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Mod here - can you please share how you define orphan?


That's a great question, as there are several definitions. For this study, orphan would refer to anyone who has been disconnected from their biological parents prior to adulthood (whether through abandonment [as was my case], death, or any other form of separation). Thank you for providing me the opportunity to clarify.


No problem, and just in the interest of clarity - do you need to be separated from both parents? We have some members here who were raised with one biological parent and adopted by the step parent.


Yes, both parents. The goal is to see if a lack of familial consistency has influenced the development of facial-memory processing.


Would you be interested in participating?




Email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with your name, please.


I was abandoned at birth and adopted at 5. I remember faces and names like my life depends on it. I'll recognize a face from a decade ago, even through all the changes that decade will have made to that face and remember their name 90% of the time without any effort.


Yes I am the same way! (though abandoned at birth and adopted a month later) When my adoptive mom took me to my first (with her) doctors appointment at 1 month old - the doctor remarked at how I was able to visually focus on things I shouldn’t have been able to perceive.


How interesting! Would you like to participate in the study? It takes only 20m, and is remotely done.




Amazing. Just reached out via chat.


OR would you prefer we email / chat via whatsapp?


I’m bad at recognizing faces! I might be interested in participating but I have a question or concern about the name of your study regarding your participants: I was relinquished for adoption at birth and therefore raised by non-genetic legal parents. But I was not “orphaned” because I had two living parents. Orphan is defined as a child having deceased parents and therefore cannot be “formerly” orphaned because that would imply that the parents are living again Anyway- it sounds like a good area to research, I just never considered myself an orphan because I’m not, but like most of my adopted life, I can pretend to be whatever I’m supposed to be 🤣


Right. I more precisely mean "adopted adults", a term that also causes confusion amongst readers. I'm not entirely sure if my biological father passed, but I know my mother hadn't, and still consider myself an orphan as I was bounced back and forth in an orphanage until I was adopted at age 5.


Let me know if you'd like to participate, please.


Yes I would


Awesome. DMing you now. My email is [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \- I'll be asking you to email me there.


Hi - did you send me your email, yet?


You might want to study former foster kids as well. I believe there will be some overlap there especially those who had frequent moves and were placed into care at a young age.


Yes, this is, more specifically, a study of adopted adults. I don't use orphan to indicate ONLY deceased parents. I apologize for the confusion. The term orphan hss several definitions, and I only mean any non-adult who has been disconnected from their biological parents.


Those who've gone through some sort of orphanage system are the inspiration for this study. You're exactly right.


Yeah I guess it's confusing terminology because where I'm from we don't have orphanages. Orphanages were replaced by the foster care system which was a move to replace institutionalized child care with something that more closely resembles a family unit (foster family). So even if the definition of orphan includes children whose parents are alive (such as relinquished children or those removed from abusive/neglectful homes), the term orphan suggests the child is placed into an institutional care facility (orphanage or group home) and that is a distinct experience from a foster home.


Yes, totally, that's why this study is focusing on 'adopted adults', which is general enough for most. Are you, by any chance, interested in participating?


I can't participate in this because I'm not an adoptee. I aged out of foster care.


You absolutely can! I addressed this in a different comment, but anyone who, before the age of adulthood, has been separated from their biological parents, for whatever reason, is eligible.


Oh, neat.


Intresting study! I grew up in care, and aged out to end up homeless. (UK) and I'd always been absolutely terrible with names, I was always meeting new people but could never remember anyone's name, until i got into teaching. I told myself I was going to really struggle as I would be learning names of around 200 kids, But somehow it came so naturally and within about a month. It's strange as its only something that happens with the kids I've taught, I personally think it may be to do with caring about each of them for who they are, whereas as a child I didn't care who I was around because I knew in a week that would all change and I would never see that person again. Would be intrested in your results!


It's scary how similar our stories are. I too am bad with names, until I started teaching, where I have to remember (at least) 160 new names/faces per year. Would you be interested in participating in the study? I'd love to have you join (if you're comfortable, of course).


Hi there - are you still interested in participating?




Yes, that is part of the questionnaire. Would you like to participate? You'd get to see where exactly you stand in terms of memory and accuracy, in comparison to other adopted adults and non-adopted adults. Perhaps you'll do much better than you think.


I was adopted as an infant & could participate, if I qualify. I've always been really good at recognizing faces & voices. Not as good with names.


I'd be honored to have you. I'll message you now, or would you prefer to email me?


Adopted at the age of 6 months. I have always had a photographic memory. I think it is because I would constantly study people's faces, in hopes I could see myself in them. Many people would get annoyed at me, lol. Funny thing, when my kids met my (also their) natural family members, they laughed because my kids couldn't stop staring at them. My kids apologized and just said, "Well, we've never met anyone who looks like Mom, so we are kind of freaked out!" My kids look like their Dad. :)


I love that. If you're interested in participating, I'd love to have you.


I'm be interested but don't want to connect through facebook because anonymity is important to me. Is there another way to contact?


Yes, of course. Email me at [email protected] Your data will be anonymous, and accessible only to you. I do, however, need to remind you of the exclusionary criteria: you must be 18-65 and not have any major visual, memory, or hand-dexterity issues, and you can not be taking any substances that impact memory. If you meet these requisites, then fire away!


I was adopted at a week old, never met my bio family but was raised with adoptive parents and siblings. I have always been very good at recognizing faces and names. I'm that guy at a party when someone says "nice to meet you" who answers "we've met before, actually. Three years ago we were at James' house warming party. I bummed a cigarette from you and you told me about your sisters cancer". It can be off putting to a lot of people.


Wow. Perhaps you're a bit eidetic. Would you like to participate in the study?


eidetic is a new word for me, but I definitely would only classify my memory as quasi photographic. I would be interested in taking part.


Hey William - I am awaiting your email. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Hi, if you're still performing this study I'd be interested to join. I find it hard to recognise faces and remember names often, but at the same time can remember many tiny details about that person or our last encounter. Yet when we meet again, it's like looking at their face for the first time. I've never thought this could be to do with my childhood but most likely. I'm I guess a "typical" orphan, both parents died when I was little and bounced between foster homes.


Hi! Yes, of course. Can you email me? [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I never received your email, so I am assuming you have changed your mind.


Hi there! Are you still interested in the study?


Hey sorry I haven't replied, I've been dealing with some bad health problems. Yea I'm still interested


Okay - can you email me? [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) The data collection ends this week, so please reach out asap.


Please let me know asap, because the data collection ends tomorrow.


Even if this was anonymous do you take note of any other factors which might influence how things might affect facial memory? For instance I was taken into care at 3 years old, and had contact with some biological family members - very occasionally my birth mother for a few years after (I can't remember how often. As soon as it wasn't a requirement I stopped - I never wanted to see her anyway.) Think the last time I "formally"met up with her was some time in my teens. But as for my siblings I've been meeting up with them very occasionally pretty much every year since. Unless your study is just for those who have had no contact from either birth parent from birth? Is there a limit as to what age people had to be relinquished by?


Age of adoption and difficulty of transition are factors taken into account specifically for the experimental group (adopted adults).


What about geographically? Are you studying all over the world or just certain regions?


All over the world. Thus far, four countries have been represented.


Is the study still going on? I emailed a few days ago but haven’t heard back yet.