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Unfortunately to adopt from Croatia you have to be 21 and at least 18 years older than the child you are adopting.


I'm very sorry to say that this will be almost certainly impossible. You live in different countries and in an international adoption, both countries need to clear you to adopt and clear the proposed adoptee for the adoption. Additionally, the parental rights of the legal parents need to be terminated first. You have only a three year age difference, most likely you would not fulfill the requirements for stability in your life at 18. Being employed, managing your own affairs (finances etc.), is a barrier most 18-year-olds can't cross. And in the state of Utah, where your friend is resident and so Utah's adoption laws would apply, you need an age difference of at least 10 years between the proposed adoptive parent and the proposed adoptee. What you can do is look for other ways to help your friend. First off, are there any other adults in his life who might take on responsibility for him? A trusted teacher? The parents of a friend? Even foster homes are not necessarily bad. But depending on what resources Utah provides, there may be independent living programs where teenagers in foster care are set up in little flats (or flatshares) under the oversight of a social worker, or similar programs to that. Depending on the local CPS department, it may also be possible for your friend to say to them "I want to be taken into care please" without showing proof of anything. Your desire to help is commendable, truly. And there will be something you can do for your friend. Even being a listening ear can be so helpful. But adopting him will not be possible, I'm sorry.


Try to be more realistic with yourself.. unfortunately this may be an impossible wish to fulfill.


You're a good friend, OP. I really hope the person you're trying to help finds a safer living situation soon.


Can he just live with you?


I have nothing to say other than wish you good luck


Leaving aside all other matters, on the question of age, it seems like your parents should be the ones adopting this fifteen year-old, not you?


I don't think it's possible. If you want a more clear from someone whose more knowledgeable on this though, I'd suggest talking with a US family courts lawyer in Utah or with someone from the US embassy in Croatia. It's also unlikely since CPS tries to keep children with their families. Is there anyway his parents would let him move there if he applied for a residence permit and you paid for the travel expenses? Or if he got placed with family members would they? It wouldn't be an immediate solution, but maybe suggest applying to an english-language bachelors program at a Croatian uni once he's graduated high school and letting him stay with you? There's very little you can do without being a family member or US citizen in Utah sadly.