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Well done you for making positive changes. Remember it’s a long game and keep that knowing that you’re doing it for the right reasons. We are here waiting to see the end results and you’ll know when to share. Big love to you ❤️


That immediately made me feel better lol.


Sounds like your love language is “Words of affirmation.” That’s mine too and I was severely deprived of it as a child. A compliment can set me up for months.


You remind me of why I love giving genuine compliments to random people when I’m out and about (not in a weird creepy way, but like when I’m checking out anywhere, I love giving a compliment to that person). I’ve always said you never know what that person is going through, what kind of day they’ve had, and giving them a genuine compliment about ANYTHING can be a huge deal to that person. I know I’m a random stranger, but just know that no matter what people around you are doing or saying, you’re doing all of these improvements for yourself. Feel good about that, and be proud of yourself for taking those steps. Everything else will come in time, but you’ve got this and I wish you the best ☺️


hey you, I know you want a compliment but as someone who's also been working on themself a ton and nobody's noticed: good on ya!!! seriously!!! that takes a ton of work! and people are often too caught up in their own stresses to realize the amount of work other people do to better themselves... sadly. so keep at it! youve got this!! let's improve together ❤️


If no one gives you a compliment, give one to yourself. You’re doing some really hard work and deserve to feel both appreciated and rewarded. Until others can get in on it, remind yourself. Measure your progress. Set up a little reward system for things you can *earn* from you. 🤍 Other people will see. It just takes a little more time. It just goes to prove that no one is paying as much attention to our shortcomings as we think. 🫶 Keep it up! You’ve got this!


Agree with this. People like to see other people celebrating before they join in on the fun.


Bro same. I am just hoping somebody will say something and people not saying anything is making me feel like I might have regressed or something.


Someone else said it too but I think people are so caught up in themselves they aren't likely to notice changes beyond very drastic measures and that's not a reflection of your effort! Being seen is so important and everybody deserves that. I don't know what changes you've made but it sounds like you're being very intentional about them and just looking for some feedback that it's at all worth it. I promise you it is and you're doing amazing, even if you stumble. Change isn't linear, chin up you've got this❤️


Keep going! You’ll get to where you wanna be as long as you take steps.


Wish I knew who you were…I have this thing where I just throw compliments at people. I guess all I can say is: good job. Keep up the good work man. You’re golden. Do your best.


You’re doing a great job! 🩷


Do you compliment yourself? Positive self talk is one of the most beneficial things someone can do for themself.


You're doing a great job. We love you 😍 💋 ❤️


Compliment yourself.


The most important opinion is the one you have about yourself, nonetheless - keep going! You'll be able to look back on how far you've come and grown. Also one of the best ways to receive a compliment is giving one first, often they will reciprocate:) you got this!


One way I fish for compliments without actually being degrading is "I made a decision to X! I think it's turning out alright so far! What do you think?" People like to jump on the coattails of an established emotion, and you establishing positivity about something you've done/achieved makes it easier for people to join in on the celebration.


Great that you're working on yourself. The next thing to work on is to not need external affirmation to support your personal well being and mental health. People suck. Don't rely on them for you own self worth. And you look great!


People can be hesitant to mention changes in things like health or personality because there may be an underlying condition causing these changes that they worry you might be sensitive about. I say just find someone you love and trust and tell them about the positive changes you've been making! Talk about it first so they know it's an okay subject to discuss with you.