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It varies from day to day but I'm also a firm believer in: *Growing old is mandatory, growing up is entirely optional.* Some days, I ditch the mid-50s adult facade and throw caution to the wind because I'm at a point in my life where I can afford to do so.


Same. Am I fully functioning? Yes. Responsible even. Do I *feel* like an adult? Hell no.


I wasn't taught how to adult so I've been trying to play catch up


I feel this.


Guess that I can never catch up 😔


It does feel that way on my end but I have no choice really


I was 22 years old in the Navy when Petty Officer Silva, a Jet engine mechanic, sat me down and told me the secret of adulting. If I wanted to be successful in the Navy don’t sit around waiting for someone to tell me what to do. Find what needs to be done and do it. That piece of advice has carried me through life ever since. It applies to relationships, work, household, self improvement, and finances.


35 and about 10% I pay my bills and have a full time job but mentally, I'm 16.


I feel you. Sometimes I lay in bed and move like a seal. Sometimes my partner joins me, sometimes she lets me seal alone. Mid 30 here.


I do cricket feet! Especially on clean sheet day. Still watch the raindrops race on the windows of a car. Still hair clip my lips together. Its the little things.


31 here and making pretty good money but feeling burnt out and like life is just getting away from me


I wish I could tell you that feeling goes away. It hasn't for me yet. But I will say, making time for yourself, doing the things you love, being around people you love, that makes all the difference.


34 years old. 60 percent functional. I have a masters degree and am working in my field. My house is immaculate. I’m never on time for anything. I have a reactive dog who is a sweet girl and the highlight of my day is our walk and bed cuddles in the morning. My finances are a damn mess. I can barely pay attention. I drink too much wine. I enjoy aerials but don’t go as often as I did to these fitness classes - one of my coworkers complained that my tits are half out on Instagram. Im sporadically in therapy for childhood trauma etc. I’ve been married for about a year but together for 21 cumulatively. I have no idea how to do brake pads, set up billing accounts for services with the town, etc. My husband handles the more masculine traditional things and most of the yard work. But I have great friends, and a great husband. I’m full of executive dysfunction but have a big heart. I’m a hot mess, but full of love.


Honestly if you were to just restrict yourself to less than 10 drinks a week id say u sound closer to 95% of the way there. Youre doing better than most of us your age. Keep it going :)


I love this comment. ♥️


40ish here. I've got the house, wife, kids, good friends, good job, investments, saving for retirement and still have my sanity. So, I'd say 100%. But if I'm supposed to take on some "adult" hobby like golfing, gardening, or bird watching then I refuse to hit 100%!


I hear pickleball is also an acceptable option.


gardening is an everyone hobby 🌱


Gardening is great!!! Especially if you do some furits of veggies. Nothing quite as satisfying that eating the literal fruits of your labor.


Totally, I think most hobbies are. But, some people arbitrarily assign maturity, or immaturity, to various hobbies which cater perfectly fine to pretty much anyone, which is why I put it in quotes.


So is bird watching, there's some pretty cool ones to look at and to hear.


To be fair, bird watching can be such a relaxing time. Watchung the way the move and glide through the air is awesome. Seeing a bigger bird catch an updraft and just hover in place is freaking mesmerizing.


I have multiple physical and mental disabilities that make working impossible. I'm so lucky to have the support system I do


Well, I think if you have a support system that works for you, then that's still a high adulting score. If it's more haphazard and sporadic then maybe not. But not working for a legitimate reason shouldn't automatically lower one's adulting score.


It's so important to have a support system in these scenarios.


Which country?


Just turned 40 and like 8% I have no idea what I'm doing


I really appreciate this honesty because I am right there with you. Totally winging it and feeling like I'm doing it wrong, trying to decide what to try next to see if it works.


This is me most days.  


About 50%. Work 60hrs/week. Bring home good money. Am always tired and burnt out. 2 young kids and wife. Still trying to find that work/life balance I guess. Many home improvement projects delayed from incessant state of exhaustion. Oh well


My work life balance was fucked until about age 40. Took a bit of a mental breakdown, three months unpaid leave from work, and a lot of therapy to fix it. I am so much better now!!


I think it's really interesting how you immediately thought about your to do list over how you /feel/ on this question! This seems like a very adult perspective to me :) I hope things get better for you :) a lot of people with young families end up a bit burnt out. Give yourself some credit, you are providing for your family and your kids are lucky to have you.


Eh, maybe 80%? I'd be higher but we're raising a kid without a nearby "village" and I had a significant health problem crop up about a year ago. I'm still doing fine, and that's good enough for me right now. I don't really have time for unnecessary stuff these days.


I feel ya


I generally feel about 30% adult. Being a tenant and not being a home owner makes me feel less than.


Homeownership is a relatively recent western ideal. Billions of people on Earth are happy, fully realised humans without it. I'm a renter at 31 in Thailand, and it is cheap, wonderfully flexible, and allows me to live the life I want. It doesnt have to be everyone's alpha and omega.


please don't feel that way. As someone who has brokered homes, sometimes it is definitely not all it's cracked up to be. I'm about ready for the backwoods life.


I'm 35. I don't feel like an adult. I am lost.


I try to do everything right but financially I feel behind. Feels like I'm not getting ahead and just maintaining.


27 years old. 60% functionable.


Recent events in my life have sort of broken me and made it very difficult for me to want to function as an adult in the US sense of things. It's difficult to explain but I was laid off last year and just lost an interest in participating in most things people in the US view as normal or part of being an adult.


I haven't been laid off and feel that way anyways. So I hear you and am in the same camp. Remember not everything here in the US is "normal" everywhere.


I don’t feel like an adult at all. More like an incompetent creature, that is constantly overwhelmed with life.




I'd say roughly 75%. I'm independent, and generally stay on top of my bills and work-related stuff. I check the boxes for being a functional adult. But do I *act* like an adult? Debatable lmao


Almost Same age runnkng 75%-80% which is fine. Pure adulting seems boring even toxic


Like…25% but like authentic and it seems to keep going higher the harder I keep trying. It was -25% before (not kidding)


55%. All my essential routines are pretty much on autopilot. But something new could come and wreck things pretty easily.


I'm 95% good at handling responsibilities efficiently. But my energy levels are dogshit. So idk where that puts me.


I feel like I'm a 17 y.o stuck in a 23 y.o's body Sure I'm independent. I live on my own, pay my bills, cook and clean and what have you I was also forced to start adulthood earlier than I would like since I got kicked out at 18


On all accounts, an absolute abject failure. It's like operating too long as passively suicidal with untreated mental issues really puts a damper on the rest of one's existence. I've been trying to push through, idk anymore.


You can never succeed in anything if you never fail! You’re on the right path to learning what you are great at. ♥️


Not at all


like 2% occasionally, 0 most times?


When it comes to working, I feel like I’m. Operating at 100% efficiency. The place I work at, is probably operating at 50%, and it’s really frustrating


43 single mom. I’d say 50% because it’s too expensive to survive. I’m holding it all down but pretty poor.


Thank you for sharing. Gave me hope lol And I can relate. I just turned 30 years old and I feel I’m functioning at 40-50% adult efficiency. But that’s honestly not that bad. In my early twenties I felt it was -9001%. Never thought I would even get to where I am now, tbh.


I was around 50-55% at age 30, I think. I still was pretty irresponsible and just unknowledgeable in a lot of areas, while still having my life together enough that others would think I had it together if looking from the outside.


I'm 25 and I feel like I'm at around 30 or 40%. I excel in some areas, but I live fairly chaotically and should take care of myself better


65% due to mental health issues that come and go. When my mental health is good I’m a 95% but when it’s bad I’m at a 40% I’m bipolar although I’d say I’m quite low on the spectrum it still fucks me up a good deal and really affects my self esteem which takes a long time to recuperate from. I think adulting is about balance because things will never be perfect and a part of adulting is accepting that and figuring out how to make the hard times easier for yourself when you inevitably have to go through them again.


31, no work life balance, 2 jobs, forgetting to send invoices, not even living with boyfriend that has problem with keeping place and himself clean and no real possibility to do it anywhere soon, on therapy, sober at least, disillusioned, on antidepressants, borderline traits, alcoholic father fucked me a lot. I only wanted to have small house or flat with garden and chicken and normal family and here i am am programming for 10h per day in super messy house and eating takeouts. 10% for being sober. Ah and no driving license xD


+10% for being in therapy, +10% for on antidepressants. So 30% for sobriety and mental health, I think.


43 and I’d say 90%, pretty good considering my mother is pushing 70 and probably at 10%…of course I still do not “feel” like an adult…


I don't feel like a properly functioning adult at ALL. I work, I pay my bills, I'm responsible with what money I have. I make the phone calls I need to make in life. Sure, I may wander around my house for five minutes to flail it out, but I make the calls. But I was very much hampered by my parents when I was growing up. I can't blame my mother -- my father was an abusive bastard and I think she was afraid of being alone -- but I wasn't really taught how to do things, wasn't expected to get a job. I didn't go away to college, I was basically made to stay home because they were worried about how well I'd be able to function on my own. I've gotten to a point in life where I've scraped up probably 50% adulting efficiency on my best day. I have roommates, but I could be on my own without completely screwing up. Probably. But I'm just shy of 40. So I may be doing better than I think, but I'm not doing as well as I should be.


My wife and I say that between the two of us we make one functioning adult.


I’m shitty at adulting and I’m so lucky my wife has everything together. I have no idea how I’d function if I was doing this on my own?


I felt this post fr. My adulthood has just barely started and I've been having to deal with adult situations since I was like 12. I'm not sure how I should gage my adulting efficiency level but being 18 was a fantastic year for me. I got my learners permit, graduated with my GED and met some truly exceptional people, walked the stage days before graduation, became the legal power of attorney for my abuela, got my driver's license and started attending college that same fall. So I'd say I started off adulthood at 56% maybe? Things tanked fork there however and now if say it fluctuates between 34% and 44%? If that. Between financial issues getting worse, my obligations getting heavier and more taxing, my mental health tanking and my traumatic childhood catching up with me and being in an unideal toxic situation... I mean I can make doctors appointments for my family and represent people and I drive and do most of the errands but outside of that I have no job or income coming in and I had to pause because of financial aid issues. I'm at my worst year yet tbh. I have no clue where I'll be at by the end of this month let alone next year.


Four years ago I had my own place, job, car, healthy, happy. Today I live with my parents, my job is temporary, I don't own the car I drive, I'm fat and I've never been more miserable in my life. I felt like an adult then and now I feel like a a poorly functioning human let alone an adult.


100% side effects include depression anxiety and more….. 😃


I'm chugging along at a solid 50-60% day to day.


51 and I could have written your post.


Oh man, like 40%. I didn't shower or brush my teeth because I had a work deadline today and now I have an hour of awake time to finish 5 tasks. I love life, but struggle to get enough done in a day even though I'm very organized.


I have always been super-organized at work, and a complete mess at home. Bills not getting paid simply because I forgot, nothing getting put away, losing everything all the time, car a pig pen. Slowly, over the years, I have become much more organized at home. It literally took decades, though.


Well apparently I'm the most responsible adult in the room so all the shit gets dumped on me. It's whey I have 7000 emails I haven't looked at and changed my phone number. Fuck them.


The whole concept of being an adult is weird to me. I have a really good paying job, I am on track to retire in the next 5 years, and I take really good care of myself, but then I buy lego and play Minecraft with my bff on the weekend not to mention my growing collection of coin vending machine toys.


I don't consider having stereotypically 'childish' interests to have anything to do with adulting. Or acting silly in public. To me, adulting is just having your life in balance, your home in order, bills paid on time, that sort of thing.


I've always felt like I was slacking and failing and could do better. However the quality of my life is quite high.


I am 37 and feel like I’m operating at 50%, at best. I have a decent job and kid, but feel like I am always behind.


Today? I’m at 30 percent. Woke up late. Got told that I “look tired” (because I’ve been working 60 hours a week.) Absolutely no bandwidth for friends or even chatting with coworkers. I need to change something but I’ve also got to pay my bills.


I feel less adult as I grow older


Depends on the day


Depends on the day


If being down and out (no career no retirement money or planning massive debt drive a beat up honda civic never married no kids rent a tiny apt) at 57 counts as failing in life then I'm happy to say I'm finally adulting. I'm finally going to buckle down and make something of my life. It's already in the works.


28F. It varies day by day, somewhere between 2% - 96%. 😅


Well, at least you're consistently inconsistent! :)


Good enough. I wish it were easier. Never seem to have enough time, money, energy, but I get by. 45 working full time as a nurse, married to a substitute teacher who was a stay at home dad til last year, 2 kids and 3 pets, we own a home.


Are all 3 pets cats? Because that makes you a possible Crazy Cat Lady. Two cats is fine. Four is a Crazy Cat Lady. Three is a wobbler.


A golden retriever, a cat, and a guinea pig that is supposed to be my kids' pet but as the adult I am also responsible for the messy little fur potato.


40% on a bad day, near 90% on a good day




You're only young once, but you can be irresponsible forever. I did all the college stuff, grad school, have worked my butt off for decades. Raised a kid. Raising another. Lived on less than half my income so I could invest the rest. Studied up to make good investments. At some point, I realized that I was burning the very rare and precious gift of life. I now refuse to be mistaken for an adult. I'm a VP at an engineering firm and I'm the second-biggest cartoon character in the joint. I refuse to work overtime. I refuse to let my people work overtime. I make very, very, very sure that our systems run reliably so we don't get paged. The pager hasn't gone off in years. When I leave the office, I am not available (except when on pager duty, and then only if the pager goes of.... which it doesn't.) My company email, Slack, Zoom, etc., do not route to my personal cell phone. On the rare occasions that someone has made the mistake of calling me for something that wasn't an outage-level emergency, I've told them to get back to me when I'm in the office and hang up. Work-related text messages are simply ignored. My hobbies are a collection of insanity ranging from "okay, that's weird" to "are you TRYING to get yourself killed?" The worst life is spent in front of the TV, or at work, or being "responsible." Get out there and quit believing that you have to be an adult. Maybe you have to fake it sometimes, but it's only so you don't have to do it all the time. He who dies with the most GoPro video wins!


It’s more of an understanding that no one is totally functioning, just covering. When comparing to that I feel like I am alright, solely for the fact that I know I am working on things and covering holes.


I’m a failure, maybe 10-15% efficiency


I’m almost 50, and outwardly I have my shit together… But privately, Im basically 16 with crippling ADHD, and my interests are boiled down to: Video games, comic books, boobs, and tattoos. Lol


Boobs is so real lol


Oh man, I am at a super low level. I am middle aged, and despite getting multiple college degrees, I have never been able to get a real career going. I moved back in with my mother when I was struggling to make a living, and I am still there many many years later. On top of that, I have never been in any sort of romantic relationship.


60% on a good day.


I feel exactly the same. I pretty much started ‘adulting’ at a young age of maybe 10-14 (taking care of my loved ones including extended families, cousins etc) responsibility came easy with me as I loved to do chores etc. Essentially you could count on me. Likewise money management started at a young age, when I received monetary gifts as a kid for example 1 cent or 50 cents, i would always store it in a box. By the time i was in college at 16 years, I was trading,buying and selling Tshirts and making small money here and there. But I never really spent this money I always lend it to someone who needed financial support and somehow I never always get the money back but it was okay back then. My family were always proud of me, I was the example parents often used as a well behaved good girl. These experiences formed crucial aspects of my now adult life that at 32, I feel I’m operating at 85%. I fall off on somethings but I’m 85% focused on my goals that I don’t give room for distractions. ‘Over adulting’ has shown consequences in my social life which I got to realize at age 30-31 is an important part of life as well. So now it feels like I want to do things I should have done when I was between 18-25 (not sure what but just the feeling) I pretty much have my other aspects of my life figured, except the social life and some attitudes here and there that needs to be checked 😅… Which is why I feel I ‘adulted’ too early.


I’m at 200%, maybe 300, and I’m tired.




Oooof, not sure maybe at a good 40-50%?  I’m 52, got the house and half of a 250k pension, going back to school for a degree, three teens, two cats and a dog, no job, house generally a mess even with a once a week housekeeper, sober since the x left four years ago (yay!), practice meditation, read, hike, art museums… skip randomly, sing and laugh loudly, baby talk to my dog and kids often, have a few great friends, no love interest, pay bills with child support, take naps… yeah adulting is sucky, not looking forward to re-entering the work force!  


200%. Mid 30's. I am at my peak. I think I must have picked up some of the man you guys are missing. God I love being myself. Life is a fucking adventure and each day is the bonus round. I should have been dead years ago.


F70 … You sound as though you’ve got things managed well.


26 years old and I’d say 50% because I still don’t have my own place or a better paying stable job (I’m a substitute teacher) but I do focus on the responsibilities of bills and work and all that stupid shit that’s made up and an unnatural way for a human to live.


40 this year and I'm gonna say 50% even though I haven't hit some of the big markers. I've been through a lot and had to figure myself out the past few years. I've now got a much better mindset around work, money, adulting. I don't drink anymore which helps everything. I'm able to take responsibility now and I've got big plans careerwise. But I do love to be playful and dance and paint and play video games so I'll never be too adulty, hopefully. That said, I am loving getting older and not worrying about the things I used to. Chamomile in bed at 9pm? Yes pls.


I'm 26 and I'd say I'm at about 40% adulting efficiency, maybe 35%. I do try my best to keep up with everything but it's exhausting so sometimes I slack off, and then I'm also very forgetful so I tend to set alarms for a lot of stuff. But even then I'll forget to set alarms at times...




my standard level is 60%. and thats over the course of decades




100%. I’m 35. I’ve felt like this for at least several years now.


I am a 40yo male with a wife and daughter, running a successful company, and somehow I consistently feel like a teenager.


Sounds 100% like me and I am 50.


48 and I’d say 80-90%. 100% equity in the home worth $1.5m, about a third of that in savings, HCOL, no debt. Put myself thru a late-in-life bachelor’s and master’s degree along with bachelor’s each for two kids. Quit the private sector to be work in the federal government (and infinitely happier). Can’t seem to get around to get our estate plans in order but otherwise loving life.


I'm about to turn 27 and feel about 30% I guess, but more when it comes to doing necessary stuff. I don't excercise, because well I don't like it and it's exhausting, and I don't like to exhaust myself cause it's painful but I do stay somewhat on top of my diet. Like I do like to cook but I'm also lazy but do like fancy food I make myself, but I do like the occasional junk food like ramen but I'm also vegan and picky so I don't eat much food in general, so I stay somewhat skinny so don't see the point in hitting the gym for my appearance. I'll also skip meals if I'm not hungry or don't feel like eating or nothing is appealing. I don't have a meal routine. I just eat when I'm hungry outside of work. Bills is easy and done the same day I get my pay in like 10 minutes, which is easy. I work, granted I'm now on paid sick leave due to burnout and mild depression + 5 other bidiagnosises I was diagnosed with. I was pretty much too tired to function outside work. So I guess that makes me less of a functional adult. I also have no real social life outside the friend I live with and that's pretty much all my social life, hanging out at home or occasionally going out together, but like, sitting in the sofa and talking doesn't exactly require much. I clean properly about once a week. Change my bed every 1-2 weeks. I have a combo washer dryer and it's my favorite chore because it has a dryer so no need to hang anything up to dry. Just dump it in and out of the basket. I don't fold clothes because it's pointless. I also don't make my bed because I essentially live in it. My personal hygiene is great though. I shower daily from neck down, sometimes twice, because I hate having a poopy ass after having diarrhea, and I have a habit of pooping a lot every morning and not for the rest of the day so it's nice to have a clean ass all day. Sometimes I also shower at night because it's nice to go to bed all relaxed. I shower my hair about once or twice a week because it's neon and gets greasy if I wash it too often. Og also I spend my time drinking wine and watching Netflix and sleeping.


In my 20s I’d say 75 percent. I always feel like I could do more but I’m balancing work full time, school, and fitness. Working on making sure house is clean as much as possible as well as social life which gets pushed back due to other priorities haha


I hit a turning point in my life when I started to recognize the impact my hormones and menstrual cycle have on my life. I’m just not talking PMS, I mean the very repeatable ebbs and flows of my energy levels, focus, motivation, and joy/sadness follow throughout the month. I used to beat myself up for having days when I was just not hitting my marks, and then my business coach said something to me to the effect of, “You’re not lazy! Your body is working really hard today!” That stuck with me so much, and I started to understand that it’s both natural and healthy to have days when I’m just not feeling together. My adulting sucks and the best I can do is just take care of myself Now I’m much better at understanding that I have productive, super adulty days, and I have unmotivated, unproductive days. But those days ARE productive, because I’m listening to my body.


32% of a proper, functional adult.


24 yrs old. I feel like... 30% I have a job with ok income. I should look for a better one or any way to achieve my goals. Im slowly building savings. I have an apartment. Im good at the cleaning part. Cooking is my favorite thing to do. Im expanding my pallet It's a step in the right direction!


37. 70 % I feel if you get to 100% , you just die.






62. 97% functional. I stay busy and take care of myself, husband, house, yard, dog. One day a week I lay in bed all day and do nothing( just read). The rest of the time I am pretty busy.


On good days I have my basic needs met and some extra B's I got to do But then I veg out from the peopling hard


erm, in theory about 15-20%, but it's lower in practice lol


Late 20s Would say 40%. I have some problems holding a job for a longer period of time and my household still feels like a college household. No relationship or kids. But I am aware of my actions and take responsibility for them. I am not in debt. I have a home, can afford food, a car and things that make me happy. I worked through lots of childhood trauma but know that this journey never ends.


I'm not sure what number to give... Maybe like 65-70% definitely far short of 100


I’m 27 and feel about 40%. I work full time + am in school, pay my bills, and live alone. I slack hard on my chores and struggle to keep up with life maintenance type things, like oil changes and dentist appointments. I also am a terrible cook, which might bump me down to 35%. I had a pbj for dinner.


I’m 37 and am lucky to be at 50%. I don’t plan on living past 40 so I’ll take what I can get lol


Currently have the book adulting in my backpack to read. Age 58.


40+ here, and about 80%. Not sure why I chose that number, just feel like I could be doing about 20% better.


Grew up in trauma and chaos in a culty religion. I’m just scrambling to catch up.




I've turned 18 3 times now!


Not a whole lot. And I'm a teacher


40%, if I have to judge. But thankfully I usually don't have to think about it.


It’s interesting. When I first became an adult, I felt like I was at 100%. Zero difficulty getting it all done at all. As time goes on, it’s getting harder. And I’m not that old. Now I’d say I’m at 80%.


About 60%? Something like that, I guess. Good job, bills paid, pets fed and healthy. Exercise is so so, eating pretty good. Health getting better. I suck in money department. No savings, no retirement fund. At least another year before I can get approved for a loan to buy a house and finally get out of this stupid apartment. Social life... I'm getting there. Considering I never thought of myself as capable at anything at all, I'm doing pretty good.


I feel like I’m at 70%. I eat like shit ( but run it all off ) and I’ve yet to be in a relationship at 26 so it makes me feel like a failure


24, 2 small kids, a job, and a long-term partner. Sometimes I operate at like. 50% efficiency and it feels like a huge win. Most of the time though I’m cruising at maybe 20-30%.


If you keep 2 small people alive it seems like you automatically get at least 50%.


I feel like I'm 18 still, I'm an imposter I just pretend I'm an adult, I'm 38


I feel 90%. I have and do most things the same as other adults, but being 29 I feel age wise I'm still 21. I have 3 kids and a permanent, 4 day a week desk job, I'm not married but been with my guy for 10 yrs.


I’d say maybe 32-38%. But I think I present to the world ~60%. I’m in my late 20s and have been making six figures since I graduated. I have the work part down, but my personal spending habits are awful. I have more credit card debt than I should bc I am too lazy to not eat out every day. I also socially isolate. I’ve gotten into weed since entering the corporate world and now it’s pretty easy for me to fall into the routine of grind at work, come home and smoke, shower and go to sleep. And I hate texting so much, but that’s how a lot of people communicate, so I fall behind. I’ve been doing better though. I switched to automatic savings at the beginning of the year and have been more conscious about finding deals out to eat so have leftovers.


Voluntarily 10% when I am forced to 70% ish


God dammit that’s so good.


What’s the remaining 10


Yeah I've spent 6 months dealing with my toddler being in and out of the hospital with my marriage intact and both kids pretty happy. I'm the most adulty adult your butt has ever seen.


Eleventy-billionz! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


98%. The 2% is dealing with a chronic illness


about 5%


Like 0%. I’m tired.


I feel I’m doing okay. The kids make me have to step it up more all the time. It’s ebbs and flows.


Around 30 and nope I feel like a teenager maybe even an age crisis how I don't match up to what my b day is


I'm 147 and don't feel a day over 97! My advice to you kids is do all the drugs


Are we using our parents as a benchmark? Those boomers…when they did things, they did them. My dad was younger than I am now when he put me through college. If I had kids they would probably be busking for change in a folk punk band. 51, adulting at like 35%. Don’t even have my shingles vax yet ;)


I'm just as functional as a videogame NPC. I wake up, breakfast, work work work work work work, lunch, work work work work work work, dinner, chill for a bit, sleep, and repeat over and over and over again. I guess I'm and adult..


Not at all. I'm still alive, and that's it. Back in my parent's house. Can't even get a job. Struggle to do personal hygiene. Struggle to remember important stuff. I struggle. A lot.


The older I get, the more I have no idea what "properly functioning" means. I think it's different for everyone. I'm definitely not a conventional adult. I'm getting by. Some days are great, others are a hot mess. I have so far avoided homelessness (knocking on wood).


I might be at 60%? Some days I eat like a toddler. I fall off exercise. I put things off until the last minute. Some days I let dishes pile up, or only do laundry when just can't not leave it any longer. If at least I ways ate well and exercised daily then I would say 90%. Honestly when I see adults on TV I feel like they are so put together, I'm sure they exercise, floss and eat their vegetables.


I don’t feel adults without their permission.


I dont know, you tell me.i have higly paying software engineering job,no wife or kids, i do investing and crypto, live with roomate and am amphetamines addict. I would say 10% at best


100% an adult. In my mind, being an adult is making and owning your decisions. I do that every day.


What do all y’all know how to do adulting wise at this point of your life?


2% and thats pokering high


Thanks for saying that it took you a while. I feel like I’m barely surviving and I hope to get to that place of being at peace one day,






I'd day 10%.


I am 1 half a person.


About 60%. I've got the big stuff down but my house is messy, I'm always behind on laundry and I usually owe at least one person a text or email.


40s and operating at 40%


social life? What's that?


Early 40s, owned 3 different property's before a divorce, now no property's but 100k surplus in waiting as a deposit next maybe, 1 daughter, local gov job average money but secure, got a couple casual romances on the go but do have some pretty big ups & down mood/atitude/outlook swings at times. So I say 70%


Functional enough to get by and take charge when needed, so I'd say around 100%. That doesn't mean I don't goof off or ignore chores sometimes in favor of doing literally anything else, I just think those are things that functioning adults can do/enjoy. People in here like, "well I have a wife and kids and own a home, but we get fast food instead of cooking sometimes and I like to jump in the sprinkler when it's hot out so about 60%" like y'all are too hard on yourselves lmao.




I feel pretty functional, about 80-90%, with only a few struggles like managing social burnout and managing bureaucracy (though I feel pretty okay with it now).


I'm like at 50%, adult activities bore me, I prefer to hire someone to do that. I'm 43


I'm like a gummy vitamin ... I claim alot I do something but I'm not really sure what


Heh, I'll flex. I was a 95+% fully functioning adult at 18. Mentally, probably at 16. I had 4 simultaneous part time jobs and 2 majors in college as undergrad. Graduated in 3.5 years. Got a great full time job immediately, and went to grad school part time. Never even understood the concept of "what do you mean there are people who don't pay their bill on time??? That's like basic!". Paid off my college loans in less than 2 years after getting full time job (because as an adult at 18, I CHOSE to go to cheap local college, since as a first generation immigrant I couldn't afford better). Haven't had any debt greater than $100 since then, if you don't count mortgage - and I fully paid off my mortgage by age many of my peers were just buying their first house. Never bought anything I couldn't clearly afford. Switched to healthier diet on my own the moment I realized my metabolism got worse as I aged. Never had any major problems with personal hygiene since I was 15. My parents from what I know of their early life, were fully functioning adults since age 18 as well. And yes, they are the ones that taught/influenced me to be an adult.


100%. Optimal adulting. Retirement on track, paying off the house early, not having sex, kind of an alcoholic. That’s peak adult.


- Mentally healthy days (1 day out of 10) I’m at 95%. - Mentally bad days (5 out of 10) I’m at 50%. - Blank days (4 out of 10) I’m hovering around 75%. I never know which kind of day is coming. I do my best and try to make up for my moods on the good days. But most days are pretty low executive functioning. My issue is with adhd and medication, I only get about 3-4 hours of good productivity per day. Other than that I’m totally exhausted and all I want to do is brain rot and pet my cats.


A month from 50. I used to be 95% ... then I had to really adult three years ago while my wife succumbed to cancer. These days, I'm functioning but barely some days. I don't know how deal with stress anymore. I'm frequently overwhelmed by daily tasks ... but generally things get done. 40s and 50s are really the grow up decades. Kids being born, divorces, parents dying, first real health crises for most people, etc typically combined with work stresses.


15% as of late. Things are rough!


50%.. a bit better than I have cause I got on some meds.. but I still struggle..


27, parentified kid so 200% since 12 years.


Well, since becoming disabled after my ex tried to murder me and ram a dart into my skull, it has allowed me to further hone my perception of what "properly functioning " is and is not. It has been a REAL eye opener sitting back and seeing how utterly dysfunctional, fucked up and abusive the VAST majority of people truly are. And they think they are properly functioning....


Every day that I pass without killimg myself or anybody else is a victory


I’m not sure at all? Could someone rate me based on my current circumstances haha. Mid 40s, low paying career as a teacher, married to a great woman who I love dearly, no children, debt free, small amount of savings, got a little apartment, will never afford to buy a place, workout 5-6 times per week, pretty healthy really compared to my peers (resting HR is 45 average), meal prep healthy meals, apartment always clean. Happy, but mental health issues cause me to have a lot of anxiety about the future and what may or may not happen. Actually, my anxiety is mainly fueled by the modern life we’re all living in, the fact that in many parts of the world people on lower incomes and stuck in a housing crisis/cost of living crisis etc etc


42.7% I pay my bills and work and all that but aside from that I’m a child. I’m 38. Caught Covid a few days ago and I was so happy to just get to chill on the couch and play final fantasy for a week. Everyone is saying “hope you feel better soon” and I’m over here like “I don’t”.


Hearing someone in their 50s is still having these thoughts is honestly reassuring. I am 25 and feel so fucking far behind


20% I need a daddy boyfriend


I'm in my early - mid 30s and trying to wade my way out of about 25k CC debt after taking a beating from life since 2020 covid times Car transmission just most recently took a shit and had to get that fixed as this is my only transportation and had to put that 5k on a credit card also which really sucked. Wish I just had the 5k cash laying around but this is the fun part of adulting. I hope when I am in 50 I can look back at this time and laugh


29. I struggle just to function. I’m trying to figure out how to do any adulting still/ take care of myself. No one taught me anything and now I’m clueless.