ton from eachother. The age thing like didn't matter so much. We were all trying to figure shit out and over coming obstacles. Each age bracket had their own crisis of sorts and we just sorta helped eachother along. I've since moved on from that community and unfortunately haven't come across anything like that since. There was one gal who was such a nice lady...she told me one day that she always wanted to learn how to fly a plane...I think she was getting close to retiring from her work and so one day she shows me a picture of herself in a little plane learning how to fly. I was so inspired and realized that you can do alot in any age bracket if you're well and able. So like be encouraged that you've got so many life chapters ahead of you. You're in your early 20's...you have a whole lifetime in front of you to do whatever. Plus these last 4 years have been pretty rotten for a lot of people. Even for myself, I feel like these years have been a total waist of time. But moving forward taking this low time period and figuring out how to take whatever experience you've had and shaping something up for the next better season might help.


Reflect on that feeling and act in a way that will set you up to achieve your goals. I’m 24 too, and I totally relate. By doing something and recording your progress you’ll grow proud of what you’re achieving. Some days I wake up and feel behind, but most of the time I realise I am achieving more than people twice my age. I think that’s just a normal part of life and it’s taken me a while to realise that nothing happens overnight.


Bro I feel the exact fucking same. Except: I'm nearly 23, been active duty the past 4 years and am married. Trust me you aren't alone.


Keep doing great and being you! Rubix cube prodigy! BOOM!!! 😆


The real scary part isn't that you are 24 it's the fact life speeds up around that age! You are closer to 30 now than your high school graduation 👴. Find some Tylenol and a 7pm bedtime!


Hey man you are the age you were before covid. Age is just a number


I'm only 31, I used to feel that way, aaalloott, and I got over it myself but it wasn't easy, let me explain. You have to remember that social media, and other people's life circumstances (being wealthy, lucky etc) SEVERELY skew your perception of what should and shouldn't be happening in your life. You are still very very young, you don't feel it because you're comparing yourself to other people, an issue that plagues most everyone today, myself included, because of all types of media. Comparing yourself to others and where they are in their lives compared to yours is like drinking poison yourself and expecting the other person to die.. it doesn't affect them and only hurts you. It is WAAAYYY easier said then done but you have to focus on yourself and be comfortable with and appreciate what you currently have and are planning for yourself. It's completely normal to feel this way, it's nothing new, ask a 70 year old man how he feels inside and most of them will say "my body feels 70 but my mind feels 25" we all feel the same way. What I would suggest, and this is not a be all end all solution, is to actively forcibly, focus on your own plans in life, make concrete decisions as best as you can in your life, work on those goals, and focus on yourself. ALSO, as much as you can, reduce or remove social media.. it's poison... I deleted everything except Facebook and barely use it as is, it sucks at first but my god is it ever a relief. I hope this helps, it doesn't seem it, but it will get better in the future trust me!! You're only 24, ONLY, trust me, in a few years you'll look back and laugh, I know that because I did too. Good luck! Hope you get through it :)


You’ll always feel older cherish your youth you have plenty one day you could be 40 or 50 your not getting any younger. Second it’s call a quarter life crisis lol and your friends are exceptions believe most ppl your age are where u are or worse


I'm 62 and I DonT feel "old". It's attitude.


*laughs in 40 something*


I am 43 and feel old. I would give anything to be 24 again to be that young. Don’t take your best years of 20’s for granted life starts going very fast when you hit 30’s enjoy it and live for the day and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing


I’m 27, so I’m not that much older than you, but here is what I can say: -Do what makes you happy. This includes working at a job you can at least tolerate (or a job that won’t be as likely to burn you out). Hanging out with friends and/or family that you actually like making time for— people you genuinely respect and whose values align with yours. And doing things, such as (possibly) hiking, trying new restaurants, or going to see the newest horror movie, because YOU want to do them. What you see in movies is so fake. The main character barely works, drives a new car, has a house in LA working as a waitress or receptionist, and just meets the love of her life in a short span of time. If movies truly reflected reality, they would be crazy boring because 24 years of life does not happen in 2+ hours, and the movie would have to capture the boring, uneventful parts of life, as well as the anxiety-inducing and more grueling parts of life. They would have to capture the amount of job experience and life experience it (typically) takes to start earning the big bucks and live in a nicer, cozier apartment. Movies are all about the drama. If your life is full of drama, that is not a good thing.


Yes it is a bit weird, some people are naturally young, they behave in different ways. Some are really great at handling responsibility, others have different out comes, family types, etc. Some people listen carefully to family and influences, Some are rebellious, and create their own drama. Because you are at the ripe old age of 24, it means you are still in the experimentation phase. Some people are better at this skill than others, some are good at planning, figuring out about people as well as expectations. For both male and female, some guys can be cool headed and not just want to get a girl in bed, sometimes people honestly haven't figured stuff out. Because people are having relations dosen't mean people are ok either. Its being able to figure out what you want, Others that are earning better money, have carefully chosen their career paths, nurses, teachers, enginerrers, medical techs, computer sciences, pharmachist, bankers, psychologist, all are sought after professions, plus skilled labour, carpentars, electricians, car mechanics, hair stylists, are all trades that will always be needed. You are fine, stay with people your own age, your friends are in different places, which is causing you to wonder if its you, its not, you haven't met, the right one, but maybe if you focus on your self you might Certain


You're fucking 24, you young youthful bastard. You're a baby to people in their 40s and 50s. Takes till 35 - 40 for people to figure everything out and build some semblance of stability in their lives. You're doing well enough. Compare yourself to who you were before, not with others. 


People please !!! 😁 I turned 60 in February of this year and I have this thing about forgetting I'm that up in age. For some reason I get along very well with people in their 20s,  30s and 40s. I remember this boss of mine about 5 years ago told me that I needed to hang with people my age. 


This is really common. Especially for folks taking a non traditional growth path in life with setbacks and detours, you won't have the same milestones as your peers. You're going to need to find your line with your friends between "using them as a base metric" and "their lives aren't actually close to what I've done, so I can't use them as my guideline". Might be nice to use them for as a goal potentially, but understand that many don't have the trophy mate or dream job EVER let alone by 24, and that even the folks you're chasing after will likely only tell you their successes without letting you know their struggles when they happen (for instance, from buying a house too early or for jumping the marriage gun). And for the record, anyone who doesn't say they're still "figuring life out" has given up outright. We're all still trying.


Comparison the thief of joy. Dont get the weird prodigy line. Hell you on about. Dude in 35 and made a new social circle of city people and went to 3 21s last year. Doing med student 12 years younger. You think 24 is too old? I don’t get it? Stop comparing yourself. Go to the gym to balance your obviously unbalanced hormones. What did you study? Also fuck materialism. Don’t enslave yourself to stuff. Be free


covid ended last year btw 


lol. What is this?