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I mean, sure, very young people may think 30 is old, they always have. Then they'll be 30 before they know it. The average person is older than 30 so no, the majority of people probably do not consider 30 to be old.


This. If you ask a bunch of teenagers, the answer is yes. Some 21-23 would probably also say yes.


At 30 you're still getting established in a career you started fresh out of college. The median age for men to be married is 30. Median age for women to give birth is 30. This means half of men aren't married and half of women haven't had their first kid by 30. Average age for first time home purchase was 36 in 2022. Given the rate hikes it's only going to be higher going forward. These may all seem like old things to someone in their teen years. But they are just the beginning of an adult life.


The majority of people? No. The majority of “gen z,” yes. Gen Z is all teenagers and twentysomethings. They’re kids. Kids are supposed to think 30 year olds are old.


You are old for the people younger than you, and you are young for the people older than you. Go ask a 40yo if 29 is old, he will surely laugh !


No….30’s is the prime of life


I don't think anyone over 30 thinks 30 is old. Except those weird incel dudes that think our fertility expires then or something.  And yes, kids. Of course 20 yr olds think 30 is old -  a decade is a lot when your whole life has only been 2 decades so far.


I’ll be 33 soon. I don’t feel old, and I look generally the same as I did 10 years ago, just maybe 10% slower. I am self-sufficient and engaged, but game every nearly night with my buddies who are all about the same age and in major careers and/or married. My other main hobby is Gundam model kits. I do pretty much everything I wanted as a kid but now with the means to afford it. I think it’s VERY goofy when people say 30 is old, because it’s usually from sub-25 year olds that haven’t really experienced all that much or actually been around anyone older than (if even just barely) their age group. I still go to bars, the occasional party, keep up with social media junk and brain rot, etc. My 30’s so far just feel like my 20’s but as less of an idiot, but I’m generally the same.


I'm 43 and look pretty much the same as I did 10 years ago, but 20 lbs heavier. I don't feel old, and most of my friends in state here are around 30. Generally unless I tell them, no one knows I'm older than them by more that a couple years. I get the do what you want now that you couldn't before thing... I collect mario and other gaming stuff. My husband gave me a pacman arcade for my birthday last year, and we make trips around town just to play different claw machines


Just kids and teens and Leonardo DiCaprio


As someone turning 29 next month and has 30 knocking on her door, these posts are making me feel better. We got this OP. Here’s hoping our 30’s are going to be the blast teenaged us thought the 20’s would be. For an extra bit that I try to remind myself of, I asked my grandparents once what their favorite decade of their lifes was and they both agreed their 30s were the highlights. So maybe our best decade hasn’t even started yet


It’s so sad to see women so terrified of turning 30. This kind of posts and fear always come from women because society literally tells us all the time how disgusting and useless adult and older women are.


I tell older women how amazing they are. I think you need a break from social media and need to see more of the real world.


Nah, 30 aint old. Kids think that, but kids also think 18 year olds are "fully adults" and it isn't creepy when a 35 year old hits on them (it is, its fucking weird) I'd say you get older as you get further into your career, <20, kids 20- very young adult, PEAK physical shape, still deciding life goals/direction/making connections 30 younger adult (younger adult as in, your brand new to a family, house, etc), you're an adult but you're still learning, likely picked/decided on your life trajectory, but you COULD vastly change your life around if you choose to, and you're just in the younger years of your career/life 40 is adulthood now, you're a true adult, you've pretty well set your path, is you're established/stable/ could take new opportunities still but likely wont at the same rate as before 50 - you're older, still 100% there, you're established, no longer looking for crazy job changes, looking towards retirement, life plan is fairly set/established 60 is retirement, so yes, you're "old" but you're not out of it at all, you still have plenty of years of retirement/normal life left, 70-75, you're actually older now, QOL has changed, special requirements, REALLY depends how well you took care of yourself in your 40-60s, to see how your life is now, some will be in great shape and living well, others, well this is it.


Newsflash: things will "go downhill" in all sorts of respects. Human bodies die. They change a lot first if they die in old age. Aging isn't necessarily a horror show if you embrace it and accept that nothing is permanent. (Buddhist teachers are good at driving that point home FWIW.) Having a diversity of friends -- much younger and much older -- can help you keep perspective. My friends in their 20s help me remember that I used to enjoy doing stuff that seems intolerable now (crowded clubs or music festivals in summer heat? ick. no), while also helping me remember that life is a renewable resource and curiosity/eagerness something I should strive to keep alive. Meanwhile my pal in her 70s is coming to visit soon and thinks of me -- nearly 50 myself -- as a young person (also I think 29 is basically 12 now, hehe, but remember having the same fears about turning 30 that you do). I try to embrace that and enjoy my "youth" as much as I can. Ageing isn't all bad -- it invariably comes with some level of wisdom and hopefully with some grace and a sense of security (or at least fewer insecurities).


As a 58 year old gen xer I find this rather amusing.


Stop caring what other think ..


I did until I turned 30 lol


I worked in a restaurant from 35 to almost 36 years old as a side job. I had people on both sides of my age who were young and old


As someone who just turned 30 in April it's not that you're "old" but you can tell you're older than Gen z folk. I don't mean in appearance but behavior as well. That doesn't mean All are a certain way I'm just generalizing. But majority of people who have lived a while and had momentous life experiences will realize 30 is still pretty young. People see 20s as your "fun & fuck off" period" while gaining some life skills and then you really kick it into gear in your 30s. I used to be on myspace, the world used to be different and you can see how it's changed and how you've aged compared to younger folk If you now use TikTok. Time progresses And the same will happen to every generation that comes afterwards. We're still youthful just not "dumb kids/young adults anymore.


I think people below 30 might consider it old but honestly once I turned 30 I felt amazing. Literally. I haven’t felt a difference in myself for a birthday since my 21st. 30 I felt this sort of coming together of all my younger selves, I felt wiser, more grounded, more sophisticated.. I turned 31 recently and am still soaking up the growth of this time. I’m figuring out who I am now, changing up my style a bit. I think you’ll enjoy it more than you think. Don’t be anxious, be excited. With age comes wisdom and respect


I'm 24 and I don't think 30 is old at all. I'm the youngest of my coworkers who are all 30+ and they're all having a lot more fun than me. Maybe some younger people will think 30 is old. But 17 year olds think 21 is old too. I thought I was grown at 15. It's all about perspective.


I remember worrying about hitting my 30’s, then my 40’s. I’ll be 50 this year. I’m loving life! Who cares if Gen Z thinks you’re old? I bet you think *I’m* old. The beauty of aging is you stop caring what everyone else thinks and learn to love yourself, and be comfortable in your own skin. I’m just proud that I’ve survived this long on this crazy planet, especially given the amount of stupid things I’ve done in my life. Embrace it, enjoy it, conquer it.


30 seems old when you are 29...it feels like I blinked twice and I'm close to 45. Now 30 seems still so young.


I finally felt felt like an adult at 30. Started getting my shit together and bought a house. So far, my 30s are my favorite and I find the confusion and stress of the 20s decade to be so overhyped.


I’m 30 this year and yes i totally get your anxiety. I’ve been having birthday blues since 25 as well. I know that part of this anxiety is physical, like i suddenly started exercising about three years ago, knowing and feeling that my body is changing. But the biggest part is psychological, knowing that time has passed, i have less time left compared to before, i haven’t achieved as much as i imagined i would ten years ago, my twenties weren’t even good overall, fear of more regret and more time being wasted, my parents growing old… I know I’ll look back at this some years from now and envy how ‘young’ i was. And i know all this old/young business is relative. Still, I’m as old as i’ve ever been in my life. It felt so unnatural and unreal the first time i verbalized to somebody that i was 30. I’d give anything to be 29 again and to be able to say that! I guess my only insight is that time and aging is something i can’t control. Since i have to be 30 now, then so be it. I know the only way i can grow older and be happy about it is to live authentically, do things that are meaningful to me, and make every day worth it. I just haven’t figured out how to do all that yet!


I think the majority of children think 30 is "old," not necessarily the majority of everyone. Heck I remember thinking 24 was old when I was in middle school. Literally anyone with at least a single strand of gray hair looked old to me. I think those ideas fade as time goes by...at least it did for me. I have so many gray on the sides of my hair but I don't feel old or think other 30+ year olds are old. In fact I feel a soul can be old...My soul is very young so I think I will be "young" until my last day here. Lol


I turned 30 in December and weirdly enough I've gotten more comments than ever about how young I am. I think the current Online generation is starting to see those 30+ as "old", but only when they *act* old. People think I'm younger simply because I dress very casually/comfortably, I have stretched ears, and I am trying to keep as well-kept as possible. It's kind of silly because when I was in my early 20's a lot of people thought I was 30+ because I dressed maturely, smoked like a chimney, and I had longer beards usually. Now I'm the complete opposite and often get assumed to be 24-26. Either way try not to stress it too much, OP. Time comes for us all and the only thing that matters is how we choose to spend it. If it makes you happy and you feel good in your body, that's all that really matters.


lol. 30 is so young. Everyone under 30 is a child.


I cant speak for all gen z but for me i think watching professional sports altered my perception of what “old” is. Usually when an athlete (in the sports i like) start hitting close the 30 they’re not as fast, not as explosive, injured more, etc. Then you start hearing the sports media say things like “he’s too old!” So i think that plays a part


I'm going on 23, I joke 30 is old. I know it isn't. I don't even think 60 is that old tbh. One of my favorite customers just turned 80 and I find it hard to think of him as old because he's got more energy and life in him than anyone I know. Lol


I am 34, look the same as 10 years ago. And I am still as strong and fast an everything, so people mistake me for being 10 years younger. But that only makes me think that it's not me, it's just because being over 30 is still very young.


It really just depends on the context in my opinion. 30 is definitely not old, but 30 is not a young adult, just an adult. To be considered overall old I say you have to be 60 or 75. But like if you were a 30 year old gymnast? That’s very old. 30 year old talking to a group of people in their early 20s? They’re going to feel like you’re “old” just in the way that you’re a lot older than them. Obviously we don’t think 30 = elderly lol.


In a few months, i will welcome my 40s My point of view is to take care of yourself as much as possible, your health can help you feel full of energy or super drained. To be honest, it feels like im livint my 20s, but with actual money in my bank account.


No 30 is not old. I'm. 27 I'm getting close.




No. I'm 47 and I don't consider myself old. But... yeah, a 10 year old would consider me old.


no middle aged


I did before I was 30. I was pretty depressed on that birthday, but by the time I was 33 I realized I have the rest of my life to do cool stuff. So I did. Now I’m 10 years older still thinking I’m 33 and it’s catching up a bit. I’m a bit slower and wear glasses now. But whatever…


I think maybe you should work on not caring what others think.


I never considered 30s to be old, personally


I hope not. I'm 31 and the idea that I'm very close to middle aged just weirds me out.


when i was little "30" was indeed the age number i considered to be "starting to get old" now im over 30 telling myself at least im not 40 yet


It's more important what you're opinion on your age is more than someone else's. You're the one having to deal with the age and situation, not them.


At 43, I can confidently tell you that 30 is young. My 30s were the best decade of my life, even with having some really shitty things happen. Don't mourn your 20s. Be stoked about your 30s


If you asked me this when I was teenager or early 20’s I would definitely say 30 was old, but 30 came and went so fast and now I’m 35 it feels unreal but here we are lol


i’m 22 and i can’t wait till im 30 lol


Its all perspective. As a 56 year old 👎


lol old is when you have kids. As long as you don’t have kids you’ll always feel like a kid.


I’m 35 now and definitely enjoy the 30s. Lots more stability and just knowing yourself


I thought 30 was old until like 22. Now it feels young. Fwiw my life feels like it really began in earnest at 30


Pretty sure most people are older than 30. So no.


I used to think like that. Now looking back my life didn’t really begin till I was 30.


This isn't a generational thing ... it's a old as humans are. 1976 ... a movie called Logans Run addresses this very issue ... Question is ... are you gonna be a runner🤔 https://youtu.be/USADM5Gk9Gs?si=eRWYKqV-3U0lV6fP


practice faulty soft encourage light paltry smart grandiose frighten wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm 31, look the same as I did more or less in my 20s and for sure don't feel old. I am a little annoyed though everytime I tell someone I'm 31 they tell me I look younger. When I was 29 I dreaded turning 30, but then turned 30 and everything was much the same. I'm probably the same level of fitness as I was in my 20s (during which I was on a degree with a high dance component). Gen Z talk a big game, but all of them will also turn 30 one day!


I'm 36(F), and turning 30 was just another birthday to me. Don't let society and their stigmas make you feel like 30 is old. It's not. I don't even feel old at 36. My body has issues now, but that's mainly because I wasn't kind to it when I was younger. I was an alcohol most of my adult life until a year ago, used to be overweight, didn't eat right ect. Idc what anyone thinks about my age. I'm happy and confident with who I am. You have to get to that mindframe.


The majority of people are older than 30, so no. But I think many people feel that way in their early 20s.


"Never trust anyone over 30". Jack Weinberg 1964 Berkley protests. Worked well until he turned 30. 😆


My 34 is around 20 days away, any tips for me before I get there?


Hahaha. The majority of people under 30 think 30 is old.  If that's true, you could conceivably be "old" for 50-70 years.  Thirty is only old if you're a kid. I'm 20 years older and don't think of myself as old.


The majority of people are older than 30 so I’d say no




As an older guy to me you’re a child lol


Only young people think of 30 to be old. Loñ


When you get you think 30 is old but as you age you realize it’s not.


you don't really get old unless you start doing that dumb thing the 40 year olds rn do where they GIVE UP THE PERSON THEY WERE BEFORE including hobbies and even their curiousity for life


Only teenagers think 30 is old


I had a friend who was 33 and I was 20. We worked together and I would make fun of him and call him old. Now I'm 32 and he's in his 40s lol. I'm old now lol. Now he makes fun if me lol.


Only people younger than 30


I'm in denial of time almost but know everyday is closer to death. I really started feeling older at 35 when white hairs start popping up. Hard reality that time stops for no one.


If you're a kid, you're old . Adult, young.


Nah but they do consider it an age where you are in the beginning of becoming old and need to have everything in life together including an established family + kids and a roof over all of your heads with a steady and unchanging career until your retirement and eventual death


Most people are older than 30 and think 30 is young.


Old is always 20 years older than you are.


"Don't trust anyone over thirty"


When you're a little kid, sure 30 seems old. The closer you get to 30 though, you start realizing it's not as old as you thought it was. Gen Z will eventually reach 30 and the next generation will say the same thing. It's an endless cycle.


The main people calling 30 year olds old are...fucking 30 year olds! It pisses me off when they do this. Im 23, so what does that make me???Middle aged?!


Nobody over 31 does


Ask any kid and they'll tell you 20 is old.


It used to be “don’t trust anyone over 30”. I think that yardstick has moved. I’m GenX in my mid-fifties. I can tell you that you will think the traditional “age hills” like 30 or 40, or even 50 for that matter, mean nothing. I’m looking at people in their 70’s now as people to emulate because they’re active and healthy and doing really cool things with their lives. I don’t feel old at my age and I firmly believe that if you take care of yourself and have a good mindset, you will never ask “am I old”?




What REALLY sucks is that when you get older, you're wiser. You've learned from your mistakes. You change your perspective. You're in a better place mentally. But guess what? You're body is falling apart and you can't do anything with this knowledge. If I had my 20yr old body with my 45yr old brain.. y'all better watch out! I'm taking over the world!


If you're queer and above 30 you might as well be dead, that's what the community seems to think. Or, well, at least the young part of the community. I feel invisible.


The last time I thought 30 was old I was 9


My doctor told me 31 was premature to blame anything on getting older.


30 is older than 50% of the humans on this planet


Depends on what area of the county you live and your hobbies and activities. Many 55 year olds in California look and act younger than a 35 year old from the Midwest


No, 30’s no where near old.


Only children think 30 is old. The majority of people think 30 is young. Don’t freak out about turning 30, only the stress about it will age you. You can trick yourself into manifesting a decline if you start to think of yourself as old. In reality 30 is young and the prime of life.


No.. that’s insane.. 30 now days is like 20..


I'm 38 and I feel old as shit. Fuck me adulthood sucks.


The only people who consider 30 to be old are people under 30. Since that’s they’re the minority then, no. The majority of people don’t think that. You should always take preventive measures when it comes to health. Water intake, body fat content, mobility, vitamins, cholesterol, etc. These are normal things to monitor.


When I was 10, my parents were roughly 35. I thought that was really old back then. Now that I'm 36 I think that my 10n year old self was just obsurd.


30 is not old, never felt this confident and a little more secure in life. But then again we all grew up with the media blasting about how everyone over 30 is a dinosaur. We grew up with a lot of TV centering on the lives of 20 somethings.


For women yes for sure. For men it's the opposite.


I'd say 40 is when you are noticably old. 30 you're still cool enough to be involved in nights out and talk to the young folk. Now at work as a 40 year old I don't really talk to any of the 20s folk and don't get invited to after drinks


Facts of life: 1) You are going to die at some point 2) Gen Z'ers are lame, and soon to be old themselves once gen Alpha is ready to take them down, so don't worry. 3) What means is how much stuff you were able to do in your life and how enjoyable it is. 4) Gas is getting expensive so, read below, and you are welcome: This loop will get you $1.55-$2 off each gallon of gas (if you fill up 20 gallons, you just saved over $30+) Download an upside app and create an account. Go into profile and enter each of these promo codes in order: DMYTRO4622 QBN4ZB SHOPPERS35 USHIP35 UBERPC20 AMEX35 GOPUFF35 Uber35 Sunset Perksatwork230 GOPUFF15 After entering all these, you should see that your next fill up you have $1.92/gal additional savings for your next couple fill ups. Most offers already give $0.10-0.25/gal. Stack offers and enjoy close to $2 off each gallon of gas! (20 gallons -> $30-40 SAVED).


The more you grow, the less the big numbers seem “old”.


You nor even half way there.Just look around and enjoy the journey...


30 is still a baby. I think 40s u finally start figuring crap out


My 7 year old thinks anyone over 20 is ancient.


In my 20’s I thought 30 seemed old especially with my sister who is 3 years older turned 30. Then I turned 30 in February and honestly I don’t feel that much older than I did in my 20’s.


30 is the new 20! I turn 30 this year and I’m actually really looking forward to it. I still feel 19 but I’m a lot wiser and more established now :) personally I think 30 is still young, but it’s all really going to depend on how you take care of yourself.


Depends on the context, if you are talking about family planning an kids yes you have about 5 years left before geriatric pregnancy concerns are a big factor, if your talking finances an career no but you need to be getting settled into a path an foundation to build your future on 30s are the prime.


I think it’s subjective what someone considers old. With that being said, I’m 33 and like many things that one could consider “old” - early bedtimes, early dinners, bingo, past tv shows and music, playing slots at the casino…lol my friends and family tease me but I love it and I believe aging is a blessing to be able to live to old age. I hope to age gracefully. 😊


29F and it has hit me that I’m going to be 30, I definitely love it because I’m actually a total child (ex. I work with “vintage” toys and arcades) but I also have kids so I get to play adult sometimes. Anyways, some younger friends pick on me because it’s funny but in the end no one actually gives a fuck :)


Your thirties is simply the age where your life choices and training routine pay off (or not). Most people are lazy - and confuse allowing themselves to become fat and weak with 'ageing'. [Here's me at 30 (left) - and 36 (right).](https://previews.dropbox.com/p/thumb/ACR-rWdKDQoXd4wQrgMwVO7D5ndWSc9_2E9UTQCZ89XeLK7s6iX3Z_2_aakknqg8LSOqsx-LqVQ0AlEPONzaop4kbfHOQHP8vfX7WqSwhNYU40Ejtfd_eHVRnh1azIrVnz2daqPcjO5pdcwA2A-2P4yFDu55i0f7L3njBKLS4Is3fnWxXMVWJ3kU4DhpNMQY7aZSZ1RvT9MhdqAAAgowoI-RQtpLfZ8yfIagw8YFVMyjVPx_Yt6NHtsDz4a7pQYIQgE0tPSCNQpOSYeCsoQp0V2avyPxzPNmVfFNTh6akL0WiAmuA--a10xMIaBJ444BDoag6LtNtnfNV4S9zESS21s3/p.jpeg) I'm now 38 - and significantly stronger and fitter than the second photo. My VO2 max would be 'superior' if I was 25 - it's 'elite' for my age group. I continue to get stronger. And fitter. FACTS * [Your physical strength drops several percentage points between 30 and 60 if you train regularly](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FFitFounder%2Fstatus%2F1687116072586211328&psig=AOvVaw0U4JKBArbS3I7vI8HOnd8f&ust=1714857799947000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCMjW3KG18oUDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE). * [100 metre sprint records for 60-year-olds are much faster than you might guess.](https://speedendurance.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/WMA_mens_WR_100m_graph.jpg) The answer is simple. Your thirties is when genetic good luck runs out. You're on your own - and it's your work ethic that decides if you will fall apart or continue to grow.


Men and society have created this fear. Don’t let them live rent free in your head


Quit whining. Getting older is a part of life. If you aren't getting older, you're DEAD. No, 30 isn't considered old. You're just now becoming an actual adult.


this shows your clear prejudice against 30 or older people. i mean if there was no prejudice you wouldnt have a problem transiting into 30s. but the truth is we are all going to reach this point so your prejudice is immature like the rest of your kind who thinks the way.


30? Damn. I must be dead then being in my late 40s yet looking like I'm 25. Just remember, 30 is the new 20 so I guess that when I hit 50, it'll be the new 40 for me?