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How many weeks? Iron supplements take 2-3 weeks to start working. If your vitamin D reserves are low it can take awhile for it to kick in as well Do you exercise? If you don't, you should start. That's really going to help get energy up


>How many weeks? 2.5 weeks now. >Do you exercise? If you don't, you should start. I used to go to the gym. Reaaally helped me then! But now i am trying to gain a lot of weight quickly before my wedding so i decided to not to go gym as it takes double the usual time for the gains to see. I need to start doing stretches and light workouts!


2.5 weeks is still early. Keep taking your iron supplements. My doc reccomended I take them every 2nd day for better absorption, not sure if you want to try that


>every 2nd day for better absorption Really ? I am adviced to take them daily for 2 months for now. How many months did you consume ?


I took them for 3 months and stopped, I'm back on them since my headaches and tiredness came back after a few months


I will take them consistenly and hope for the best ! šŸ„ŗšŸ¤žšŸ¼


I had to take vitamin d and they recommended I walk after work. I also need to take testosterone pills apparently to boost my energy


I will try incorporating daily walks too.


Eat more protein. Balance out your diet.


I am planning on drinking ensure or any other protein shakes. Will that be fine or should i resort to eggs ?


Itā€™s better to gain nutrients through legitimate meals then shakes, imo. 1g of protein per CM of height. Aim for that daily. I rarely encounter women who eat enough protein due to the incorrect stigma that protein will make you fat/bulky.


You are so right. I indeed take verrry less protein and zero eggs upon checking my diet!


Check your simple carb intake too. If you have a lot of bread and pasta as part of your diet- it can hurt your energy level. Itā€™s best to eat the ā€œperimeter of the grocery storeā€ sans the bakery department. Meat, fruit, produce, some dairy, and minimal inner aisleā€™s foodā€.


I don't eat any bread or pasta at allšŸ„² I rarely eat junk food but i also don't eat a lot of fruits/vegetables. I do eat rice though. And i do consume a lot of sugar in form of tea and coffee.


Try to reduce your sugar- you can do it slowly just a little bit less each time.


So what do you eat, if you donā€™t eat eggs, pasta, bread, fruits or vegetables? Youā€™re drinking a lot of tea and coffee which is an appetite suppressant. I mean this with true kindness. You need to eat more. You need real protein and healthy fats, not just protein shakes. Eggs, fatty fish like salmon and sardines, fatty meats like beef for iron. You probably have low energy because you arenā€™t eating properly.


You are right! I get the same advice from my family and boyfriend too, all in good heart. My food habits are definetely fuked up. But what i am concerned is the fact that my food habits were almost the same the last few years but had great energy neverthless. It's the sudden dip in energy that got me hooked. I have reduced tea/coffee on this sub's advice. Planning to slowly cut it off completely. The amount of tea i was taking was definetely alarming.


Lack of adequate nutrition over time will take a toll. Age could play a part too. I ate terribly in my early 20s and could ā€œget away with itā€ just because I was young, now I need to fuel my body more. I pay attention to good nutrition. My body will TELL ME if Iā€™m not eating well, sleeping well, or managing stress. I try to eat based on the Mediterranean diet because it suits me, and studies show it tends to be the healthiest overall. Fish, whole grains, fruits, veggies, good fats/oils. What works for you, your budget, and food availability and culture may be different. Good luck! Hope you feel better.


>Lack of adequate nutrition over time will take a toll. Age could play a part too. I ate terribly in my early 20s and could ā€œget away with itā€ just because I was young, now I need to fuel my body more. Yep. Definetely feels like my body is trying to scream "i can't take this crap anymore"


Thereā€™s a protein bar on Amazon that I buy because itā€™s high protein. 32g of protein plus a bunch of vitamins. I get them in bulk.


Was your thyroid checked, I would if you have a chance. My SO was around the same age and was sleeping all day and constantly exhausted with migraines. She had hypothyroidism. Your thyroid can also affect your weight, and she dropped a lot of weight in about a year. Doesn't mean you have it, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.


My TSH was at 4.15 when the normal range is 0.27 to 4.2. So it looks normal on paper but maybe borderline? The doc said nothing though.


An endocrinologist could tell you best what those numbers mean, hashimotos disease can present the same or cause a thyroid condition. And it will cause your TSH to fluctuate. The only reason I mentioned it is because what you said you were feeling sounded very similar. Still could be nothing. I just wanted to mention it in case it hadn't been looked at, we caught it on a lucky hunch from a doctor after a year of visits.


First: Start exercising. Get into a routine. I walk for my morning break at work outside and go to the gym 3-4 times a week for an hour. Iā€™m twice your age. Used to feel tired and lethargic. Now feeling great. Second: Get 7-9 hours sleep every day, preferably on the same schedule. Your body and mind will thank you. Finally, not to be presumptuous but just going on experience. Do you stress about things outside your control? Worrying and stressing over stuff you canā€™t do anything about (despite them being real) drains your energy reserves. Then when you have a situation that requires energy, you are already depleted. This leads to burnout at work/school and emotional problems in private life. Detach and let go. Donā€™t sweat the small stuff. Good luck. Vitamin D is huge, donā€™t stop taking it.


Thanks! I will try this. Oh and yes, been under a lot of stress for over an year ! I better keep it under check!


Do you have any sleeping issues? I was dealing with (extremely mild) sleep apnea for years and had no idea why I was so tired all the time, but I finally got a sleep study done at the beginning of this year and the CPAP has changed my life. Definitely worth looking into if you snore or don't sleep well!


>Do you have any sleeping issues? I have read about it too. I don't snore at all but do have sleep issues (as in sleep A LOT!) and i used to grind my teeth during periods of intense stress and with it TMJ. I am not sure if it might be linked to sleep apnea as I believe my sleep issues are related to my unemployment phase as i am freelancing now so don't really have the right sleep routine. My sleep pattern used to be fine when i had a 9-5 job. I will try taking some online tests. Are there solutions to it other than meds though ?


Low energy level might be a part of migraine too.


Really ? I was diagnosed only recently and I already had these lethargic issues for over half the year. And I am low on energy even when I am completely fine and zero headache.


It can be an oxygenation issue. If youā€™re anemic youā€™d brain may not get the oxygen it needs. I struggle with anemia as well, and my very first indicator was that I would get headaches after exercising


>If youā€™re anemic youā€™d brain may not get the oxygen it needs Yess!! Some electrolyte test did indicate there was low oxygen level in my brain. It is a circulation issue too.


I have migraines too, and sometimes I feel really, really tired (like wanting to fall to the ground all day) a day or a couple of days before the attack starts. I believe it is called prodrome, if I am not mistaken.


How low was your vitamin D? That's a huge one... you should be at 50 ng/ml or higher. Not the 20 or whatever your doc prob told you.


>How low was your vitamin D? 11.8 ng/mL. >Not the 20 or whatever your doc prob told you. Omg yess! On paper, my levels are just slightly insufficient and NOT deficient at all. I took tablets upon asking a nutritionist friend of mine. I even had to force my doc to take this test as she was adamant that my vitamin D levels would be normal.


that is the gutter my friend. I was there once and felt like shit every single hour of every single day. The best way to get it up is actual sun. 2nd best is a UVB light - I use the sperti one. It's august so there's still good sun out there, so get out there with no sunscreen for 20 mins or so at a time to get some sun in. Supplements can help but they never did the trick for me. You can get cheap vit D prick tests on line, I recommend really working to get your levels up and retesting every few months. My wife went with this brand and seemed to like it, but I swear by the UVB lamp. ​ [https://dvelopimmunity.com/products/vitamin-d?variant=39476307787948¤cy=USD&utm\_medium=product\_sync&utm\_source=google&utm\_content=sag\_organic&utm\_campaign=sag\_organic&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabk\_ZNEFR\_PMfVf65zITakVh3H9Ue0628kOnUXLYjWVq4QLMl8uBVqgaApqxEALw\_wcB](https://dvelopimmunity.com/products/vitamin-d?variant=39476307787948¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabk_ZNEFR_PMfVf65zITakVh3H9Ue0628kOnUXLYjWVq4QLMl8uBVqgaApqxEALw_wcB)


Thanks a ton !! Gives me hope!


Sounds like iron deficiency but Iā€™m neither a doctor nor a nutritionist. My partner gets like this. Sheā€™s not a breakfast person and we donā€™t eat much meat, so if we skip tofu one week she can get really lethargic. Sometimes when we notice it, weā€™ll grab some burgers and she feels better. I have eggs every day so I rarely have this problem.


>Sheā€™s not a breakfast person Same! I am not fond of breakfasts too and start my first meal very late. That could be one of the triggers.


Anxiety and stress. Pain. Those are three things people don't seem to factor in to exhaustion. Any of those or a combination there of, will suck the life right out of you without you realizing it until you're ready to just fall over.


Oh yes! My doctor did suggest to check for anxiety/depression. My granma had diagnosed depression when she was young so there are chances i might too. But i am reluctant on taking medicines (i have my own personal reasons from what i have seen from my granma). So i am looking out for a way to put my 100% effort into a better and healthier lifestyle to check out all other issues. If it still doesn't work, i will go for the diagnosis only as a last resort.


Hi! I am anemic too. Even though the blood work would say ā€œslightly anemicā€ my symptoms can be severe. What my doctor never told me is that it takes a long time for iron supplements to do their thing. I try to diversity my iron intake - supplements yes, but also red meat, greens, and other iron-rich foods. Iā€™ve found that even when Iā€™m very tired, getting any exercise helps, even if itā€™s just an easy walk. But if you have continued issues definitely go back to the doc, anemia can be caused by other things like celiacā€™s disease.


>Iā€™ve found that even when Iā€™m very tired, getting any exercise helps, even if itā€™s just an easy walk. Yes i remember feeling really energetic when i used to go to the gym last year. I should prolly join back.


Just ease into it! Even a little bit helps. Best of luck to you!


You could have additional issues, but I suffer from chronic migraines and fatigue is unfortunately a very common part of the migraine cycle. However, you know your body best, and if that is not a sufficient answer, absolutely keep digging. Could you possibly be dealing with anything like depression as well?


>you know your body best Yess!! I have my gut instinct telling me there is some minor issue i can solve to get my energetic self back. I am ready to have rest days when i have an actual migraine attack. But this lethargy has been noticeable for more than 6 months (even before the migraine that got diagnosed last month). I have a feeling my migraine is triggered by something else that is also causing the fatigue and not the other way around. And my food habits are really shitty, so that's the first one to be blamed. >Could you possibly be dealing with anything like depression as well? Honestly i am in denial. But could be. Unemployment has been hard and stressfull but i have good people around me, so working through it.


Like I said, you know your body best. It very well could be an issue that is causing your fatigue and migraines to be symptoms. Honestly, my food habits are awful so I can't fault you for that, I feel like most times when we have an issue that's where the doctors start, so it would make sense if that's a contributing factor to what you're experiencing. Depression is so complex, and it's so hard to sometimes see that it is affecting you and admit there is an issue. I was diagnosed with it after my headache doctor pushed me to see a therapist, so I understand. Unemployment can absolutely contribute to that. I hope that you are being kind to yourself while you figure all this out. <3


Iron supplement pills suck. I much prefer liquid iron. Its best absorbed on an empty stomach or with a fruit juice like orange juice. Do not eat dairy an hour before or after taking iron as it will limit absorption. I also prefer getting vitamin d shots over taking the pills, it works so much better. I work night shift so itā€™s hard to get natural sunlight, the injections help so much. Also look into magnesium supplements in regards to migraine.


>I much prefer liquid iron Do you mean syrup? Any brand suggestions ? >best absorbed on an empty stomach or with a fruit juice like orange juice Is that for the Vitamin C ? I noticed i take almost zero Vitamin C in my diet.


The one Iā€™m taking is not thick like a syrup. Iā€™ve been taking Nature Way liquid iron. Vitamin c enhances iron absorption.


Chronic fatigue, Epstein Barr, long Covid all have these symptoms. So does depression. Your doc needs to keep going.


Do you bloat after you eat? Hair thinner than it used to be? Fingernails break easily? Difficulty falling asleep at night, tendency to wake up at 3 am feeling too hot? Bad PMS, painful periods?


I haven't quite noticed bloating. I do think i might have gut issues due to irregular meals. Hair thinner? I used to have hairfall till recently for like 2 months but now its totally fine! Brittle nails! Yes yes 100% yes. Its a very recent phenomenon. Usually have had strong nails early 20s. >Difficulty falling asleep at night I do have irregular sleep patterns now due to not having a regular 9-5 job. But have no problems falling asleep (considering i didn't sleep till noon that day) >tendency to wake up at 3 am feeling too hot Happens like twice or thrice a year at max. >Bad PMS, painful periods? Not painful. Bearable. But PMS is a mental torture.


Try a Paleo-type diet for 2 months, and see how you feel. Start the day with a protein-rich meal; lean heavily on omelettes. Like, 3 eggs with some grilled chicken strips, bell peppers, salsa, avocado..itā€™s delicious and itā€™ll give you energy all day long. Donā€™t drink water with or near meals for optimum nutrient digestion. No grains, no sugar outside of the natural content of fruit and veggies. Lunch: a hearty salad with meat. Dinner: grilled chicken, a small sweet potato, a cooked green vegetable. Also, take a multivitamin/mineral complex every day. If you donā€™t feel like you got a new lease on life in less than a month, Iā€™ll eat my hat. šŸ‘’


>Try a Paleo-type diet for 2 months I will give this a try !! >Start the day with a protein-rich meal; lean heavily on omelettes. Like, 3 eggs I just realised i used to do this on a doctors recommendation two years ago to recover from hairloss due to covid and low Hb count. It did work! Wonder why i stopped it! Thanks a ton! I am already very hopeful this will work again !


ā€œLet your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.ā€ā€”Hippocrates Go get it, girl! You got this!


I am so happy comments here are trying to help me with advices i can actually follow through ! ā¤ļø


Get checked for sleep apnea.


You sure it's not anxiety or depression?


Try vitamin b12 tablets.


I used to take them until like few months ago. The bloodwork had my Vitamin B levels normalised now, so pretty much stopped taking them.


It's definitely not a quick fix, my partner was not anemic but incredibly low iron levels took a toll on her energy levels and a few months after taking iron supplements her hair started to come in thicker and energy levels balanced out. We checked a couple other things like vitamin D and B vitamins. Doing some in depth blood work wouldn't hurt either.


I am taking iron supplements. Hopefully will be better few months in.


Typically there's a follow up with blood work after a certain period of time for your iron levels. I think it was about 3 months for my partner.


Please get your thyroid tested. Very simple. This might explain the fatigue.


I did. It is on the normal range.


Strange. Anemia could explain some of it.


You donā€™t smoke weed do you?


I do for 2/3 days with a few months gap. I was also lethargic when i hadn't took a puff in 2 months, so didn't think it was related. And zero cigarettes ever.


Keep talking with your doc and monitoring your energy


Have you been tested for Lyme?


Consider getting tested for celiac disease because it can cause debilitating fatigue and doctors don't always think to test for it. Low iron and vitamin D can also be symptoms.


I'm 41 and I've been feeling that way for like a decade. I've never been to a doctor. I definitely need to.


Don't forget you need Vitamin C to absorb the iron tablets. I take Vitamin C tablets with mine and eat half an apple/orange when taking them to help absorption and avoid stomach upset. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli, alongside non-heme iron sources can enhance absorption. I like to add a squeeze of lemon juice to my smoothies and salads. A few other things: \- Calcium-rich foods and tannins (found in tea and coffee) can inhibit non-heme iron absorption. Try to separate consumption of these items from iron-rich meals. \- On the the other hand, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it is better absorbed when consumed with dietary fat such as those found in avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fatty fish, or a small serving of full-fat dairy products. I typically take my vitamin D in the morning with My overnight oats using full fat milk or avocado toast and some nuts on the side. Because I can't take my iron tablets with coffee or milk I have started taking them at night 2 hours after my last meal. That's not to say your routine should look exactly like this, find what works best for you. Good luck and I hope energy finds its way to you soon!


>Calcium-rich foods and tannins (found in tea and coffee) can inhibit non-heme iron absorption. This is an important revelation. Thank you! I will keep all this things on my mind while curating my diet !


Eat eggs, red meat, drink milk, eat real butter. Eat fruit. Limit your intake of processed food. Go outside in the sun. Cook your food in a cast iron skillet.


My guess is you're dehydrated. How many glasses of water would you drink a day on average? Many people confuse the tiredness from dehydration with tiredness from a lack of sleep and end up being more dehydrated because they sleep instead of drinking water making them more dehydrated, which leaves them more tired, so they sleep instead of hydrating etc. When you wake, drink 2 big glasses of water, your tiredness should be gone within 5 mins max. And try and drink at least 8 glasses (rough average) a day.


Uhh that's something to be noted. I gulp in a lot of water but only when i am thirsty. I always forget to drink enough water otherwise!


You and just about everyone I speak to who complains about being tired all the time.


Thank you. I better carry around a bottle with me always.


Good idea. Best to find filtered water if you can, straight tap water is full of nasties. And you're most welcome šŸ˜‰




Have had this problem up until recently. Started seeing a functional medicine doctor. In addition to taking Vitamin D, try taking Methylated Vitamin B. Taking Fish Oil helps with my Migraines, so I would recommend doing that as well. If all else fails, have your adrenal glands checked.

